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Kiss bashing stairway

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Although Stairway is one of Zeppelin's worst IMO, its just one of those songs that you don't dare cover.

Either way, I'm sure if they did "bash" it, they were just toying around.

Are you being serious. Led Zeppelin don't and have never made "worst" types of music or songs. All Led Zeppelin's music is at the very least "good", and any one who doesn't like "Stairway" should not call themselves a true Led Zeppelin fan.

I've seen five Led Zeppelin Tribute Bands in the last year alone, and every one gave a very good rendition of Stairway To Heaven, it's only what a true Led Zeppelin fan would expect. It's been said that Mr Plant doesn't like to do Stairway anymore, then don't, but I wonder if he still likes the royalties?

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I read a review of the show that is mentioned in this topic and nowhere does the reviewer mention that Paul Stanley said "we're going to play some real rock and roll tonight". He does state that Paul did stay "Not tonight". So, someone is trying to stir the pot around here because being a big fan of both Zeppelin and Kiss (imgagine that!), I can promise you that Bonham, Jones, Page, and Plant are nothing but idols to anyone and everyone who has ever been in Kiss. I have read interviews with both Paul and Gene where they recall very fond memories of going to the Garden in 1973 to see Zeppelin when they were starting Kiss

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All Led Zeppelin's music is at the very least "good", and any one who doesn't like "Stairway" should not call themselves a true Led Zeppelin fan.


I'm a Led Zeppelin fan;and I fucking hate Stairway...

.....not because of overplay,or "overrated",or any of that shit.

I just fuckin' hate the song.

So;what the fuck should I call myself? :rolleyes:

I'm sick of people who judge others based on their opinion of one fucking song.

Believe it or not;there's people in the world that have never even heard the song,much less have an opinion of it.

It's a SONG;it's not the Holy Grail.....

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I'm a Led Zeppelin fan;and I fucking hate Stairway...

.....not because of overplay,or "overrated",or any of that shit.

I just fuckin' hate the song.

So;what the fuck should I call myself? :rolleyes:

I'm sick of people who judge others based on their opinion of one fucking song.

Believe it or not;there's people in the world that have never even heard the song,much less have an opinion of it.

It's a SONG;it's not the Holy Grail.....

Judging by your Avatar, a Rolling Stones or Keith Richards fan.

And a "True Led Zeppelin Fan" would not post such shit on here, you may be a fan, but as far as I'm concerned your not one.

You don't say why you "hate" Stairway, It seems that you "hate" far to easily as you said "It's a song, it's not the Holy Grail" What's there to hate anyhow?

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Judging by your Avatar, a Rolling Stones or Keith Richards fan.

And a "True Led Zeppelin Fan" would not post such shit on here, you may be a fan, but as far as I'm concerned your not one.

You don't say why you "hate" Stairway, It seems that you "hate" far to easily as you said "It's a song, it's not the Holy Grail" What's there to hate anyhow?

There's that word again.....

It's not "shit";it's an opinion .I'm still allowed to have those,right? I mean;they don't get revoked because I'm not-in your opinion-a "True Led Zeppelin Fan"?

Tell me O knowledgeable one,what exactly is[i/] a "True Led Zeppelin Fan" anyway?

Is it someone who loves them blindly;and believes they can do no wrong?Someone who takes everything they've ever done-good or bad-as gospel?

It's interesting that you used the phrase "such shit" in regards to someone elses' opinion.I assume that means that anyone who doesn't agree with you has a "shit" opinion? You're right,and everyone else is wrong? That's very open-minded of you.

I don't need to explain to you,or anyone else for that matter,why I hate "Stairway".I hate a lot of things; that doesn't mean I have to explain why.

I also love a lot of things;some of which you probably wouldn't agree with,and probably tell me that the fact that I do love them is "such shit"

Oh wait;you did that already.....

I'm sooooo hurt by the fact that you no longer consider me a fan.If I ever get the chance to meet Jimmy,Robert or John Paul,I have every intention of telling them what I think of "Stairway",in addition to a lot of their other songs,and you know what?Good or bad,they won't lose any sleep over it.You know why?

Because it's an opinion

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There's that word again.....

It's not "shit";it's an opinion .I'm still allowed to have those,right? I mean;they don't get revoked because I'm not-in your opinion-a "True Led Zeppelin Fan"?

Tell me O knowledgeable one,what exactly is[i/] a "True Led Zeppelin Fan" anyway?

Is it someone who loves them blindly;and believes they can do no wrong?Someone who takes everything they've ever done-good or bad-as gospel?

It's interesting that you used the phrase "such shit" in regards to someone elses' opinion.I assume that means that anyone who doesn't agree with you has a "shit" opinion? You're right,and everyone else is wrong? That's very open-minded of you.

I don't need to explain to you,or anyone else for that matter,why I hate "Stairway".I hate a lot of things; that doesn't mean I have to explain why.

I also love a lot of things;some of which you probably wouldn't agree with,and probably tell me that the fact that I do love them is "such shit"

Oh wait;you did that already.....

I'm sooooo hurt by the fact that you no longer consider me a fan.If I ever get the chance to meet Jimmy,Robert or John Paul,I have every intention of telling them what I think of "Stairway",in addition to a lot of their other songs,and you know what?Good or bad,they won't lose any sleep over it.You know why?

Because it's an opinion

If you will not give the reason why you hate Stairway so much then why comment on it at all.

I like you, don't follow Led Zeppelin blindly, buy why all the hate.

"What is a true Led Zeppelin fan"? Well as "Fan" is short for fanatical, it sure ain't you is it?

And as for what it is, that's a matter of opinion, and as you know, opinions are like "Arseholes". Everyone's got one, even you, so don't have a go, just post why you hate "Stairway" so much then we might be able to have a debate on it. Or are you just a "wind-up merchant" me thinks?

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There's that word again.....

It's not "shit";it's an opinion .I'm still allowed to have those,right? I mean;they don't get revoked because I'm not-in your opinion-a "True Led Zeppelin Fan"?

Tell me O knowledgeable one,what exactly is[i/] a "True Led Zeppelin Fan" anyway?

Is it someone who loves them blindly;and believes they can do no wrong?Someone who takes everything they've ever done-good or bad-as gospel?

It's interesting that you used the phrase "such shit" in regards to someone elses' opinion.I assume that means that anyone who doesn't agree with you has a "shit" opinion? You're right,and everyone else is wrong? That's very open-minded of you.

I don't need to explain to you,or anyone else for that matter,why I hate "Stairway".I hate a lot of things; that doesn't mean I have to explain why.

I also love a lot of things;some of which you probably wouldn't agree with,and probably tell me that the fact that I do love them is "such shit"

Oh wait;you did that already.....

I'm sooooo hurt by the fact that you no longer consider me a fan.If I ever get the chance to meet Jimmy,Robert or John Paul,I have every intention of telling them what I think of "Stairway",in addition to a lot of their other songs,and you know what?Good or bad,they won't lose any sleep over it.You know why?

Because it's an opinion

And just to clarify,

Quote. "I don't need to explain to you,or anyone else for that matter,why I hate "Stairway".

Yes you do need to explain why, because what you said is a statement not an opinion, in an opinion you need to say what your opinion is, and you haven't.

Quote. "If I ever get the chance to meet Jimmy,Robert or John Paul,I have every intention of telling them what I think of "Stairway",in addition to a lot of their other songs,and you know what?Good or bad,they won't lose any sleep over it.You know why?"

(Because they would be in such a fit of laughter they would be rolling around the floor for ever)

And you ask me what a Led Zeppelin fan is, if any real "Led Zeppelin fan" met any member of the band what you have said would not even enter their head's. You are so negative that I bet even "Black" is not dark enough in your spectrum.

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It was tongue in cheek. KISS are big Zep fan's. Well at least Ace and Paul have mentioned them as major influences.

thank you..i think it's fairly obvious....

but of course there was a rivalry amongst fans back in the day..only natural, KISS was a party rock band, Zeppelin obviously a serious rock band.

Why are Zeppelin fans on this site soooo sensitive about everything from Ted Nugent to KISS........jeez

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Why are Zeppelin fans on this site soooo sensitive about everything from Ted Nugent to KISS........jeez

I take it that you mean me?

I am sensitive, but only about the music, the boys are open to criticism for whatever they get up to but the music is what this forum is all about. And let me apologise now for any offence caused to any member by me, it was not meant to be personal. Sorry.

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Although Stairway is one of Zeppelin's worst IMO, its just one of those songs that you don't dare cover.

Either way, I'm sure if they did "bash" it, they were just toying around.

That's the way I take it...he was just being facetious B)

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I take it that you mean me?

I am sensitive, but only about the music, the boys are open to criticism for whatever they get up to but the music is what this forum is all about. And let me apologise now for any offence caused to any member by me, it was not meant to be personal. Sorry.

Hi Dan, how's it going bro? Don't get too riled by ol' 59 over there. He's a gem when you get beneath the crust! ;)

He just doesn't dig Stairway. Best to leave it at that. I don't get Emotional Rescue. :beer:

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Kiss isn't even a real band.....I've always thought of them as a novelty act. They couldn't play stairway if they tried. :D

KISS is for CHILDREN...........ZEP is 1 of the top 5 bands of all time...PERIOD. B)

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As much as they have (periodically) entertained me, KISS are the Village People of Heavy Metal.

I bet they wish they had written even one song halfway as good as Stairway...


Truer words were never written.

I have seen the band once with make-up, and once without make-up.

KISS was never part of my teen-age or pre-teen life.

So their credibility with me, is not what millions of teen and pre-teen fans might have or hold.

I put KISS in a category with Boston and Def Leppard and other such bands that appeal to young dumb kids.

When I was a pre-teen, and was 'young and dumb'.... I listened to The Beatles, the pre- Rubber Soul Beatles.

And I wouldn't trade that for all the KISS/Def Leppard/Boston records in the world ! :D


Edited by SunChild
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Hi Dan, how's it going bro? Don't get too riled by ol' 59 over there. He's a gem when you get beneath the crust! ;)

He just doesn't dig Stairway. Best to leave it at that. I don't get Emotional Rescue. :beer:

Hi Evster,

Thanks for the advice mate, but I don't hold it against him, I just wanted to know why.

We all have our favourites, well I don't I love em'all, did you have the same trouble over the other side of the pond as we do here. Music stores banned you from playing Stairway, but it was the song everyone wanted to play. Same as the radio stations, you would have thought Stairway was the only song Zepp wrote.

I saw some of your music stuff on your site, awesome mate, and you do Rush as well. Who were the pissed chicks, we don't get women like that where I come from, over here they seem to only like dancing tunes and know nothing about real music. Anyway keep on rocking, I didn't know just how good a player you are, if I see Jimmy I'll point him in your direction. LOL

Regards, Danny

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Hi Evster,

Thanks for the advice mate, but I don't hold it against him, I just wanted to know why.

We all have our favourites, well I don't I love em'all, did you have the same trouble over the other side of the pond as we do here. Music stores banned you from playing Stairway, but it was the song everyone wanted to play. Same as the radio stations, you would have thought Stairway was the only song Zepp wrote.

I saw some of your music stuff on your site, awesome mate, and you do Rush as well. Who were the pissed chicks, we don't get women like that where I come from, over here they seem to only like dancing tunes and know nothing about real music. Anyway keep on rocking, I didn't know just how good a player you are, if I see Jimmy I'll point him in your direction. LOL

Regards, Danny

Hey! I wanna hear the Evster play! Where's your site Ev?

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:lol: Cheers Danny! This one's for you mate! :beer:

About Kiss, and specifically the remark made that Kiss is for kids. Yeah, I do agree with that on a level. But it's my own personal progression that agrees with it. When I was a young boy in the mid-70s, it was Marvel comics and Universal horror flicks for me. Kiss took the superhero and the horrorshow and combined it with rock music. When I was 10, I made the leap from Kiss to Led Zeppelin, thanks to some friends with high school age siblings. So I do owe a debt of gratitude to Kiss for planting that seed and crossing me over. They did open a door to what was on the other side. Kiss: the bridge from Spiderman to Jimmy Page. :lol:

Medhb, just plug Evster2012 into YouTube. ;)

Edited by Evster2012
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:lol: Cheers Danny! This one's for you mate! :beer:

About Kiss, and specifically the remark made that Kiss is for kids. Yeah, I do agree with that on a level. But it's my own personal progression that agrees with it. When I was a young boy in the mid-70s, it was Marvel comics and Universal horror flicks for me. Kiss took the superhero and the horrorshow and combined it with rock music. When I was 10, I made the leap from Kiss to Led Zeppelin, thanks to some friends with high school age siblings. So I do owe a debt of gratitude to Kiss for planting that seed and crossing me over. They did open a door to what was on the other side. Kiss: the bridge from Spiderman to Jimmy Page. :lol:

Medhb, just plug Evster2012 into YouTube. ;)

Great, thanks Ev! Ahhhh, the bridge from Spiderman to Jimmy Page :hysterical:

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:lol: Cheers Danny! This one's for you mate! :beer:

About Kiss, and specifically the remark made that Kiss is for kids. Yeah, I do agree with that on a level. But it's my own personal progression that agrees with it. When I was a young boy in the mid-70s, it was Marvel comics and Universal horror flicks for me. Kiss took the superhero and the horrorshow and combined it with rock music. When I was 10, I made the leap from Kiss to Led Zeppelin, thanks to some friends with high school age siblings. So I do owe a debt of gratitude to Kiss for planting that seed and crossing me over. They did open a door to what was on the other side. Kiss: the bridge from Spiderman to Jimmy Page. :lol:

Agree with ya mate,

Music is a journey that you are on, and you never know just where it will take you.

But when that journey took me to Led Zeppelin I knew I had reached the end.

I neither needed to, or wanted to go ant further, I had met "GOD".

The same thing happened to me when I met my now wife Kate.

So here's one for you Kate :beer::kiss::drunk:

And for you Evster, mate. :beer:

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I'm a Led Zeppelin fan;and I fucking hate Stairway...

.....not because of overplay,or "overrated",or any of that shit.

I just fuckin' hate the song.

So;what the fuck should I call myself? :rolleyes:

I'm sick of people who judge others based on their opinion of one fucking song.

Believe it or not;there's people in the world that have never even heard the song,much less have an opinion of it.

It's a SONG;it's not the Holy Grail.....

It's like saying you hate chocolate : it's saying you're boring, pathetic, odd and disliking everyone else so much that you chose to claim to shun what everyone likes.

It labels you as a person that feels messed up inside, like you didn't get love from your mom and grew up on bad friends and habits or smtg.

Can't put my finger on it. I've had my psuchosis days and utopia reveries and left them in the past, but I still know that Stairway is the best song ever, no matter what Taurus' Spirit sounds like.

It's like a guy saying he hates getting deepthroated and finds it repulsive. GET REAL. You don't like Stairway, I don't like you.

You're just stuck on some emotional shit. You don't hate the song and we all know it, infinity plus one.


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It's like saying you hate chocolate : it's saying you're boring, pathetic, odd and disliking everyone else so much that you chose to claim to shun what everyone likes.

It labels you as a person that feels messed up inside, like you didn't get love from your mom and grew up on bad friends and habits or smtg.

Can't put my finger on it. I've had my psuchosis days and utopia reveries and left them in the past, but I still know that Stairway is the best song ever, no matter what Taurus' Spirit sounds like.

It's like a guy saying he hates getting deepthroated and finds it repulsive. GET REAL. You don't like Stairway, I don't like you.

You're just stuck on some emotional shit. You don't hate the song and we all know it, infinity plus one.


Jeez, the guy doesn't like Stairway and you're saying things about chocolate, his mother not loving him, and being deepthroated?

Must be one of your "psuchosis days". :huh:

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Last Saturday Kiss played on the Graspop festival in Belgium. I heard from a friend of mine they played 10 seconds of stairway (or tried to) and then stopped and said "naah, we're gonna play real rock and roll tonight !".

Obviously I didn't go because I think Kiss ***** but now they hit another low.. .

I guess someone's having bad dreams about the real Rock n Roll Legends (possibly) reuniting.

KISS only deserve to play Star Trek Conventions.

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It's like saying you hate chocolate : it's saying you're boring, pathetic, odd and disliking everyone else so much that you chose to claim to shun what everyone likes.

It labels you as a person that feels messed up inside, like you didn't get love from your mom and grew up on bad friends and habits or smtg.

Can't put my finger on it. I've had my psuchosis days and utopia reveries and left them in the past, but I still know that Stairway is the best song ever, no matter what Taurus' Spirit sounds like.

It's like a guy saying he hates getting deepthroated and finds it repulsive. GET REAL. You don't like Stairway, I don't like you.

You're just stuck on some emotional shit. You don't hate the song and we all know it, infinity plus one.


You need therapy.

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