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The Debra Lefave Thread...

Geralds Game

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Forcing someone to perform oral sex is a penetrative act. You're forcing your dick into their mouth. Is not that penetration? Then by that definition, wouldn't it be rape?

It could be depending on the jurisdiction's crime laws; some jurisdictions may apply other statutes. In this case the state charged Miss Lefave with a battery and dropped some charges.

Most of the criminal law on rape dates to Blackstone, at at time when rape was more or less defined as a crime against a woman. Modernly, the definition of rape has evolved. I'm trying to avoid becoming graphic, but here's the link.

Modern statutes typically punish as rape the forcible penetration—by any object—of a woman's mouth, anus, or vagina, and most rape statutes apply to penetration of a male victim as well.
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It's true that the definition of rape varies. When the word is used most people think of what some laws refer to as 'forcible rape'. What we call 'statutory rape' is now often referred to as unlawful sexual conduct with a minor.

There are a bunch of other terms or labels given to "rape", presumably to cover those instances where they don't meet the definition of 'forcible rape'... sexual assault, sexual battery, etc.

I agree there is a difference between the 'rape' that occurs when one of the people is under the legal age of consent and the forcible rape of someone.

However, I stand by my view that a teacher (of either gender) having sex with an underage student (of either gender), especially one of his/her own students is abusing her authority, breaching a trust, and showing incredibly poor judgement.

It is not okay. Period.

Edited by Lake of Shadows
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There is a local case going on where a male karate teacher was sexually abusing his male students, aged 9 through 15, for many years. He setup cameras in the school bathroom, masturbated with them and had sex with them in the school office and his home. Given this went on for so many years, and the students could have stopped going to the classes anytime, and that he became so brazen in his actions, with no complaints - it could be assumed that some of the students did not mind what was going on. Years ago, the thinking toward homosexuality would make this a more clear violation to most people. But given the acceptance for younger people being encouraged to chose and show their sexuality (gay clubs, for example), this story does not seem that different than the mature woman / young boy scenerio?

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There is a local case going on where a male karate teacher was sexually abusing his male students, aged 9 through 15, for many years. He setup cameras in the school bathroom, masturbated with them and had sex with them in the school office and his home. Given this went on for so many years, and the students could have stopped going to the classes anytime, and that he became so brazen in his actions, with no complaints - it could be assumed that some of the students did not mind what was going on. Years ago, the thinking toward homosexuality would make this a more clear violation to most people. But given the acceptance for younger people being encouraged to chose and show their sexuality (gay clubs, for example), this story does not seem that different than the mature woman / young boy scenerio?


The more students and teenagers are exposed to these types of behaviors, the more they believe that it is acceptable. Commercials, the internet and media in general make it appear to be "normal" for tweens and such to be sexual. You see it especially in the fashion industry. Does that model look like she hasn't hit puberty yet, however she is wearing a see through top, mini mini skirt and slut red lipstick? She may not be into puberty yet or just 18 and not hit it either. And we question why some men are believing this is ok too? Not that it's ok, I am dead seat against it. I see it as 18-25 or no boogy woogy, gettie it?

Who's pushing who's buttons here?

As far as the double standards?

Electrophile said it best, so that was my viewpoint anyhow. When we let sex, and or socioeconomic stereotyping judge the way people are judged and behave. Aren't we sort of throwing dead cats at the constitution and our laws?

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Don't know what all the fuss is about. When I was 15 I couldn't stop dreaming about banging my teacher. She had these massive tits that used to bounce around all over the place. I would have died and gone to paradise if she came onto me.

Hells bells, 15 and 16 year old boys died in war. Getting banged by your female teacher is something I longed for at that age. :D

Edited by Mangani
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Gainsbarre, it's pretty sad you have such a low opinion of "respect". Disrespecting others is why the world is so full of hatred, IMO.

It's interesting that you chose to take my statement that way... That in absence of respect, I must disrespect people...Maybe you didn't understand the deeper implications of what I was saying.

I said fuck respect in the sense of earning people's respect, because whoever it is made the post about earning the community's respect.

The point I was making is the person that people respect is the most diplomatic, the one who manages the most egos, never says anything out of turn. Who does a community respect? The most moral upstanding citizen?

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You said "eh, fuck respect". I took that at face value. Sorry i can't read your mind and your deeper implications, LOL.

You didn't have to read my mind, it was all there. I think if you'd thought about it more, you would've understood...

Why would I say respect is just the most diplomatic person in the room?

You respect the person who is the most diplomatic to you...

Edited by Gainsbarre
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You didn't have to read my mind, it was all there. I think if you'd thought about it more, you would've understood...

Why would I say respect is just the most diplomatic person in the room?

You respect the person who is the most diplomatic to you...

Not necessarily. I sometimes respect the person who is most honest, which is often not very diplomatic. LIkewise, the person I repsect might be the one with the most integrity, which can often result in not being very diplomatic.

I get the point you were making, but I think it's only sometimes true.

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One of my peers called this morning. He said we have to gather in West Virginia? Something about a tall bridge?


I need more coffee and to put more thought into it. One of my wings are broken.

Much of what a couple people have said here deserve thought\\\'s by their posters. All I will say is they are typical of man group think and the way peers expect men to behave. Now true we should behave the way our peers expect us to for the most part, I think. But when it comes to doing something morally objectionable, illegal and may involve people losing jobs and hiring attorneys or shrinks?

Well I suggest we all join me for another cup of joe...


Several of the posts pretty much prove my point without further comment\'s :-)

Good morning Shadows, Doc, Knows, Gainey and all. I was a teenager too, I behaved like the media and other teens expected me too many times. HOWEVER what my parents taught me got the best of me most of the time. I was taught to respect my elders \'clears throat,\' my teachers and authority. I am far from an angel.

The teacher with the big knockers? Where was she when I was in school. That was funny.

Edited by Geralds Game
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I obey my parents as best I can, I've also learned to obey my parents wishes, and grow up respectable to elders. But I've never acted according to what the media says I should. In the end, you have to do your own thing. Otherwise, why even live?

Because the path to life, and life itself, are valuable gifts that are not meant to be taken for granted, even if there are challenges along the way. You develop a perspective on the media as time progresses.

This reminds me of the high speed racer who survived a crash at approximately 250 mph, a speed that would kill most people. It amazed him that he had survived, and from that time on he lives his life as if each day were the last.

Edited by eternal light
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Because the path to life, and life itself, are valuable gifts that are not meant to be taken for granted, even if there are challenges along the way. You develop a perspective on the media as time progresses.

This reminds me of the high speed racer who survived a crash at approximately 250 mph, a speed that would kill most people. It amazed him that he had survived, and from that time on he lives his life as if each day were the last.

My point was, that if you are completely conformed to society's unnamed rules, and you are nothing like that deep down, what the hell is the point of living? You can't even call that living. Its starvation of the soul. In the end, one has to be oneself.

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My point was, that if you are completely conformed to society's unnamed rules, and you are nothing like that deep down, what the hell is the point of living? You can't even call that living. Its starvation of the soul. In the end, one has to be oneself.

Beginning, middle and end, baby.

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Some people are born "diplomats"...and lord knows we need more of them in this world. I feel blessed i found one...

Gainsbarre, it's pretty sad you have such a low opinion of "respect". Disrespecting others is why the world is so full of hatred, IMO.

Your right on the money...the only way you'll get somewhere is with a whole lotta respect. fuck man, im a 21 year old, green eyed little punk and since ive been free from my mothers tummy i've been shining my respect. Remember, it's better to give than to receive!! I consider myself a born diplomat lol :D . A diplomat with a bald head :oB)






as for this blond chick...fuck man, i'd let her rape me...but not my little kids... B)

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It's true that the definition of rape varies. When the word is used most people think of what some laws refer to as 'forcible rape'. What we call 'statutory rape' is now often referred to as unlawful sexual conduct with a minor.

There are a bunch of other terms or labels given to "rape", presumably to cover those instances where they don't meet the definition of 'forcible rape'... sexual assault, sexual battery, etc.

I agree there is a difference between the 'rape' that occurs when one of the people is under the legal age of consent and the forcible rape of someone.

Yeah, especially when the extreme woman's libbers refer to sex in a marriage as, "the nightly rape of women"... you bet there is a difference in terminology.

However, I stand by my view that a teacher (of either gender) having sex with an underage student (of either gender), especially one of his/her own students is abusing her authority, breaching a trust, and showing incredibly poor judgement.

It is not okay. Period.

But did you see that photo of her on the motorcycle wearing high heels? Come on Lakey, the only "poor judgement" in a case like this would be a 15-17 year old boy not taking full advantage of that shit!

I can assure that the so called 'emotional scars' in later years would be more around someone NOT taking a shot at that when they had it. So I still don't buy your "either gender" point. We are both old enought to know that men are mentally and emotionally 'wired' much different that women.

But just to make my point more clear. Here is that photo again:


Hot Damn!

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And I'm 17. When I was 15 and my teacher wanted to bang, I'd have said yes in a heartbeat.

Everyone wins

I never had any good looking teachers back then. So any moves they made would have been not wanted. But if i had a hottie for a teacher and she made a move i would be all for it. :P:P

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