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The Next President of the USA will be?


Who will win the Presidency in 2008?  

282 members have voted

  1. 1. Who Wins in 2008?

    • Hillary Clinton
    • Rudy Giuliani
    • John Edwards
    • Mike Huckabee
    • John McCain
    • Barack Obama
    • Ron Paul
    • Mitt Romney
    • Bill Richardson
    • Fred Thompson

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You wanna know why Barack Obama is getting smeared like this, especially by lunatic right-wingers here? He's black. If he was a white man named Tom Smith, but still had all the same associations and beliefs.......you'd see exponentially less of this. He's black with a foreign name, and that's enough to make people shit themselves.

It's funny in that "I can't believe people this functionally demented exist outside of asylums" way, but it's also sad that in 21st Century America, it exists at all.

We are witnesses to it. In 50 years it will be looked upon the same way we now look upon the black and white footage of kids going to school with the help of the national guard. People will say, I can't people were so stupid! You'll still be alive, Electrophile, and you can tell the kids you remember when people called a US senator and candidate for president a terrorist.

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You wanna know why Barack Obama is getting smeared like this, especially by lunatic right-wingers here? He's black. If he was a white man named Tom Smith, but still had all the same associations and beliefs.......you'd see exponentially less of this. He's black with a foreign name, and that's enough to make people shit themselves.

It's funny in that "I can't believe people this functionally demented exist outside of asylums" way, but it's also sad that in 21st Century America, it exists at all.

Yep, it's always the race card with the left.

So if Carvlle is right will the blacks riot if Obama loses or has he 'already won?'


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We are witnesses to it. In 50 years it will be looked upon the same way we now look upon the black and white footage of kids going to school with the help of the national guard. People will say, I can't people were so stupid! You'll still be alive, Electrophile, and you can tell the kids you remember when people called a US senator and candidate for president a terrorist.

That it took 200 years for a black man to advance this far is sad enough, the fact that people not of his party find great delight in denigrating the man because of things that in no way affect his ability to lead......well, that's just criminal. When I saw that clip of the McCain rally when the audience screamed "terrorist!" in response to "who is Barack Obama" I wanted to fucking throw up. I thought I was watching a Klan rally. The fact McCain did N-O-T-H-I-N-G in response to that, was even worse. He just gave a sick smile and kept right on talking.

The GOP is starting the race-baiting now because it's the only tactic they have left. Ayres and Wright are old news, having been dragged through everyone's TVs during the primaries. What do they have left, aside from what they're starting to pull out right now? "Obama's not like 'us'. He doesn't see America the way 'we' do. Obama is not like 'you and me'." In other words, Obama's not white.

I swear to God, this country is on a slow march to hell.

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Or it's just the last gasp of that tired old crap, rearing it's ugly head to embarass the rest of the country and make us look like fucking morons to the rest of the world. It's on it's way out and it doesn't know it yet.

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But many believe he deserves to win because he is black. I'd have no problem having a guy like Morgan Freeman as the president. I think he is one smart cookie. I am not a bit impressed with Obama and don't trust him for the reasons that SRplane stated. Mainly his ties to the Reverand. I cant wait til this damn thing is over.

Are you damning our election process??? How unpatriotic of you... does that mean you're damning America? ***gasps***


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Where do you come up with that ridiculous assumption? I don't like the candidates and if they are the best we can come up with, them maybe the process does suck. I certainly hold more allegiance to God than to a Flag since you question how patriotic I am. The government in this country, local, County and State and Federal has screwed over many a person over the years. Go put that in whatever it is you are drinking.

I was kinda kidding there Yukon..

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You missed the winking smilie that would have told you HE WAS JOKING AND THEREFORE YOU'RE OVERREACTING.

Perhaps you are right. I guess I misinterpreted. My apologies to him if he happens to stumblel across this post.

Ok, just read this, thanks you two and just to clarify... I am a she. B)

Edited by allthekingshorses
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Just when I think it's safe to feel like the Republican Party hasn't completely descended into shit-flinging madness, I'm made to re-evaluate that thought.


Indeed, he just snatched the microphone out the hands of a woman who began her question with, "I'm scared of Barack Obama... he's an Arab terrorist..."

And then later, again, someone dangled a great big piece of low-hanging fruit in front of McCain: "I'm scared to bring up my child in a world where Barack Obama is president."

If Thomas Jefferson, Abraham Lincoln, Teddy Roosevelt and Dwight Eisenhower were still alive, they'd bitchslap these idiots for calling themselves Republicans.

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Just when I think it's safe to feel like the Republican Party hasn't completely descended into shit-flinging madness, I'm made to re-evaluate that thought.


If Thomas Jefferson, Abraham Lincoln, Teddy Roosevelt and Dwight Eisenhower were still alive, they'd bitchslap these idiots for calling themselves Republicans.

And that wasn't even in the South! B) even if it "Was" true about him, he wouldn't be in office very long

"Paranoia self destroyer" :rolleyes:

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Another piece of what you're "getting" with Obama...


Why do you have a problem with the basic point that is being made?

"Returning to the theme that Obama is a mystical figure, Farrakhan said, he "is not the Messiah for sure, but anytime he gives you a sign of uniting races, ethnic groups, ideologies, religions and makes people feel a sense of oneness, that's not necessarily Satan's work, that is, I believe, the work of God."

Why are you opposed to that may I ask?

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Last night on the evening news, they showed a guy in the audience at a McCain rally in Wisconsin. The guy was saying that he is "mad as hell" and he referred to Obama as a socialist. Later on ABC's Nightline news, they showed the same clip, only they had edited it, so it made it look like the guy was mad at McCain.

I've seen that clip 3 times, and I know the guy was not mad at McCain. I don't remember if the clip was exactly the same each time, but I could clearly see and hear the guy was mad about Obama possibly becoming president. Not sure who's editing what or why but I heard the same thing you did.

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