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3rd graders plot to kidnap+torture their teacher


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Now the question is what to do with those police believe planned it all. Under Georgia law, kids under 13 can't be charged with a crime. Instead, all have been suspended for now, with officials contemplating their expulsion. But the case is so unique, that no one's quite sure how to make the punishment fit this interrupted crime.

It appears authorities may have little choice but to let the school board deal with the fallout, since they have no legal jurisdiction. Other parents are outraged at that response and are demanding that the accused students be kept away from their own kids, fearing for their safety.

"We don't want our children around them," Stacy Carter told a local newspaper. "The one with the knife could have stabbed my child or someone else's child at lunch or out on the playground."

Officials Stunned After Grade 3 Kids' Plot To Attack Teacher Unravels

Counseling and age-appropriate community service supervised by a police officer trained to deal with children who have learning disabilities? Or they could deputize the teachers. They would need to find a new school for those kids if they expel them, but they should at least consider expulsion if they are indeed a danger to the other children.

Those children need better supervision; it's important to hold them accountable for how they spend all of their time every day. A responsible grown-up needs to go over what they did yesterday, what they thought about it, how they felt, every day, plus any future plans they may have, especially those the responsible grown-ups may prefer to review, closely supervise and/or nip in the bud, depending on what's needed.

Someone needs to coach them on better ways to respond when the teacher scolds them for standing on a chair, because the children need to learn how to make better choices in situations they find difficult or challenging. So maybe a workshop and some rehearsals on how they should act instead of what they did might be good so they can learn.

Edited by eternal light
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I don't think counselling will do much. If a kid is that screwed up and violent at such a young age there's probably no turning back.

I would not give up on children so soon, but they absolutely need better supervision. One way is to let them know they must get permission from a responsible adult before they do anything. Obviously they had too much free time on their hands, and that needs to stop.

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It's all because they took recess away from the kiddies. What do you expect a 3rd grader to do without being able to go out and play kickball morning and afternoon?

Ha....my recess in 3rd grade was being able to color at my desk and have some fruit juice and cookies.

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Ha....my recess in 3rd grade was being able to color at my desk and have some fruit juice and cookies.

Mine was getting my ass kicked and kicking other people's asses. My 3rd grade teacher was cool, though. He had a poster of the Coneheads on the wall.

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when i was in third grade our teachers were aggressive and scary, we wouldn't even look

cross at them without suffering some affliction or another for it. i remember one teacher in particular believed ears were brat kid handles. those kids in that news story wouldn't have survived long in my school or home. i have a feeling they would have had a change of attitude long before it came to that. parents are such worthless shit nowadays. so are their brat kids. bring back the fire pits i say. we can rekindle them with the newspapers their pathetic stories are printed on.

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:blink:when i was in third grade our teachers were aggressive and scary, we wouldn't even look

cross at them without suffering some affliction or another for it. i remember one teacher in particular believed ears were brat kid handles. those kids in that news story wouldn't have survived long in my school or home. i have a feeling they would have had a change of attitude long before it came to that. parents are such worthless shit nowadays. so are their brat kids. bring back the fire pits i say. we can rekindle them with the newspapers their pathetic stories are printed on.

My third grade teacher would grab children by the seat of the pants make them sit down and put their hands on the desk and she would smack the back of their hands with a wood ruler :blink:

The school claimed it helped the childern learn.

My fifth grade teacher paddled kids with a long paddle with holes in it so it would gain momentum and blister your ass. He was released after his 2nd year. See he was promoted to principal. My 6th grade teacher used to grab kids by the collar, toss them up against the lockers and sneer at them. nobody ever said much because he used to play for the Washington Redskins and was big as shit. Last I heard he died of a heart attack. Used to scare the bejeebers outta me. Pick carefully where you send your children to school. Many states dont require a college degree to teach children

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Kids today are way more advanced than when I was kid. We didn't plot to kidnap and torture our teacher until at least the 6th grade.

In third grade we were still into just looking up her skirt.

My 7th grade teacher would let you up her skirt. No worries for her lol. She was cute as sin. Long smooth legs too. She was fired before she finished the first year.

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Six hours ago...


Third Graders Find Gun In Teacher's Cabinet


An elementary school teacher was arrested after her third-grade students found an unloaded handgun and ammunition in a classroom supply cabinet, officials said Thursday.

Teacher Jayne DeArmond was arrested Wednesday for investigation of possession of a firearm on a school campus and misdemeanor child endangerment after students at Diamond Elementary School found the weapon, said Angela Burrell, a spokeswoman for the Santa Ana Unified School District.

Students had access to the cabinet, where the gun and ammunition were kept in a drawer, Burrell said.

DeArmond was released on $20,000 bail late Wednesday and no longer works at the school, Burrell said. It wasn't immediately clear if DeArmond had retained an attorney.

Santa Ana police referred calls to the school district.

2008, 04.04

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Six hours ago...


Third Graders Find Gun In Teacher's Cabinet


An elementary school teacher was arrested after her third-grade students found an unloaded handgun and ammunition in a classroom supply cabinet, officials said Thursday.

Teacher Jayne DeArmond was arrested Wednesday for investigation of possession of a firearm on a school campus and misdemeanor child endangerment after students at Diamond Elementary School found the weapon, said Angela Burrell, a spokeswoman for the Santa Ana Unified School District.

Students had access to the cabinet, where the gun and ammunition were kept in a drawer, Burrell said.

DeArmond was released on $20,000 bail late Wednesday and no longer works at the school, Burrell said. It wasn't immediately clear if DeArmond had retained an attorney.

Santa Ana police referred calls to the school district.

2008, 04.04

I realize that Santa Ana is a high crime area and a teacher may want to protect herself by having a weapon, but how do you keep a weapon safe in a school?

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I'm sure some brownfield needs to be cleaned somewhere. That would be great.

It would have to be sufficiently decontaminated first, but a gardening project in clean soil would be acceptable with proper supervision; you would want to keep an eye on those gardening tools that disturbed children could use as weapons. It might be an activity sufficient to absorb their energy and attention, and to keep their mind off plotting to overthrow the teacher from her throne...er classroom.

They might also learn something about agriculture, soil science, and helpful insects such as ladybugs in the process.

If they are picking up trash, it should be of the candy wrapper variety and nothing that would pose a danger to them.

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I have never approved of physically disciplining children, I never did mine and they turned out to be very respectful honest and kind adults. However when I was growing up late 50's 60's parents spanked their children when the punishment called for it. I've never condoned this type of discipline for my own children but was spanked by my parents when needed. Perhaps this is what is wrong in our world today. We are not able to punish our children as we see fit. I'm not just talking about spankings. There are many other ways. But because of the way our children are being abused, society will not permit us to handle the problems as seen fit. My friend and her daughter were arguing when my friend reached out to grab her daughter and the first words her daughter said was, go ahead and I will call CPS on you. What are we to do? I do whole heartedly believe we could do better by talk than physical discipline. But there is a time a good ol spanking is called for. Beat the little SHits!!

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i heard about that and couldnt stop laughing! I mean 3rd graders!!!! it wouldn't be funny if they did kill her, just the fact cuz they are so you. They deserve a punishment. idfc if they are lttle.

and wouldnt it be awkward if the teacher brought a gun to school, planning to kill them the same day?

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I have never approved of physically disciplining children, I never did mine and they turned out to be very respectful honest and kind adults. However when I was growing up late 50's 60's parents spanked their children when the punishment called for it. I've never condoned this type of discipline for my own children but was spanked by my parents when needed. Perhaps this is what is wrong in our world today. We are not able to punish our children as we see fit. I'm not just talking about spankings. There are many other ways. But because of the way our children are being abused, society will not permit us to handle the problems as seen fit. My friend and her daughter were arguing when my friend reached out to grab her daughter and the first words her daughter said was, go ahead and I will call CPS on you. What are we to do? I do whole heartedly believe we could do better by talk than physical discipline. But there is a time a good ol spanking is called for. Beat the little SHits!!

Spanking wears me out, and their misbehaviour may continue despite the effort. Usually I concentrate on brainwashing them into being perfect angels.

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