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Pet Peeves


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One really odd problem with this puppy is that play time seems to get it more in a mischief mode. It just suddenly stops playing ball, bolts for the other side of the yard, and starts gobbling down rocks, grass, plants, dead stuff... I don't want to confine or discipline it excessively, but usually a good play time should lead to it settling down afterward?

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Pedigree puppy = $1300

Pet supplies for less than 2 months = $300

Indoor pen = $150

Outdoor run = $200

Higher fence for yard = $6600

Vet visits = $600

Surgery to remove rocks from puppy's stomach = $1900

Number of times I've had sex since our new arrival = ONCE

That about covers it!

Unconditional and boundless puppy love ... PRICELESS! For everything else, there's Master Card! :)

(Sorry, I couldn't resist!)

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Unconditional and boundless puppy love ... PRICELESS! For everything else, there's Master Card! :)

(Sorry, I couldn't resist!)

Yeah, being greeted when I get home from work with hystercial circles and kisses is worth every penny of it :)

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P/K threads. How many more times can this be hashed out. They're sounding awfully childish at this point and not a positive thing to be gained anyway's. "It's Roberts fault" no "It's Jimmy's fault"..... give it up, we all know that it's Canada's fault...jeez already <_<

Ditto, it's even more boring than Spats love life B)

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This shit:

Waterboarding an attraction at NY amusement park

"Waterboard Thrill Ride" beckons a sign along with cartoon character "SpongeBob SquarePants" who appears tied down and exclaiming: "It don't Gitmo better!"

You want to teach people the horrors of torture, that's good. Not at an amusement park, you dumb fucks.

Edited by Electrophile
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Having to clean the floors :(


:huh: boy I need to get out :rolleyes:

Do those things really work? How are they with pet fur (we have a lab and this time of year is the pits for labs and shedding)? Honestly I think I would be slightly creeped out to see one roaming the floors... :unsure:

I've been thinking about a Floor Mate, though.


Edited by Virginia
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My pet peeve today... bug bites and spider bites.

So you don't consider a spider a bug?

I suppose thats politically correct and all, but does anyone even know what makes a bug a bug and an insect an insect? What the piss is a spider? Arachnid? Is anything else an arachnid, or just spiders?

The god-damn snozz-berries taste like snozz-berries if you ask me.

But if I must specify, I suppose I can't stand arachnid bites, but don't so much mind those of bugs.

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Allow me to explain:

These are the fuckheads who stop at an intersection in traffic,and leave way too much space between them and the vehicle in front of them.They'll then proceed to spend the entire light-cycle inching up bit by bit,as though that will make the light change faster.IT DOESN'T!!!STOP ACTING LIKE A FUCKING IDIOT THAT PROVES THAT DARWIN WAS RIGHT!!!

Why does this bother me so,you ask? Simple:My car is a 5spd.;so whenever these fucktards do this shit,I have to do the same,which is annoying,to say the least,especially on a hill.I also hate when the dickdouche behind me is basically right on my bumper because they're in such a hurry.

Let's see what happens when I roll back into them;and they find out the hard way that it's not my fault,and I get paaaaaaaaaaaaiiiiiid.......

ahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!!!!!!!!!!! :yay: :yay: :yay: :yay:

This might be the baddest, most assed thing on this board.

I love you, fellow manual transmission owner.

Edited: because I accidentally posted my shit inside the quote.

Edited by docron
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Tommy's Pet Peeve #6

The Mahavishnu Orchestra. Why, for the sake of Pete, whomever this fellow may is, did these excellent progressive jazz players not officially release their 1972 concert @ BBC?

Someone please tell me. I'm so full of angst...

So full.

P.S. Triple posting because of recent failed attempts to steal internet from the neighbors. Stupid brick walls. I might never get the chance to post all 10,172 of my pet peeves.

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Do those things really work? How are they with pet fur (we have a lab and this time of year is the pits for labs and shedding)? Honestly I think I would be slightly creeped out to see one roaming the floors... :unsure:

I've been thinking about a Floor Mate, though.


:lol: Yes! and Great!

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Is anything else an arachnid, or just spiders?

I think crabs are also arachnids, but only because of the 8 leg similarity. Given all the other extreme differences between spiders and crabs, I'd say someone fucked up - categorizing these critters together?

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Tommy's Pet Peeve #982

People that breath out their nose even though its obvious that they have boogers in there that are creating an annoying whistling noise with each breath.

Jesus fuck, quit this shit.


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So you don't consider a spider a bug?

I suppose thats politically correct and all, but does anyone even know what makes a bug a bug and an insect an insect? What the piss is a spider? Arachnid? Is anything else an arachnid, or just spiders?

The god-damn snozz-berries taste like snozz-berries if you ask me.

But if I must specify, I suppose I can't stand arachnid bites, but don't so much mind those of bugs.

Nope, I don't consider them the same. I think of 'bugs' as insects, which are 6 legged and spiders are indeed arachnids. (I think technically that a 'bug' is a subset of insects, like beetles are, but I'm not sure and I don't care enough to check). IIRC, ticks and scorpions are also arachnids. I absolutely despise ticks and I'm not real fond of scorpions either.

One reason I don't like various insect bites are because I tend to react badly to them. I was seriously allergic to bees, wasps, etc. and took allergy shots for many years for them. I still get bad symptoms with other insects... mosquitoes, ants, etc.


Pet peeve for today: People posting outrageous crap that results in a thread getting deleted and thereby lowering my post count! :angry::angry:

:lol: (actually, I don't really care but it makes a good story).

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Pet peeve for today: People posting outrageous crap that results in a thread getting deleted and thereby lowering my post count! :angry::angry:

:lol: (actually, I don't really care but it makes a good story).

Yeah,I'm glad that I missed THAT excitement :D

I'd hate to have my post count lowered over outrageous crap.....

Then again,it might have happened on some previous occasions and I never noticed :o

I'm with you Lakey :lol:

It almost reminds me of Southpark: They killed Kenny!

You bastards!!!!!!!

My pet peeve for the day is:

Robert bashing or especially when,"You kiss me once or twice and say 'it's very nice' and then you run"......

I hate when that happens........................really I do!

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Intolerance, especially on this forum.

People who feel the need to just jump down someone's throat because they simply disagree, or (shock horror) make a mistake (I can think of several people on here, alone). You don't have to agree, you don't have to like them, you just have to tolerate them. Really. You won't seem like such a bar steward.

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