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Two words: Jim Morrison


Holy shit. I don't care if he was insane, I would have been on it until it broke off.

Wow, your comment took me by surprise! I agree, Jim was very gorgeous and sexy! Although he was already dead by the time i became a fan, i still loved him!

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I mean seriously, any other rock star who gave himself the nicknames "The Lizard King" and "Mr Mojo Risin" would be laughed off the stage. But for him, it worked.

I have always LOVED The Doors, moreso for Jim's voice than anything else. He could sing the hell out of a song.

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I thought that movie was sweet :D Do you know what else he's been in besides Never Been Kissed?

He's been in Monster-in-Law with Jane Fonda and Jenny 'from the block'. Haven't seen that. I recognised him from One Hour Photo - he's in the buff in that one, actually (nice!). I think he's made his name from being in the T.V series Alias with Jennifer Garner. Haven't seen him in much else, but he's done a lot of French films, being born and raised for a time there.

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He's been in Monster-in-Law with Jane Fonda and Jenny 'from the block'. Haven't seen that. I recognised him from One Hour Photo - he's in the buff in that one, actually (nice!). I think he's made his name from being in the T.V series Alias with Jennifer Garner. Haven't seen him in much else, but he's done a lot of French films, being born and raised for a time there.

I didn't see Monster in Law but I saw One Hour Photo - can't remember him in it as it was a while ago I saw it.

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I've never even heard of that :o Was it good?

It was very good. I saw it on one of the cable channels (maybe Lifetime). Oxygen plays it too. Look for it!

Here's a description:

In their journey of becoming lovers, Peet (who plays an aerobics instructor and working actress) and Vartan (who plays Peet's boss at the gym she works at) are faced with social issues concerning commitment, drug abuse, betrayal, and the HIV virus. The movie teaches you that although people may appear destined for one another, there are serious hurdles they must face that make love even harder to fight for. Overall, this film was beautifully acted and brought me to tears at least five times. "Touch Me" is both moving and educational. It instills a ray of hope that people will be more accepting of friends and family that are faced with hardships in their lives. The film demonstrates the actors' range and promise in Hollywood. Most importantly, it teaches you how you must protect yourself from social dangers.

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Another vote here for the lovely & intense Morrison. I always used to say that the Doors would have been MY band had I been around at that time. Until of course Zeppelin came along. ;)

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As a ten year old i was watching Clint Spaghetti westerns on tv (no cable back then either) and what a crush i had on him! My dad was a big fan so that made Clint seem even more appealing. :)

Another guy i find sexy with a beard:





Sorry, that I have to ask...but who is that?


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Two words: Jim Morrison


Holy shit. I don't care if he was insane, I would have been on it until it broke off.

Would you have hooked up with the fat Jim Morrison from a year or two later? or just thise version?

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Knock it off, Spats. Stop ruining our beautiful manly thread and go whine about the Brothers Jonai or something.

It was a sincere question. Some women like the bloated Jim too just like with Elvis fans. They don't mind the bloated Elvis. Relax.

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