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Worst Joke Ever


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To fit the mood - some jokes that are guaranteed not to make you laugh. :rolleyes:

Whats black and white and black and white and black and white and black and white?

a penguin rolling down a hill

What's green and sings?

Elvis Parsley

Two fish in a tank, one says to the other

'Can you drive this thing?'

Two cows in a field. One says to the other,"Here, what do you think of this mad cow disease?"

The other replies

,"Why you asking me, I'm a rabbit"

What's red and stands in the corner?

A naughty strawberry

What's white and can't climb trees?

A fridge!

Why do cows have bells?

Cause their horns don't work

There was ten cats in a basket.

One jumped out.

How many where left?

None. They are all copy cats.

What do you call a woman that can wash up, cook and vacuum the stairs at the same time?

A swiss army wife

Your turn. :)

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Two fonts walk into a bar. The bartender says to them

"Sorry, we don't serve your type here."

Q. What's pink and fluffy ?

A. Pink fluff

Q. What's blue and fluffy?

A. Pink fluff holding it's breath.

What's invisible and smells of carrots?

Rabbits' farts.

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I actually thought that was funny.

My brother likes to tell jokes, and usually thy're dumb and funny. So when he tells one I'll post it.

Edited: Wait he's here now.

Why don't you take a Pokemon into the bathroom?

It might Picachu. (Peek-at-you.)

Edited by lzfan715
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I actually thought that was funny.

My brother likes to tell jokes, and usually thy're dumb and funny. So when he tells one I'll post it.

Edited: Wait he's here now.

Why don't you take a Pokemon into the bathroom?

It might Picachu. (Peek-at-you.)

We might have a winner - that one's truly terrible! :lol:

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Here's one I thought was great when I was in kindergarden:

Why did six run away from seven?

Because seven ate nine!!


(remember this is supposed to be for the WORST joke.)

Sticks and stones may break my bones, so please, please don't throw sticks and stones!!

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But how true.

The laughter woke up my bro.

And some joke, to stay ontopic

Gun Shop Owner: "Hi, How can I help you?"

Client: "I`m lookin` for a gun."

Owner:"What kind of gun are you lookin` for?"

Client: (pointing at the biggest handgun in the case): "That one looks about


Owner: (very surprised): " Why do you need a .44 magnum?"

Client: "It`s for shootin` at cans."

Owner: (pointing at a small handgun): "Well, this is the perfect size for

shooting at cans."

Client: (pointing again at the .44): "Nah, I need this one."

Owner: "OK, what kind a cans are you shooting at?"

Client: "Mexi-cans.......Puerto Ri-cans........Afri-cans "

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Guy hears a knock at the door, opens it and no one's there. He looks down and sees a snail, picks it up and throws it in the yard. 3 years later there's another knock at the door. He opens it and no one's there. He looks down and sees a snail again. They snail says, "That was rude!"

groan.....I know. My friend's little kid told that one. I have no idea how the snail knocked, so don't ask!

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