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Pet Peeves


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Another pet peeve i have occurred last night. I am out with friends and one of our buddies brought his girlfriend along. And we ordered food but she said she wasn't that hungry . Anyways we are eating and at one point she starts picking off my buddies plate. He says. "Are you sure you are not hungry, order something". And she said "no, it's okay, i will just have some of yours". :o So she is picking off his plate for the rest of the evening with her fork. I wanted to say something but it's not my girlfriend. But that is one of my pet peeves. And it's not the first time this has happened. Don't be picking off other people's plates unless they have said they can't eat it all or if they have given you permission. I have a buddy whose girlfriend does this all the time. Whether she has her own dinner or not. She always has to have some of his. It's beyond annoying. I had a girlfriend do it once and had to tell her not to.
Ladies want to sample what you chosen fair enough! next time she picks remind her that

maybe her clothes don't fit as well used too. Enjoy your meal B)

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One of my pet peeves is when people take the trouble to clean up trash from wherever they were when they "created" it, walk by the trash can with it, but put it on the counter instead!

I've tried talking about it, begging about it, etc. It's like trash is just too precious to throw out or something. :rolleyes:

Sometimes I come home to three or four beer bottles or pop cans or whatever lined up neatly on the counter. Dude! You freakin' passed the recycle bins on your way to the counter! WTF?!?

Drives me crazy. :wacko:

Must be a guy thing--the husband does exactly the same thing. I'm convinced he thinks that we have house fairies who actually put everything into the trash and recycling bins. :rolleyes:

He also likes to rinse dishes off and then leave them on the counter right above the dishwasher. It's clearly far too much of a stretch to lean over and put them in the machine. Ugh!

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At least he rinses them off.

My boyfriend just sets the dishes on the counter and lines them up.

I come home with groceries or I come home and want to fix dinner, and I have to clean the entire kitchen up before I can do it!

What's wrong with just rinsing the dishes and putting them in the sink?!?

I think my boyfriend also thinks that faeries clean the house. I actually asked him once if he thought his laundry washed itself, LOL.

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People who litter. Today when I was out some douche threw all kinds of fast food wrappers out his truck window. It really pisses me off when you drive by a wooded area a long a road and see it full of paper, cans and plactic bags.

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At least he rinses them off.

My boyfriend just sets the dishes on the counter and lines them up.

I come home with groceries or I come home and want to fix dinner, and I have to clean the entire kitchen up before I can do it!

What's wrong with just rinsing the dishes and putting them in the sink?!?

I think my boyfriend also thinks that faeries clean the house. I actually asked him once if he thought his laundry washed itself, LOL.

My husband will actually say "Hey look, the fairies were here again yesterday, they filled the ice cube trays and put fresh TP on the roller!" <_<

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My husband will actually say "Hey look, the fairies were here again yesterday, they filled the ice cube trays and put fresh TP on the roller!" <_<

I don't think I could handle that. I can barely handle the actually doing the cleaning after I've come home from a 12 hour day of school and work and then picking up the house. (Which is why my house has been messier than normal).

I'd probably go to jail for spousal abuse if my boyfriend said something about the fairies! :lol:

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It sounds like a "special" school (except for you, of course)

It is an extremely speical school.

People who litter. Today when I was out some douche threw all kinds of fast food wrappers out his truck window. It really pisses me off when you drive by a wooded area a long a road and see it full of paper, cans and plactic bags.

I hate that. We only have one world, we should be nice to it.

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Strangely enough, I actually have to agree with you. :blink:


I mean, it's one thing if they ask first. I'll most likely say yes. But don't just start picking off my plate. Just ask first.

There is a first time for everything. :D

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People who pass gas and belch in public. It is so disgusting. They don't excuse themselves and with the belching, they don't even attempt to be quiet about it. And when women do it, it's even worse. It's like, way to be ladylike.

Elizabeth and I agree on something. :D

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People who litter. Today when I was out some douche threw all kinds of fast food wrappers out his truck window. It really pisses me off when you drive by a wooded area a long a road and see it full of paper, cans and plactic bags.

Same here. It's pathetic how many people just throw stuff on the ground without giving it a second thought. Toronto used to be such a clean city and now you see wrappers, etc all over the place. I was in the subway a couple weeks ago and some lady was eating a chocolate bar and she took the wrapper and just threw it behind the bench she was sitting on. :o Is it so damn hard to put this stuff in the garbage? it takes 2 seconds.

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I hate it when I realize that I have to throw groceries away because I didn't eat them before they went bad. I cleaned out my fridge today--what a waste of money! You wouldn't believe all of the fruits and veggies I threw away because I forgot they were there--not to mention how many Yoplaits! Yoplait is expensive! :rant:

Oh and I'm out of coffee creamer. I didn't realize until after I made coffee. slapface.gif

Edited by manderlyh
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I hate my fucking computer!! I hate the way it resets when I play music... MUSIC!!! It has a fucking hardware failure, and a lot of the time I'm 2 seconds away from fucking putting MY FOOT THROUGH IT!! But I CAN'T because I need SOME way of seeing my girlfriend!!

I hate my FRIEND right now. The bastard is a cumpulsive liar, who has the cheek to call himself my friend after he lies to me and blanks me for his dumbass 40 year old girlfriend. He's only fucking 17!! 17!!!

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<br />Same here. It's pathetic how many people just throw stuff on the ground without giving it a second thought. Toronto used to be such a clean city and now you see wrappers, etc all over the place. I was in the subway a couple weeks ago and some lady was eating a chocolate bar and she took the wrapper and just threw it behind the bench she was sitting on. <img src="style_emoticons/default/ohmy.gif" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=":o" border="0" alt="ohmy.gif" /> Is it so damn hard to put this stuff in the garbage? it takes 2 seconds.<br />
<br /><br /><br />

I bet she was as fat as a cow too wasnt she. It's always the cows who are carrying food or drinks like they have a concern that it may be the last thing they ever eat.

We did a study in sociology. Fat people litter more because they have no regards for the appearance of things and 97.8% of the persons carrying around drinks and food while eating them are fat.

True study.

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That's a terribly mean thing to say, Forsaken. I know a really thin girl who always has food in her purse. Not all overweight people don't care about the ways things look, that is a nasty stereotype.

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Racists, homophobes, passive/aggressives......underwear that go up your butt, bras that ride up in the back, teenagers that tell you important things at the last possible moment, people who sit outside in their cars honking their horns for ten minutes waiting for their friends to come out...people trying to save your soul...

That's about it for now :P

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I hate it when people act like they have no control over their actions and play the pity card: "poor little me." "Poor, poor innocent, little me. I'm so misunderstood and No one gets me."

Give it a fucking rest already. :rolleyes:

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