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Faith will stop AIDS!


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Memo to Pres. Bush:


Faith will not cure AIDS. A vaccine, drugs, medicine.....that is what will eradicate it. Education will help slow the pandemic. These are the same people who think if you ignore something long enough, it'll solve itself.

This guy is such a damn embarrassment. This is the best we could do? Really? Him?

Edited by Electrophile
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Memo to Pres. Bush:


Faith will not cure AIDS. A vaccine, drugs, medicine.....that is what will eradicate it. Education will help slow the pandemic. These are the same people who think if you ignore something long enough, it'll solve itself.

This guy is such a damn embarrassment. This is the best we could do? Really? Him?

If you know anything about HIV, you'd understand the difficulty of creating a vaccine that will suppress the retrovirus, for it constantly undergoes the evolutionary process and reproduces new strands that are immune to any treatment.

Bush’s, or rather, the U.S. government's message of faith/hope is merely a means by which the ignorant may be informed.

Personally, I find it comforting that our country, most importantly the president, has a sense of optimism in this dreary world. Perhaps your cynical side should take some lessons...


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If you know anything about HIV, you'd understand the difficulty of creating a vaccine that will suppress the retrovirus, for it constantly undergoes the evolutionary process and reproduces new strands that are immune to any treatment.

Bush's, or rather, the U.S. government's message of faith/hope is merely a means by which the ignorant may be informed.

Personally, I find it comforting that our country, most importantly the president, has a sense of optimism in this dreary world. Perhaps your cynical side should take some lessons...


That's not the kind of faith they were talking about, at least that's what I got out of the article when I read it. I didn't get the "have faith, a cure will come" vibe, I got the "religious faith" vibe from it, and this line is what triggered it: "Despite some successes, the program has been criticized for requiring that participating groups emphasize abstinence education." Abstinence-only education is a hallmark of the Christian right, and if Bush's program is pushing that concept, it's pushing a religious ideology as well and I don't agree with that. Can't we help these people and do work and get active WITHOUT bringing religion into it? Can't we just do it because AIDS is a scourge we need to get rid of or at least find ways to help those who suffer live better lives?

I'm all for hoping a cure will come in my lifetime. I would love to see it happen.

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Bush’s, or rather, the U.S. government's message of faith/hope is merely a means by which the ignorant may be informed.

Personally, I find it comforting that our country, most importantly the president, has a sense of optimism in this dreary world. Perhaps your cynical side should take some lessons...


What you call a "message of faith/hope" I'd call egoistically promoting a religious agenda.

As if "don't have sex" :hysterical: or "use a condom" :bagoverhead: need to come from the 'good book' instead of well....common-fucking-sense.

"Faith-based groups like these are the foot soldiers in the armies of compassion," he said.

Armies solve everything!

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Bush’s, or rather, the U.S. government's message of faith/hope is merely a means by which the ignorant may be informed.

If we're talking about Sub-Saharran Africa, we're talking about places where half of the population is HIV-positive, including children. I really can't see how faith/hope could possibly change anything.

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If we're talking about Sub-Saharran Africa, we're talking about places where half of the population is HIV-positive, including children. I really can't see how faith/hope could possibly change anything.

It's just a political mesage, and, rightly so, however idealist it may seem, the article did express the president's desire to send more funding to treatment of AIDS in third-world countries (this is not to say that organizations like WHO won't throw the money away- ever read Mountains Beyond Mountains?). Of course faith in Sub-Saharran Africa can't change anything, except, perhaps, a more optimistic outlook upon life, itself.

My argument earlier was a simple interpretation of the article seen from a more sympathetic point of view of a nation's efforts, however feckless they may seem, to call attention to the world the necessity to unite against a virus that is eradicating the human race.

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That's not the kind of faith they were talking about, at least that's what I got out of the article when I read it. I didn't get the "have faith, a cure will come" vibe, I got the "religious faith" vibe from it, and this line is what triggered it: "Despite some successes, the program has been criticized for requiring that participating groups emphasize abstinence education." Abstinence-only education is a hallmark of the Christian right, and if Bush's program is pushing that concept, it's pushing a religious ideology as well and I don't agree with that. Can't we help these people and do work and get active WITHOUT bringing religion into it? Can't we just do it because AIDS is a scourge we need to get rid of or at least find ways to help those who suffer live better lives?

I'm all for hoping a cure will come in my lifetime. I would love to see it happen.

I suppose I suppress the religious connotations of the article for my own benefit; otherwise, I'd start ranting about separation of Church and State and the preservation of the government's integrity when it comes to making unbiased decisions for a religiously mixed nation.

My hatred for Bush has been quelled recently by my desire to see past the stubbornness of an idiot. The article, minus the comment on is emphasis for abstinence education, holds true to my idealist view of faith's cure for man's hopelessness in himself.

Perhaps I've confused everyone, including myself, by slightly agreeing with the article. I was just feeling optimistic last night. That's all...


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It's just a political mesage, and, rightly so, however idealist it may seem, the article did express the president's desire to send more funding to treatment of AIDS in third-world countries (this is not to say that organizations like WHO won't throw the money away- ever read Mountains Beyond Mountains?). Of course faith in Sub-Saharran Africa can't change anything, except, perhaps, a more optimistic outlook upon life, itself.

My argument earlier was a simple interpretation of the article seen from a more sympathetic point of view of a nation's efforts, however feckless they may seem, to call attention to the world the necessity to unite against a virus that is eradicating the human race.

Admirable. Somehow...it resembles his desire to help the people in New Orleans - to fly over the city in a helicopter to show they that he cares. You know, I'm really not a fan of this kind of sympathy. To me it's utter mockery.

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Memo to Pres. Bush:


Sweetcakes, you are such an unpleasant little thing aren't you.


Faith will not cure AIDS. A vaccine, drugs, medicine.....that is what will eradicate it. Education will help slow the pandemic. These are the same people who think if you ignore something long enough, it'll solve itself.

It took 50 years to develop a polio vaccine and that didn't have nearly the number of problems as are with a virus like AIDS. It's not like scientists aren't trying, but many don't think there will ever be a vaccination that could effectivly stop this thing. It's basically a long shot.

But in the meantime it's not like we don't know what causes AIDS and how to effectively avoid it. Hell, it's not like somebody coughs on you and you get it like Influenza (which btw is more of a threat to world heath than AIDS). If abstinence/monogamy is the best way to avoid the AIDS virus, then what's wrong if people are advocating that? It's not like they are suggesting that a vaccination should not continue to be achieved.

This guy is such a damn embarrassment. This is the best we could do? Really? Him?

Well, move out of your parent's house and run for President then...

... since you seem to have all the brilliant ideas.

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I love the fact that Bush is promoting religous faith in our govermnent. While I'm also Christian, I don't think that it is good that our leaders are using their faith to promote morality this openly.

HIV/AIDS is a health threat to millions of people in the world, and the biggest population that suffers from it is in Africa. What we need to do to help the people of Africa with HIV/AIDS is to raise money to help them recieve the things they need to prevent infection to begin with: education and condoms. Education and condoms are the two best ways we can prevent this virus from decimating the entire population of rural Africa.

On the American front, we need to do the same here. We must educate our citizens and our students about HIV/AIDS, and condoms should be more accessible to the people who are the least likely to be able to afford them. I am not advocating that everyone go out and sleep with anyone they want, but I think that we should have a way to help out the people who are most at risk for contracting the disease.

I don't know if this is a nation-wide thing, but at my local drive-through espresso stop, they are "selling" little red ribbons that are similar to the Jerry's Kid's shamrocks for $1.00. You "buy" one, and they give it to you to put your name on and hang it up. The ones they had were from the Idaho chapter of some AIDS organization. I donated $1. I know it's not much, but who knows? Perhaps they'll gets 30,000 people who will donate $1.

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Well, for one, organized religion really needs to preach to it's own congregation, not the general public. It's surely seems to me, and to the statistics, that those who supress being open about sexuality are the ones most likely to either contract STD's or be found in line at abortion clinics. Humans and primates are the only two creatures on earth that have sex for fun as well as for procreation. Your great great great grandparents did it, you did, and your kids will too. Best to be open with your kids and teach them about it's pitfalls and actually lend a hand w/ obtaining contraceptives...and showing them how to use them properly.

As far as the words abstinance, or even marriage......LOL. Yeah right. 99/100 men that go to prostitutes are married. And sadly, women are physically the easiest to both contract and carry HIV.

Overall, I don't trust anybody that adamantly preaches against one thing or another. They, behind closed doors, tend to be the biggest hypocrates. Like if someone is vehimantly anti-gay.....they probably are the first to take a knee at the local boyscouts outting.

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Well, for one, organized religion really needs to preach to it's own congregation, not the general public. It's surely seems to me, and to the statistics, that those who supress being open about sexuality are the ones most likely to either contract STD's or be found in line at abortion clinics. Humans and primates are the only two creatures on earth that have sex for fun as well as for procreation. Your great great great grandparents did it, you did, and your kids will too. Best to be open with your kids and teach them about it's pitfalls and actually lend a hand w/ obtaining contraceptives...and showing them how to use them properly.
Do you understand why religion is organized? :huh:

It's not so Catholics can have Catholic masses and leave the rest of the world be. Organized religions are looking for converts and preaching to the public is a way to accomplish that

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Do you understand why religion is organized? :huh:

It's not so Catholics can have Catholic masses and leave the rest of the world be. Organized religions are looking for converts and preaching to the public is a way to accomplish that

Yes, to convert the masses for the gain of future donations to their offering plate, nothing more. Catholics are by far the biggest hypocrates of all organized Christian associations. Most are what I consider smorgasborg Christians. Ones who readily pick and choose what parts of the doctrine to live by......all while preaching a "holier than thou" attitide to those around them. I guess that comes from haveing the luxury of being able to walk into the phone booth of absolution. Do what you want, It'll all be washed away come sunday. :rolleyes: Personally, I find more nonbelievers living lives closer to true Christian values than adamant Catholics. I also don't see Baptist missionaries in far away lands trying to convert people....all while wiping complete cultures and languages off the map.

(nothing personal against anyone Catholic....you were raised into it....it's not your fault....it's not too late to see the light though. :P )

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Well, for one, organized religion really needs to preach to it's own congregation, not the general public. It's surely seems to me, and to the statistics, that those who supress being open about sexuality are the ones most likely to either contract STD's or be found in line at abortion clinics. Humans and primates are the only two creatures on earth that have sex for fun as well as for procreation. Your great great great grandparents did it, you did, and your kids will too. Best to be open with your kids and teach them about it's pitfalls and actually lend a hand w/ obtaining contraceptives...and showing them how to use them properly.

As far as the words abstinance, or even marriage......LOL. Yeah right. 99/100 men that go to prostitutes are married. And sadly, women are physically the easiest to both contract and carry HIV.

Overall, I don't trust anybody that adamantly preaches against one thing or another. They, behind closed doors, tend to be the biggest hypocrates. Like if someone is vehimantly anti-gay.....they probably are the first to take a knee at the local boyscouts outting.

There has already been a cure for AIDS for over 20 years.

If someone only eats prunes and drinks prune juice they will not get AIDS.

Well, not really a cure.

but it sure as hell teaches you what your anus is for.

I figure one bullshit post deserved another.



Edited by Del Zeppnile
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There has already been a cure for AIDS for over 20 years.

If someone only eats prunes and drinks prune juice they will not get AIDS.

Well, not really a cure.

but it sure as hell teaches you what your anus is for.

I figure one bullshit post deserved another.



Gracefully said!


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Well, if we take disease as being something the Devil created, as Old Testament scriptures suggest, it IS a sign of the Devil.

Oh gods, now we're discussing Puritanical ideals- the forest is a symbol of the Devil's playground...

This brings back memories from The Crucible and The Scarlet Letter! :thumbdown:


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