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Pet Peeves


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Cigars...I hate cigars, cigs, chewing tobacco, all of it.


Grandma Hartman would have my skin if I went anywhere near the fags. You blokes smoke all you wish to.


I am who I am be it Bong Man, Clay Toy, Clay Pigeon or a little green soldier from mars. Custard Pie here we come BABIES......

Grrrrrrr........I still love the people who asked me to return. And you can bet your Betty Boo Pie it looked nothing like a can of Play Dough

I didn't mean to alarm anyone hee. I'm with Rob and Alice on the not drinking so much.

Good morning Bubba.

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Aw yes...it's so idiotic!

I have no car, but no matter what happens, I always put the seatbelt on. Unlike some others, who are just too lazy or too stupid, or wannt to commit suicide;- )

Hell, I really could start the ultimate pet peeve about the universal stupidy of mankind, but my mood is waaay too good for that :- )

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If someone wants to ride in my vehicle they have to put on a seatbelt. I'm certainly not going to pay for a ticket if they don't. For folks in the backseat, I don't think it's mandatory (at least in the state of NC) but it's at least suggested that they do.

When they made seatbelt requirements mandatory in NC my Dad protested but in order to avoid a ticket, he complied. He didn't approve of the government infringing on another of his personal freedoms (smoking being another one). Not long afterwards one of my brothers was in accident out in New Mexico where wearing a seatbelt saved his life. Ever since then (and I think that happened before the seatbelt laws were enacted here) I've put mine on without even thinking about it, it just became automatic.

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When a vehicle travelling uphill slammed into mine at a high speed, my vehicle spun 360 degrees.

But I held firmly to the wheel, mainly because I had my seatbelt fastened securely.

Only the vehicles were damaged and no one was hurt.

Since that time a left turn traffic arrow has been added to remove the guesswork about who might be coming up the hill (where you can't see them) at high speeds.

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When a vehicle travelling uphill slammed into mine at a high speed, my vehicle spun 360 degrees.

But I held firmly to the wheel, mainly because I had my seatbelt fastened securely.

Only the vehicles were damaged and no one was hurt.

Since that time a left turn traffic arrow has been added to remove the guesswork about who might be coming up the hill (where you can't see them) at high speeds.


I had a similar experience...I was rear-ended by a distracted driver...I had my seatbelt on...the car went up rather than spinning 360 degrees....the car could not be saved...

It took me a looooonnnnngggg time to get over the loss of my car....I still miss it but I have its picture. I kept the keys...they are on my current key chain...

I only went back to that city 2'x since but never the same street...


PS To answer the pet peeve topic question....I hate distracted drivers and the Ontario No fault insurance fiasco...and I'm being polite because it's Friday.....


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Then again, if you don't care enough about your health and safety to wear a seat belt....fine. Let Darwin weed you out.

In the case of my father, as I said, he wore his but only because it was the law. He just didn't care for the government telling him what to do. He thought it ought to be up to the individual if they wanted to wear a seatbelt or not. And, I don't know the statistics but apparently there's been incidences where accident victims have been trapped in their vehicles by seatbelts.

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And, I don't know the statistics but apparently there's been incidences where accident victims have been trapped in their vehicles by seatbelts.

Yes, you should probably keep a pair of safety scissors or a safe cutting tool in the event that you are trapped in a vehicle that is flooded and swept away.

It should be a tool that will not qualify as a concealed weapon if you were to be stopped.

But you need to be able to cut the safety belt to prevent drowning.

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My Internet connection has SUCKED today. I thought it was just this board at first, and I was like, "Oh no, not that crap again!" but then I realized it was pretty much everywhere. It'll do pretty good for a while, but then all of a sudden you click on a link and it sits there forever trying to load it. Drives me nuts.

My other pet peeve this evening is Heroes. You'd think this would be a nerd's Nirvana, but god, it sucks like a shop vac. I keep giving it a gazillionth chance, but this is it. Count me out. Guess I'll start watching Chuck instead, if they don't cancel it. I finally checked it out because I love Adam Baldwin, and yeah, it's pretty good, just like the slightly-less-than-a-whole-lot of people who are in the know said it was.

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My Internet connection has SUCKED today. I thought it was just this board at first, and I was like, "Oh no, not that crap again!" but then I realized it was pretty much everywhere. It'll do pretty good for a while, but then all of a sudden you click on a link and it sits there forever trying to load it. Drives me nuts.

My other pet peeve this evening is Heroes. You'd think this would be a nerd's Nirvana, but god, it sucks like a shop vac. I keep giving it a gazillionth chance, but this is it. Count me out. Guess I'll start watching Chuck instead, if they don't cancel it. I finally checked it out because I love Adam Baldwin, and yeah, it's pretty good, just like the slightly-less-than-a-whole-lot of people who are in the know said it was.

Is that a movie or a series? I've never heard of it. I need to take in a good movie anyhow....

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My other pet peeve this evening is Heroes. You'd think this would be a nerd's Nirvana, but god, it sucks like a shop vac. I keep giving it a gazillionth chance, but this is it. Count me out. Guess I'll start watching Chuck instead, if they don't cancel it. I finally checked it out because I love Adam Baldwin, and yeah, it's pretty good, just like the slightly-less-than-a-whole-lot of people who are in the know said it was.

Aww... :(

I love Heroes. I think it's brilliant, and it doesn't fit nicely in to people's comfort zones. Many fans are angered by a lot of things they do on Heroes (Peter Petrelli has been my favorite character, but he's been treated consecutively as a wuss, an idiot, an asshole, and, now, possibly, a sacrifice!... I keep hoping they'll turn Peter into what I thought he'd be, the one person who can actually defeat and destroy Sylar), but Heroes always manages to explain itself well enough to keep even the most angered more then satisfied (and then is why I hold out hope for the... redemption... if you will, of Peter).

That said, I can understand completely why people don't like it. I have to admit that until about one or two episodes ago I hated Clair (the blonde girl... the cheerleader... and how do you spell her name properly?). She was the typical teenage soap-opera character who was solely there for the "who am I and why aren't I normal" angst that is in just about every "teenage" drama on television (I got sick of that shit years ago, and with dumb-as-hell shows like Gossip Girls being out nowadays, well... it's just overdone and intolerably cliche). She's finally been redeemed to a character I can actually tolerate.

But Heroes is, I guess, an acquired taste. Very easy to like, but probably easier to hate.

I like the story-line, and I like where they're going. You see, Batman is my all-time favorite comic-book hero, and the way I see the Heroes... world... Batman would fit in perfectly here (minus the powers, of course). But it also attempts to answer the question "what would we do, what would our world be like, and how would we react, if there were people in the world who could actually do these things?" Heroes actually tries to make the idea of "heroes" realistic (within its fantastical confines, of course), which I think is brilliant. These aren't people who feel they have some sort of calling (with the comical exception of Hero), and they don't live in a comic book world. They are people struggling to live a normal life in a real, "normal" world, but they are hindered by these powers and abilities. To me, that is amazing.

Ask yourself... how would you react, personally, if you knew that somebody, or even a group of people, who could do these fantastical things, existed?

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Hungry kids.

Dragons Of Darkness is doing something we will call "Put your money where your donkey is."

I will donate free web hosting to each person who will donate twenty USD to The WFP. This will be on a month to month basis, you will have the usual FTP, and can do about anything you wish. No porn, no wares and no scams.

Thank you and it will make your belly feel good. I will speak with Drew or her mates about the match codes.


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Aww... :(

I love Heroes. I think it's brilliant, and it doesn't fit nicely in to people's comfort zones. Many fans are angered by a lot of things they do on Heroes (Peter Petrelli has been my favorite character, but he's been treated consecutively as a wuss, an idiot, an asshole, and, now, possibly, a sacrifice!... I keep hoping they'll turn Peter into what I thought he'd be, the one person who can actually defeat and destroy Sylar), but Heroes always manages to explain itself well enough to keep even the most angered more then satisfied (and then is why I hold out hope for the... redemption... if you will, of Peter).

That said, I can understand completely why people don't like it. I have to admit that until about one or two episodes ago I hated Clair (the blonde girl... the cheerleader... and how do you spell her name properly?). She was the typical teenage soap-opera character who was solely there for the "who am I and why aren't I normal" angst that is in just about every "teenage" drama on television (I got sick of that shit years ago, and with dumb-as-hell shows like Gossip Girls being out nowadays, well... it's just overdone and intolerably cliche). She's finally been redeemed to a character I can actually tolerate.

But Heroes is, I guess, an acquired taste. Very easy to like, but probably easier to hate.

I like the story-line, and I like where they're going. You see, Batman is my all-time favorite comic-book hero, and the way I see the Heroes... world... Batman would fit in perfectly here (minus the powers, of course). But it also attempts to answer the question "what would we do, what would our world be like, and how would we react, if there were people in the world who could actually do these things?" Heroes actually tries to make the idea of "heroes" realistic (within its fantastical confines, of course), which I think is brilliant. These aren't people who feel they have some sort of calling (with the comical exception of Hero), and they don't live in a comic book world. They are people struggling to live a normal life in a real, "normal" world, but they are hindered by these powers and abilities. To me, that is amazing.

Ask yourself... how would you react, personally, if you knew that somebody, or even a group of people, who could do these fantastical things, existed?

The bolded part is EXACTLY why I used to love the show myself. The characters were everyday people who didn't ask for these powers and didn't have any higher aspirations, and it was great to see how they dealt with that on a HUMAN level.

Now, though, it's basically taken off into fan-fiction land. Everybody has made out with everybody else, and all the characters' personalities have done complete 180s about 5 times. The best example of that I can think of is during the whole "heroes from the future!" plotline. Peter, the guy who cares about everybody and is a nurse for chrissakes, is a bad-ass, cold-blooded assassin terrorist dude? Riiiight. I have an easier time believing Claire would turn into that than Peter of all people. I know people can change - a lot - but that's like basically taking away the character's basic nature. It's not Peter anymore at that point. And it removes the relatability element - if everyone's a bad-ass assassin, spy, or ninja, then it just merges into your average superhero territory and doesn't make much of a connection with me. I guess they've left off that whole thing now, so I'll shut up about it, but that's one thing that really turned me off.

The other was the predictability of the overarching plotline. Ok...let's see, we blew up New York City last time, so what could we do that's really new and different this season? I know, let's blow up DC, because that's COMPLETELY different! ...Seriously?

Sorry to get all sarcastic, but I used to really love this show, and you're right - there is SO much crap on TV that it's nice to see somebody actually try to show a little creativity, but god, sometimes it just seems so...fanboy-ish. And that sucks because when it's good, it's really good and reveals a lot about human nature, but then they seem to go and forget that and exploit the heck out of the characters for the sake of spectacle. It drives me nuts.

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My Internet connection has SUCKED today. I thought it was just this board at first, and I was like, "Oh no, not that crap again!" but then I realized it was pretty much everywhere. It'll do pretty good for a while, but then all of a sudden you click on a link and it sits there forever trying to load it. Drives me nuts.

My other pet peeve this evening is Heroes. You'd think this would be a nerd's Nirvana, but god, it sucks like a shop vac. I keep giving it a gazillionth chance, but this is it. Count me out. Guess I'll start watching Chuck instead, if they don't cancel it. I finally checked it out because I love Adam Baldwin, and yeah, it's pretty good, just like the slightly-less-than-a-whole-lot of people who are in the know said it was.

Chuck is a beast show. I don't think they will cancel it. If you notced on teh last episode Chevy Chase said "I have a wedding to get to."

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Warning: Some Heroes spoilers ahead:

The bolded part is EXACTLY why I used to love the show myself. The characters were everyday people who didn't ask for these powers and didn't have any higher aspirations, and it was great to see how they dealt with that on a HUMAN level.


Now, though, it's basically taken off into fan-fiction land. Everybody has made out with everybody else,

I think that would be Claire... the token teenage soap-opera character. You know there's that one sci-fi nerd dude on the writing team who created her character just for his own personal fantasies...

and all the characters' personalities have done complete 180s about 5 times. The best example of that I can think of is during the whole "heroes from the future!" plotline. Peter, the guy who cares about everybody and is a nurse for chrissakes, is a bad-ass, cold-blooded assassin terrorist dude? Riiiight.

I thought he was being called a terrorist by the organization running everything and trying to destroy the heroes? I didn't realize he was actually a terrorist at that point. Then again, I did miss some shows at that point that I haven't seen, yet.

I have an easier time believing Claire would turn into that than Peter of all people. I know people can change - a lot - but that's like basically taking away the character's basic nature. It's not Peter anymore at that point.

I actually agree.

And it removes the relatability element - if everyone's a bad-ass assassin, spy, or ninja, then it just merges into your average superhero territory and doesn't make much of a connection with me. I guess they've left off that whole thing now, so I'll shut up about it, but that's one thing that really turned me off.

Yeah, I can understand that. It left a bad taste in my mouth, but I'm still giving Heroes a chance because they seem to be improving where they were (although I think they dragged the Sylar thing on long enough, and [spoiler... highlight to read:]

I'm just pissed off that they're either going to kill off one of the Petrelli brothers or Claire's adopted Dad... I know it's one of those three from the scenes previewing the up-coming episode when, obviously, someone is killed and Sylar says "Claire is going to be so mad at me."


The other was the predictability of the overarching plotline. Ok...let's see, we blew up New York City last time, so what could we do that's really new and different this season? I know, let's blow up DC, because that's COMPLETELY different! ...Seriously?

Admittedly, that was kind of pathetic. Thank fully, though, it was not the actual story-line of the season and they resolved it in one episode... (I hope...)

Sorry to get all sarcastic, but I used to really love this show, and you're right - there is SO much crap on TV that it's nice to see somebody actually try to show a little creativity, but god, sometimes it just seems so...fanboy-ish. And that sucks because when it's good, it's really good and reveals a lot about human nature, but then they seem to go and forget that and exploit the heck out of the characters for the sake of spectacle. It drives me nuts.

No need to apologize, I understand completely. :)

Edited by Nathan
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