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Ouija Boards


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I would never mess with one unless I was with someone who could protect us. You can just let anything in, it's not a good idea at all.

I am intrigued by the idea that you can possibly talk to spirits in this way, but you just can't mess about with it. It can be dangerous.

My mum told me a story once that when she was at secondary school, she was with her friend and this group of four boys in the canteen after school and they got a ouija board out. My mum and her friend didn't get involved, they just watched from a distance, but it seemed as though something really sinister came through that really shook the four boys up. A few years later, all four of them were in prison for serious crimes.

I mean, it could of course have been complete coincidence, or it could've just been that they were so shaken up by what happened that it changed them forever.

Or it could be even more creepy than that.

Who knows...

But that story's more than enough to put me off the idea of messing around with them. You just never know...

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Sort of; you are powerless when you open the window to the spirits that communicate through the Ouija board. However, the Redeemer, Jesus Christ, can see the spirits and He knows which ones are good or bad; you don't. In the event that a spirit enters your domain via the Ouija board and wants to cause you harm, the Redeemer can protect your soul.

Some of the spirits may simply turn out to be relatives who have died and want to tell their family something, but it's like opening your door to a variety of total strangers, some of whom can possibly be a danger.

Most of the spirits on the Ouija board are considered to be earth-bound rather than on a higher plane. Christ the Redeemer is the one who can intervene on your behalf on that level, especially if you do encounter a danger. Most people know the words to the "Our Father"; for a novice like you that should be sufficient. You are young and naturally curious, and that's human nature.

Me thinks you need a reality check, it's 2008 you know not the year dot. What the world needs now is to rid itself of all the superstitions, lies and deceit ( invisible all seeing higher powers, ghosts, ghouls, fairies, reincarnation, afterlife etc etc.)... formulated in the dark ages to keep the lowly folk in fear .... I have to say though those ancient mind control fucks did agood job, but it's time it stopped.

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Me thinks you need a reality check, it's 2008 you know not the year dot. What the world needs now is to rid itself of all the superstitions, lies and deceit ( invisible all seeing higher powers, ghosts, ghouls, fairies, reincarnation, afterlife etc etc.)... formulated in the dark ages to keep the lowly folk in fear .... I have to say though those ancient mind control fucks did agood job, but it's time it stopped.

:unsure: You DO have a point! :)

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Me thinks you need a reality check, it's 2008 you know not the year dot. What the world needs now is to rid itself of all the superstitions, lies and deceit ( invisible all seeing higher powers, ghosts, ghouls, fairies, reincarnation, afterlife etc etc.)... formulated in the dark ages to keep the lowly folk in fear .... I have to say though those ancient mind control fucks did agood job, but it's time it stopped.

I think you have a narrow-minded view.

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the last time i played with one i was 13 it was over at a friend's house. he was a general scared cat so to have a laugh i pretended to conjure up witches ghosts and devils. the truth is i was a bit nervous about it myself especially after having a non related experience prior. so i pushed the glass around out of the logic that if i was controlling it nothing otherworldly would be. anyways he started whining and fidgeting and saying we should take it outside and burn it. the funny thing is one of these spirits i fabricated was real. there was an old overgrown graveyard behind his house we'd hang out in. later we found one of the deceased's grave stones there. it was overturned and partially buried. we stood it back up. and there it was. my friend's mom used to be into that kind of stuff, she told us we could play with his board because it wasn't "real". she said she had a real one locked away made of wood that really worked. she stopped using it because of weird stuff happening. she claims stuff would fly off tables and curtains would shimmy and bizarre stuff like that. she wouldn't even let us look at that board.

i think people should educate themselves before they practice with this stuff. it's like with toddlers, they see the outlet on the wall as just some new thing to stick their fingers

or things into and investigate. we forget as adults there are still things we shouldn't stick our hands into blindly.

Edited by zero
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You do what you like but I am free to include Him for my part.
When you say HIM do you mean that metal band from Finland, or that fictional trouble maker bloke that got executed by being nailed to a crossed bit of wood ?
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I've grown up in a really strict Chrstian fundamentalist home, so the thought of playing with an Ouija board never entered my mind.

But I've heard a number of different people talk about seances, and they've all been bad. I'll never forget ond day when I was about 8, walking home from school. And I overheard a couple of girls talking about a seance, as they were walking past me. And I distinctly heard one of the girls saying that they did a seance, and they would never do it again, something about "things that happened".

I also knew a lady that was involved in seances. And I know her to be a straight down the line person, not someone who makes up crap. And she told me about an ashtray that spontaneously shattered into thousands of pieces during one.

So yeah, the combination of Christian fundamentalism upbringing, (which I'm not really into) and various stories I've heard means that I'd never play with an Ouija board or hold a seance. Though I have lots of problems with organised religion and with many of the man made denominations, (ugh, I could do a whole thread on what I find offensive and wrong with many denominations), I also know that spiritual things are real, and best not messed with.

Besides, my favourite band is Black Sabbath. I cop enough crap from many Christians who think I have horns growing out of my head just for that.

Edited by ledsabbath
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Indeed YOU are my friend.....what are forums for??! :) :)


When you say HIM do you mean that metal band from Finland, or that fictional trouble maker bloke that got executed by being nailed to a crossed bit of wood ?

The Redeemer guy.

Edited by eternal light
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there usually seems to be an idiot who pushes the thing around.

I heard that if you really take it seriously your sub-concious will do the pushing for you.

Kind of like dreaming through your fingertips.

that's like taking a piece of sting and taping a penny to it. If you concetrate hard enough on a perfect cirle in your head the penny will move in a circle. It works too, you don't have to move it. The penny will move itself.

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would someone do me a favor? i found a online ouija board. i asked "it" for its name and it replied

"have someone else ask".


I must be really unreceptive to spirits, I clicked on the link and it gave me one of these :rolleyes: :

Not Found

The requested URL /WebOuija.htm was not found on this server.

Additionally, a 404 Not Found error was encountered while trying to use an ErrorDocument to handle the request.

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