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Would you quit your job and go back to doing the one you had 30 years ago?

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No neither would I!

So why on earth would you expect Robert Plant to do the same?

Now I write as a devotee of Led Zeppelin, the band, the music and the whole monster that is their legacy in music, however this nonsense should stop.

Would you walk up to Oscar Wilde and say " Say something funny"?

Why not tell Da Vinci on completion of the Mona Lisa "Thats great paint it again....and again..... and again"?

Tell Dickens "Don't bother with those other stories just write Oliver Twist again"

Ridiculous isn't it.

I feel personally connected to the fantastic music of LZ and indeed take pride in it as if were my own. This is nothing to the pride that I am sure is felt by RP and the other members in their achievement. It was, and is incredible, the chance of improving the catalogue is minute and is wholly unnecessary both financially and artistically.

The O2 was a wonderful and totally justified tribute to both a band and more importantly a man instrumental in modern music who provided great support for LZ.

If the JP and JPJ have something they want to offer, and I am sure they have, lets have it... great I will be the first in the queue, if Jason Bonham is on drums that's just peachy too.

I am really delighted they have something to offer, but is it Led Zeppelin, I hope not and if RP chooses to follow a different path, then respect to him.

Would I buy the album and see the tour - of course I would. Would I pay through the nose - of course. Would I buy anything on any format - try and stop me. Wouldn't it be just awful if that were the motivation behind this?

Done....moved on.

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I'm assuming that if the band members (any combination thereof, including Jason) do get together again, it will be primarily because of that magical fifth element, and because they are feeling creative (as in producing new material) and are energized/joyful while playing together. :)

Edited by Virginia
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......i just hope all of this is just rumours, if they do something, personally, i hope they dont call themselves led zeppelin.

bunch of pensioners have finally succumbed, i hope they were above that.

What has their age got to do with it, apart from the fact that they don't want to hang around forever thinking about it? And above what, the desire to make music together?

I agree they shouldn't and won't call themselves Zeppelin, otherwise I'm not sure I even follow your argument.

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What does age have to do with it?


It's a much different thing for Robert compared to JP and JPJ whose reputations are about playing instruments. He used to be the "Golden God", the face of the ultimate cock-rock band Led Zeppelin. How could he ever live up to the persona he created in his twenties? I mean he's 60 years old.

Would I buy the CD? Hell yeah I would! Would I go to the shows? Folks, I'd quit my job and follow them around the country, hell the world. But would I feel humiliated if I was Robert Plant going back to a job I had 30 years ago? Totally!

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What has their age got to do with it, apart from the fact that they don't want to hang around forever thinking about it? And above what, the desire to make music together?

I agree they shouldn't and won't call themselves Zeppelin, otherwise I'm not sure I even follow your argument.

i guess it was kind of harsh,

im saying that big acts that have spilt up for various reasons, sooner or later have got back together again. i just dont want them to damage their legacy, and they are old enough to be grandfathers , perhaps they've realised it's now or never, and plant's voice isn't what it used to be. the timbre and the tone has changed, his range is lower,

i'm sure they'll make excellent decisions

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What does age have to do with it?


It's a much different thing for Robert compared to JP and JPJ whose reputations are about playing instruments. He used to be the "Golden God", the face of the ultimate cock-rock band Led Zeppelin. How could he ever live up to the persona he created in his twenties? I mean he's 60 years old.

Would I buy the CD? Hell yeah I would! Would I go to the shows? Folks, I'd quit my job and follow them around the country, hell the world. But would I feel humiliated if I was Robert Plant going back to a job I had 30 years ago? Totally!

he's a big boy now, im sure he can make his own mind up, even if 300 million fans are willing him to say "yes". he's been single minded and recalcitrant up until now.

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^^OK, I see what you're saying, barrios--not so different from chef free here

What does age have to do with it?


It's a much different thing for Robert compared to JP and JPJ whose reputations are about playing instruments. He used to be the "Golden God", the face of the ultimate cock-rock band Led Zeppelin. How could he ever live up to the persona he created in his twenties? I mean he's 60 years old.

Would I buy the CD? Hell yeah I would! Would I go to the shows? Folks, I'd quit my job and follow them around the country, hell the world. But would I feel humiliated if I was Robert Plant going back to a job I had 30 years ago? Totally!

No, obviously Robert doesn't want to go back to playing a part he's already finished with--he said that singing at the O2 was rather like being "in character" at times, the character of the guy he was back then. But what I was saying was that the reason he wouldn't want to go back isn't BECAUSE of his age--because he's some sad old pensioner who can't hit the high notes any more, and wears looser pants--but because he's moved on, and is singing different music in a different way (but just as well, IMO). As you suggested, the age thing is totally irrelevant to the other two. And I think fundamentally it's irrelevant to Robert. He still sings great, he just wears more clothes these days! :D (Sadly.)

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^^OK, I see what you're saying, barrios--not so different from chef free here

No, obviously Robert doesn't want to go back to playing a part he's already finished with--he said that singing at the O2 was rather like being "in character" at times, the character of the guy he was back then. But what I was saying was that the reason he wouldn't want to go back isn't BECAUSE of his age--because he's some sad old pensioner who can't hit the high notes any more, and wears looser pants--but because he's moved on, and is singing different music in a different way (but just as well, IMO). As you suggested, the age thing is totally irrelevant to the other two. And I think fundamentally it's irrelevant to Robert. He still sings great, he just wears more clothes these days! :D (Sadly.)

i agree, im not saying "hes a sad old pensioner"

i'm saying he's old, i'm not being derogatory at all, his career has moved on.

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I am not even convinced that not calling themselves Led Zeppelin is the issue. I would refer you to the "Evening of Yes Music" tour from some years ago this being so titled as Chris Squire held the rights to the name and he wasn't there. I went to see Yes not an evening of Yes music and touring the LZ back catalogue under any name with 50% of the original band members will be perceived as LZ. Page and Plant pulled it off with a host of new treatments on their tours, but I guess the treatments on any future tour will be fairly loyal to the original.

Age - surely you cannot be saying that JP cuts the same figure as he did in the 70's. He has an awesome presence still, but this I am sure is more due to our devotion to him that the actual reality.

GRACE - RP has it in spades - I am not sure of the others!

I will have to bathe after writing this email as my own disloyalty makes me feel dirty!

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Louis Armstrong didn't have a problem with playing compositions he wrote forty years earlier, but he also kept writing new material. I think that is the key to a Led Zeppelin reformation: new material. Celebrate the old, assert your creative vitality with the new.

When did Louis Armstrong split up and reform? :D

My point would be that RP is doing just as you suggest with grace.

Edited by Prime Mover
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Yes it looks like no-one is in favour of a Led Zep reunion. I am glad we could sort that out!

I don't think that's what we're in favor of, is it? I thought we were all in favor of not turning back the clock and repeating what you'd already done, etc.? They could always reunite and do new and different stuff as well as the old stuff--

Well, I'm confused now, but whatever you guys think, I'm all for it! Probably.

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I don't think that's what we're in favor of, is it? I thought we were all in favor of not turning back the clock and repeating what you'd already done, etc.? They could always reunite and do new and different stuff as well as the old stuff--

Well, I'm confused now, but whatever you guys think, I'm all for it! Probably.

That was what I was in favor of :) And FWIW, for me, "old" keeps getting pushed farther and farther back; 60~ish seems within the realm of middle aged (now that I"m past 40!). Age is really only a number. :)

Ed to clarify that my "old" comment was to Barrios and Prime Mover :)

Edited by Virginia
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I would apply my job experience of 30 years past,29 years past,all years past ,and apply it to my "current"job situation.Yeah,I saw Led Zeppelin live 31 years ago,and I'm not the 18year old pony-tailed hippie wannabe today that I was then.Damn right the world keeps revolving and things don't "remain the same."

But throw in the cauldron JP,RP,JPJ and Jason Bonham,stir it up,and what would you get?

I have not a clue.

If this situation happens,they will know if the results can stand on their "own"legs.

Wouldn't diminish their legacy at all to me either way.

I would love to see what these four could create.Only one way to find this out.

And I agree with others,Plant needs to be an ingredient in the cauldron.

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That's a really good way of putting it, Prime Mover. I took it literally at first and was trying to remember what I was doing 30 years ago...hmm....

Listening to Abba, running around in the woods, stealing my mom's cake decorating stuff to snack on....not bad! Still don't think I'd go back, though.

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I would, but I'm younger than 30 so maybe that wouldn't work. :D

But that's the exact reason why I'd love to see Jimmy, Robert, Jonesy and Jason get back together, for the fans that never got a chance to see them. New material would also be great, of course.

I think the O2 show proved that Robert can still live up to many of the shows he played with Led Zeppelin (and sing even better than he did for some of them).

Edited by marmorek
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