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This in finnish news today:

"According to reliable sources Led Zeppelin will perform in Finland in late summer 2009 as part of their world tour".

The rest of the news is just reminiscent of their previous gig in Finland in 1970 and general info of the band, no details of other shows.

But you get the point. The dream is coming true.

This in finnish news today:

"According to reliable sources Led Zeppelin will perform in Finland in late summer 2009 as part of their world tour".

The rest of the news is just reminiscent of their previous gig in Finland in 1970 and general info of the band, no details of other shows.

But you get the point. The dream is coming true.


This would be big news if it's true.


I figured out that "drummer" in Finnish is "rumpali." I like that, for some reason.

But anyway, "according to reliable [unnamed] sources" isn't exactly a confirmation.

I figured out that "drummer" in Finnish is "rumpali." I like that, for some reason.

But anyway, "according to reliable [unnamed] sources" isn't exactly a confirmation.

There is no confirmation yet on the Achilles Last Stand website at led-zeppelin.org. I'll be checking the website from time to time. This would be major news if its true. I'm keeping my fingers crossed. ROCK ON!


Maybe I did exaggerate about the confirmation, but this news is all over finnish media now. Another online newspaper says (again according to a reliable source) that LZ will announce the tour details in September.

Posted (edited)

Lets not forget Finland 1975 where the finnish press advertised future european concerts confirming Zep were going to tour Europe after the cancelled US 75

Maybe thats an omen

Edited by Pagey_17
This in finnish news today:

"According to reliable sources Led Zeppelin will perform in Finland in late summer 2009 as part of their world tour".

The rest of the news is just reminiscent of their previous gig in Finland in 1970 and general info of the band, no details of other shows.

But you get the point. The dream is coming true.



This is similar to the "4 shows in Toronto" rumor a few months ago. 2 months from now another city will supposedly host a Led Zeppelin reunion show.


Whatever. If it was in the US news first you'd have no problem believing it.

The way I see it, there is just 1 place in Finland Zeppelin could perform: the Helsinki Olympic Stadium, which holds 50 000+. The stadium must be booked well beforehand as it hosts many big acts every year, and f.ex. the soccer World Championships qualifying games etc. Therefore some people not connected to booking agencies and such will definately know about it. I believe that's where the news came from.

Posted (edited)
Whatever. If it was in the US news first you'd have no problem believing it.

We would rate it right up there with oceanfront property in Arizona.

Led Zeppelin Finland!

Musiikkiuutiset | 23.07.2008 19.09 | Minttu Musiikkiuutiset | 23.07.2008 19.09 | Minttu

Yksi maailman suurimmista yhtyeistä, legendaarinen Led Zeppelin saapuu Suomeen. One of the world's biggest bands, the legendary Led Zeppelin arrives in Finland. Luotettavien lähteiden mukaan yhtye saapuu Suomeen ensi kesän lopulla. According to reliable sources, the band arrives in Finland before, at the end of summer. Tarkkaa ajankohtaa ei vielä tiedetä. The precise date is not yet known. Suomen keikka tulisi olemaan osa Led Zeppelinin maailmankiertuetta. Finland's gig should be a part of Led Zeppelin's world tour.

Yhtye on vieraillut Suomessa vain kerran. The band has visited Finland, only once. Silloin Led Zeppelin konsertoi Suomessa vuonna 1970. Then Led Zeppelin concerts in Finland in 1970. Konsertti järjestettiin Helsingin Kulttuuritalolla 23. The concert was held in Helsinki Culture 23. helmikuuta. February.

Metal-musiikin isäksi tituleeratun englantilaisen Led Zeppelinin arvostus ja suosio ovat vuosien mittaan vain kasvaneet. Metal-music in addition titull sources British Led Zeppelin's prestige and popularity over the years have only increased. Led Zeppelin kehitti alusta saakka soundiaan perinteistä bluesrockia raskaammaksi, ja sävellyksiään monipuolisemmiksi antaen näin merkittävää pohjaa heavy metal -tyylin synnylle. Led Zeppelin, developed the beginning of sound traditional blues rock cumbersome, and compositional diversification, thus giving a substantial ground for heavy metal-style market. Yhtyeen musiikillinen ilmaisu on kuitenkin tyylillisesti hyvin laaja-alaista. The band's musical expression is, however, stylistically very wide-ranging.

Led Zeppelinin alkuperäisiä jäseniä olivat kitaristi Jimmy Page, laulaja Robert Plant, basisti/kosketinsoittaja John Paul Jones ja rumpali John Bonham. Led Zeppelin's original members were guitarist Jimmy Page, singer Robert Plant, bassist / keyboardist John Paul Jones and drummer John Bonham. Yhtyeen aktiiviura päättyi välittömästi John Bonhamin kuoltua syyskuussa 1980. The band immediately ended it's active career after John Bonham's death in September 1980.

Yhtyeen suosituimmat albumit ovat Physical Graffiti, Led Zeppelin II ja nimeämätön "nelosalbumi”. Yhtyeen legendaarinen hitti "Stairway to Heaven" on usein äänestetty parhaimmaksi rock-kappaleeksi kautta aikojen. The band's most popular albums are Physical Graffiti, Led Zeppelin II, and unnamed "nelos album."The band's legendary hit "Stairway to Heaven" has often been voted the best rock songs through the ages.

Konserteissaan Led Zeppelin esitti oman aikansa heavy metal -yhtyeiden tapaan pitkiä, joskus jopa yli 20-minuuttisia versioita kappaleistaan. The concert was Led Zeppelin presented oman a time for heavy metal bands, the long, sometimes even more than the 20-minute versions of songs. Kappaleessa "Moby Dick" Bonham soitti hyvin pitkän rumpusoolon, jonka aikana muu yhtye poistui lavalta pitämään taukoa. Please see the section on "Moby Dick" Bonham played a very long drum loops, during which the rest of the band left the stage to keep the break.

Led Zeppeliin toimi aktiivisesti vuosina 1968–1980 ja on sen jälkeen esiintynyt muutamissa reunion-konserteissa. Led Zeppelin active in the years 1968-1980 and has since been performed in some of the reunion concerts. Rumpalin kuoleman jälkeen loput jäsenet on nähty samaan aikaan lavalla vain muutaman kerran. After the death of their drummer, the remaining members have been seen at the same time on stage only a few times.

Viimeksi yhtye järjesti yhden konsertin Lontoossa 10. Last band held a one-concert in London on 10. joulukuuta 2007. December 2007. Rumpalina toimi Led Zeppelinin legendaarisen rumpalin John Bonhamin poika Jason Bonham. Drummer work Led Zeppelinin the legendary drummer John Bonham's son Jason Bonham.

Led Zeppeliniä pidetään yhä yhtenä keskeisimmistä populaarimusiikin vaikuttajista. Led Zeppelin is still considered to be one of the key popular music makers. Äänitemyynnin perusteella Led Zeppelin on maailman suosituimpia yhtyeitä: tähän mennessä sen albumeja on myyty yli 300 miljoonaa kappaletta. Audio sales, the basis of Led Zeppelin is the world's most popular bands: So far, the albums have been sold to more than 300 million copies.


Edited by eternal light

I would be astounded if this was true. And not just because it's Finland, I would feel the same if the news were from any part of the world.

I would be astounded if this was true. And not just because it's Finland, I would feel the same if the news were from any part of the world.

We should all be so hopeful, but being the devil's advocate here, I would think any news of Zep playing anywhere on the planet live, would spread over the newswires like a wildfire in California. It's that big. So, not to discount Alick, I have to question the validity of the story.


Hey, is there any way we can have the naysayers and the people who have ocean front property in Arizona go to the end of the line for tickets when a tour is announced? Or at any rate, have the people who are actually hoping for it to happen and who will be at least a little happy when it does get first crack at tickets?

Harvey, darling, you keeping track of who's who, here? ;)

Hey, is there any way we can have the naysayers and the people who have ocean front property in Arizona go to the end of the line for tickets when a tour is announced? Or at any rate, have the people who are actually hoping for it to happen and who will be at least a little happy when it does get first crack at tickets?

Harvey, darling, you keeping track of who's who, here? ;)

There's a big difference though in saying you don't think this IS a confirmed announcement, and saying you HOPE it isn't a confirmed announcement, though! :D Many people are hoping for it to happen and just don't want to set themselves up for disappointment, that's all.

There's a big difference though in saying you don't think this IS a confirmed announcement, and saying you HOPE it isn't a confirmed announcement, though! :D Many people are hoping for it to happen and just don't want to set themselves up for disappointment, that's all.

I agree.


Some info about the source; The Voice TV is owned and operated by the SBS Broadcasting Group, based in London, so it's not some small finnish site looking for publicity. I would assume they'd remove the article if it was not correct.

And about the subject in general; it's been 9 months since the O2 and Robert Plant has not said LZ will definately not tour. Either LZ will tour or he has not made up his mind yet, which I don't believe as the tour preparations take months. The only reason I can think of is he will not want the LZ hype interfere with the tour he's on at the moment.


Finland, Finland, Finland! The country where I want to be .....with your mountains so lovely, and your treetops so tall...

Finland, Finland, Finland! Finland has it all. All together, now!

Posted (edited)
Well, I've always wanted to visit Finland.

Most certainly.

I would assume they'd remove the article if it was not correct.

If they knew it was incorrect, but it is hard to be sure if they received correct information.

I know, let's ask Robert Plant. Maybe he knows. It would be an excellent question for his very next interview.

Edited by eternal light

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