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Yes it does indeed....trolleyed, lashed, pissed, leathered, hammered etc etc.

So....ok let me get this straight. Is it ALL states in America that require you to be 21 to drink?

That must be just awful, and it's completely ridiculous.

You can drive a potentially lethal metal box of powe at 16 and not have a drink till you're 21. Madness.

I'll go to America one day but my goodness me not till I 'come of age'.

Yes, you must be 21. It makes me mad because at 18 you can go fight in a war and die but you can't have a beer. I don't drink, but it does make me mad that the ages are like that.

It doesn't bother me to wait till I'm 21.

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  • 1 month later...
Yes it does indeed....trolleyed, lashed, pissed, leathered, hammered etc etc.

So....ok let me get this straight. Is it ALL states in America that require you to be 21 to drink?

That must be just awful, and it's completely ridiculous.

You can drive a potentially lethal metal box of powe at 16 and not have a drink till you're 21. Madness.

I'll go to America one day but my goodness me not till I 'come of age'.

Americans and Europeans have a significant difference in their views of how alcohol should be consumed. And when it becomes a problem. Everyone who drinks isn't problematic, however one of the main reasons are morbidity statistics of teenagers who drink and drive in America. There are way more cars in America, so this would definately enter into the preclusions of "What constitutes a significant drinking problem."

There you would say, piss take a train and on the train get pissed again. Here it would be get in an SUV and drive over someone.

Additionally alcohol consumption is more errrr 'Cultural' than it is in America. Many know how to handle it quite differently and they don't care if you get pissed or not.

Who's money is it anyhow?


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  • 2 weeks later...
Picking up my little man for the weekend, couch time tonight with a few movies (cos its freekin cold), tomorrow out an about after a huge breakfast and Sunday; decorate the tree :)

I will be going to buy a dog for my son tomorrow. He is turning 23 and he has always wanted a dog but his mother was always against it. But now, both of them will be getting a big surprise. :D

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Let's see, tonight I'll be cleaning my closet and doing laundry. Such fun! But really, it needs to get done and since I have this weekend off, I'm utilizing that free time the best I can. We're going out for dinner tomorrow night for my sister's birthday, so I don't want any chores still unfinished laying around.

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You'll be fine Spats!

Thanks. :D But from now on i am going to tell my buddies to try and leave me out of this routine. We are going out to eat and probably see a movie. I will just try and concentrate on my meal and of course we will be too preoccupied watching the movie. Hopefully that will make the time go faster.

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Most here seem to be doing really laid back things. Doesn't anyone go out partying trying to hook up with anyone?? :blink::blink:

My exciting Friday night: I am cross-stitching a Christmas ornament as a gift for a friend, and watching Harry Potter. (Taking a break for a few minutes).

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So far: I went to a store and bought the Hippie Dictionary, and a Jeff Beck album. A friend came over for a few hours and we visited, it was very nice. She is also going to a dinner with me on Sunday. I plan to spend the rest of the night reading.

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Went to a romantic dinner with my husband (before kids come home from college next week) and went to "Leahy a Celtic Christmas" concert tonight. It was excellent, the dinner and the concert. The Leahy's are a musical familly from Lakefield, Ontario, Canada and all eleven siblings are very musical. Eight performed at the concert tonight. Lots of fiddle playing and step dancing as well as some very beautiful vocals. Puts you in the Christmas mood.

If anyone is intersted, their web site is leahymusic.com.

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Most here seem to be doing really laid back things. Doesn't anyone go out partying trying to hook up with anyone?? :blink::blink:

I will be partying tomorrow afternoon...another birthday party my daughter is invited to (3rd one this month). This time it's a house party instead of at one of the children's party places...gonna be such fun, woohho! :) I'm not planning on hooking up because i expect it will be mostly toddlers and their mom's there...

at least i have the entire weekend off, i hope to find time to get a few extra winks and maybe hang out at my sister's house on Sunday. More fun with the kids!

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Of course we're doing laid-back things. Some of us have things that need to get done and the weekends are the best times to do them. Just because you have no life and no responsibilities doesn't mean the rest of us don't.

I have a life and some responsibilities. But i try and save the weekend for partying, etc.

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Most here seem to be doing really laid back things. Doesn't anyone go out partying trying to hook up with anyone?? :blink::blink:

What? Drinking wine with my boyfriend's mom while watching him (my bf) baking christmas cookies seems like a great party to me.

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  • 2 months later...

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