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Pet Peeves


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It's not like she's some teenager, she's a 30 years old married woman. And this isn't the first time she's done something like this.

Everytime something bad happens she tells me "You were right, I should have listened."

I'm getting tired of hearing that.

Man.., she sounds hot in a 15-year-old high school chick sort of way...

Just buy her a new Blackberry[TM]... everything will be okay.

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My pet peeve is people who at a gig suddenly recognise a song and start clapping and cheering loudly when the lyrics start, even though its been obvious for 30 seconds or so in the into.

Case in point which I was just listening to (and relevant to this forum section B), 'Ramble On' at the O2 show. I mean who didn't pick it before Robert started :rolleyes:

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the phrase "addiction to oil"

oil is like food and water to the system.

Perhaps we should re-phrase that crude saying to,

"nourishment from oil"

But we need to change our diet. <_<

Unfortunately, it's still going to be an addiction because oil is used for much more than the gas for our cars.

A few of the thousands of products made from oil

Edited by DeepBlackZeppelin
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What are you crying about? Its $3.60 in NY

I was merely having an internal conflict with the circa 1998 me, who used to get gas for $1.52 USD/gal.

Ah the good ole days.

Dont you just love how they display the gas prices too:


Who the piss do they think they're fooling with that 9?! Those kinds of antics only work in a few select towns in the deep south... Why not just out and say $3.28?

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Tommy's Pet Peeve #6

People who make ridiculous claims, yet when you ask for some backing proof all they can seem to come up with is a personal stab.

I'm running into this a ton on the "Stockmarket Meltdown" thread... drives me nuts.

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Maybe I should change my name to alecard. B)

Ally? Ain't that the guy from BC?

Yep, that's me Did my own rejuvination of the beer thread tonight. Let me tell ya, that white beer stuff has a lot more kick than you think. So do the Keg size Monti Cristo's :D

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Gas in Guilford County here in NC is between $3.55-$3.69. Gas in Forsyth County where I live, it's no lower than $3.89. That's nuts to me; a $0.30+ difference if you go east across the county line.

My local news showed stories of North Carolina having shortages in some areas, with very long lines and even fights over the gas problems. I guess we should be glad if we are able to get gasoline to put in our tanks.

8 years of nothing from the Bush Admin. to help our country, now that's a pet peeve that will last for many decades to come. Oh, and the most outrageous disasters imaginable to top off the list of incompetence and criminal practices by the Bush Administration. Pfffftttt....good riddance.

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If Obama wins, it's probably going to take all 4 years of his first term and then the next 4 years if he's re-elected to clean up this mess. What's funny is that Bill Clinton was derided as a "tax and spend liberal" following Bush 41 and Reagan's "fiscal Conservative" policies, and yet in the last 28 years, he's the only President under whom we had a budget surplus....I believe it was around $200 billion dollars. Hell, I'll go back to having Presidents get blowjobs daily if it means we can go back to this country as it was from 1993-2000.

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My local news showed stories of North Carolina having shortages in some areas, with very long lines and even fights over the gas problems. I guess we should be glad if we are able to get gasoline to put in our tanks.

8 years of nothing from the Bush Admin. to help our country, now that's a pet peeve that will last for many decades to come. Oh, and the most outrageous disasters imaginable to top off the list of incompetence and criminal practices by the Bush Administration. Pfffftttt....good riddance.

Welcome to the 70's. This is a rerun except it's us and not our parents that are paying for it. Elizabeth, I know you have posted ahead of this response but I do not agree with your view on recovery. It will happen much quicker than many think. Too much foreign money involved for it not to happen. Personally, I would have let the foreign investment pay for the bail out but that would have been asking too much at the moment but believe me, at the end of the day, they should and they will.

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Motorists that are not considerate enough to have their headlights properly adjusted and ride behind you for miles with that one light burning thru your retna directly into the optic nerve. <_<

Absofuckinglutely :angry:

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What's worse is when they have those halogen headlights that are SUPER BRIGHT WHITE and the insist on having them aimed and then they drive around lighting up all and sundry for 10 miles in all directions.

Yep, then it's highbeam wars. I guess it's the same all over but up here, everybody and there dog has those headlights. Most of them can't see or drive to begin with so I guess they need the comfort zone.

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The fact that Michael Cera is being allowed to make movies!!! This past weekend "Nick and Norah's infinite playlist" came out. This guy plays the same awkward, stammering, nerdy, wimp in every movie he is in. Juno, Superbad, Arrested Deveplopment and on and on. And i have seen video of this dude on youtube. He acts and dresses the same way in real life. The dude is not acting!!!!!

I wish the teenage girls that adore him would get over this phase so he will not be seen in anymore films.

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The fact that Michael Cera is being allowed to make movies!!! This past weekend "Nick and Norah's infinite playlist" came out. This guy plays the same awkward, stammering, nerdy, wimp in every movie he is in. Juno, Superbad, Arrested Deveplopment and on and on. And i have seen video of this dude on youtube. He acts and dresses the same way in real life. The dude is not acting!!!!!

I wish the teenage girls that adore him would get over this phase so he will not be seen in anymore films.

After Michael Cera, there'll be another teenage heartthrob, and after him, another, and after him, another.

Most teenage girls I know don't even think Michael Cera is that cute. If you're talking about Judd Apatow projects, James Franco is the one they go craziest over.

There's nothing we can do about it except one simple thing: not watch the movies.

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I LOVED Michael Cera on Arrested Development, then again that's one of my favourite shows period, and everyone was on top of their game on that show. He plays that awkward role to a tee, but you're right, thus far it's the only role he's ever done, and I'm getting tired of it myself. I basically hated Juno apart from maybe ten minutes of the movie, and I will not see Nick and Norah as that looks like a bunch of trite bullshit.

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