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The Next President of the USA will be?


Who will win the Presidency in 2008?  

282 members have voted

  1. 1. Who Wins in 2008?

    • Hillary Clinton
    • Rudy Giuliani
    • John Edwards
    • Mike Huckabee
    • John McCain
    • Barack Obama
    • Ron Paul
    • Mitt Romney
    • Bill Richardson
    • Fred Thompson

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Quitters never win and winners never quit but those who never win AND never quit trying are idiots.

Well if Obama loses, lets hope he quits right then and there. I know you would hate to see him being an idiot.

I must admit though, you are certainly a winner. As Del points out, still being at home shows you havent quit that dependence of being under the parents umbrella and the easy street accomodations. Nice. :)

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What a fuckable VP choice for McCain.

Too bad the conservative base won't let her out of the cage and talk to the media, including Fox News. What does she have to hide? Oh..right. Lack of experience across the board. I guess they'd rather stick with slugging that one on Obama instead of themselves. It makes sense, hell - Palin has already stolen the wacked-out Clintonite soccer moms from the Democratic base, something Billary is secretly doing backflips over. 2012 motherfuckers! We told you so!

It is pondering however if McCain were to shake up Washington and decide to do what he (not Republicans or Democrats necessarily) wanted to do, what the outcome(s) would be. An overseas military presence in Iraq and now even Afghanistan are not viable options at the moment. I am interested to see where he goes in the debates with the home front, especially education and the economy.

Sons of Liberty, CC. 08.

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Extraordinary rendition.


Indefinite detentions.

Domestic spying.

War profiteering.

Privatized military (Blackwater).

Global warming denialists.

Trickle-down voodoo economics.

50 million people without basic health care coverage.

Job outsourcing.

Record deficits.

Unilateral, preemptive invasions.


Corporatracy, Cronyism, and Corruption.

Blind Nationalism/Faux patriotism.

Underfunded, over-extended troops.

Military-Industrial Complex.


Pro-Life/Pro-war hypocrisy.

Anti-nation building/Pro-Imperialism hypocrisy.

Pro-democracy/Anti-civil liberties hypocrisy.

5% Haves; 95% Have-Nots.

In other words.. so-called "REAL AMERICA".

..according to Del, Bush, and McCain. :rolleyes:




The Shock Doctrine

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I never liked George Bush the first. I was very disapointed when Ronald Reagan allowed him to be his vice presidential running mate back in 1980, I never trusted him to be a conservative. And he proved to be another tax raising East Coast elite double talker. So there should be no question why I was never very thrilled with his son G.W.Bush either. But if you ask me why I voted for him twice. My answer is that he was the only logical choice given the two very bad choices of Al Gore and then John Kerry. And of course Bush at least past the test on the abortion issue, gun rights and judicial appointments. Something that you seem to underestimate the importance of to many Americans both Republican and Democrat.

I don't think they will get along if the Democrat party keeps moving further to the left to appease some very powerful interests in this country. If the Democrats come back to the middle, not only could they win more Presidential elections, but they would get a lot more done in congress as well. It is they who have strayed far more than the Republicans have.

And I think Sarah Palin will do just fine as a vice president, and if required President. At least her moral compass is pointing in the right direction. And this is good with me.

So you would rather vote for a bad presidential candidate as long as he or she has got the moral thumbscrew out?

There's only three types of people who are terrified of leftist politics: Aristocrats, wealthy middle class, and clergy...

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Yes, it's the dailykos, I know that says it all for some of you, but I would recommend viewing the youtube clip on this page anyway. I am not usually a fan of sound bites. But this is a must see. Warning.. it shows graphic images of war. Not for young children to see.

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"The idea that she stands up to the oil companies is a joke," she says.

Sarah Palin.


Change Agent?


So tell me - how will B.O. stand up to Big Oil? :rolleyes:

Did he refuse Big Oil campaign contributions? :whistling:

Of course not.

He took their money just like all candidates do, and he won't STAND UP to them any more than any other politicians with Big Oil money in their pocket.

B.O. - change you can make-belive in.

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That's a very sobering video, ATKH.

I doubt McCain supporters will bother to watch it. :rolleyes:


Palin's Environmental Policy Worse Than Bush's

Palin: the real scandal

By Leonard Doyle in Anchorage

6 September 2008

Seen from the air, Sarah Palin's state is an environmental wonderland. From Anchorage to the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge, there is a vast landscape of snow-capped peaks, fjords, crystal glaciers, coastal lagoons, wide river deltas and tundra.

The guardian of this wilderness – and Governor of Alaska – has, this week, become one of the most recognisable faces in the world. But behind her beaming smile and wholesome family values is a woman aligned with the big oil and coal firms that are racing to exploit Alaska's vast energy reserves. In the short term, that has bought her popularity at home.

"I love the woman," the pilot on our flight shouts over the noise of the engine, "especially what she wants to do with oil, we just have to drill more, there is no alternative. What's the point of leaving it all in the ground?"

It is a stance that guaranteed John McCain's new running mate a rapturous reception at the Republican convention this week where the response to the coming energy crisis was a chant of "drill, baby, drill". But the woman who could soon be a 72-year-old's heartbeat away from the United States presidency has an environmental policy so toxic it would make the incumbent, George Bush, blush.

Mr McCain has stressed he is concerned about global warming and has come out against drilling in the Arctic reserve. But, in recent weeks, he has wobbled on the issue. And environmentalists are describing Mrs Palin, who denies climate change is man-made, as "either grossly misinformed or intentionally misleading".

She wants to start drilling. She wants to block US moves to list the polar bear as an endangered species. And she has allowed big game hunters to shoot Alaska's bears and wolves from low-flying planes.

The 44-year-old governor says a federal government decision to protect the polar bear will cripple energy development offshore. As a result, she is suing the Bush administration, which ruled the polar bear is endangered and needs protection.

The US Geological Survey says climate change has shrunk Arctic summer sea ice to about 1.65 million sq miles, nearly 40 per cent less than the long-term average between 1979 and 2000. In such a situation it was unconscionable for Governor Palin to ignore overwhelming evidence of global warming's threat to sea ice, says Kassie Siegel of the Centre for Biological Diversity.

"Even the Bush administration can't deny the reality of global warming," Ms Siegel said. "The governor is aligning herself and the state of Alaska with the most discredited, fringe, extreme viewpoints by denying this."

Governor Palin would also like to bring open-cast coal mining to Alaska's Brooks Range Mountains, an act of environmental vandalism in the eyes of many. The Palin administration has allowed Chevron to triple the amount of toxic waste it pours into the waters of Cook Inlet. This, even though the number of beluga whales in the bay has collapsed from 1,300 to 350 – the point of extinction – because of pollution and increased ship traffic.

On the Republican convention floor she said: "We Americans need to produce more of our own oil and gas and take it from a gal who knows the North Slope of Alaska: We've got lots of both." The fact that drilling won't solve every problem "is no excuse to do nothing at all", she said, putting the country on notice that "starting in January, in a McCain-Palin administration, we're going to lay more pipelines ... build more nuclear plants ... create jobs with clean coal ... and move forward on solar, wind, geothermal and other alternative sources".

Mrs Palin also took a swipe at Barack Obama's environmental stance saying: "What does he actually seek to accomplish, after he's done turning back the waters and healing the planet?"

Her support in Alaska relies on squeezing more money for the state from the oil companies themselves. In Alaska, every man woman and child is in line for a bonus cheque of about $2,000 (£1,100) from the state's massive oil wealth fund. This is, in effect, a vote-buying machine for the would-be Vice-President. Governor Palin wants nothing to hinder the oil companies. She maintains that polar bears are well managed and their population has dramatically increased over 30 years as a result of conservation. And if the ice should go away, then they will adapt to living on the land.

Many oil companies abandoned Alaska when prices fell in the 1980s but they have been rushing back to drill and prospect areas that are among the least hospitable on earth. That spirit of the Klondike is already in full swing in Prudhoe Bay the epicentre of oil production and one of the world's largest industrial complexes. It's so big that BP, UPS and FedEx operate a special fleet of jets from Anchorage just to service to the region.

Hundreds of spills involving tens of thousands of gallons of crude oil and other petroleum products occur in the area each year. Decades-old spills are still a problem and 17,000 acres of wildlife and marine habitat have already been destroyed.

But Prudhoe is just a tiny fraction of the area being targeted by Governor Palin and the oil companies. A similar fate of environmental destruction awaits the entire coastal plain as well as the special areas of the western Arctic – home to migratory caribou herds, musk oxen, wolverines, grizzly and polar bears should a McCain-Palin administration be elected.

The oil boom has attracted oilmen from across America. One of them is Todd Palin, husband to the vice-presidential candidate who works for BP on Alaska's North Slope.

It is illegal to hunt polar bears, and that is not about to change. But in an area known as "Polar Bear Seas", from Point Hope on Alaska's far western edge to the pristine coastal plain of the Arctic National Wildlife Reserve, one tenth of the world's polar bear population is at risk, as well as beluga and bowheaded whales and bearded and spotted seals.

Big game hunters are happy to pay lots of money to shoot wolves and bears from the air. They also chase them across the snow to the point of exhaustion and then land the planes on skis, shooting them from point-blank range. The animals are considered endangered across the "lower 48" states of America, but not Alaska. The hunters keep and sell the animals' pelts.

Last year, Mrs Palin proposed offering a bounty of $150 per wolf, as long as the hunter provided the wolf's foreleg as proof of the kill. The measure did not pass. She even spent $400,000 on a state-funded campaign to block attempts to end the hunt.

Its not just wildlife conservationists who object. Many ordinary Alaskans also condemn the practice as barbaric.

Trish Rolfe, who runs the Sierra Club's Alaska office, thinks Governor Palin has been a disaster for Alaska's environment. "The idea that she stands up to the oil companies is a joke," she says.

"The governor pays lip service to the issue of global warming but denies it is man made. She will not even spend money to help the Inupiaq villages which are about to fall into the sea."


Sarah Palin.


Change Agent?


Good reiteration! I posted about this and Palin's very disheartening disrespect for the beauty of the wildlife and environment she lives in. lol, then i got some douchebag arguing with me over animal rights. Anyway, all her skeletons and warped ideas are being brought to the forefront. We can't help it if the sheep ignore it.

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Slightly off topic.

I thought this Russell Brand quote about Dubya, during the MTV VMA's, was hilarious.


Scumbag British Comedian Russell Brand Supports Barack Obama; Attacks President Bush

Could I please ask you, people of America, to please elect Barack Obama. Please! On behalf of the world. Some people, I think they're called racists, say America is not ready for a black president. But I know America to be a forward thinking country because otherwise why would you have let that retard cowboy fella be president for eight years? We were very impressed because in England, he wouldn't be trusted with a pair of scissors.

See, even England is willing Obama on. Yeah, we're real scumbag's.


Edited to include You tube link.

Edited by longdistancewinner
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Yeah, you're one to talk


My issue with this is if she is so pro-life (her right to feel women should let government determine their life) then what's up with the enjoyment of killing innocent life (wolves, bear and all assorted other furry creatures from God). There is no reason for this killing. She has a mean, ugly side to her. Oh yeah, and she also supports the Death Penalty. Pro-life, to me, should mean it for all life, not just unborn babies (whose life is much younger than the older lives she is for abolishing). Get over the pretty face, it's ugly underneath the surface...

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My issue with this is if she is so pro-life (her right to feel women should let government determine their life) then what's up with the enjoyment of killing innocent life (wolves, bear and all assorted other furry creatures from God). There is no reason for this killing. She has a mean, ugly side to her. Oh yeah, and she also supports the Death Penalty. Pro-life, to me, should mean it for all life, not just unborn babies (whose life is much younger than the older lives she is for abolishing). Get over the pretty face, it's ugly underneath the surface...

Animals are not humans. We are above them. That being said, i don't support wiping out entire species

As for the Death Penalty, I'm only for it in extreme cases and when you are damn sure you have the right guy/girl, like the woman who microwaved her baby...I say burn the bitch but thats just me.

Anywho, I only posted that because I'm sick of all this "OMG SHE HUNTS!" bull shit. So what? There's worse stuff out there ya know? Not a big issue with me

Edited by wanna be drummer
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Animals are not humans. We are above them. That being said, i don't support wiping out entire species

As for the Death Penalty, I'm only for it in extreme cases and when you are damn sure you have the right guy/girl, like the women who microwaved her baby...I say burn the bitch but thats just me.

Anywho, I only posted that because I'm sick of all this "OMG SHE HUNTS!" bull shit. So what? There's worse stuff out there ya know? Not a big issue with me

Entitled to your opinion. It's sad to me to hear it however. Animals have much of the same anatomy and physiology as humans do (reason for the endless testing on animals for human use). Man use Pig heart valves for human surgery, Pig serum for insulin...etc. Not so different from us, and certainly feel pain, and certainly have a purpose to be here just as we do (or none if we don't). for those who believe in God i expect all life to be cherished. Killing for fun, shameful. Sarah Palin, contradiction, hypocrite, shameful. btw...i own a gun and i used to go shooting at ranges. Shooting clay pigeons is fun and no bloodshed necessary.

Edited by ~tangerine~
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Entitled to your opinion. It's sad to me to hear it however. Animals have much of the same anatomy and physiology as humans do (reason for the endless testing on animals for human use). Man use Pig heart valves for human surgery, Pig serum for insulin...etc. Not so different from us, and certainly feel pain, and certainly have a purpose to be here just as we do (or none if we don't). for those who believe in God i expect all life to be cherished. Killing for fun, shameful. Sarah Palin, contradiction, hypocrite, shameful. btw...i own a gun and i used to go shooting at ranges. Shooting clay pigeons is fun and no bloodshed necessary.

I never said hunting for fun is fine. Hunting and then eating your kill is something I have no problem with at all. Shooting 20 deer and leaving them is disgusting. As far as religion goes, even Jesus went fishing, so I don't see why eating animals is a big deal. And I think animals are below us. It is our self-awareness, our raliztion of mortality that allows us to be where we are. I believe we have a higher place in this world than animals, but I respect them for all that they do.

That being said, I cannot consider her shooting a moose as a means of determining whether or not I'd vote for her. It's absurd!

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All you :wacko: Liberal :wacko: gals around here. You know the type. The ones that think that a animal should have the same rights as a human Baby. The ones that think that it is ok to have an abortion in the third trimester. The ones that think that even in a botched abortion the baby has no rights to live and can be thrown in a trash can to die. Guess what, there are millions of Women that do not believe like you:


And, they are joining the McBrilliant / Palin ticket. Read it and weep. You will not hear these women say, "Above my paygrade".

What makes you so stupid is there's no issue. It's not an animal rights vs abortion issue. Two seperate issues. Killing for no reason makes you a Sociopath, lol. enough said about you.

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I never said hunting for fun is fine. Hunting and then eating your kill is something I have no problem with at all. Shooting 20 deer and leaving them is disgusting. As far as religion goes, even Jesus went fishing, so I don't see why eating animals is a big deal. And I think animals are below us. It is our self-awareness, our raliztion of mortality that allows us to be where we are. I believe we have a higher place in this world than animals, but I respect them for all that they do.

That being said, I cannot consider her shooting a moose as a means of determining whether or not I'd vote for her. It's absurd!

Wanna be, read the links and stories One Drop just provided. I provided the same type of stories about her last week. Do you think these hunters are eating the wolves (please don't say yes) and bears? It's all for sport. She enjoys murdering animals for the fun of it. Read about it. There is no point to what she not only condones, but encourages.

I'm not a vegetarian, although i wish i could be. I'm not arguing about that.

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FYI,.. I've never had an abortion. ;)

[Nor have I ever encouraged anyone to have an abortion.]

Where did I say you did ;)

Sarah Palin's anti-environment/anti-animal trophy wall o' shame.



I've never hunted nor have I "encouraged" hunting. it's not about what you've done but what you support. Liberals generally support abortions, and conservatives generally supporting hunting/guns. You posted that picture to show why it's stupid to be pro-hunter did you not (and let's not lie to ourselves here ;) )? I posted that picture essentially in retaliation. You do not support hunting and I do not support abortions. I support hunting and you support pro-choice. Neither of us have done what we support, but that doesn't mean we're free from ridicule. You ridicule the right, I ridicule the left. Simple as that

Obama's babyphobia



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The picture posted was of a third trimester abortion. Do think that these should be illegal except when the Womens life is at risk?


I don't know who you are asking, but yes i do. I'm not for abortions as a birth control method. I am for abortion for girls who don't want to be mommy's in their teens (like the boys who got them pregnant take any responsibilities, lol), any woman who is a crackhead/junkie, any woman who is raped, for medical reasons, and if a woman finds out the baby will be born with Downs/retardation. I believe unless it's a health issue, abortion should be in the First term only. As a woman, i will always maintain, i should have the right to decide. The teen pregnancies count for the largest group of abortions, so this group should be given education, education and more education. I am glad i was smart enough to use birth control when i became active. That is the key. oh btw...funny, not only does Alaska have one of the highest rates of teen pregnancy, but i heard that they also have the highest rate of STD's in the country (i believe it was 44 %). This is a group of people who need to get some schooling (or do some cooling).

My last word, men should not decide for women. It's not their body.

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lol, you are retarded...

Just put it on ignore like I did. It makes reading this thread and responding to other people easier. For one, I get to read the posts of rational people, even those who are not Democrats like myself. There's quite a few Conservatives here who can temper their opinions with intelligence, and I'm thankful for their input. The other part, I don't have to deal with a troll obviously trying to bait people into a poo-flinging contest.

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