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The Next President of the USA will be?


Who will win the Presidency in 2008?  

282 members have voted

  1. 1. Who Wins in 2008?

    • Hillary Clinton
    • Rudy Giuliani
    • John Edwards
    • Mike Huckabee
    • John McCain
    • Barack Obama
    • Ron Paul
    • Mitt Romney
    • Bill Richardson
    • Fred Thompson

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Bush's rise and fall are most evident in the 2002 election, which brought him control of both houses of Congress, and the 2006 election, which reversed that triumph. The president's chosen Manichean worldview and his rigid refusal to consider other viewpoints have resulted in a disastrous administration and damage the nation will be living with for generations, according to Greenwald (How Would a Patriot Act? 2006). Greenwald begins by documenting Bush's political collapse and then explores the core beliefs that have driven Bush's decision making, as well as the broader philosophical and political dangers of such strong convictions. He details how the president's absolutist moralistic worldview, the simple identification of good and evil, overshadowed decisions that required more nuanced views in the lead-up to the war in Iraq. Advisors with other points of view were ignored as Bush's strong ends-justify-the-means approach resulted in such decidedly un-American practices as indefinite detentions, use of torture, and preemptive war. This is a compelling examination of how moral beliefs can drive political decisions, with disastrous consequences. Bush, Vanessa --This text refers to the Hardcover edition.


Interesting. This is exactly why i think he is retarded. Someone given such power should be well-rounded and open-minded. Bush is a warped person who should have never been in a position of power. Funny the book's premise is good and evil. I think of Bush as only evil.... :) This is probably a good read, for those who can tolerate a book about him.

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I find this whole Acorn issue so interesting... do we remember about a month ago when The McCain Campaign was sending out voter registration applications to democratic voters all over the country with the incorrect address on them? Did the so called Liberal Media pick that one up? Not as much as Acorn. I know several democrats here in Wisconsin who got voter registration from John McCain's actual campaign with the wrong address on it. If they had sent it in with the incorrect address, they would not have been able to vote in November. This happened in many states.

If these things are happening with Acorn, then it needs to be dealt with, but so much for the liberal media!

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Interesting. This is exactly why i think he is retarded. Someone given such power should be well-rounded and open-minded. Bush is a warped person who should have never been in a position of power. Funny the book's premise is good and evil. I think of Bush as only evil.... :) This is probably a good read, for those who can tolerate a book about him.

Hell Pizza company in New Zealand had it pegged in 2005. (Gotta love their phone number...)


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I find this whole Acorn issue so interesting... do we remember about a month ago when The McCain Campaign was sending out voter registration applications to democratic voters all over the country with the incorrect address on them? Did the so called Liberal Media pick that one up? Not as much as Acorn. I know several democrats here in Wisconsin who got voter registration from John McCain's actual campaign with the wrong address on it. If they had sent it in with the incorrect address, they would not have been able to vote in November. This happened in many states.

If these things are happening with Acorn, then it needs to be dealt with, but so much for the liberal media!


And that's the thing: instead of looking at what is being reported in the media, conservatives would rather just say "oh they're liberal biased", or if international commentators make comments about America they would prefer to simply say "they're just America bashers", and not once think about why comments like that are being made. It so much easier for them to believe that everything is a lie rather than consider that there could be a problem with their activities.

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Barack Obama, Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi are a liberal trifecta that will bring higher taxes, government controlled health care, defeat in Iraq, and amnesty for illegal aliens.

Is this really the course we want for our country?

Congrats for not coughing up diarrhea for once.

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If Barack (Barry) Obama would apply for a job with the FBI or with the Secret Service, he would be disqualified because of his past association with William Ayers, a known terrorist and Tony Rezko, a convicted felon.

If he is elected President he would not qualify to be his own body guard!

You mean the same William Ayers who is now a distinguished professor at the University of Illinois ? The same guy who happened to get somehow elected to his local school board ? The same guy who in 1997 was voted as Chicago's most distinguished citizen ? I hope when Obama wins, he invites William Ayers to stay in the Lincoln bedroom....and I bet he gets a lot more sleep than most conservatives will that evening. Maybe Tom Hayden will stay the same weekend ?

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You mean the same William Ayers who is now a distinguished professor at the University of Illinois ? The same guy who happened to get somehow elected to his local school board ? The same guy who in 1997 was voted as Chicago's most distinguished citizen ? I hope when Obama wins, he invites William Ayers to stay in the Lincoln bedroom....and I bet he gets a lot more sleep than most conservatives will that evening. Maybe Tom Hayden will stay the same weekend ?

Now why doesn't it surprise me that you would show support for an ex-terrorist like him?

Ayers: "I don't regret setting bombs"


Bill Ayers' booking photo taken in 1968 by the Chicago Police Dept.

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Obama's Socialist Agenda -- Is Anyone Listening?

Bobby Eberle

October 14, 2008 at 6:38 am

Outside of stump speeches, carefully scripted responses to reporters, and the endless recitation of talking points, there are a few moments when a politician speaks from the heart. It is in these moments when true motivations and core beliefs are often revealed.

Such a moment occurred this past weekend, when Barack Obama unveiled his socialist leanings and gave a clue to the American people about what Obama is all about. But, are the American people listening? Have they become so duped by the rhetoric of "hope" and "change" that they don't see the train wreck that's about to happen? Our freedoms are already being taken away as government continues to grow. If Obama gets elected, the subtleties will be thrown out the window as blatant socialism will rule the day. Just read Obama's response to a plumber's question in Ohio...

As reported by Fox News, during a campaign event in Ohio, Obama was peppered with questions from a local plumber who asked, "Your new tax plan is going to tax me more, isn't it?" The plumber was complaining (as I often do) that he is "being taxed more and more for fulfilling the American dream."

Obama's response? He gave the plumber a classic dose of socialism:

"It's not that I want to punish your success. I just want to make sure that everybody who is behind you, that they've got a chance for success too," Obama responded. "My attitude is that if the economy's good for folks from the bottom up, it's gonna be good for everybody ... I think when you spread the wealth around, it's good for everybody."

Spread the wealth around? This is America, isn't it? Redistributing the "wealth" is a classic tenant of Marxist philosophy. Communist China, the former Soviet Union, Cuba, and so on.... they all believe in government ownership of basically everything. Hard work, initiative, expertise... none of that is rewarded. Instead, the efforts of the talented and the hard-working are taken from them and given to those who don't work as hard. The result is a decrease in productivity, not to mention the self-fulfillment that comes from being rewarded for a job well done. And this is exactly what Barack Obama wants to do!

John McCain needs to get the message out on EXACTLY how he and Barack Obama are different. Yes, there should be tax cuts, and they should be for all Americans. Everytime Obama speaks about tax cuts, he only talks about cutting taxes for a particular group or segment of society. It is social engineering at its worst. Obama and the "govermennt" will decide how to redistribute the wealth of this country. McCain needs to hammer this!!!

My question to Obama is this... How do you make the economy good "for folks at the bottom up" without injecting more government into the picture or letting capitalism work?

Does Obama really understand the essence of America? It is strong because of the American spirit of invention and the bravery to undertake new endeavors. Those at the economic bottom DO NOT create jobs. Those at the economic bottom get hired for jobs. When the economy is robust, more jobs are created, thus more people get hired. There's not a business existing in America today that doesn't want to "do more business." In order to grow, more workers must be hired, and more capital purchased... both of which benefit the economy. Doesn't Obama understand this???

Let's just do a little simple math to see how taxes really work. Let's say there is a person making $50,000/year and paying 15% in federal income tax. Thus, the person's yearly tax burden is $7,500. If someone making $1,000,000/year paid at the same tax rate, they would pay $150,000 in taxes. So, the person making $50,000 pays $7,500, and the person making a million pays $150,000. Those who make more money, pay more in taxes. It's only logical.

However, that is not how a socialist thinks. Rather than each person truly paying "their fair share," the socialist says that the "rich" person should not only pay more because he or she makes more, but they should also pay a higher percentage. So, the person making $1,000,000/year instead pays 35% in taxes for a tax bill of $350,000. That's an extra $200,000 that the government takes out of circulation to pay for their social engineering.

My contention is this, there is basically nothing that the individual with an extra $200k as his/her disposal could do that is "bad" for the economy. The person could save it, thus giving banks more leverage to do business. The person could invest in, thus helping new or established companies grow. The person could donate some to charity, thus help organizations at the grassroots level do things more efficiently than the federal government could ever hope to. Or, God forbid, the person could simply go out and buy stuff. Two hundred thousand dollars of stuff is a lot of stuff! Imagine all that cash injected into society. Talk about a stimulus package. More goods being purchased, whether it is cars, clothes, furniture, food, or whatever, means that more jobs will be needed to produce those goods. It's as simple as that.

The problem is that Obama uses the politics of "trickle down economics" to pit one socio-economic group against another. It is typical class warfare, and it is un-American. Someone (McCain) needs to meet this head on and use some "straight talk." There is no "trickle down" theory. The more money that is in the hands of those who make the money, and outside the clutches of government, benefits the entire society instantly. There is nothing to trickle down. When all Americans are treated fairly, we all benefit. That is the American way!

Investor's Business Daily describes Obama as "the most anti-capitalist politician ever nominated by a major party." In their editorial, IBD describes the Obama/liberal agenda as follows:

It starts with a tax system right out of Marx: A massive redistribution of income -- from each according to his ability, to each according to his need -- all in the name of "neighborliness," "patriotism," "fairness" and "justice."

It continues with a call for a new world order that turns its back on free trade, has no problem with government controlling the means of production, imposes global taxes to support continents where our interests are negligible, signs on to climate treaties that will sap billions more in U.S. productivity and wealth, and institutes an authoritarian health care system that will strip Americans' freedoms and run up costs.

All the while, it ensures that nothing -- absolutely nothing -- will be done to secure a sufficient, terror-proof supply of our economic lifeblood -- oil -- a resource we'll need much more of in the years ahead.

McCain needs to board the Straight Talk Express and let the American people know what Obama is all about, and how McCain is different. Make no mistake, Sen. McCain, an Obama administration IS scary. You should be scared too. You should also hit Obama hard every single time he engages is socialist rhetoric.

All people are capable of abusing the system, and as we've seen lately, both Republicans and Democrats are capable of greed and corruption. But it is not the American way to punish initiative and ingenuity. It is not "patriotic" to pay more taxes. All Americans should pay less taxes! In tough economic times, the last thing you want to do is hurt business producers. Who is going to create the jobs? The government?

You know, I can actually appreciate what this man is claiming on a certain level. But as I currently watch the Republican party taking an active role in the Socialization of the American Banking system, it has a certain hollow ring to it. This country doesn't seem to have a problem spending a spare Trillion bailing out banks built by fatcats, when that same Trillion could go a long way towards solving long-term problems in HealthCare, Social Security Reform, Education, our electrical distribution system, etc...

My favorite Republican claim of the debates so far is the old argument of Obama being reckless because he's willing to sit down and talk with rogue countries like Iran without "pre-conditions". Oh the Horror !! Hey folks.....We were in a cold war with the U.S.S.R. involving thousands of nuclear warheads for 40 years and we still managed to hook up a couple red phones with direct-connect !!

And if a U.S. Missile has a lock on Osama Bin-Laden somewhere in Afghanistan, Pakistan, or even Kashmir, I as an American expect that missile to be fired !!

Edited by Bong-Man
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You know, I can actually appreciate what this man is claiming on a certain level. But as I currently watch the Republican party taking an active role in the Socialization of the American Banking system, it has a certain hollow ring to it. This country doesn't seem to have a problem spending a spare Trillion bailing out banks built by fatcats, when that same Trillion could go a long way towards solving long-term problems in HealthCare, Social Security Reform, Education, our electrical distribution system, etc...

My favorite Republican claim of the debates so far is the old argument of Obama being reckless because he's willing to sit down and talk with rogue countries like Iran without "pre-conditions". Oh the Horror !! Hey folks.....We were in a cold war with the U.S.S.R. involving thousands of nuclear warheads for 40 years and we still managed to hook up a couple red phones with direct-connect !!

And if a U.S. Missile has a lock on Osama Bin-Laden somewhere in Afghanistan, Pakistan, or even Kashmir, I as an American expect that missile to be fired !!

That's the part that intrigues me the most. They call Obama a Socialist, they say he wants to institute socialist systems if elected.....and yet they say nothing when the Republican administration socializes our banking and finance industries. Are these government-funded takeovers only acceptable when the GOP is behind it?

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This year, the Obama-Biden campaign broke their pledge to accept public financing during the general election. Now it turns out they padded their coffers with contributions from "mystery" donors that don't exist (as reported by Newsweek).

check post 5375, there must be an echo in your computer.

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Right........and Bush won Florida in 2000 and Ohio in 2004 completely above board. If you think for one nanosecond that voter registration fraud is something confined to the Democratic Party only, you're dead wrong.

Here's the thing.......you can make up 1,000 names and addresses, register them to vote and it means nothing at the end of the day. Why? If they don't exist they can't vote, right? If they can't vote, there's no fraudulent vote to discount. If there's no fraudulent vote to discount, there can be no complaints that a state was won by ill-gotten reasons. No vote = no voter fraud. If Mickey Mouse is registered to vote, said rodent will have to show proof of identification at the polling place, right? They'd have to check to make sure that Mickey Mouse is real and that he is really registered, right? When I voted in 2000 back in Cook County (IL), I had to sign a piece of paper so they could verify the signature matched the one on my driver's license so that they were assured that I was in fact, who I claimed to be. When I voted in 2004 in Fulton County (GA), I had to show my voter registration and my driver's license. Who knows what Forsyth County, NC is going to require, but I'll have proof of ID regardless.

These people are paid by quota. You register 100 people, we give you X amount of dollars. The fraud exists in paying the people for registrations that are not real. If they verified the names/addresses BEFORE payment, this would be gone in a New York minute. Since they don't, this is what happens. Voter fraud/election fraud......this is what happens when votes are fraudlently cast. If these "people" don't exist, there are no votes to be cast.

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The Democrats have proven they will do and say whatever it takes to win this election. This isn't the first time they've tried to inflate voter rolls with false names and take money from questionable sources -- and it won't be the last.


Look, another angry Republican. :lol:

Getting a little nervous about Nov. 4 are we?

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