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The Next President of the USA will be?


Who will win the Presidency in 2008?  

282 members have voted

  1. 1. Who Wins in 2008?

    • Hillary Clinton
    • Rudy Giuliani
    • John Edwards
    • Mike Huckabee
    • John McCain
    • Barack Obama
    • Ron Paul
    • Mitt Romney
    • Bill Richardson
    • Fred Thompson

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Do you want liberal policies like higher taxes, mandated national health care, amnesty for illegal immigrants, dependency on foreign oil, and abortion on demand?

If so vote for osman bin laden :(

That's getting a bit hackneyed and tiresome, don'cha think? Or, are you trying to say something about the Osmond Osman Brothers that hasn't been on Entertainment Tonight? Do you think Marie will feel left out?

As for the list of 'do you want' stuff up there... I want a pony.

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Abortion on demand? Jesus. First of all, anyone who supports a woman's right to choose does not support "abortion on demand". There's a difference between thinking women should have the choice to terminate and setting up abortion clinics on every corner and in every school.

If you're going to disagree with something, at least know what the hell you're talking about first.

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After the speech in Berlin , Obama got out of the shower and was drying off when he looked in the mirror and noticed he was white from the neck up to the top of his head.

In sheer panic and fearing he was turning white and might have to give up his hopes to be president, he called his doctor and told him of his problem.

The doctor advised him to come to his office immediately. After an examination, the doctor mixed a concoction of brown liquid, gave it to Obama, and told him to drink it all.

Obama drank the concoction and replied, 'That tasted like b-u-l-l-s-h-i-t!'

The doctor replied, 'It was, you were a quart low."

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That's ridiculous.

I mean, I do NOT want a liberal as President. But at the same time, at least respect the man as a human being even if you don't want him to win. I admit, I've jokingly called him "Osama", which isn't the coolest thing to do either. But I'd never put out posters of him picking cotton or anything like that. That's way over the edge.

I wish those fuckheads would knock it off. They're just making the other side look stupid. And not all conservatives are stupid, so don't even go there...

I know, but they've been sidelined by the nutjobs for too long. Cheers, Rock Action :D I wish there were more like you.

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Abortion on demand? Jesus. First of all, anyone who supports a woman's right to choose does not support "abortion on demand". There's a difference between thinking women should have the choice to terminate and setting up abortion clinics on every corner and in every school.

If you're going to disagree with something, at least know what the hell you're talking about first.

Woman's right to choose murder. Killing is ok if it's inside of you, but once it's out it is now illegal.

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CNN is my favorite. My point is that Faux news is in a class (a lack of any class) of it's own.... anim_17.gif

I stopped watching Fox not long after 9/11. It gave me the creeps because it was too much like the propaganda from our enemies. Weirdness.

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That's ridiculous.

I mean, I do NOT want a liberal as President. But at the same time, at least respect the man as a human being even if you don't want him to win. I admit, I've jokingly called him "Osama", which isn't the coolest thing to do either. But I'd never put out posters of him picking cotton or anything like that. That's way over the edge.

I wish those fuckheads would knock it off. They're just making the other side look stupid. And not all conservatives are stupid, so don't even go there...

When will the Caribou Barbie, the McStoopid, McAncient, and all the rest the "good people" on the left throw out to defame the other side end?

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After the speech in Berlin , Obama got out of the shower and was drying off when he looked in the mirror and noticed he was white from the neck up to the top of his head.

In sheer panic and fearing he was turning white and might have to give up his hopes to be president, he called his doctor and told him of his problem.

The doctor advised him to come to his office immediately. After an examination, the doctor mixed a concoction of brown liquid, gave it to Obama, and told him to drink it all.

Obama drank the concoction and replied, 'That tasted like b-u-l-l-s-h-i-t!'

The doctor replied, 'It was, you were a quart low."

HAHAHAHAHA! HAHAHAHAHAHA! Oh my god, stop! My sides! HAHAHAHAHAHA! :slapface: Oh my god, you guys, Obama is BLACK!!!!!!! :o

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Well, it's not like the Right gives two shits about kids, now do they? Oh, don't you dare terminate that pregnancy......but we're not going to provide you health care, pre-natal care, day care, Head Start programs, school lunches, afterschool activities to help you keep your kids from turning to the streets.....nope.....you're fucked.

The Right only believes in the "sanctity of life" if they get to choose which life is sacred. Abortion is bad, killing abortion doctors is okay. Abortion is bad, sending troops off to die in a war that was not only poorly executed but based on lies, that's okay. Abortion is bad, but the innocent Iraqis that have died as a result of our forced occupation, that's okay. Abortion is bad, but denying poor and minority mothers the right to health care so they can deliver healthy babies to term since you think abortions are bad....well, that's next to impossible. You want these women to deliver healthy children to term, but then you don't provide them the means in which to deliver said healthy children to term. You're basically telling them, "we're not going to provide you basic reproductive freedoms and on top of that, we're not going to provide you basic health care either."

That must be some of that "compassionate Conservatism" I've only ever read about.

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When will the Caribou Barbie, the McStoopid, McAncient, and all the rest the "good people" on the left throw out to defame the other side end?

Oh, sorry. We're busy voting for a socialist/terrorist, BLACK man! You know they say once you go black, you never go back. ......cue Barry White, please........

Me and electrophile, why us whiteys are gonna get us some! YEEEEEEAH! I swear to god, he's onto us Electrophile. Phone Bin Laden and call the whole thing off before we get de-programmed.

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