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Scientists research cause of blue eyes


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when I am angry my eyes are bright green ! not a spec of brown to be seen, they are also green when .......er......never mind :rolleyes: If your eyes fluxuate between green and brown mabders you probably have dark hazel eyes, not true "brown" eyes...

I've figured that much, but man! They were almost black they were so brown when I was younger.

BTW--I HATE that you cannot edit and then quote someone. I had to wait the full minute for flood control so I could get that quote! :rolleyes:

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I've figured that much, but man! They were almost black they were so brown when I was younger.

BTW--I HATE that you cannot edit and then quote someone. I had to wait the full minute for flood control so I could get that quote! :rolleyes:

I know ! can I call you mabders from now on ? :lol:
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Another blue eyed mutant...I love the color of my eyes, but sometimes I get bored and pop in some brown or green contacts if the mood hits...What's funny is that most people recognize that something looks different, but can't quite figure it out at first...

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:blink: My eyes do the same thing, more of a mood thing with me. Blue if I've been sad or crying and green normally.

My green eyed uncle who is a navy seal says just before a fight his turn blue. mine change for moods and sometimes it seems for my phychic visions. when i'm sad or crying they are more hazel or light brown which they are now.

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I have butt-ugly brown eyes but many of the blue/green eyed males my age are bald or grey.

I will keep my big brown eyes as long as my long black hair stays that way.

My brown hair is just as thick and my blue/green eyes as blue/green as they were the day my mother spawned me. So don't make my green eyes blue or is it my blue eyes green. :lol: :lol:

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I don't have one eye colour it changes all the time. Usually they're a rich hazel colour, but a lot of the time they're a dark green with flecks of brown, and the the ring around my irises is a really dark green. I love blue eyes though. My cousin has ice blue eyes and the ring is dark blue, they're so pretty.

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Sooo ....... what about the "Greens"?!

Were do we stand? :huh:

Your genetics have been dilluted by a hostile inflitration of the 'browns.'


I will join the brown-eyed brigade and fight to the death to protect my planet from the pale-eyed mutants.

So how many takers have you had to your 'brown-eyed breeding program' lately?


Some thoughts - I denote a bit of "envy" from the brown eyed people.

I see plenty of boasting from the blue eyed viewers.

I wonder what the break down is on the sales of colored contact lenses? Maybe blue eyed lenses are just cheaper to buy?



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The blue lenses suck, Del. I bought a ton of colored lenses a few years ago, and every time you blink, you see that color! Talk about going crazy! Ever tried to read when you have a halo of green or blue or brown around your vision? :wacko:

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The blue lenses suck, Del. I bought a ton of colored lenses a few years ago, and every time you blink, you see that color! Talk about going crazy! Ever tried to read when you have a halo of green or blue or brown around your vision? :wacko:

No, but I have naturally beautiful eyes. Why would I want to cover up those baby blues?


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