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BBC news reports new album

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Well things are looking good, but the remark about politics needing to be sorted out is interesting. I guess that could be referring to Plant's absence. They would need to decide whether Plant will be involved, and if not, where to go from there - instrumental or with a new vocalist.

But very exciting - a new Page/Jones/Bonham album would be phenomenal.

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That's the same as the article that's already been discussed in the Jason thread. :)

Yes but it's worth repeating. :D

I don't care who is doing vocals....don't care if there are any vocals at all. I just can't wait.

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BBC sez new album

Hey you guys (Steve, Ev) were right!

Can't wait!

I have read a lot of articles and had about 30 Google alerts (and counting!) since Jason did his radio interview last Friday and it seems the more it goes down the line, the more his words have been twisted and things added that he never even said!

For one, Jason never said that the new material could be destined for a new Led Zeppelin album...the words LZ were never spoke. Also, he never mentioned about Robert being involved or not. A vocalist wasn't even discussed.

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I have read a lot of articles and had about 30 Google alerts (and counting!) since Jason did his radio interview last Friday and it seems the more it goes down the line, the more his words have been twisted and things added that he never even said!

For one, Jason never said that the new material could be destined for a new Led Zeppelin album...the words LZ were never spoke. Also, he never mentioned about Robert being involved or not. A vocalist wasn't even discussed.

Chinese Whispers?

Not a bad name for a band either!

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I think the interview content is being blown out of proportion as well. I certainly can't imagine a full album involving Page, Jones, and Bonham with some singer other than Plant. Either a Zeppelin reunion is secretly in the works or it's a solo album with guest artists. At least it's something!

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All I see is a shit load of paraphrasing, brackets galore with the BBC's interpretation of Jason's radio chit-chat.

Personaly, I'm waiting for an old fashioned web-televised press interview from Jimmy, John Paul and Jason to clarify this kerfuffle once and for all.


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All I see is a shit load of paraphrasing, brackets galore with the BBC's interpretation of Jason's radio chit-chat.

Personaly, I'm waiting for an old fashioned web-televised press interview from Jimmy, John Paul and Jason to clarify this kerfuffle once and for all.


I agree. Musicians do studio work, period. This could be something, or it could just be working out ideas that may or may not be used, ever. When they announce they are working on new Zeppelin material, then we can get psyched, and even then we may never see anything (remember XYZ?). It's encouraging that they can still work together, but if your life revolves around maybe, you're in for lots of disappointment. :unsure:

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All I see is a shit load of paraphrasing, brackets galore with the BBC's interpretation of Jason's radio chit-chat.

Personaly, I'm waiting for an old fashioned web-televised press interview from Jimmy, John Paul and Jason to clarify this kerfuffle once and for all.


Ugh... I can definitely agree that confirmation would be nice. It feels like this will be the start of MORE rumor mill nonsense and endless speculation in the media and on this board. I remember the initial threads about Robert, the Foo Fighters, etc. and how that all got blown way out of proportion and people were behaving like pre-schoolers who missed out on snack time. I hope that something is said soon so that this doesn't lead to chaos and endless speculation in the media (and on here).

In the meantime, let's not let any rumors or absurdity change the fact that the possibility of new music is a wonderful thing!!!

I am looking forward to hearing "real music" again...

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I agree. Musicians do studio work, period. This could be something, or it could just be working out ideas that may or may not be used, ever. When they announce they are working on new Zeppelin material, then we can get psyched, and even then we may never see anything (remember XYZ?). It's encouraging that they can still work together, but if your life revolves around maybe, you're in for lots of disappointment. :unsure:

Hi and welcome to the forum! :)

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I have read a lot of articles and had about 30 Google alerts (and counting!) since Jason did his radio interview last Friday and it seems the more it goes down the line, the more his words have been twisted and things added that he never even said!

For one, Jason never said that the new material could be destined for a new Led Zeppelin album...the words LZ were never spoke. Also, he never mentioned about Robert being involved or not. A vocalist wasn't even discussed.

Yeah tell me about it.

It's almost like the people who write these stories only listen to each other and not the actual interview.

Jason is taking some time off to be with his family and will likely play with Jimmy and John Paul every now and then.

He didn't say "album", "Led Zeppelin", or "Led Zeppelin album".

I think that's what the media does best. They just create filler to fill time and space because the actual news isn't sensational enough.

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