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The Women Thread


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Never fear, for I have also seen Star Wars more times than is necessary. Shit, that was a HUGE deal when I was a kid. We went crazy for it! I'm sure I saw it several times when it came out, and have seen it several times since. My favorite is the bar scene, with that band. Remember when they made a disco song out of that? :(

Yes, sadly, I do. :(

I love the bar scene too! Jazzy, rockin' aliens in an old-west saloon a long time ago in a galaxy far far away... that scene seals the whole deal, doesn't it? And the whole pull out the light saber thing... it's genius. :D

My other favorite moment is when Han "unexpectedly" comes back and shoots Darth out of Luke's way and says "Ok kid, now let's blow this thing and go home!" It always makes me want to stand up and cheer, even though of course I know it's coming. There is some magical editing in that flick.

Come to think of it, it seems all my favorite scenes star Harrison Ford. :wub:

Allesandra, even I think those are adorable shoes! :D

One good thing about me: I'm a girly-girl who loves pretty clothes and makeup and other "beauty aid" type things, but I was raised with the idea that you MUST be able to be a girl and work hard enough/play hard enough to get dirty. I'm not afraid to exercise and get sweaty; do manual labor; work in the garden and get my fingernails and hands icky; or just play in the outdoors. In fact, I LOVE playing outdoors. I just so happen to like getting dressed up and making myself prettier than I am when I know I'm NOT going to get dirty, LOL.

You have the best of both worlds! That's cool.

Actually I'm become more girly as I've gotten older. I get a pedicure, a wax and a hair cut/color once a month now and will actually put on shoes that are not intended to get dusty... :D

Hi Wesley :wave: Yay Patti Smith!

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In protest of the way in which diamonds and gold are mined, I only buy estate/vintage/used jewelery.

As a man,jewelry has never troubled me,but i would never buy anything that was prized out of an African child's severed hand,it's sad that people value pretty rocks over human life,but that's not a girly image,so how about them there "shoes" things?If a man is interested in your shoes,he's either gay,a rapist with a foot fetish,or quite possibly both

It's funny to see girls talking in their high-pitched voices at great speed about shoes,i barely do more than mutter about shoes,the only thing about shoes that i can tell the difference is left and right,all this shoe-talk is getting me thinking that Hillary will spend more time talking about left or right shoes over left or right politics,not to sound sexist,and a little (a lot) off topic that is,anyway,i have a feminist friend who's a veggie and a fellow musician,she seems down to earth and everything,unless shoes are involved,what is it about shoes?!?!?If they don't cause bleeding then their fine by me.

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What's even funnier than seeing girls talking in their high-pitched voices at great speed about shoes is watching some women who CAN'T walk in them Peggy-Bundy around in them.

It's quite sad, really.

If I don't think I can walk in them, I don't buy them. :P

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What's even funnier than seeing girls talking in their high-pitched voices at great speed about shoes is watching some women who CAN'T walk in them Peggy-Bundy around in them.

It's quite sad, really.

If I don't think I can walk in them, I don't buy them. :P

:lol: "Peggy-Bundy around" - perfect visual!

Thanks SunChild. :rolleyes: My next target would be swimsuits! :lol:

Oh gosh, me too. This will be complicated by a steadily slowing down metabolism. But, I did get a tattoo on my back a couple of years ago, so now I need to find the perfect halter top slimming one piece. Yes, GibsonGirl, it may even be a multi-day affair to find one.

Hey, this girl talk thing is fun! Thanks ladies!

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^I wear my contacts more than not, but I can tell that I see better when I wear my glasses. I've been squinting a lot lately, so when I wear my glasses, I don't squint. The thing I hate about wearing glasses is that like today, it's raining. They're going to get all wet! Also, I have a really, really nice pair of Ray-Bans that I paid almost $200 for that I love and I can't wear those with my glasses! Not to mention the fact that you can't lie on the couch and watch a movie if you're in glasses becuase they get all bent up!

I DID win these on ebay for $24.99:


I also bought these when I was paying for the Borns--this is the brand I wear when I know I'm going to be on my feet all day, and my feet never hurt at the end of the day:


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It must've been your ladies' influence from this thread - I went shopping this weekend! No shoes, but I did buy new jeans, several new tops, and a new purse. Soon I will be buying black strappy sandals, just you wait and see... :)

Edited by SunChild
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My mom is going to take me shopping for summer clothes soon. I'm excited but mad because I hate trying on tons of clothes and only a select few fit.

Know the feeling... look at it this way, at least you're not paying for them. :D

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