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Post whores off and running!


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:wtf: I'm just noticing....there are some members with over 350 posts in 4 friggin day! 4 FRIGGIN DAYS!!!! wtf??

I was a member of another Zep forum...and was the second most active poster (the #1 is here too ;) ).....and it took me 3 yrs to accumulate 1600 posts. I thought that was far too excessive and took up too much of my time. But 350 in 4 days!! Holy shit!!! At that rate, you'll pass my total 3 yrs posts before Christmas!!! :blink:

Maybe try reading a book, or take up an instrument, or listen to more boots.........then you could post from time to time with some actual viable content. If this forum takes the form of a chatroom...I think I'll have to pass. :(

Who are you to judge how often someone should post?

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Who are you to judge how often someone should post?
Hello, my name is Dan...I'm a overeducated 40+ yr old that has collected/fixated on all things Zep for 25+ of those yrs. Have spent literally thousands on obtaining anything to do with Zep...and could fill your brain with endless blabbering on all kinds of zep related things, and am passionate as hell about it........but 350 posts in 4 days w/ very little to say means you have a fucking problem and should be pulled by your ears from the internet and be kicked back into reality.

That's who. :kiss:

And I'm not picking on anyone...or even really bitching about anyone in particular....you can all do as you please. I've just never seen that many posts in that little time before in my life. Like they replied to every single post on the board for 4 days straight w/ no eating or sleeping. Madness....I say!

I guess that might be the norm around here...I would'nt know...I was'nt at the last board, but have been at several others...ones more geared for serious collectors....and there was no filler. I'll either have to deal...or move on.

Sorry for the rant.........still...350+ is crazy IMO.

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Hello, my name is Dan...I'm a overeducated 40+ yr old that has collected/fixated on all things Zep for 25+ of those yrs. Have spent literally thousands on obtaining anything to do with Zep...and could fill your brain with endless blabbering on all kinds of zep related things, and am passionate as hell about it........but 350 posts in 4 days w/ very little to say means you have a fucking problem and should be pulled by your ears from the internet and be kicked back into reality.

That's who. :kiss:

And I'm not picking on anyone...or even really bitching about anyone in particular....you can all do as you please. I've just never seen that many posts in that little time before in my life. Like they replied to every single post on the board for 4 days straight w/ no eating or sleeping. Madness....I say!

I like the cut of your jib Dan. :thumbsup:

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:wtf: I'm just noticing....there are some members with over 350 posts in 4 friggin day! 4 FRIGGIN DAYS!!!! wtf??

I was a member of another Zep forum...and was the second most active poster (the #1 is here too ;) ).....and it took me 3 yrs to accumulate 1600 posts. I thought that was far too excessive and took up too much of my time. But 350 in 4 days!! Holy shit!!! At that rate, you'll pass my total 3 yrs posts before Christmas!!! :blink:

Maybe try reading a book, or take up an instrument, or listen to more boots.........then you could post from time to time with some actual viable content. If this forum takes the form of a chatroom...I think I'll have to pass. :(

And I am just noticing that haven't learnt how to you the search button yet, because there already is another thread that deals with this topic.

Well, since the other one is still on the first page, I assume you simply wanted us to know that you are the one that should be respected here. That's just my impression, of course I can be wrong.

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I love the assumption that if you post frequently on this site, you don't eat or sleep and spend all your waking time here. If you added up all the time I spent on this site, posting and talking to people, it probably wouldn't add up to 4 hours. That leaves 20 hours of the day, I am not here....much to everyone's relief. I don't need to be dragged by the anything and kicked into anywhere.

If you don't like people's post counts, no matter how low or high they are....don't look at them.

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And I am just noticing that haven't learnt how to you the search button yet, because there already is another thread that deals with this topic.

Well, since the other one is still on the first page, I assume you simply wanted us to know that you are the one that should be respected here. That's just my impression, of course I can be wrong.

Not at all....and i seriously did'nt see the other one...or did'nt really even think there would be another one......maybe it was on pg 2 and got bumped later?? Who knows....who cares........just wondering what it means to post all day/night....with little to say about LZ.....while on a LZ forum. Sorry for the confusion. Next round of Pilsner Urquell is on me. ;)

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just wondering what it means to post all day/night....with little to say about LZ.....while on a LZ forum.

How do you know where people are posting? For all you know, the bulk of their posts are in the Led Zeppelin section of the board.

Edited by Electrophile
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I love the assumption that if you post frequently on this site, you don't eat or sleep and spend all your waking time here. If you added up all the time I spent on this site, posting and talking to people, it probably wouldn't add up to 4 hours. That leaves 20 hours of the day, I am not here....much to everyone's relief. I don't need to be dragged by the anything and kicked into anywhere.

If you don't like people's post counts, no matter how low or high they are....don't look at them.

My initial concerns for the extreme poster started at 350+ posts in 4 days. By sunset tonight you fell 50 short, so you were in the clear. No need to worry. ;)


Edited by Honeydripper
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I wouldn't worry mate, I think some peolple like to moan on here, Do what you like and this thread has at least turned into some light hearted bantering, I like to come on here to have a smile and not feel to guilty about my one word answers or the lack of LITERATE skills in my case !! B)

I wouldn't say that spelling determines whether someone is literate, Leddy.

I'm certified to teach English writing and literature to secondary students in my state, and I can't spell worth shit! :lol:

I must be literate if I'm supposed to teach literacy to kids. :lol:

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but to post just because........with nothing of value to say........makes it really hard to filter through the bullshit to find something worthy to read about LZ. Seems some people post just to watch their count go up........like there's a prize for most posts. :huh:

I don't think you have the right to be calling who does or does not have anything of value to say here. If you want to read things about Zeppelin, & only Zeppelin, stick to the boards with those topics. If you don't like seeing how many posts people have, that's just too bad. Don't pay any attention to it. It doesn't concern you anyway.

and that's all fine and dandy..I enjoy it too....but 350 posts in 4 days?????? Get a life. there is a living breathing world out there...away from the PC. Try it, it's pretty nice.....especially w/ people you can actually see.and touch :whistling: <wink wink, nudge nudge> :P

Again, I don't think you have any right saying who does or doesn't have a life here. Many of the people here work & do other things, yet have a lot of posts here. Don't judge the people here that you know nothing about.

If you don't want chit-chat the main forum would be your cuppa tea.


Looking through the members list, there's quite a few people who've been banned already.

Really? :huh: Does it say they are on their profile? I know some people asked for it on the other board, it would be cool.

I guess that might be the norm around here...I would'nt know...I was'nt at the last board, but have been at several others...ones more geared for serious collectors....and there was no filler. I'll either have to deal...or move on.

If you don't like the way things are here, it's simple...go back to the other boards you were on.

No one wants to feel insulted by you, or anyone else.

Edited by obsessedwithzeppelin
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even while IN the LZ section ...the posts were as informative as a text message. All you need do is search a person's posts to see. :rolleyes:

Actually, Steve A. Jones was the top poster of yesterday and most of his posts are quite informative. You're fighting a losing battle, Honeydripper. It's not worth the trouble and you can really only be responsible for yourself. See you in the Master Forum!

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Not at all....and i seriously did'nt see the other one...or did'nt really even think there would be another one......maybe it was on pg 2 and got bumped later?? Who knows....who cares........just wondering what it means to post all day/night....with little to say about LZ.....while on a LZ forum. Sorry for the confusion. Next round of Pilsner Urquell is on me. ;)

Don't think so, it's still there...with the title written in capitals (because Del is a capital man... :rolleyes: )

Anyway, it really isn't my intention to defend anyone. Some of the threads are indeed annoying. But the fact is that there are many people from Rapallo's other/former board here - some people post frequently because they have friends here and simply want to chat with them. If you came from some collector's site, I'm sure you won't like this, but it's a fact. It's a bit audacious to judge EVERYONE who's postcount seems too high to you.

Yeah, thanks.

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^yes, Kat. Especially since this is a world-wide board.

But even though English is my first language, I still spell things all wacko sometimes. :wacko:

On another note, I was listening to this wonderful OLD blues program on the radio, now instead of old 1920's blues, they're playing a fucking annoying recorded piece of dogs howling and barking. Ugh! :wacko:

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I don't think you have the right to be calling who does or does not have anything of value to say here. If you want to read things about Zeppelin, & only Zeppelin, stick to the boards with those topics. If you don't like seeing how many posts people have, that's just too bad. Don't pay any attention to it. It doesn't concern you anyway.

Again, I don't think you have any right saying who does or doesn't have a life here. Many of the people here work & do other things, yet have a lot of posts here. Don't judge the people here that you know nothing about.


Really? :huh: Does it say they are on their profile? I know some people asked for it on the other board, it would be cool.

If you don't like the way things are here, it's simple...go back to the other boards you were on.

No one wants to feel insulted by you, or anyone else.

OK for starters....Forum" PRE and POST Led Zeppelin" ....there's a post called "What makes Robert Plant Sexy??" Someone tell me WTF that has to de with pre/post Zep. Forum should be about Yardbirds/Page sessions/Band of Joy/Plant solo/Page solo/Firm....etc...etc...

IMO Sam is in serious need of some moderators to keep this place respectable for the uber Zep enthusiast.

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OK for starters....Forum" PRE and POST Led Zeppelin" ....there's a post called "What makes Robert Plant Sexy??" Someone tell me WTF that has to de with pre/post Zep. Forum should be about Yardbirds/Page sessions/Band of Joy/Plant solo/Page solo/Firm....etc...etc...

IMO Sam is in serious need of some moderators to keep this place respectable for the uber Zep enthusiast.

That thread should be moved. The mods will more than likely do so.

BTW, there are mods...Sam knows how to run a board. If you think otherwise, maybe you should take it up with him.

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