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Jimmy Page Arrives In Toronto


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I believe that if you read my words , and listen to my narration during the small clips I filmed of JP's movements through the city you will or I should say I hope you sense that my lust or desire isn't to be one of those typical sign this sign that oh Jimmy Jimmy types.

Honestly, I just love the feeling that one gets when in the presence.

Being of a spiritual nature and having many beliefs about energies and aura's , I find JP's to be of a most uplifting kind.

When he shook my hand at the 02 rehearsal I was reduced to sheer liquid jelly.

And that's supposed to be funny and yet at the same time true.

Maybe a touch of hero worship , but hey we all share in that.

There's not another human being on earth that I would wait in lines for.

Ya, there's bigger and more accomplished human achievements that are far more deserving of attention. Landing on the moon, the invention of light , and the wheel just to name a few.

But, when I think of music and it's gift to us all, I think JP ranks right up there with the greatest contributors of all time .

In hundreds of years from now , the rock n roll legend will have it's list of masters , JP will be right up there like a Mozart or Beethoven.

How many people have fed on that source of energy ??? More then countable.

You're never too old to feel the power.

And ---

Where did you sit and did you happen to take any pics of me with my sign waving to the crowd inside the theater just before the film began ???

Anyone ??

I'd love one of those.

Hey Zepp-4-Life, yeah I really know what you mean about that kind of energy emanating from certain people. The funny thing is, just because someone's famous doesn't mean they have it, but Page definitely has "it" in spades. Imagine if he had gone into biological research, there'd probably be revolutionary discoveries made. As it turns out, we got them in music :D

The other thing is, we seek in and from these people what we think we do not have (or do not realize we have) in ourselves, but I don't believe that's true. If meeting our heroes can help (re)awaken something inside people and get them to reach for more, then I'm all for it.

And about this: "When he shook my hand at the 02 rehearsal" - I mean this in the best possible way - I hate you ahahahahaha! just kidding, good for you, man.

About the seating, let's see, you were in the second row, just about centre, right? I was in the row behind you, a couple of seats to your right. No pics of you with the sign, sorry :( . I don't know how I got that seat considering I was waaay behind you in the line from the sounds of things, but I tend to get lucky with tickets and seats, you have no idea. Anyway, I was in the row as this a guy in the front row who was standing during the Q&A who I asked to sit down. Turns out we went to the same high school together. Small world, eh?

Anyway, I'm glad it was so moving for you, and for all of us, too.



p.s. I haven't checked out your videos yet, but have you considered consolidating all of them into one place so that they're easier to access as opposed to going back searching Page by page?

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I have seen business people who would make Jimmy Page look "poor" walk around the streets of Toronto without a security detail

Hi euro, I'm not quite sure if you're adding to or countering what I said. Would you mind clarifying? The thing with people like Page is that they're so famous (likely more so than a businessman), and it was an announced public event, so naturally people would flock to it, and and there would be security detail, like for all galas, openings, etc. There's likely more security than we'll ever see, putting out more fires we'll never hear about, because if they do their job well, that's how it should be. The context creates the requirements for security.



Edited by Patrycja
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Tighter security for Jimmy only?Well so many celebrities in Toronto this weekend.This is what makes it so great. Toronto aint an armed camp,very open society and hopelfully it remains that way

I love Toronto because I generally find it to full of polite nice people. That said you can never be too safe. Look what happened to Oasis at Virgin Fest, in Toronto, this weekend... There is always one asshole...

Monday, September 8, 2008

Oasis assaulted at Virgin fest

On-stage attack during Toronto performance

By JASON MacNEIL, Sun Media

If they weren’t looking back in anger they damn well should have been.

Oasis was on top of their game Sunday evening, delivering (What’s The Story) Morning Glory, and the crowd was enjoying it. Everything seemed to be going swimmingly to close this year’s Virgin Festival on Island Park until one simian - apologies to apes reading this - decided he had enough of this concert normalcy. The fellow somehow ran from the back of the stage, dangerously pushed an unsuspecting Noel Gallagher from behind and knocked the guitarist to his knees. He then turned to approach Liam, who he missed, before being tackled by the band’s crew just in front of the monitors onstage.

Liam turned and, realizing what took place, tried to confront the fellow as he was led off. He appeared to kick the guy before all parties were no longer visible.

With the red-and-blue lights from a police car visible from backstage, Oasis returned after a brief break with The Importance Of Being Idle. From that point on the air was justifiably out of the British band’s balloon.

Even one of their warhorses, Don’t Look Back In Anger, was more of a acoustic rendition as opposed to the large, guitar-driven anthem it’s known for.

Although Wonderwall and Supersonic followed, Oasis looked like they were more concerned with getting off the island in one piece compared to earlier (when Rock ‘N’ Roll Star and the thunderous drum fills of new band member Chris Sharrock briefly brought to mind Keith Moon).

The early verve was palpable with hordes of fans tightly packing themselves near the stage while some brave souls scaled trees to get an unobstructed view. The punchy sing-along Lyla gave way to the strong, signature-sounding single The Shock Of The Lightning. During the performance, singer Gallagher stared, held a tambourine with his lips and applauded like a trained seal for mastering such a nifty trick.

Other early highlights from the band included Cigarettes And Alcohol and the fast-paced, lean and short The Meaning Of Soul, which Oasis nailed perfectly.

Liam and Noel Gallagher made the most of the main stage Sunday, with Liam side stage watching Paul Weller play a dazzling collection of soulful rock gems earlier in the evening. Weller, resembling a somewhat aging Liam Gallagher, shone on the majority of his selections - including Eton Rifles, the rousing From The Floorboards Up and the strong Push It Along.

Even when Weller went into a mellow frame of mind for Picking Up Sticks and Wishing On A Star, the “Modfather” ensured fans were seeing one of Britain’s best musical exports in action.

Meanwhile, Weller and Noel Gallagher were side stage taking in Welsh group Stereophonics.

Led by Kelly Jones, the band tore into a hits package that was highlighted by the closing rocker Dakota. Other tunes of note included the sweet Just Looking, The Bartender And The Thief and A Thousand Trees.

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The thing with people like Page is that they're so famous (likely more so than a businessman), and it was an announced public event, so naturally people would flock to it, and and there would be security detail, like for all galas, openings, etc. There's likely more security than we'll ever see, putting out more fires we'll never hear about, because if they do their job well, that's how it should be. The context creates the requirements for security.

Exactly what I was trying to say earlier, without success, apparently! :D Thank you.

Most of the time security isn't needed at all, but at public events like this, with a lot of excited people, I wouldn't want Jimmy protected just by his aura!

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Patrycja ::

We certainly seem to have an ongoing conversation here on a few levels as well -- cool.

And thanks for the fun it all makes .

That " spirit " is beyond words and as individuals I believe we all find something within things that make us stronger and grow in many ways.

Being positive is probably the best approach to all of life's challenges and hurdles.

When you can find joy and energy , snatch it and hold on .

Believe in what is possible and it may happen.


That was obviously me in the front with the sign .

Second row in front of microphone.

Had I not waited outside for JP's red carpet entry I would have been in the front row , but left my seating up to those I waited with. Another chapter !!! lol

It was all good .

PS-- if you go to any of my video's on Y-tube they will lead you to my channel which hosts them all .


And on the other note -------


There's my point proven beyond a doubt.

Does that not answer my concerns about security and our discussion????

It's really saddening when one person can tarnish and spoil a great event.

That's some scary shit .

P Grant !!! He knew best .

Edited by Zepp-4-Life
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I love Toronto because I generally find it to full of polite nice people. That said you can never be too safe. Look what happened to Oasis at Virgin Fest, in Toronto, this weekend... There is always one asshole...

I was not suggesting Toronto was perfect. I just dont accept the notion that Toronto should be turned into an armed camp so that celebrities are" protected."As has been already been pointed out, they are not deserving of any special protection over and above what average citizen receives.

Toronto has staged big events before with very few incidents. With the one incident that happened in a Carabana festival a few years ago no amount of security would have prevented it.

Edited by euro
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It Might Get Loud

Not to interject and change the subject too much but I just had a moment here .

One of the impacting impressions that I took from the film was the raw and pure intentions of the artists wanting to be themselves.

Jack with his raunchy , who cares approach that makes him the player he is.

The Edge discussing how he realized that if you played and believed in what you where doing it would reflect in the music.

JP talking about being obsessed with playing as a youngster.

As a musician , guitar playing singer for almost 25 years I have gone through many stages.

Lately I have been favoring the creation of instrumental pieces. Meaning that I sort of gave up on the singing part , mostly because I am bored of the lyrics that are still unwritten.

To me, almost everything has been done , especially songs written about love.

Sorry , but love me, love this and love you has been done to death by every lyricist ever known.

Of course now and then a real gem does slip through the cracks.

What I am getting at is that the movie has just inspired me to fire up those juices again.

I just jammed earlier and sang with a new passion and really just let it out and it felt great again.

Bringing back the passion is the effect it had.

I think we can all apply that attitude in our daily lives .

When you do something , do it with drive and desire.

And now back to our regular programming ........


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This snapshot was taken by the gentleman that was one position ahead of us in line.

We were 6th to 9th and had to think hard about where to sit upon entering the theater.

Since we chose the front , we were pretty far away from JP's seat and entrance.

Had we chosen to take this guy's perspective , we would have been a shoulder's tap away.

Hey Jimmy , want some popcorn ??? -- lol


Is that Robert in front of them??? :D (just kidding)

Hope they got a good cartoon and some snacks before the movie started. :)

R B)

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Oh man... there's no way I would have been able to watch the movie if I had known where he was sitting. I'd be too busy watching him uh... watching him. :blink:

OT - just read about what happened to Noel Gallagher. Pisses me right off. There are some true idiots out there. I'm supposed to see their show in London tomorrow, but haven't heard if it's been cancelled or not.

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Monday, September 8, 2008

Oasis assaulted at Virgin fest

On-stage attack during Toronto performance

There is probably a better place for this, like another thread but here goes anyway ......

Oasis Attack Footage


Brutal !!!

Guard the treasure .

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I was not suggesting Toronto was perfect. I just dont accept the notion that Toronto should be turned into an armed camp so that celebrities are" protected."As has been already been pointed out, they are not deserving of any special protection over and above what average citizen receives.

Toronto has staged big events before with very few incidents. With the one incident that happened in a Carabana festival a few years ago no amount of security would have prevented it.

I don't think anybody, other than you, suggested making Toronto an "armed camp". The simple question raised by our roving reporter Zepp-4-Life was whether he should have been able to get as close to Jimmy as he did.

I agree as a matter of principle that celebrities are not entitled to any special protection by the public authorities, but I think they do require more protection than you or I, which should be and usually is, obtained privately. If you don't think they face more potentially dangerous situations than the average person my guess is you are simply incorrect. Nobody has ever crowded around my car trying to take my picture or grab my arm or whatever... Most people are harmless, but I wouldn't want to take that chance. Also you can have good security and still be open and accessible. Look at the presidential candidates in the US...

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First time online since Friday morning. Good to be back. looks like i missed alot of excitement.

Hats off to Zepp-4-Life - you are awesome. You produce for so many to see! I can't wait to see all your vids. Looks like it's going to be a long nite :)

So close to Jimmy again. Chills up the spine. Love the master comment. He is the master of rock and roll.

And hey - Who's the nut who thinks you might hurt jimmy. they obviously don't know you.

Congrats for doin' it again bro. Wish I couldn've been there alongside you like the 02.

You are the biggest Jimmy Page fan I ever met!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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You know what's weird about that footage? Nobody is even booing the guy! They're all cheering, like it was hilarious. Strange reaction.


You never know what a crowd will do after drinking all day. I was at the University of Kentucky football game Saturday night and KY fans booed their starting quarterback and we were WINNING. I remember the days when KY fans were too polite to boo when we were losing. Civility is dying.

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You never know what a crowd will do after drinking all day. I was at the University of Kentucky football game Saturday night and KY fans booed their starting quarterback and we were WINNING. I remember the days when KY fans were too polite to boo when we were losing. Civility is dying.

Well, I ain't an Oasis fan, but why the hell would someone do that? Noel looked like he fell quite hard, which had to have hurt.

They may not have always been the most moral of fellas, but they carried on the concert regardless. So, I gotta hand it to them.

Just a shame the crowd is egging the guy on, so to speak.

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I have bee reading what you wankers have been saying for months. #$%& you AND Led Zeppelin. If there was a concern for what you think there would be something more from these aged has-been mother ^&*%ers.

What do you think of that? PISS OFF!

And you joined a Led Zeppelin board why??? :rolleyes:

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I have bee reading what you wankers have been saying for months. #$%& you AND Led Zeppelin. If there was a concern for what you think there would be something more from these aged has-been mother ^&*%ers.

What do you think of that? PISS OFF!

Yawn. My mother says worse on a daily basis. Is that the best you got?

Go back to the hole from whence you came.

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I have bee reading what you wankers have been saying for months. #$%& you AND Led Zeppelin. If there was a concern for what you think there would be something more from these aged has-been mother ^&*%ers.

What do you think of that? PISS OFF!

And out of the blue comes this senseless blurb, proving once again that there is one in every crowd.

The more attention we pay to you , the more you accomplish. See ya .

In the spirit of LZ and it's fans, despite your obvious lack of intelligence --

Have a lovely day !!!!

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