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Who Thinks Led Zep Should Tour

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Well it's quite obvious that there are hundreds of thousends of Zep fans around, young and old. Me [being old, or older 51 ahhh] well just an age. And it was impossable for all the Zep fans to get tickets, which must have left those who did not have a chance of getting any [ me being one of them] a bit mift. I have been a Zep fan since the age of 15, i have been a rock and metal fan since that age as well, and still am today.

Now i know Led Zep are coming together for a one off gig, with ticket prices at a stupid amount of money, but they must realise that the amount of people out there who would like to see them is amazing. So does anyone out there think they should at least do a few nights at wembley, or the 02, to let there ever growing fans see them, and do you think they owe it to the fans, after all it was the fans who put them where they are today.

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So does anyone out there think they should at least do a few nights at wembley, or the 02, to let there ever growing fans see them, and do you think they owe it to the fans, after all it was the fans who put them where they are today.

No. They gave 12 years and would have given more but they don't "owe" the fans shit!

They've learned there's a lot more to life than Led Zeppelin; we should too. I don't

want to see these guys treading the boards as old age pensioners. Rock and roll is a

young man's game.

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No. They gave 12 years and would have given more but they don't "owe" the fans shit!

They've learned there's a lot more to life than Led Zeppelin; we should too. I don't

want to see these guys treading the boards as old age pensioners. Rock and roll is a

young man's game.

Yes i do see your point, and i think but for this gig, everyone would have put the good old days to rest, but because of it, a lot of people want to see em, i have seen then 7 times,and was very satisfied at that, but because of this gig, it's brought it all back. But as for them being to old to rock. The Stones are still going strong. Mick 63. Charlie watts 65. And Mick is as good now as he was 30yrs ago, i see them every time thy are on tour, and the same goes for Motorhead, Lemmy is 63, and will die on stage, i have seen then almost every year for the last 30 yrs, the last time being last Sunday. Your never to old to rock, it's all in the mind.

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I do. all fans would love it. even if you say you don't, you will. it would be the Mother of ALL comebacks.

I agree it would be a hype, just like that first leg of the 1995 Page/Plant tour. These

corporate types in they're Dockers, bringing their trophy wives to the show. It was

just the place to be seen that week, the "Hot Ticket". I don't want to see these

guys attempt "Best Buy Presents The Who & Led Zeppelin 2012 World Tour".

An evening of original music with Mssrs Page, Plant & Jones? Sure, why not.

If the three want to pursue new musical horizons under a different moniker great but you don't bring back the monster. It's over. It's been over for 27 years. Nothing is

going to bring back the Kingpin, the guy who made what they wrote really work.

Anything after 1980 is new incarnations of what they once were. Just my opinion.

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If they feel they can do it, then that will be ok, but, remember two are in their sixties,and Plant will be sixty next year, they won t have the energy they once had, to go from one place to another, I think it will be nice to some gigs in England Wales and America, for the people who really want to see them and did not get tickets.

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I agree it would be a hype, just like that first leg of the 1995 Page/Plant tour. These

corporate types in they're Dockers, bringing their trophy wives to the show. It was

just the place to be seen that week, the "Hot Ticket". I don't want to see these

guys attempt "Best Buy Presents The Who & Led Zeppelin 2012 World Tour".

An evening of original music with Mssrs Page, Plant & Jones? Sure, why not.

If the three want to pursue new musical horizons under a different moniker great but you don't bring back the monster. It's over. It's been over for 27 years. Nothing is

going to bring back the Kingpin, the guy who made what they wrote really work.

Anything after 1980 is new incarnations of what they once were. Just my opinion.

Word. *beer circles

... well, except that i don't really rule the tour - thing out as what really matters are those 4 people and what they do either on gig or in studio. I don't think you can ever revive that monster anymore: i vouch for the pursue of new music, whether liked by the hc-fans or not. Obviously you can't bring back zeppelins when it's the age of planes.

(hell with this huge editing)

Edited by Ramci
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I would have respect in both cases. Eventually it's their own decision if they want to continue or not. I would find it great if they continued as I'm sure it would be great and I don't think they're "too old", but I have very great respect for them (or at least Jimmy) saying they want to wait with their decision until the O2 concert is over. And I agree that they have their own private lives now which might be greater than LZ, as hard as it may sound ;) I'm sure that in the end they'll make the right decision.

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The l a s t gig by l e d z e p p e l i n . . . . . . . . . .

I can always consider sending threat-messages to Page if he doesn't record the show... though i don't think it will do any good. :(

Man, i'm getting more and more sad and jealous to you guys as the date approaches.

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I would be probably thrilled and shocked if they do. I also would just hope they tape this show and Jimmy lets it out as soon as possible. And relieved if they don't do a tour, I think, so Jimmy could go back to his solo album, so he could finally put it out! I would be even happier if Jimmy toured himself for his album!

Edited by aen27
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Sure, it would be great if Led Zeps were touring - but I don't really like the thought of a reunion. One of the reasons Led Zeppelin became the greatest band ever is because they were forced to quit on their height. And remember - the thought to break up was immediately there when they found John Bonham dead. Led Zeppelin can't reunite because they wouldn't be whole - even when Jason is on the drums. I grew up with Led Zeppelin - it is absolutely clear for me that there is no way of a reunion. And LZ can't repeat or top their success - and I'm sure they don't want to.

The O2 concert is a celebration for LZ and their fans from the very beginning. It will raise the spirit of a really, really good time which can't be compared with the spirit of today. This concert will light the old fire in the souls of us true fans which connects the band's and our heartstrings ever since. Because we remember the same feelings. .... Do you remember about laughter?...... . There will be also many tears in wrinkled faces. On both sides. I can feel them soaring up in this very moment I'm writing down this lines.

I like the idea if LZ would start a tour in order to donate the money like they do with the O2-capture. Millions would go to the concerts and - a lot of people would be helped with the money. I'm sure this could be a topic the band members may consider. And it would be a flaming sign that every thing in the world is connected.

And I would love to see them on stage again for one more time....

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:blink::blink: i think they should tour when all agree and fulfill their agreements....

krauss/plant have a tour to do and i will b in audience lol, never would have imagined seeing plant yet again, however what the heck.....this will b 3rd time live. i know many people have seen him way way more and thats very cool. but i also saw zep in 1977 soooo there you go :blink::blink:

rolls>>> :wacko:

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I could post a lot of angry b.s. about all this, being young and angry- about how the music industry tries to push all this shit music on kids today that has no meaning- to me at least. It means nothing at all- just background noise- like that annoying little mosquito buzzing in my ear- one that finds its way to death because of its unwanted presence. Zep is not something that just means a lot to older people lucky enough to grow up in the shiny, plastic wrapped nineties with its disposable moulded plastic music. There's young people deep enough to see through all the comersialism and diluted MTV dreams and make the connection as well. The music binds all young and old. That's my thoughts.

I'd like a tour, but it's up to the boys. They know what's right thing to do- at least Jimmy and John Paul.

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Of course they should tour. Who would not want to see the Hammer of the Gods, the only non-existance band(in terms of releasing current recorded music)that matters. The Led would rock the foundation of the music business if they would tour or even release a album(remember Jimmy Page talking about he was not happy with ITTOD and how Bonham and him discussed the next album being a rock and roll album?Well, here is the chance to make that record and tour behind it.) I had a dream, oh my, a crazy dream. Can you feel it? On the cover of the godforsaken Rolling Stone. The magazine that Page had black roses in his arms for the photo shoot that couldn't make it out of the dark room.What the hell is going on? I guess Charles Young will interview Page again and make amends for that dagger throwing article back in '88. Or the original writer of the Led Zep 1 RS review will review the show and come full circle in his opinion of the band. Its all crap. I am waiting for every to stop drooling over Zep reuniting(media and fans alike)and let the natural progression of a "new band" take shape. And who knows who that will turn out. Maybe we will get the return of Led Zeppelin or the return of the Tony Thompson studio rehearsals with batteries for the pedals going dead and having to drive all over the countryside for replacements. This band is just like you and I folks, they have faults, agendas, desires, promises, financial obligiations, past history that needs to be sorted out before the tour orgy process gets everyone, and I mean everyone hard and or wet with anticipation. Led Zeppelin's release of ITTOD in '79 saved the music business. Can history repeat itself? It usually does. I am sure that Mssrs. Page, Plant and Jones have an idea of how,why and what they want to accomplish with the show at the (bl)o2 arena. That is the subject matter that needs to researched and reported on. Anything after that, will have to wait. But god, do we not need a Led Zeppelin again? This is the only band that can rock and will still rock. Keepers of the flame. Into the mind of the subconscience, No Quarter.

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Of course they should tour. Who would not want to see the Hammer of the Gods, the only non-existance band(in terms of releasing current recorded music)that matters. The Led would rock the foundation of the music business if they would tour or even release a album(remember Jimmy Page talking about he was not happy with ITTOD and how Bonham and him discussed the next album being a rock and roll album?Well, here is the chance to make that record and tour behind it.) I had a dream, oh my, a crazy dream. Can you feel it? On the cover of the godforsaken Rolling Stone. The magazine that Page had black roses in his arms for the photo shoot that couldn't make it out of the dark room.What the hell is going on? I guess Charles Young will interview Page again and make amends for that dagger throwing article back in '88. Or the original writer of the Led Zep 1 RS review will review the show and come full circle in his opinion of the band. Its all crap. I am waiting for every to stop drooling over Zep reuniting(media and fans alike)and let the natural progression of a "new band" take shape. And who knows who that will turn out. Maybe we will get the return of Led Zeppelin or the return of the Tony Thompson studio rehearsals with batteries for the pedals going dead and having to drive all over the countryside for replacements. This band is just like you and I folks, they have faults, agendas, desires, promises, financial obligiations, past history that needs to be sorted out before the tour orgy process gets everyone, and I mean everyone hard and or wet with anticipation. Led Zeppelin's release of ITTOD in '79 saved the music business. Can history repeat itself? It usually does. I am sure that Mssrs. Page, Plant and Jones have an idea of how,why and what they want to accomplish with the show at the (bl)o2 arena. That is the subject matter that needs to researched and reported on. Anything after that, will have to wait. But god, do we not need a Led Zeppelin again? This is the only band that can rock and will still rock. Keepers of the flame. Into the mind of the subconscience, No Quarter.


I dunno about this statement :blink::blink: ?

It has to be the most oxymoronic thing I've ever heard. Why be ambivilant?

Either you do want them to tour or you don't.

Rolls>>> :wacko:

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