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Wall Posters


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I have a framed version of the plane one, a collage of Jimmy and these two


Mine just has their name at the top.


No way! I have the same Zeppelin collage on my wall to. I also have a Swan Song poster, a Houses Of The Holy poster, a Stairway To Heaven poster, one where it has all of their faces in square boxes

(Jimmy and John Paul both have beards) and I have an Outrider poster.

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This is the one taht brings back the teen bedroom memories!

Photo courtesy of ZosoDragon


Hey,that's my poster and it was on my bedroom wall back in the seventies.Almost all of my walls were covered with Zep posters or pictures and articles. ;)

Edited to add:That is a large poster,not standard size.I also have another one of that size. :D

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Hey,that's my poster and it was on my bedroom wall back in the seventies.Almost all of my walls were covered with Zep posters or pictures and articles. ;)

Edited to add:That is a large poster,not standard size.I also have another one of that size. :D

Me too! I had several of the giant posters. That one, the Presence tour one, and one more. Then I had the Jimmy/Robert Earl's Court Stairway solo one, the 1969 steps of the Chateau Marmont one... Not a square inch of exposed wall!! :lol:

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I didn´t have any poster back then, because I´m a new fan, but I was in Prague last week and I bought there exactly this beautiful poster. It is hanging on the wall in my computer corner!


I got the same poster ! Bought it from Estonia in the summer.

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I have this whole picture as a poster, this is only part of it.


And I made a nice copy of this and put it on my wall. It's probobly one of my very favorite pictures of Jimmy.


I own the Outrider poster too, but I don't have it up.

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I have more, but they're not in great nick.

Dang Knebby!

What a fantastic poster collection!

My mom was pretty strict about how many posters I could have hanging up. If it were up to me, I would have had my entire room covered in posters.

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....and Knebby comes in for the kill :lol:

I have about 10 all together.This one of Jimmy on the top I had framed and is now on my living room wall plus one more.The Robert one with the dove I had framed and I gave it to my brother.His wife won't let him put it up in his living room :) She probably wouldn't mind it in the bedroom as she is a big Robert fan B)

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Cheers Spacewoman! I kind of don't know what to do with them anymore. Don't wanna sell them, don't want them all on the walls. They stay in the spare room these days, rolled up in the corner. Seems a shame!

Tis a shame Knebs,frame them and enjoy them again!!!

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Oh man Knebby, you are bringing back so many distant memories for me!! My room back in the 70's was wall to wall pictures and posters of Zeppelin. I just wish I had saved my posters from back then...

Oh noooo, ILJP! :o Don't tell me you got rid of them all???How could you?love0045.gif

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