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Normal kids in Special Ed classes.

Seriously, those classes are reserved for peopole with mental or physical disabilities. Just because you don't give two shits about school, doesn't mean you should be in those classes.

If you don't like high school, then get the fuck out the day your allowed to drop out

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You can tell alot about a person's personality on choices of transmission.

Some prefer to DRIVE their car...and lives...

other's prefer...

to just sit back and BE DRIVEN....

Manuals rule !! YOU're in control then, as Chein Noir said.

Pet peeve.....people who don't understand this......:whistling:

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Yeah i absolutely love goin to the store to buy tampons only or better yet tampons and beer then again that one explains itself to anyone whos married or in a long term relationship! :D

You change that beer to chocolate, and you have what my brother calls "the PMS special." :lol:

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Hold on there, Del..

erm,.. I mean..

"pause" *cough*meno*cough* for a moment

there, Delbro, and reconsider that statement.


what the hell are you gonna do with 300 cases

of tampons when The Mrs no longer needs em?

..use em as miniature mops for spills on your garage workbench?

..use em for nosebleeds?

..use em for..umm.. loose "crap sake"?

..or what? huh.gif


"If my baby don't love me... I know her sister will"

Somebody will need them is all I have to say.



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Me being the oddball that I am, I have some oddball peeves.

I hate the term "literally" used when in fact it is not "literal" but virtually. So when some dumbass news weatherman says on the news, "it literally hailed down golf balls", that gets my ire. What he is saying is that it didn't rain down hail stones the size of golf balls, but it rained actual golf balls from the sky. Literally.

Or that it "literally rained cats and dogs". Yeah, actual Rovers and Garfields were falling from the sky. That shits me to tears. Literally. Err.....you know what I mean.

Another pet peeve of mine. Cheap and nasty goods. This is where my wife and I differ. If I buy anything, it is always a high quality item, whilst she is happy to raid the dollar shop somewhere and get some crap that lasts for about one week. She recently bought a universal remote control at some bargain store for $7.00. And I'm pressing buttons on it, and some of them are working, some aren't, some need 2 bites of the cherry to execute a function and some need the the pounds per square inch force of artificial diamond production for anything to happen. Grrrrr.......and I think, "why didn't you buy a good quality one?" I like to buy an item once, and have it for many years. I hate cheap crap.

What else?

I can't stand any type of soliciting on the streets. I don't care if it's collecting money for some organisation, (regardless of the type), political activism, (I don't care if it's Greenpeace or the KKK), religious soliciting, advertising flyers, surveys, beggars begging for money-LEAVE ME ALONE!!! I just hate anyone approaching me in the streets wanting my time, money, opinions etc.

I also hate telemarketer soliciting. I'm a radiographer, and I've been called a couple of times when I've been on call. That's been handy, so I use that all the time now, saying that I would love to talk, *snigger* but I'm a radiographer and I'm on call, and I can't tie up this phone line.

Now this next one is very personal. I was raised in a religious environment, and my favourite band is Black Sabbath (followed by Zeppelin), I can't stand the way a lot of religious people look at you as if you have devil horns growing out of your head and virtually crouch on the ground, (note-virtually, not literally) as they think that you are about to breathe fire upon them and smite them, when you say that you love Black Sabbath. I was in email contact once with a church music director for a while, and when I mentioned Sabbath, he suddenly stopped emailing me. No explanation, no nothing. I think he moved to the Antarctic to get as far away from me as possible.

"Shit" I thought, "there goes another one".

"Do I have enough demonic power in me to breathe fire out of my mouth all the way to the Antarctic? Will my fire be quenced by the icy climate there?"

I cannot also stand gutless cars. I grew up in a family construction business, with all these big, powerul cars for pulling heavy loads, trailers etc. There's nothing like gently squeezing the accelerator, and the vehicle moves across the space time plane like Ritche Blackmore when he's astral projecting. I have never been able to get used to pedalling the accelerator whilst a flashing light comes across the dashboard, saying "downloading information-waiting for reply". I actually find it quite tiring driving a gutless car.

I also hate gutless vacuum cleaners, but that's another story.

Someone else mentioned pantyhose, being a tortuos chastity belt. Ha ha. That would be my wifes pet peeve. She hates those like I hate rap. Funny story, the day when we got married. We finish up the reception, say goodbye to everyone, and then climb inside the limo. The driver starts moving off, and my new wife says to me, whilst angrily taking off her stockings, "I hope you enjoyed these on me, because you'll never see me in them again". Ha ha.

And I never did.

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Normal kids in Special Ed classes.

Seriously, those classes are reserved for peopole with mental or physical disabilities. Just because you don't give two shits about school, doesn't mean you should be in those classes.

If you don't like high school, then get the fuck out the day your allowed to drop out

Ummm.... in order to get into Special Education classes, students atually have to go through a bunch of tests to be allowed into those classes. Sometimes it can be a slight learning disability that they just need a little bit more help with their homework. Sometimes, it's something much more complicated. Special ed is actually for peopple with mental disabilities--if that's what you want to call it. There is a completely different part for people with physical disabliities, but many people who are in special ed have both.

Schools DON'T place kids into special ed because they're just freakin' lazy. Special education teachers do a lot more work that you think--they have to fill out paper work that takes hours and hours and hours for each student, they have to keep track of accomodations and modifications, and they have to keep track of each other their students' needs, progress and whether their individual education plans (IEPs) are being met. Once a student is in special ed, all of their teachers: the special ed teachers, the special ed aides and their regular classroom teachers are required by law to make sure that they are meeting the student's needs.

In order to be qualified to get into special ed, a student is observed, then there are changes in the regular classroms made by teachers to see if the simple changes can help the student learn better, if that doesn't work, the student is then tested (only with parent permission--if the parents don't agree, the kid slips through the cracks), if the student is deemed to need special ed, they get set up for several very complicated meetings that involve school counselors, parents, sometimes the students themselves, teachers, principals, etc. This is all 100% confidential--teachers, administators, counselors, etc. are not allowed to talk about it with anyone who is not involved in the process.

Special education teachers have the hardest job in the schools--their jobs are harder than ANY other teacher in a school. General education classroom teachers have to make modifications and teach their classes differently to accomodate the learning needs of these kids when they are in their classrooms. Students on IEPs cost the schools a lot of money. This means that the schools aren't going to just put someone into special ed if they're just lazy. People in special ed have a diagnosable problem that means they don't learn the same way as other, so-called "normal" people do. There are (seemingly) thousands of federal laws that tell teachers and schools what is and isn ot acceptable for special education students, and these laws are also meant to protect and serve special education students. One of these laws is confidentiality--which means that some of the "normal" kids in special ed may have a severe learning disablitiy that you don't know about. Some learning disabliities are not apparant by just talking to the person--a lot of times, these students are extremely intelligent, but need a little extra help with how to process information they're learning in school

End of rant.

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I know a lady who is a special ed teacher, it takes a very special person.

Here's what gets me. At our school the aide doesn't do anything. (Different lady) The kids roam free. She let one girl walk right off the school campus. Another kid had a seizure and she wouldn't let him go to the nurse.

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I have a friend who is a self declared Zep fan but when you ask her favorite song she says "I don't know the names, I just listen." Which when you tell people your obsessed don't you think you should at least know the name of your favorite song?

I think everyone has someone like this.

BTW, Mrs.Plant I'm still jealous of you meeting him.

Edited by lzfan715
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I have a friend who is a self declared Zep fan but when you ask her favorite song she says "I don't know the names, I just listen." Which when you tell people your obsessed don't you think you should at least know the name of your favorite song?

I think everyone has someone like this.

BTW, Mrs.Plant I'm still jealous of you meeting him.

I even played some Zeppelin for her, the most recognizable....black dog, communication breakdown, STAIRWAY, etc.....and nothing! she had never heard any of them before.

Same goes with Beatles, I had shuffle on, she had no clue who they were when some of their stuff came on.

Living under a f-ing huge rock. :angry:

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Not even the Beatles?

I know people who don't even know the names of all the Beatles who can recognize Beatles' song!

You should open new doors for your friend.

Oh trying, I have made her several "AshBash Mix's"


I don't know what she does with them.

She works at MTV.....she's one of those.

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I know it's stupid, but I HATE it that at stores like Wal-Mart and Target and those places, they have the enter door on the left and the exit door on the right. It should be the other way around. :wacko:

I've never paid attention to that, nor have I ever noticed it. What pissed me off though it when a local grocery store remodled and put in entrance and exit doors when they just use to have doors you could go in and out of any way.

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I've never paid attention to that, nor have I ever noticed it. What pissed me off though it when a local grocery store remodled and put in entrance and exit doors when they just use to have doors you could go in and out of any way.

Well, I mean, at least here in America you drive on the right side of the road. You generally walk on the right side of the hallway. Why the frick is the enter door on the left?!

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At a grocery store here the enter door is automatic and the exit is manual. SHould it be the toher way if they aren't going to do both? I mean the little old lady can't just push the cart through the door and use it to open the door all the way.

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