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Pet Peeves


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I was having a pretty good day until someone mentioned the G word.


My friend is a HUGE pet peeve. It's perfectly fine for him to yell at me, and be pissed at me. Perfectly fine. :)

But when I do it, it's a federal crime. He's such a bad friend. He would say "i've bought you so much stuff" yeah, but that doesn't make you a good friend.

I'm thinking of ending a 9 year friendship....but when I do, I won't have any friends to hang with. Boo hoo.

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My friend is a HUGE pet peeve. It's perfectly fine for him to yell at me, and be pissed at me. Perfectly fine. :)

But when I do it, it's a federal crime. He's such a bad friend. He would say "i've bought you so much stuff" yeah, but that doesn't make you a good friend.

I'm thinking of ending a 9 year friendship....but when I do, I won't have any friends to hang with. Boo hoo.

You need more friends, the same way you keep a spare tire in your car in the event of a flat tire. You're relying too much on that one friend.

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When everybody's trying to get off the bus (specifically the shuttle bus at my school), and the people who aren't stick their feet out into the aisle, so you have to take huge steps over them and try not to trip on them. Screw you jerks! You people go to college, and you can't even figure out to suck your feet in? RAWR!

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When people spell the Grammy's .....grammies.


Having the flu...like now...and not being able to take anything for it.

At least not a thing that works. Because of high blood pressure and migraine medicine interactions :tears:

I'm going back to bed until the OJ thing gets started.


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i drove back to ny from sc on tues, my complaint is truckers who hang in the left lane next to another truck for ten minutes. its the passing lane right...this is their job right...c'mon truckers with attitudes wanting to hold up traffic, why?

when someone comes flying up and flashes lights, i dont get offended, i just pull in right lane and let them pass, whats the big deal?

i dont know though...95% of everyone knows that driving rule, but some folks want to create lines of 25-35 cars waiting to pass.

very strange thing to me.

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My short list of pet peeves:

Sales clerks/cashiers who are spending more time talking to somebody else than giving good service

People who drive too fast in parking lots (for shit sake people slow the fuck down)

Panhandlers and homeless people with signs that say "give my lazy drunken ass your hard earned money" -- while I am driving my tired ass to work.

Richard Simmons

Dog owners who allow their animals to bark ALL FUCKING NIGHT AND ALL FUCKING DAY.

Loud talking stay at home thophy wives on their fucking cell phones talking about nothing but airhead bullshit while I am trying to drink my coffee and eat my #2 breakfast special at the local diner.

Crying babies and their parents in resturaunts with their fucking five bags of luggage full of diapers , baby powders and tit milk all over the place and acting like everyone in the fucking world is just so happy to experience their family in all its fucked up glory. HIRE A FUCKING BABYSIITTER!

People who talk in movie theaters.

People who breath too loud in movie theaters.

People in movie theaters in general bug the shit out me.

Paying taxes that go to helping people who haven't made a correct life choice in THEIR ENTIRE LIVES!

Pantyhose (what kind of monster figured out that fucking modern day chastity belt?)

Cheerleaders who continue to do those stupid cheers when their team is down 47 to nothing. SIT DOWN AND SHUT THE HELL UP! Or at least start sweeping up or something useful... sheesh.

The 'Lets Play Atlas Thread' -- (pretty self explanitory)

People who come up behind you while you are waiting in some really long ridiculous line at the video rental store (with the stupid clerk bullshiting with her friend and taking forever), and this idiot comes up while holding a crying baby and talking on her cell phone to some other waste of DNA on the phone... and asks, " Excuse me but is this the end of the line?"

... and I left my gun at home.

DAMN, I hate it when that happens!


Damn u hate alot of things

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i drove back to ny from sc on tues, my complaint is truckers who hang in the left lane next to another truck for ten minutes. its the passing lane right...this is their job right...c'mon truckers with attitudes wanting to hold up traffic, why?

when someone comes flying up and flashes lights, i dont get offended, i just pull in right lane and let them pass, whats the big deal?

i dont know though...95% of everyone knows that driving rule, but some folks want to create lines of 25-35 cars waiting to pass.

very strange thing to me.

They're not supposed to even be driving in the left lane.

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Mall shopping during Xmas. Why I'm going to subject myself to that horror tomorrow - I'll never know.

Try getting you're friends gift certificates and stuff. Or just give them money to get themselves something. Then you avoid a lot of the mall shopping. That's what i do. I just get cards, movie certificates,etc. Saves a lot of headaches.

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Try getting you're friends gift certificates and stuff. Or just give them money to get themselves something. Then you avoid a lot of the mall shopping. That's what i do. I just get cards, movie certificates,etc. Saves a lot of headaches.

You won't have to worry about going to hell! you have no soul :rolleyes:

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You won't have to worry about going to hell! you have no soul :rolleyes:

Seriously, people like getting that type of stuff. I do. Because then you can get what you want. Who doesn't like going to the movies? Free movies cards are a great gift.

A buddy of mine knows i like mocca frappachinos from Starbucks, so he got me a Starbucks card worth about 20 bucks so i could get myself some free ones. That was cool.

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Seriously, people like getting that type of stuff. I do. Because then you can get what you want. Who doesn't like going to the movies? Free movies cards are a great gift.

A buddy of mine knows i like mocca frappachinos from Starbucks, so he got me a Starbucks card worth about 20 bucks so i could get myself some free ones. That was cool.

They make good stocking stuffers but cash! that's just too impersonal

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I actually buy my friends gifts unless they specifically ask for a gift card to iTunes or a specific store they like.

In the past i have found it difficult to buy gifts. because you don't know exactly what they want or if they already have it. And you want it to be a surprise. I know how it feels to get a xmas give of something you didn't want.

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They make good stocking stuffers but cash! that's just too impersonal

I would rather a friend come to me and hand me some cash and say go buy yourself something nice than to open a present and find another pair of socks or another sweater than i already have too many of.

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They make good stocking stuffers but cash! that's just too impersonal

If I received cash as a gift from someone other than a family member, I'd be a little weirded out by it. Kinda like the Seinfeld episode. I admit though I do the gift card thing alot, but it's mainly for specific stores that I know friends would appreciate - rather than the more generic gift cards.

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I would rather a friend come to me and hand me some cash and say go buy yourself something nice than to open a present and find another pair of socks or another sweater than i already have too many of.

I agree. Cashi is KING !

I'd rather someone be thoughtful and let me buy EXACTLY what I want, than to be given some crap because it's the thought that counts. :rolleyes:

Then again, they could give you a fruitcake. That's always welcome. BARF !

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It bothers me to get gift cards, because I think, "where's the effort?" When I buy a gift for anyone, I take the time to first think about that person-what are their likes/dislikes, hobbies, favorite sports teams, what they liek to eat/drink, etc. etc. And then I go out and search for a gift. So it makes me feel like the person who gave me the gift card doesn't care as much about me as I do about them...

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