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The Next President of the USA will be?


Who will win the Presidency in 2008?  

282 members have voted

  1. 1. Who Wins in 2008?

    • Hillary Clinton
    • Rudy Giuliani
    • John Edwards
    • Mike Huckabee
    • John McCain
    • Barack Obama
    • Ron Paul
    • Mitt Romney
    • Bill Richardson
    • Fred Thompson

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I never referred to him as such, I don't know anyone who ever referred to him as such and anyone who ever did refer to him as such, is insane.

The only people I can think of who would be insulting General Powell right now are the crypto-fascists that make up the Republican Party.

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I disagree about all politicians being on SNL. I laughed quite a bit every time i have seen Joe Biden on Leno (been a few times). I think he would be great on SNL! I did see Palin and she was blah. She doesn't even have good taste in men (as evidenced by her husband, lol). William Baldwin, not Stephen, is the "hottie" out of the Baldwin brothers. She thought she was making a joke i guess. I could feel the repulsion Alex felt towards her, lol. He was a gentleman about it. My cousin's wife is friends with Alex and she is a devout Democrat like Alex.

Seeing Palin and Tina Fey together (i had to pause it since Tina ran past her so quickly, lol) Tina is definitely much prettier! I saw Tina on Letterman Friday night. She is clearly NOT a fan of Palin's, :) not that we didn't already know this.

I don't think either Tina Fey or Palin are good looking.

Palin looked stupid pumping her hands in the air during the rap song. Nothing this women does is going to make her look cool. Just silly.

And i hate it that SNL actually had her on the show.

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This is the POTUS thread folks, not who's prettier...

I just mentioned it because Tangerine did. And i am also amazed that there are women in the world who want Sarah Palin's look. CNN did a story on it. Good lord she looks like a Librarian. :rolleyes::rolleyes:

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I don't think either Tina Fey or Palin are good looking.

I have a girlcrush on Tina Fey. She's not stunning or anything, but I think she's pretty. Besides, what makes her attractive isn't her looks, but her talent and her humor. Not that you'd care anything about that, Spats.

Anyway, I hope and think that Obama will win. I got an Obama sticker for my car the other day. It made me happy, LOL. I like and respect McCain a lot, but I think Obama will be better for the country and I agree with him and his policies more. He comes across as more honest and genuine than McCain as well. Also, I don't like Sarah Palin. She seems stupid to me, like she has no fucking clue what she is doing. It really wierds me out to think that she would be president if something happened to McCain. *shudders*

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I have a girlcrush on Tina Fey. She's not stunning or anything, but I think she's pretty. Besides, what makes her attractive isn't her looks, but her talent and her humor. Not that you'd care anything about that, Spats.

Anyway, I hope and think that Obama will win. I got an Obama sticker for my car the other day. It made me happy, LOL. I like and respect McCain a lot, but I think Obama will be better for the country and I agree with him and his policies more. He comes across as more honest and genuine than McCain as well. Also, I don't like Sarah Palin. She seems stupid to me, like she has no fucking clue what she is doing. It really wierds me out to think that she would be president if something happened to McCain. *shudders*

I don't think Tina Fey is funny either. She does a good impression of Palin but other than that. I have watched SNL for years and never found Tiny Fey funny. Did you see Baby Mama. That was horrible.

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I don't think Tina Fey is funny either. She does a good impression of Palin but other than that. I have watched SNL for years and never found Tiny Fey funny. Did you see Baby Mama. That was horrible.

Have you seen 30 Rock? Great show.

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I definitely got that impression. Hell, he got up in front of the UN and did that powerpoint thingamy to make the case for war... and it turned out to be bullshit. It seemed to me that he either signed onto the BS wagon, in which case I'd lose a lot of respect for him, or he got sandbagged, and he stayed despite that, for whatever reason. Over the next few months it seemed like he was being kept out of the loop, and his advice/viewpoint was ignored. Either way, it dented his credibility quite a bit. In a lot of ways, I'm almost surprised he stayed as long as he did. I remember a couple of interviews he did a year or two after the war started... and I got the impression that he was presenting the official viewpoint as duly required of the Sec. of State while personally disagreeing with what he was supposed to say. That sounds like a very uncomfortable spot to be in.

Anyway, yay for Colin Powell!

They pulled an Ollie North on him <_<

I really wonder, could of Gore Presidency been different. Would of Kerry be different.

9/11 would of happen under Gore, but you can make the point he may of not invaded Iraq, you can also make the point that the U.S.A. wouldn't heal so quickly after 9/11 if he was POTUS. (Bush was the main reason why a depression didn't hit afterward, robot gore would've sat still) Gore may of not went after Al Queda the way Bush did. I personally think he won;t send more than a few ground troops and some missile into Afghanistan.

If Kerry won, we will still be in the economic crisis we are in now. Even he wouldn't allow the retooling of Fannie and Freddie. We may be better off now with him, but the crisis would've hit sooner and Quicker (Bush policy prevented this for as long as possible, but it was destined to fail) It is clearly evident that neither Dems or Repubs know how to fix this, so it is very unlikely Kerry would of done anything different. Iraq would be far off in a worse shape than it is now or ever was. He may of focus on Afghanistan more, but Al queda would've moved into Iraq, like they already did by then. The failure of Katrina would also happen. It was faults at the state level that set that headache into motion.

So this is why i came to this conclusion, from 9/11 on, the role of the current president was changed to protectionism. You can't disregard the fact we haven't been hit since. Knowing Gore would've been lite on AL Queda and Kerry would still have a financial crisis on hand and would never seen Iraq like it is now. Iran will still be making the bomb too.

The events of the last 8 years most doubtfully will sacrifice any presidency. Gore would not of went into Iraq and most likely did nothing on the terror front and Kerry will be facing a full blown recession in his presidency.

But if we get the right guy to see Iraq to a righteous end and redo the way government works and putting our economy into the 21st century, the events of the last 8 years would lead to greater things.

The question is, do we quit Iraq and hand out more welfare to end the mistakes of the last 8 years or do we learn and fix what caused these mistakes to happen

I'll have to disagree with you Pb on Katrina although the state was at fault for some of the recovery efforts, it was the "Federal Built" levees that failed! <_<


I'd help him with that. :D /]

( Wait,that doesn't sound quite right...) :D

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reducing things to simplistic dualities of good and bad guys is ridiculous. It shows a lack of ability to be able to comprehend anything but your own perceived righteousness.

We're all aware of the practicalities and necessities of our survival, but I think we're old enough to do away with the warm ego blanket of 'good' and 'bad'.

Indeed. Let's hope so.

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We're all aware of the practicalities and necessities of our survival, but I think we're old enough to do away with the warm ego blanket of 'good' and 'bad'.

Yes I tend to keep it simple stupid ( KISS ) I'll go with "Dead or Alive!" <_<

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I definitely got that impression. Hell, he got up in front of the UN and did that powerpoint thingamy to make the case for war... and it turned out to be bullshit. It seemed to me that he either signed onto the BS wagon, in which case I'd lose a lot of respect for him, or he got sandbagged, and he stayed despite that, for whatever reason. Over the next few months it seemed like he was being kept out of the loop, and his advice/viewpoint was ignored. Either way, it dented his credibility quite a bit. In a lot of ways, I'm almost surprised he stayed as long as he did. I remember a couple of interviews he did a year or two after the war started... and I got the impression that he was presenting the official viewpoint as duly required of the Sec. of State while personally disagreeing with what he was supposed to say. That sounds like a very uncomfortable spot to be in.

Anyway, yay for Colin Powell!

I completely agree.

And as I've stated before, the biggest casualty in the Iraq War has been the credibility of General Colin Powell.

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The current media buying gap is a direct result of Senator Obama's broken pledge to accept public financing. This summer, Senator Obama chose to break his promise to the American people by opting out of the public financing system. But, you can be sure that our entire team will honor all of the promises we make in this campaign because we are men and women of our word.

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Random trivia question I got asked earlier: When was the last Republican to win the White House without a Nixon or a Bush on the ticket?

No cheating....actually think about it.

Well Gerald Ford didn't win the White House

Nixon was Eisenhower's VP.

So I believe the last Republican to win the Presidency without a Nixon or Bush on the ticket was Herbert Hoover, 1929

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They pulled an Ollie North on him <_<

I'll have to disagree with you Pb on Katrina although the state was at fault for some of the recovery efforts, it was the "Federal Built" levees that failed! <_<

well thats what I meant. It was very well documented on the PBS nova series in 1997 that New Orleans was in grave danger. We can also blame the cost cutting of the levees repair before Katrina on the Dems. We can blame the dems for putting low income housing near the ocean. We can blame the Dems in power for turning a blind Eye to the dangers of a Cat 5 hurricane hitting New Orleans and mismanagement of levees.

All I am saying, Kerry would've still flew over 15,000 ft above and Kanye west would still come out saying Kerry does not care about black people.

If im not mistaken, all those Gov. down there are republican, and if i, also not mistaken, the last hurricane had little effect when compared to Katrina. Who would of thunk that.

So i think we can come to the conclusion, Bush was a far better choice than Kerry. We would not be winning in Iraq, Katrina would of happen, and the financial crisis would of hit, possible sooner and harder with Kerry in. and we saw what Clinton did with terrorist, why would gore be any different.

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Barack Obama will be canceling campaign events on Thursday and Friday, as he'll be flying to Hawaii to be with his seriously ill grandmother. I hope she lives long enough to see the election results, whatever they may be.

Hopefully she will live long enough to see Obama concede defeat to John McCain.


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The current media buying gap is a direct result of Senator Obama's broken pledge to accept public financing. This summer, Senator Obama chose to break his promise to the American people by opting out of the public financing system. But, you can be sure that our entire team will honor all of the promises we make in this campaign because we are men and women of our word.

Remember how it was told Bush bought the election in 2000. We don't hear nothing about that do we now.

What is it now, half a billion dollars to the Obama campaign and he wants us to spread the wealth. Ms. Obama been staying in the finest hotels and eating the finest foods since her husband won the nom. It really looks like they are hit really hard by the recession they been screaming about. IN 1998 Obama barely had enough money to get a decent car, now after 8 years of Bush, just got 450 million dollars to play out his wife's little fantasy.

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