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Pet Peeves


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That's why there's also a to-drink list. Funny how the counting on that one also gets skewed after a while :P

Thanks Patrycja! Something deep inside always told me I had a percentage of Polish blood in me. I'll sleep well tonight.

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Thanks Patrycja! Something deep inside always told me I had a percentage of Polish blood in me. I'll sleep well tonight.

You may find you have a percentage of other notable elbow-bending, beverage-loving bloodlines in you. Just depends on how many sheep you manage to count. Good luck with that ;)

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See, I'm Polish. We have this motto: If everything seems to be going well, you've overlooked something. B)

That's why there's also a to-drink list. Funny how the counting on that one also gets skewed after a while :P

The to-drink list never gets smaller. I don't mind though :DB)

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We must have gotten our wands from the same place - and yes, I just read an article about the last HP movie. I am not ashamed!

(quoted separately from response to Babs to...yup, increase my post count...WOOT!)

Babs, you're lagging. Your neck's going to be awfully sore in trying to catch up to Nine's count :notworthy::yesnod:

She's quite the talker alright. :yesnod:

ouch! :'(

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Always biggrin.giflaugh.gif Actually I posted that WHILE drinking tea cool.gif And it was a quote from Office Space - one of my favorite lines.

Love that movie, especially the part at the end when the guy burned the office building down but he got

his stapler backlaugh.gif

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People who say and/or do things for the sole purpose of having others tell them how wonderful they are -- I hate that kind of self-serving behavior. I swear, one of these days I am going to smack 'em.

Edit: I should add that I'm ever so thankful my sister told these people to go eff themselves.

Edited by Electrophile
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next pet peeve-

People who make assumptions about you because of your age, profession or appearance. People are always recommending to me that I go see "Wicked" or "Mamma Mia" or "Rent". What do people who like musicals look like? Not saying they're not good, just not my cup of tea.

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I wish I could do ANYTHING physical without coughing up a lung.

I'm feeling a LOT better than I did this time last week, but the coughing stuff is NOT ending.

However, it's giving me a great excuse to keep the hot tea with milk and honey coming. ;)

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next pet peeve-

People who make assumptions about you because of your age, profession or appearance. People are always recommending to me that I go see "Wicked" or "Mamma Mia" or "Rent". What do people who like musicals look like? Not saying they're not good, just not my cup of tea.

Whoa, that's weird... Do you have a pic? Because now I'm curious what other people think musical lovers look like! :lol: Huh. If someone asked me what I thought a stereotypical musical fan looked like, I wouldn't know what to say... Well, I can sympathize. You should have seen the weird looks I got about my NASCAR bumper sticker while on my college campus. What, 20-something college-educated females can't like NASCAR?

I hate people that stand outside grocery stores and try to get you to put your name and address on random, shady-looking petitions. And as if that's not annoying enough, what's REALLY galling is when they're RUDE!! Um, wait, you want me to take time out of my day and put my personal information on something that may or may not go toward what you say it will when all I want to do is run in and get some marshmallows, and you can't even ask me NICELY?!?! Yeah, not only did you just ruin your chance of me signing anything, you just further convinced me to vote the opposite way on your particular issue if it comes up again. This particular issue happened to be the legalization marijuana, which I've been back and forth about here lately, and having crabby, crusty, dodgy-looking old assholes shouting at me as I walk into the store is NOT improving marijuana's image in my mind!!

Edited by Footsteps of Dawn
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Security dude at the Alice Cooper show last night.

It reads very plainly on my ticket and on the venue website that no cameras are allowed. Once I enter and take my seat I see cameras going off everywhere and not just cellphones. I ask someone in charge in the lobby if it's alright to take pictures and she says it's fine, "go get your camera before he dies again". I rush to my car as not to miss much of the show and return to my seat to take some photos. Security guy is staring me down, meanwhile people all around me are taking pictures. He then walks up and tells me I can't take video, which I am doing (I got just a snippet of Be My Lover). I continue to take pictures but stop filming. He's still staring me down. A few moments pass and he tells me I have to stop taking pictures. I point to everyone around me that's taking photos, not to mention video and tell him that I was told it was ok to take pictures. He says, "well, it looks like you're taking video". I explain that I'm adjusting my shutter and aperture settings which requires holding your camera steady for extended periods of time. Even after I show him the photos I've taken he still believes I'm shooting video. He than asks me to take a photo of the floor, I guess to prove my camera is not in "movie" mode. Even then, he is still not satisfied. He tells me no more pictures. Pissed off, I find the woman in the lobby who told me it was fine. She says she will let security know and will have a message relayed to him. I doubt that ever happened but I returned to my seat and resumed taking photos. For the remainder of the night he keeps staring me down and often approaches me to see if I'm shooting video (which I'm not). I realize the guy was just doing his job but I felt like the KGB was riding my ass all fucking night while everyone around me was also taking photos. He, nor none of the other security guys ever said a single word to any one of them. I didn't let his assholeness ruin my evening as the concert absolutely kicked ass.

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Security dude at the Alice Cooper show last night.

It reads very plainly on my ticket and on the venue website that no cameras are allowed. Once I enter and take my seat I see cameras going off everywhere and not just cellphones. I ask someone in charge in the lobby if it's alright to take pictures and she says it's fine, "go get your camera before he dies again". I rush to my car as not to miss much of the show and return to my seat to take some photos. Security guy is staring me down, meanwhile people all around me are taking pictures. He then walks up and tells me I can't take video, which I am doing (I got just a snippet of Be My Lover). I continue to take pictures but stop filming. He's still staring me down. A few moments pass and he tells me I have to stop taking pictures. I point to everyone around me that's taking photos, not to mention video and tell him that I was told it was ok to take pictures. He says, "well, it looks like you're taking video". I explain that I'm adjusting my shutter and aperture settings which requires holding your camera steady for extended periods of time. Even after I show him the photos I've taken he still believes I'm shooting video. He than asks me to take a photo of the floor, I guess to prove my camera is not in "movie" mode. Even then, he is still not satisfied. He tells me no more pictures. Pissed off, I find the woman in the lobby who told me it was fine. She says she will let security know and will have a message relayed to him. I doubt that ever happened but I returned to my seat and resumed taking photos. For the remainder of the night he keeps staring me down and often approaches me to see if I'm shooting video (which I'm not). I realize the guy was just doing his job but I felt like the KGB was riding my ass all fucking night while everyone around me was also taking photos. He, nor none of the other security guys ever said a single word to any one of them. I didn't let his assholeness ruin my evening as the concert absolutely kicked ass.

Some of those security people at concerts take their jobs a little too seriously...the last concert I went to, they roped off the drinking section, and it was way in the back, you couldn't get a good view of the stage. And then, my boyfriend and I were going outside to the smoking area, and he tripped a little on the step, and so the security guard told him he was drunk and couldn't come back in, it was a liability to the club. I had had two drinks, he had maybe four, we weren't smashed. Totally pissed me off.

Another concert I went to, I took my son, who was about six at the time, and we get there, I put in his earplugs, they did the standard search, took our tickets, and let us in. And then, about halfway through, this security guard comes up to me and tells me my son can't be there. And I was like "Why the hell not?? He has earplugs, and you people sure didn't have any problem accepting our tickets!!" The guard let us stay, but he kept glaring every time he'd walk by.

Go as a guest of the band, though, and it's a whole different story. Then those bastards are soooo nice. And it's like, "whatever jerk, you know damn well if I wasn't here with them, you'd be a total dick to me". But it's best to not say that out loud...

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^Yep, they're jerks. And what gets me is they're not even consistent, like you and the camera thing. Either allow cameras or don't!! If you're going to allow cameras, then you're going to have to put up with video, too, since you idiots can't even TELL if someone's taking pictures or video. And even if they could, it's impossible to police everybody, as your jerkface #1 security guard found out. And come on, cell phones have video capabilities now for pete's sake, so it's totally a losing battle anyway.

And I don't understand why everybody gets so uptight about video anyway. Ok, back before YouTube when people were actually selling bootlegs for profit, I can see how that would be a problem because it's cutting into the band's/record label's revenues. But now it's just some crappy deal somebody's uploaded to YouTube, and nobody's making money on it, so who cares? If they're worried about lost profits, why don't they do the Pearl Jam thing and actually sell a decent live recording themselves? Whatever.

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Yep, sometimes security is too big for their jockstrap and they show their ass, that was the case last night. However, the venue is gifting me with two tickets to the show of my choice which is extremely polite of them. Still, that security guy needs his ass chewed out for his behavior. The security team for the concert was contracted out so they are not employees of the venue. His behavior reflects upon them though.

During R.E.M.'s last tour they set up a blog on the tour page of their website specifically for fans to have a place to post tweets and YouTube clips from the shows. Taking photos and video was encouraged. Despite this, some venues wouldn't allow photographs but as has been mentioned, as long as there's cellphones there's going to be photographs and movie clips. I also see no harm in it whatsoever as long as fans aren't trying to profit from it. This is a different world now, where anything and everything is subject to be documented via various devices, for better or for worse.

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Security dude at the Alice Cooper show last night.

It reads very plainly on my ticket and on the venue website that no cameras are allowed. Once I enter and take my seat I see cameras going off everywhere and not just cellphones. I ask someone in charge in the lobby if it's alright to take pictures and she says it's fine, "go get your camera before he dies again". I rush to my car as not to miss much of the show and return to my seat to take some photos. Security guy is staring me down, meanwhile people all around me are taking pictures. He then walks up and tells me I can't take video, which I am doing (I got just a snippet of Be My Lover). I continue to take pictures but stop filming. He's still staring me down. A few moments pass and he tells me I have to stop taking pictures. I point to everyone around me that's taking photos, not to mention video and tell him that I was told it was ok to take pictures. He says, "well, it looks like you're taking video". I explain that I'm adjusting my shutter and aperture settings which requires holding your camera steady for extended periods of time. Even after I show him the photos I've taken he still believes I'm shooting video. He than asks me to take a photo of the floor, I guess to prove my camera is not in "movie" mode. Even then, he is still not satisfied. He tells me no more pictures. Pissed off, I find the woman in the lobby who told me it was fine. She says she will let security know and will have a message relayed to him. I doubt that ever happened but I returned to my seat and resumed taking photos. For the remainder of the night he keeps staring me down and often approaches me to see if I'm shooting video (which I'm not). I realize the guy was just doing his job but I felt like the KGB was riding my ass all fucking night while everyone around me was also taking photos. He, nor none of the other security guys ever said a single word to any one of them. I didn't let his assholeness ruin my evening as the concert absolutely kicked ass.

I truly know how you feel. I was at my first AC/DC concert this summer in Montreal, Canada. It's an older Sony CyberShot DSC H1. I had in at the Zep Reunion, Coldplay, The Black Crowes, Def Leppard, Meat Loaf, Same Roberts Band, and numerous Pearl Jam shows. It doesn't have a detachable lens, external mike eta, but the friggin asshole wouldn't let me in with it. I made him take me to head of security and they said no cameras at all (as printed on the back of the ticket). WELL WTF did I find at the concert.... nothing but cameras, including a guy next to me with an obvious professional camera with an external zoom lens. I was pissed. The show was great nonetheless, but it's the first time I was never allowed to take my camera in.

Edited by timothy5151
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When I saw The Church in VA back in the summer one of my taper friends was not allowed in with his gear. We were told no taping or camcorders. Once we got inside nearly the entire front row was populated by camcorders of every shape and size. I know the camera policy of artists and venues can be hard to coordinate but when one hand doesn't know what the other is doing it can make for an ungodly mess and a less than pleasant concert going experience. I don't spend the entire concert glued to my camera but I do like to take a few shots to remember the evening by, especially when it's a concert (Alice) you've waited your entire lifetime for.

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See, I'm Polish. We have this motto: If everything seems to be going well, you've overlooked something. B)

Oh, that's still pretty upbeat. If I should sum up the typical Czech attitude into one sentence, it would be: "If everything seems to be going well, you're completely out of reality. Every state or situation is pretty shitty because I still can imagine a much better variant."

Oh, that was random....

Though...it just as well can be considered my per peeve... It's in ironic? This country is in "deep shit" exactly because people think this way. What sane person wouldn't be tired of that?

End of rant.

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Oh, that's still pretty upbeat. If I should sum up the typical Czech attitude into one sentence, it would be: "If everything seems to be going well, you're completely out of reality. Every state or situation is pretty shitty because I still can imagine a much better variant."

Oh, that was random....

Though...it just as well can be considered my per peeve... It's in ironic? This country is in "deep shit" exactly because people think this way. What sane person wouldn't be tired of that?

End of rant.

:lol: that IS bleak, even for a former fellow Eastern Blocker. And here I thought Sartre set the standard. You know, when I went back a few years ago, I was really surprised at how negative everyone was. Kept referring to communism and 'those days'. I guess it takes at least a generation or two to get the mindset changed. But it's true - people notice the crap because they expect it. It is tiresome, but they sure do know how to commiserate :drunk:;)

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Oh, that's still pretty upbeat. If I should sum up the typical Czech attitude into one sentence, it would be: "If everything seems to be going well, you're completely out of reality. Every state or situation is pretty shitty because I still can imagine a much better variant."

Oh, that was random....

Though...it just as well can be considered my per peeve... It's in ironic? This country is in "deep shit" exactly because people think this way. What sane person wouldn't be tired of that?

End of rant.

Well Kat, the attitude of my life lately has been, "why the FUCK should I give a shit about anything anymore? Working hard has gotten me NO where, so why give a shit?"

Maybe I should move to the Czech Republic?

Could you help me learn the language? :lol:

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Well Kat, the attitude of my life lately has been, "why the FUCK should I give a shit about anything anymore? Working hard has gotten me NO where, so why give a shit?"

Maybe I should move to the Czech Republic?

Could you help me learn the language? :lol:

Hi Madders,

You wanna job then? just do what 1,000,000 Poles have done, and 100,000s of Czechs, and countless 1,000,000s of other Eastern European Folk, come to the UK and take our Jobs, nearly 3,000,000 out of work in a 30,000,000 work force and we encourage People from other countries to come here to work, i just dont get it. :rant:

I had the Virgin Media Engineer out today, 2 days after my Broadband and Cable TV went down, he tells me some MotherF has disconected me at the Box and inserted his own Cable, which is probably conected to a "Chipped" Cable Box. Not only does this MotherF get my TV and Internet, he gets it Free and because he has a Chipped Box he even gets the Channels i dont pay fore. :lol:

If the MotherF does it again i'm gonna take my Mobile Generator up to the Box an give him 240 volts right back up his Cable and blow his "Free Chipped Equipment" Right Back Up His Arse. :mad:

Regards, Danny

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