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Pet Peeves


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He makes fun of the Hijackers, Bush, Clinton (Jr.), Giuliani, and the lack of foresight pre-9/11.

Please explain to me, in detailed terms, how the United States' lack of foresight about 9/11 is funny. Please tell me how dropping the ball and letting thousands of innocent people die constitutes "humor".

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Please explain to me, in detailed terms, how the United States' lack of foresight about 9/11 is funny. Please tell me how dropping the ball and letting thousands of innocent people die constitutes "humor".

Frankly because the lack of foresight was stupid. How is it they overlooked something so obvious?

The following explains quite well the mistakes:


We believe the 9/11 attacks revealed four kinds of failures: in imagination, policy, capabilities, and management.

The threat was there... obvious as fucking hell. And despite it all, those who are supposed to do their job and notice this kind of thing couldn't see it if raped them. Yes it's sad, yes it's fucked up. But it's also ironic, and irony bears comedy.

Here's one joke from the net my friend worked into his routine:

What is the most dangerous thing about the elevator being out of order?

Terrorists will think of anything to get out of taking the stairs.

Edited by Nathan
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Stupid doesn't always equal funny. Someone going on American Idol thinking they can sing.....and then they can't....that's stupid AND funny.

The United States' failure to adequately anticipate this happening is stupid......and that's it.

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Stupid doesn't always equal funny. Someone going on American Idol thinking they can sing.....and then they can't....that's stupid AND funny.

Also incredibly painful to the ears...

Another pet peeve: American Idol wannabes who can't sing.

Then again, American Idol itself is a pet peeve, so...

The United States' failure to adequately anticipate this happening is stupid......and that's it.

Stupid, typical, and ironic.

Clinton had Bin Laden. If he had a pair of balls and some brains Bin Laden would have been taken care of many, many, many years ago. However, the Clinton administration gave the Bush administration information to capture Bin Laden and Al Queda. The Bush Administration ignored it. The stupidity from both sides is fair game, I say.

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i hate umbrellas and their ignorant owners in public spaces. it's a wonder i still have my eyesight!! also babybuggies.... evrywhere you go now buggies and prams and their mums too busy chatting on their mobiles to notice the queue of people behind them trying to get past!!!!

aaahhhhh... feel better now!! :P

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I shop at King Kullen, and they play great music most of the time. Lots of funk and psychedelic 60's -70's stuff. Even heard early Pink Floyd there, one time.

Now that's a store I would shop at! Imagine, wandering the isles trippin' to Pink Floyd... I'd probably end up stuck in front of the grapes, munching. :D

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i hate umbrellas and their ignorant owners in public spaces. it's a wonder i still have my eyesight!! also babybuggies.... evrywhere you go now buggies and prams and their mums too busy chatting on their mobiles to notice the queue of people behind them trying to get past!!!!

aaahhhhh... feel better now!! :P

Are you talking about in general or when it isn't raining/storming? Because when it's raining and/or storming, expect to see them.

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I have a crazy neighbor. She rakes leaves off a cement driveway at 12 at night. She also comes into OUR yard and picks it up. She's only there for one night a week, I don't see why it matter. Thye have this huge bug light that's right by the window in my room so I have a blanket over my window. If they aren't there why do they need that light? All it does is keep me from getting sleep.

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Well today I told a guy who said "Titty titty pussy pussy" in a smiley faced jokingly manner to a three year old girl "If you ever say that again I'm going to BREAK your neck" He replied "I'll call the cops!"

I replied "Call the cops and you can guarantee yourself that you'll be f***ed up the a**hole in jail for the rest of your life!!!"

He's LUCKY I'm not her father cause I would a done it right there!!!

Break his neck and then jump all over him with high and low kicks that is!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Edited by roblindblad
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Still pissed eh?

Maybe you could just talk to them up front.

Take them some arsenic brownies maybe?

More than anything, I think I'm irritated with teh fact that they are just clueless to how rude they are.

I'm sorry--but these people are total complete losers. They don't contribute anything to society--they do nothing but sell drugs (I swear, I think they sell drugs) and party all of the time. They wake up at 3pm and start partying every single day. I'm sitting in my nice, quiet yard and all of a sudden, I'm being subjected to a bunch of loud irritating music that is blaring out of their cars!

Not only that, but the fact that the people who rent the house out don't give a shit about anything other than the fact that they're getting rental income. They own two houses next door to each other, and they don't have any type of screening process, nor do they even make them do a lease, so every month, it's one loser after another.

Gah. I got started on a rant. LOL

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Gross commercials. They need to put a warning before showing a guy with chili cheeseburger all over his face, people's naked bellies (I don't mean tan toned ones here), or the feeding of very small children. It's not fair when you're at the gym and suddenly these things appear before you!

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People criticizing and bitching about other countries without ever even travelling outside their own......and in some cases without ever even travelling outside their own state.

What's all that about? :o:unsure:

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^people being ignorant know-it alls. That's what that's about

I guess. Sad but true. B)

(see the supreme court thread...LOL)

Holy fartknockers Batman!! :o

Edited by Mangani
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Also, I don't want to see commercials about gross things--the Activa yogurt ones, for e.g. I really don't want to think about people's digestive systems, much less see diagrams of yogurt going through them!

We were just talking at work yesterday about pharmaceutical commercials, where the drug for a manageable condition has 10 minutes worth of ghastly side effects :unsure: Like the medicine for yellow toenails that can cause death. I'll take the toenails... :blink:

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My wife always freaks out when they show the commercial with the little animated toenail fungus gremlins that pop open the toenail like a car trunk and hop in under it. I'm just numb to anything on TV, shows, movies, commercials - anything other than a good ballgame or concert performance.

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