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New Jimmy Interview


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Ok, let me walk you through this real slow like. The original poster suggested Jimmy is

arguably the most IMPORTANT rock figure of the last 50 years. If you can debate with

a straight face he had a bigger impact on society than Elvis Presley, John Lennon or Mick Jagger than mister your a better man than I. Chuck Berry, by the way, is important

not so much for his back catalog as his impact on other guitarists, to include Keith

Richards and Jimmy Page. Jimmy did not invent the duckwalk but he does enjoy doing it.

I didn't say Jimmy hasn't created anything new since Munich, I said in my opinion he hasn't written anything remarkable since then. That is not to say I don't enjoy what

he has done, as for the most part I do.

Speaking of the duckwalk, I KNOW there is a pic of Jimmy doing the duckwalk out there somewhere, I'm so mad at myself for not saving it at the time. I've searched and searched to no avail for that...would anyone happen to have it who would be willing to post so I can right click and die a happy woman? :D

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Ok, let me walk you through this real slow like. The original poster suggested Jimmy is

arguably the most IMPORTANT rock figure of the last 50 years. If you can debate with

a straight face he had a bigger impact on society than Elvis Presley, John Lennon or Mick Jagger than mister your a better man than I. Chuck Berry, by the way, is important

not so much for his back catalog as his impact on other guitarists, to include Keith

Richards and Jimmy Page. Jimmy did not invent the duckwalk but he does enjoy doing it.

I didn't say Jimmy hasn't created anything new since Munich, I said in my opinion he hasn't written anything remarkable since then. That is not to say I don't enjoy what

he has done, as for the most part I do.


I'm not going to dig through your thousands of posts, but you've updated your far harsher verdict on Jimmy's post-Presence career into a 'Artistic Zenith' angle. I should have commented at the time but it was in regards to Page having no memorable riffs after Presence. Well, Presence being Jimmy's supposed artistic apex could apply to the entire Led Zeppelin band. Other than one big tour and a Plant/ Jones dominated ITTOD the band barely existed following Presence.

Chuck Berry did not invent the electric guitar but he enjoys playing it. Without the guitarist/innovator Les Paul there would be no electric guitar. Satisfaction, Revolution, That's Alright Mama and Johnny B. Goode on acoustic guitar. Very doubtful as to their impact on society. Said with a straight face real fast like.

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I'm not going to dig through your thousands of posts, but you've updated your far harsher verdict on Jimmy's post-Presence career into a 'Artistic Zenith' angle. I should have commented at the time but it was in regards to Page having no memorable riffs after Presence. Well, Presence being Jimmy's supposed artistic apex could apply to the entire Led Zeppelin band. Other than one big tour and a Plant/ Jones dominated ITTOD the band barely existed following Presence.

Chuck Berry did not invent the electric guitar but he enjoys playing it. Without the guitarist/innovator Les Paul there would be no electric guitar. Satisfaction, Revolution, That's Alright Mama and Johnny B. Goode on acoustic guitar. Very doubtful as to their impact on society. Said with a straight face real fast like.

No need to dig thru my impressive back catalog of posts. I'm telling you what I said

originally as well as most recently -- IMHO he hasn't written anything remarkable

since Nov 1975 in Munich. This is not to say everything he's done since is no good.

You've mentioned the other members. I happen to believe Robert Plant is a far better

singer post-Zeppelin, and I'm not certain where I would place his artistic zenith. It's

a toss-up really, either 1993 or 2005.

I never said songs alone impacted society (although they definitely did). I said the

most important rock artists of the past 50 years made an impact on society and

specifically cited Presley, Lennon & Jagger as in the top-tier of those having made

the biggest impact.

Edited by SteveAJones
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jimmy may have a back log of memorable riffs, but if we were to judge based on his recorded output since 1977, there is not alot of contenders. there are others who thought the greatest thing jimmy did post-zep was coverdale/page, there are the firm's two albums, walking into clarksdale, and then.....

jimmy isn't an instrumental kinda guy. anyone fond of going head to head with a vocal gymnast has a vision of onstage (and studio) dynamics. page needs a vehicle worthy.

there's the rub....

so, chicago i ask again: where do you place page's zenith (if he has indeed reached it). it's one thing to disagree with an opinion, but where is yours?

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Speaking of the duckwalk, I KNOW there is a pic of Jimmy doing the duckwalk out there somewhere, I'm so mad at myself for not saving it at the time. I've searched and searched to no avail for that...would anyone happen to have it who would be willing to post so I can right click and die a happy woman? :D

I used to have some very short 8 mm clips of Jimmy doing the duckwalk. They are probably on YouTube now. This isn't the best photo but until someone posts a better one... LZstagebwIII.jpg


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I used to have some very short 8 mm clips of Jimmy doing the duckwalk. They are probably on YouTube now. This isn't the best photo but until someone posts a better one... LZstagebwIII.jpg


Thank you Lady!! It's better than anything I'VE got!! Muah!

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You're welcome, Medhb. :)

I don't remember Jimmy duckwalking here, but he does do some dancing:


That's great MSG, thanks! I still love to watch him flap his arms up and down like he's doing the chicken dance (my daughter thinks he looks cute doing that :lol:)

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You're welcome, Medhb. :)

I don't remember Jimmy duckwalking here, but he does do some dancing:

Brilliant MSG!! What a way to enjoy my Sunday morning coffee! Jimmy's got the moves that will make me sweat and make me groove! "Calling Darling Hubby!!!" Since I can't call 'Dr. Page' Ahahahhaahaha!!

Anyone remember "Calling Dr. Bombay, come right away"?

Calling Dr. Page, come here with sage....OK, I'm no poet but....you get the point. Time for more coffee... :(

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Steve, you bring it on yourself. You really do.

Knebby! Where ya been? Too long lady! Ummm, we're having a kiss and make up thread on the newbie board :D

I love you ALL! Without the controversy, the differences in personalities and opinions, it would be so boring. Y'all know how to keep things lively round these parts! We are all flowers in a bouquet, some of our petals are a little wilted, some of our leaves are a little sparse but...all together we are beautiful!

Ummmm, ya think I need to lay off the wine yet? I'm getting sappy :rolleyes:

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Knebby! Where ya been? Too long lady! Ummm, we're having a kiss and make up thread on the newbie board :D

I love you ALL! Without the controversy, the differences in personalities and opinions, it would be so boring. Y'all know how to keep things lively round these parts! We are all flowers in a bouquet, some of our petals are a little wilted, some of our leaves are a little sparse but...all together we are beautiful!

Ummmm, ya think I need to lay off the wine yet? I'm getting sappy :rolleyes:

Pass a glass this way girl!!

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If this is a "real" interview is that meant to imply there's been a bunch of fake ones out there?

Yes. Their were quotes from Jimmy after the Foo appearance that made it look like they were new, when in fact, they were from Jimmy's trip to Japan a many months back.

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Yes. Their were quotes from Jimmy after the Foo appearance that made it look like they were new, when in fact, they were from Jimmy's trip to Japan a many months back.

That doesn't make the interview any less "real", dated yes but not any less "real". From the thread subtitle one would get the impression there were some totally fabricated Page interviews floating around.

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That doesn't make the interview any less "real", dated yes but not any less "real". From the thread subtitle one would get the impression there were some totally fabricated Page interviews floating around.

The week before this interview, articles were all over the internet quoting Page saying that Zeppelin would reform for 2009 as if the quotes were from Page after the Foo gig. They were not new interviews, but were posted here, by no ones fault, as such. They were misleading. That makes the title of this thread relevant to the time it was posted.

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That doesn't make the interview any less "real", dated yes but not any less "real". From the thread subtitle one would get the impression there were some totally fabricated Page interviews floating around.

Why do you ask questions and then get all up in arms about the answers?! I think everyone needs a good night sleep. I'm hitting the sack, I have to get up too early tomorrow (anything before 9 a.m is too early for me :D )

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Why do you ask questions and then get all up in arms about the answers?! I think everyone needs a good night sleep. I'm hitting the sack, I have to get up too early tomorrow (anything before 9 a.m is too early for me :D )

Jahfin has an abiding appreciation for precision and accuracy seldom found in others. I commend him for it.

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