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Pet Peeves


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Yes. Helicopter parents are everywhere.

I've seen them in the schools and I've seen them with their 16, 17 and 18 year old children in the workplace--calling in sick for them, demanding that they get a day off from work that they didn't take the intuitive to ask for off so they got scheduled; demanding to know why their child got written up at work when they were more than a half hour late more than once in a week, etc., etc., etc...

These are the types of kids who grow up lost because once they're away from their parents, they have no one to stick up for them any longer, and they've also avoided learning any form of responsibility while being around their parents... ugh!

Right...where did I read just the other day...some school can no longer give a 0 for a failing grade, they must make failing worth 50 points.....to give more incentive...huh?!

Soon, your child won't have failed the 5th grade...they will have 'succeeded in maintaining their current grade status' :whistling:

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^wow. I didn't read that!

Where I'm teaching, if you don't turn something in and it's overdue, it's a big FAT ZERO!

The school I'm working in does give incentives for the students who don't have any zeros once a quarter though--they get to go to the movies once a quarter.

Even though the teachers give students more than one chance, out of like 400 students, there are still only about 100 who get to go.

This is in jr. high school grades 7-9; ages 11-16 (around, depending...usually 12-15)

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I .A relatively new saying for me that crops up time and time again on forums


What the hell does that mean? :angry:

2. People who call people cowards but never say who they mean is cowardly in itself. :blink:

3. Restaurants where they expect you to give tips but fail to point out cleary that there is also a service charge included.

You have got to be kidding... first, what, you can't puzzle it out, really? Not my fault this person scurried away and hid, I'm up for communication but they are not. How does that make me the coward?

Second, I am not going to play the game where someone attempts to antagonize me to the point of getting myself banned. I'm no coward, and neither am I an idiot.

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Yes. Helicopter parents are everywhere.

I've seen them in the schools and I've seen them with their 16, 17 and 18 year old children in the workplace--calling in sick for them, demanding that they get a day off from work that they didn't take the intuitive to ask for off so they got scheduled; demanding to know why their child got written up at work when they were more than a half hour late more than once in a week, etc., etc., etc...

These are the types of kids who grow up lost because once they're away from their parents, they have no one to stick up for them any longer, and they've also avoided learning any form of responsibility while being around their parents... ugh!

The whole helicopter parent/millenials phenomenon is really affecting higher ed and the work force; read this for more (I am trying consciously to be an anti-helicopter parent!):


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I've seen parents try to call and fight their kids' battles for them.

It's totally and completely ridiculous.

Can you imagine these kids? Their spouse pisses them off, so they call their mommy to fix it! LOL

Actually, reading that article pissed me off a bit. I'm in that age group, and I don't know any people my age who are people who fit that description.

1. No, my mom has never contacted one of my professors or my bosses.

2. No, I am in my mid-to upper 20's, and I haven't lived at home since I was 18, (with exception of the 6 months around the time my dad died)

3. NO, I don't expect everyone to drop everything for me because I walk into the workplace. I expect them to be FAIR--especially based on work experience, job performance, and time with the company--history.

Edited by manderlyh
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We've all been posting our pet peeves and problems and such, not just in this thread, but in a lot of different threads. I'd like to offer a saying that became my Email sign off as early as this morning. It's something my Dad says and possibly came up with, and is, IMO, brilliant:

"Shit happens. Sometimes, you have to wipe and flush."

Learn it well, grasshoppers. Learn it well. :P

(Believe me... it's a saying i need to adhere to, too...


Metaphorically! Not literally, you sickos! :D)

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I've seen parents try to call and fight their kids' battles for them.

It's totally and completely ridiculous.

Can you imagine these kids? Their spouse pisses them off, so they call their mommy to fix it! LOL

Actually, reading that article pissed me off a bit. I'm in that age group, and I don't know any people my age who are people who fit that description.

1. No, my mom has never contacted one of my professors or my bosses.

2. No, I am in my mid-to upper 20's, and I haven't lived at home since I was 18, (with exception of the 6 months around the time my dad died)

3. NO, I don't expect everyone to drop everything for me because I walk into the workplace. I expect them to be FAIR--especially based on work experience, job performance, and time with the company--history.

Oh, it's definitely not everyone, I didn't mean to imply that :( but it is a changing demographic. Age-wise I'm right between the Boomers and Gen X'ers. I identify with some traits of both, but neither 100%.

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Oh, it's definitely not everyone, I didn't mean to imply that :( but it is a changing demographic. Age-wise I'm right between the Boomers and Gen X'ers. I identify with some traits of both, but neither 100%.

Oh no, I didn't think YOU were implying that.

But I thought that article was very biased--saying that all people born between the years 1980 and 2000 are like that. Funny--I have friends who have children born in 2000 and 1999, 1998, 1997...and they were born around 1980...but they're in the same generation? :huh:

I actually think I identify more with Gen X'ers--I actually thought I was PART of the Gen X'ers, to tell you the truth, just on the tail end.

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You're posting on the wrong thread though....there is a relationships thread if you want to give advice. This is a peeves thread.....

I was replying to a post someone made to me. Sorry i gave advice that was kind, instead of bitchy...next time i'll try to remember what thread i'm posting in. My humble apologies, again.

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With all due respect Tangerine, I don't feel like I'm ragging on my husband and obviously I have considered all of the 'advice' you're doling out, else I WOULDN'T be with him.

However the thead name is PET PEEVES so I listed mine. And from your lengthy post I gather YOUR peeve is hearing women complain vehemently.

OK, I have a new peeve...people that get peeved by women who post their peeves on a discussion thread titled peeves.


I was anticipating a cat fight, lol. I said i was sticking up for the men because frankly, sometimes they get a bad rap.

Maybe i've heard your gripes about your man so, so, many times before that i just feel like, hey, we get it. How about cut him a break, OR teach him to come over to your way of thinking. It can be done. I have done it.

Maybe i should have been more clear. My pet peeve is: women who bitch about good men they are lucky to have in their lives!

I don't live with you guys (so i don't know) maybe you don't rag on him as badly as it sounded to me. btw...i know it's part of the culture for women to talk this way in the Delaware Valley and nearby outskirts :)

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Today, my issue is the weather.

It has been dreary and rainy a LOT this spring and summer.

All I want is for it to be nice outside so I can spend some time out there already!

Being outside in the sun makes me sooo happy!

I'm like a lizard--love the dry heat.

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^really? Most people who are used to humidity laugh at me when I complain that it's like 100 degrees in July here.

I thought you'd be laughing at me for sure.

Humidity makes me POUR sweat--even at 70 degrees, I swear.

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Ick. I hate dry heat! It's fine today, only 88 so far. Tomorrow it's supposed to be 95 and 98 on Thursday. And it's only going to get worse...something I'm already dreading.

Give me 107 and dry over 95 with 70 humidity any time!

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I was anticipating a cat fight, lol. I said i was sticking up for the men because frankly, sometimes they get a bad rap.

Maybe i've heard your gripes about your man so, so, many times before that i just feel like, hey, we get it. How about cut him a break, OR teach him to come over to your way of thinking. It can be done. I have done it.

Maybe i should have been more clear. My pet peeve is: women who bitch about good men they are lucky to have in their lives!

I don't live with you guys (so i don't know) maybe you don't rag on him as badly as it sounded to me. btw...i know it's part of the culture for women to talk this way in the Delaware Valley and nearby outskirts :)

Tang, not going for the cat fight really. I did, however, take offense to your response to me because I dont' think you read my post very well. And now I feel a need to defend myself again to your presumptions in the above post.

First of all, you've NEVER heard ME bitch about this because it's my first post on this topic. I also don't consider me asking the GUYS here if they feel I am being unreasonable to expect a person (whom you are SHARING a home with) to be reasonably organized as 'airing my dirty laundry'.

Secondly you presume I'm lucky to have him....yes, in many, many ways I am...on the other hand he is also lucky to have ME! Not to brag about my own charms but as I clearly said in my post which I shall now repost for you....I DO pick up after him, I DO allow him plenty of freedom of expression by not bitching at him constantly about the things that bother me, I thought it was cool I could get it off my chest here without getting beat up about it.

That would be ME telling HIM to pick up all of his shit that he didn't even kindly line up on the counter (much less put in the recycle bin or trash). And actually, I don''t even DO that, I just pick up after him like he's a 3 year old. It's just easier since he has the attention span of a 2 year old.

Dude! Did your mom teach you to just throw that paper towell on the floor when you were done with it? Wow! Check this out, I wondered where all our glasses were! I found 5 in the basement and 6 in the garage...but the other 4 are in the back seat of your truck! Oh, and who taught you how to organize your tool area....I didn't know a PILE of 'stuff' a foot and a half high was the best way to organize tools! WOW! My dad must have been so frikking dumb...I mean he had his tools on a peg board and hammers were together and screwdrivers were together. My husband finds it easier to go buy a new screwdriver than to go into the pile....so when I finally cleaned up HIS tool area the other day, Gosh Golly! Look! I found 14 screwdrivers!

I hoarded a hammer and a screwdriver from his stash so at least I can find a tool when I want one!!

Guys....tell me....am I being too demanding here to expect to be able to go to the tool area and actually easily find a tool without getting hurt?!

As for your 'gently training' advice you might be surprised that I am an awesome trainer. I've trained dogs, gerbils, horses, hampsters, cats, employees, employers and all different sorts of people using behavior modification techniques. All of my friends love my husband, my famous comeback is "Train your own, you don't think he came out of the womb this way do ya?!" Sheesh!!

Disclamer...he's a great guy, he's also a pig...just like your EX husband. May I ask, are you friendly with your EX husband? I am with mine, he calls me all the time. Loves me dearly he does.

And by the way....I'm a huge defender of men myself because most women I know are really really difficult to please...I don't think I'm that bad....good for you if you don't mind living with a person that you have to be a 'mommy' to but I don't really get off on that myself.

And I do want to thank WHOEVER it was that posted that loverly pic of a nice neat tool area...it was exciting beyond belief to me! But then I was raised to be a responsible adult and keep my living quarters clean and neat.

Now, with all that said, I'll take you at your word that you were trying to give 'kind advice' I just want you to realize - I wasn't asking for 'kind advice' and I didn't need any advice about what I was posting on. I'm a 47 year old woman who has lived with 5 girls in one house, several people in assorted communal environments, in the backseat of a car, in a mansion with several others, in a 2 bedroom apt. with my sister, with several assorted boyfriends in anything from luxury surroundings to damn near trailer trash, with a girlfriend when I was 16, on my own when I was 17 and two husbands, the first for 13 years and the second for 15 years so....I think I kinda got it down pretty well on 'how to live peacefully with others'

So, thanks for the advice but it's not really needed. The best advice I can give anoyone is 'Don't offer unrequested advice...especially to someone you don't even know'. And I want to apologize if my post came off as offensively vehement, I was just kinda on a roll, didn't mean to sound so militant :'(

Certainly if I feel l'd like advice some advice on a topic I'll ask. In the meantime I really AM interested in the MEN'S response to my question. Am I being unreasonable to kindly request that the person I share my home with keep a particular shared area at least minimally organized?

And, just so this doesn't require imagination I'll include a photo of the area that I cleaned up myself and (honestly) found 8 screwdrivers and 4 hammers under, along with a lot of other assorted household items :hysterical:


If I'm deemed a militant clean freak then, OK, I'll at least have an objective opinion. I'm curious!!!

And Tang.....Peace, really :hippy: seems like both of us might have had a button pushed on this topic.

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My garage looks JUST like that! ROFL

(I can't even get to my yard tools and stuff because I can't get to the freakin' cupboards...nevermind that our grass looks terrible compared to last year's because I decided that I'm NOT going to nag about cleaning up the garage...)

BTW--I also have a 4'X8' "model train layout" that has been in existence since before I met my BF (we've been together 7 years) and it is supposed to be "nicely finished off with a skirt on the underside so it won't show clutter" and it looks exactly like the picture above, too!

we don't get any of those sorts of temperatures here in the UK

Which is why you guys are so pasty! It's never warm enough to go swimming! LOL :P

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