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The Next President of the USA will be?


Who will win the Presidency in 2008?  

282 members have voted

  1. 1. Who Wins in 2008?

    • Hillary Clinton
    • Rudy Giuliani
    • John Edwards
    • Mike Huckabee
    • John McCain
    • Barack Obama
    • Ron Paul
    • Mitt Romney
    • Bill Richardson
    • Fred Thompson

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Is this forum getting stupider or is it just me?

The whole idea of a bunch of IP addresses discussing politics on a band who been gone for almost 30 years is stupid.

Im pretty sure alot of this talk would not be going on around the local tap. Sure there will be political discussions, but mostly based on one side.

Lets just say a guy we both know would not be visiting that bar for long. but then again some people get kicked out of here for thoughts not like others.

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"Science without religion is lame. Religion without science is blind."

~Albert Einstein

"The word god is for me nothing more than the expression and product of human weaknesses, the Bible a collection of honourable, but still primitive legends which are nevertheless pretty childish. No interpretation no matter how subtle can change this."

~Albert Einstein

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Homosexuals are usually unhappy in society because people similar to yourself seem to go out of their way to make them unhappy.

How do I make them unhappy? Because despite the fact that I don't care what people do in their bedrooms, what they are doing is not exactly normal behavior in my opinion.

Why do homosexuals need so much assurance from everyone else?

But then people like you are unhappy too because whatever happiness they manage to scratch together usually comes at the expense of somebody else.

I'm a pretty simple guy. The only things that really make me unhappy are under cooked eggs in my breakfast, and kids who walk on my lawn.

Other than that, I'm a pretty cheerful guy.

But my guess is, and you may not understand this Del, but in the future if genetic modification becomes standard practice, the more 'perfect' we try to make our children, the more society will seek to find the difference, as there is no set notion of perfection or beauty or correct behaviour or anything really (which can be a complicated notion for people like you who deal in absolutes to understand) there's just a temporary negotiated preference which always changes with the vagrities of time, and also society's preference for striking a balance between equality and inequality.

Yeah, I'm pretty much into the "absolutes" when it comes to how things are meant to work.


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He doesn't have alot of answers. Axelrod makes sure of that. David knows nobody is going to question him on anything, so he can change his answers depending on the crowd.

The pay grade comment is referring to supreme court justice pay rate who decide those things.(in which he appoints those people) I believe top brass in the military make more than the senator from Illinois and it didn't stop him from claiming the Iraq war was stupid, lost, and claiming he know how to win it. In which disproves my first comment that he does not give answers, he just gives wrong one, or one just enough to get you off his ass.

Anyways. That was the perfect answer for Obama to give. You retards just drink that shit up and nobody who believes in life was going to vote for him anyways. I’m sure Obama can come out and say he has no idea how to pull us out of this financial crisis and you people will eat that shit with a smile, oh wait, it's already happening.

The point is while Obama is umming between every word on every answer he gives now, he rarely stands besides anything he said or decisions he makes.

You are incorrect about his reference to the paygrade thing. He was talking about the fact that he doesn't claim to have those answers. He wasn't talking about actual pay. Come on... are you seriously thinking that? That has to be one of the thickest filters I've ever seen.

quote from Barack...

"What I intended to say is that, as a Christian, I have a lot of humility...all I meant to communicate was that I don't presume to be able to answer these kinds of theological questions," he said.

Now, if you presume to know those kinds of answers, then fine. But there are a whole lot of people who aren't that arrogant.

But he wasn't talking about a supreme court justice pay rate. Get with it.

oh and he didn't claim to know how to win the Iraq war. He was opposed to going there in the first place. McCain is the one who claims to know how to win wars. You really don't know what you're talking about do you? Better log on to google and do some research. Them come back and try to have actual conversation. You know, more than just calling people retards.

Edited by allthekingshorses
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But did you see the one giant, glaring, pulsating sign of the imminent Rapture? Obama is leading a poll by 6 points. A FOX News poll. FOX NEWS. Better go check the bomb shelter and make sure we have enough canned green beans.

:hysterical: Bitch, you made me snot myself. Yes, I did see that. I was happily perplexed :chickeddance:

GOBAMA!!!!!!!!! Wait til these junior Archie Bunkers find out it's MANDATORY BASS BOOST FOR EVERYONE!!!! AWWWWWW, YEAH!!!!!

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:hysterical: Bitch, you made me snot myself. Yes, I did see that. I was happily perplexed :chickeddance:

GOBAMA!!!!!!!!! Wait til these junior Archie Bunkers find out it's MANDATORY BASS BOOST FOR EVERYONE!!!! AWWWWWW, YEAH!!!!!

I hope instead of Hail To The Chief, he insists on Fight The Power by Public Enemy. And he gets sworn in wearing one of those Flava Flav clocks.

"Awww yeah America, it's your new Prez here.....homeboy Obama is in the hizzouse....lemme hear ya scream!"

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I hope instead of Hail To The Chief, he insists on Fight The Power by Public Enemy. And he gets sworn in wearing one of those Flava Flav clocks.

"Awww yeah America, it's your new Prez here.....homeboy Obama is in the hizzouse....lemme hear ya scream!"

:hysterical::hippy: Oh no she di'n't!

Hey, did you see on the news last night they asked both candidates what their favorite movies were? McCain said Viva Zapate, and Obama said The Godfather (I had never heard of Viva Zapata, but it also has Brando in it). Obama did an impression of Brando in the Godfather. My daughter and I cracked up. He described the movie as a mix of old world gentility mixed with savagery; a cool description, IMO. God it's nice to listen to an intelligent person. God I miss having an intelligent prez.

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oh and he didn't claim to know how to win the Iraq war. He was opposed to going there in the first place. McCain is the one who claims to know how to win wars. You really don't know what you're talking about do you? Better log on to google and do some research. Them come back and try to have actual conversation. You know, more than just calling people retards.

Did i say win wars, I meant lose wars. Obama stated he knows how to lose the war in Iraq. BUt you are right that McCain know how to win wars. Surge anyone? I wasn't just calling you a retard I was stating a fact.

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