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Should Jimmy be Knighted?

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The contributions Jimmy Page has made to music and the popular culture are astounding. The same goes for all the members of Led Zeppelin. I was wondering: why haven't they been knighted yet?

Jimmy was presented an Order of the British Empire (OBE) medal at Buckingham Palace

on 12/14/05. In March 2006 he returned as a guest at the Queen's State Banquet for Brazil's President Lula. Jimmy was seated high up the table, next to Sophie Wessex.

Personally, I don't anticipate a knighthood for Jimmy, Robert or John. For one thing, they've never pursued it, such as Sir Mick Jagger, among others, have done.

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If Elton John, Paul McCartney and Mick Jagger have been knighted, I think Jimmy Page should be as well. He's contributed as much to music if not more, than the previous three. I was listening to Joe Cocker earlier and I realized he was playing the guitar on With A Little Help From My Friends. I thought that was pretty cool.

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absolutely not - in the same way as Mick Jagger and Elton John should not have been!

I can't think of anything more ludicrous than Sir Mick Jagger :angry:

Jimmy doesnt need it, he's loved and respected without it and it just doesn't fit :)

Hmm, I was going to pat my riq for a while this afternoon and find myself beating the shit out of it instead. Hmmm... balancing out the bullshit Lashtal.

NO. Not unless I give it to him.


Seer Lance the Lot aka Judy, Judy, Judy

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Didn't Robert once quip when asked about being Knighted that he was already the Golden God so being knighted would be a step down B):lol:

:lol: Robert could have been a stand-up artist...he is so funny...

Edited by Adi
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The days of musicians getting knighthoods should be brought to an end.

If they are lifelong supporters of charities or are good for the economy, give them an OBE/MBE/CBE, whatever!

They should not be likened to Isaac Newton or people of that nature.

Afterall most musicians have done nothing but become extremely rich by doing what they enjoy.

The good that comes out of that is a by-product of their success and is often unintentional.

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I don't see why musicians should be excluded when actors aren't.

However, I don't think its a good idea for any of the Zeppelin boys. I'm sure Pagey already has several "titles" anyway. 93! :wink:


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The days of musicians getting knighthoods should be brought to an end.

If they are lifelong supporters of charities or are good for the economy, give them an OBE/MBE/CBE, whatever!

They should not be likened to Isaac Newton or people of that nature.

After all most musicians have done nothing but become extremely rich by doing what they enjoy.

The good that comes out of that is a by-product of their success and is often unintentional.

I agree 100% (are Americans allowed opinions on this matter? :mellow: ). Knighthoods, to have any real meaning, should be rare as hen's teeth, reserved for genius inventors, scientific greats, war heroes and all those whose brilliant or courageous actions benefit their people. Bestowing them on artists & musicians - however talented & beloved - tends to ruin their artistic careers - and giving them out like Pez to partisan political hacks who raise money for a particular party renders them mere trash.

Besides, Jimmy Page has no need for it: he's almost certain to be remembered centuries after most of today's "knights" are forgotten dust.

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