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Summer plans


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I've got summer-itis :) We're going to the beach in June and will also take random other days off here and there for amusement parks etc. Our kids do swim team so we'll be at the pool every evening too.

What are your summer plans?

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Travel, travel, travel, submerge in cold mountain streams and frolic in powerful ocean waves.

I'll checkout some fun roadside attractions, hike some peaks and watch the eagles soar overhead. Take in a few concerts, visit many friends along the way and take some photo's.

Other than that, not much. I live simply.

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This summer I'm going to:

-Complete the guitar I'm building

-Give another guitar body a custom paint job, maybe get the materials to complete its building

-Do lots of hanging out with friends returning from college

-Start running mornings/evenings with a friend

-Get a job

-Read a book or two, including this:


Edited by Matthew!
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1.This summer, I'm going to work as much as I can so I can go on a few different trips.

One includes a trip to Lake Tahoe for the Krauss/Plant concert June 28th.

Another includes a trip to the east coast that's not 100% planned yet.

I hope to take a few camping trips.

2. I need to work really hard reading my books that I have to teach for my student teaching in the fall and preparing curriculum to teach.

3. Sit on my deck in my nice yard and be lazy.

4. Work in my yard.

5. Be lazy.

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Lets see.

Going fishing in the you pee (upper peninsula of michigan) in a few weeks with a friend.

Meeting up with my daughter and her family on the Lake of the Ozarks, Missouri for fishing and general vacationing type stuff.

Renting a house in the mountains of Wyoming in sept. for sight seeing etc.

Riding my motorcycle with my bro and best friend.

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*checks calender*

Yeah, same as every year. Sit here in the house and watch other people go on nice vacations when I can't! :rant:

Someone come get me when they pass through Missouri. I need to get the hell out of here for a while.

You should get a job. :cheer: The way I see it, jobs are pretty much the key to life. They give you money. And then you can spend it. Awww yeahhhhh. And don't forget about the perks! That's why working at an airport is a good idea - free flights. If I get a job at the airport this summer, me and my friend (who already works there...or has a job lined up, at least) are going to travel like true brothas. B) Probably see an insane concert or two in the lower 48...that's what we call the contiguous US here in AK. :P

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I have no set plans. :D

I tend to have the most fun with spontaneity.

Definitely some canyon runs, some outdoor concerts...HERE in my own d&*^ city. <_< ( like Wilco at The Red Butte Gardens :D )

MAYBE go see my bro-in-law up in Oregon, haven't been there for ages.

Collect stories about our early concerts here. I'd like to put them together in some readable form.

Somebody has to do it. B)

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I am going to stay at home, re buy a bunch of toys from my childhood, and play with them.

Niiice. I'm sure if I took a trip to Mom's I could dig up some old Masters of the Universe action figures of my brother's. I don't think he's mind....

I plan on taking an east coast trip sometime this summer. The child is going to spend the summer with his father, so I might be traveling to a few concerts, not sure yet.

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Niiice. I'm sure if I took a trip to Mom's I could dig up some old Masters of the Universe action figures of my brother's. I don't think he's mind....

well, that may have been sarcasm, but give me the action figures. :D

I never had Masters of The Universe ones. I watched the show, but was very young, and don't remember having any.

I am having a blast going on ebay, and looking for shit I had when I was a kid. Everything I had is gone, and it troubles me greatly.

But that's ok! Because someone else likely has everything I have had, and I will get it all back........piece of piece.........one day.

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Taking a trip on the motorcycle, to see my sister in Idaho. Good excuse to ride through Montana, (my favorite state).


Hey MR is that a new one or did you get a paint job? More than one pony in the stable? I was thinking the same thing cept I don't think I can handle that long of a ride on a rigid sporty. :D

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You should get a job. :cheer: The way I see it, jobs are pretty much the key to life. They give you money. And then you can spend it. Awww yeahhhhh. And don't forget about the perks! That's why working at an airport is a good idea - free flights. If I get a job at the airport this summer, me and my friend (who already works there...or has a job lined up, at least) are going to travel like true brothas. B) Probably see an insane concert or two in the lower 48...that's what we call the contiguous US here in AK. :P

Well, I need to save up at least 5,000 bucks in order to fully enjoy a vacation, but by time I get that much, it'd be a year, and I'd like to go THIS summer...not next year or in 2011. I wish I was like some young people, they somehow make 20 dollars an hour doing nothing.

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Yay the hotel confirmation letter came in as did the Travel Confirmation

9:50 am to 1:00pm (EST)

Miami to Boston

4:15pm to 5:20 am

Boston to Frankfurt

6:45 am to 7:15

Frankfurt to London

I leave June 4th

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