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Shoe thrown at Bush !

Devil's Haircut

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If we were just going after Saddam, then why haven't we invaded Iran, Saudi Arabia, Pakistan, China, North Korea, Cuba, etc. yet?

Also keep in mind...Picking off one wack job at a time doesn't hurt. Saddam was just at the very top of the list and next in line is Mr. Bin laden. Patience is a virtue my friend.

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Well, considering them Sand Nig...ra'swear 'em all the time, what the heck was he doing with a shoe ?

Practicing for the Yankees I guess. :lol:


Ole George didn't get to take a base, he played dodge-shoe pretty good !

You are the asshat you've always been,same old hatred.You need to stay in the woods.

I don't particularly like Bush but that was uncalled for.I'm almost happy that he had good reflexes!

I would have liked to see him jump off the podium and whack that dude with his shoe.What kind of response do you think that would of had? Bet he wanted to....Sometimes tact is no fun!

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You are the asshat you've always been,same old hatred.You need to stay in the woods.

I don't particularly like Bush but that was uncalled for.I'm almost happy that he had good reflexes!

I would have liked to see him jump off the podium and whack that dude with his shoe.What kind of response do you think that would of had? Bet he wanted to....Sometimes tact is no fun!

I'm surprised someone didn't throw camel shit at him.

I'm glad Rock has a sense of unPC humor. Gee, I wonder why he wasn't called out about making some uncalled for remark ? :huh:


Here we go again.

The sandal comment was a bit uncalled for, too. :rolleyes:

Sorry to offend Sandals, do you wear them ? I hope you don't wear them with socks. :rolleyes:

It was fucking funny, even Bush saw the funny side of it...

Lighten up, baby ;)

You got that right !! The whole thing is a hoot !

...tsk tsk tsk, maybe those with such sensitivities just shouldn't participate.

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Hi all,

Any threat to the President of the United States(and most counties leaders) is taken seriously.Now the dirt-bad "journalist" is being hailed around the Arab world.So instead of writing an opinion on the press conference,he throws his shoes,o-k. Saddam?Would have taken him out back and shot him.Progress,he will get a trial!

Richard Reeds,anyone?


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Hi all,

Any threat to the President of the United States(and most counties leaders) is taken seriously.Now the dirt-bad "journalist" is being hailed around the Arab world.So instead of writing an opinion on the press conference,he throws his shoes,o-k. Saddam?Would have taken him out back and shot him.Progress,he will get a trial!

Richard Reeds,anyone?


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Of course it was fucking funny, it was a SHOE! If the guy threw a rock, or a hand grenade or a knife or any other object that could kill/commit severe bodily harm, that would NOT be funny. A shoe is funny. A beach ball is funny. A water balloon is funny.

For God's sake, he wasn't hurt and he clearly had enough of a sense of humor to joke about it afterward. Take after Bush (God forbid) and lighten up, Francis.

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Saddam was little threat to anyone. His country was deeply indebt after the Gulf War. That being said, that itself shows or serves as evidence suggesting he was attempting to build a weapons program. While I feel any weapons he had are likely underground (most likely still, hey, it's a fucking desert!!!) going to war with an already distraught civilization is one of the biggest blunders any nation can make. And it can not be said enough, "WE WERE TOLD THIS BEFORE HAND."

Add the fact that Saddam was our man in the middle east until Israel kept yammering at us that they hated him..and when he invaded Kuwait, the rest of the world got pissed..so we publically had to do something..for oil.

Sure, Saddam killed thousands of people to rule a mixed, unstable society. And we backed him up every step of the way for a long time. It wasn't until after the Soviets left the Middle East when we began to turn the other cheek. US Foreign Policy to a fucking T right there!

The United States' own ignorance as "sole dominant bull" on the Earth has continually proven to create a "house of red glass," encasing it until our interests change and we charge full speed into another brick wall that alot saw coming..but were silenced by those who sought for power and control.

Edited by bigstickbonzo
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Hi all,

]Saddam was little threat to anyone. His country was deeply indebt after the Gulf War.

My Brother,don't remember the Iran/Iraq war??? :blink: Circa 1980?

That being said, that itself shows or serves as evidence suggesting he was attempting to build a weapons program. While I feel any weapons he had are likely underground (most likely still, hey, it's a fucking desert!!!) going to war with an already distraught civilization is one of the biggest blunders any nation can make. And it can not be said enough, "WE WERE TOLD THIS BEFORE HAND."

Those scuds were made where?1 guess,....

How did that nuclear reactor work out,biult be the French,in,1980, work out?

[Add the fact that Saddam was our man in the middle east until Israel kept yammering at us that they hated him..and when he invaded Kuwait, the rest of the world got pissed..so we publically had to do something..for oil.
Not oil,we did f*** up,perhaps we thought we picked the lesser of the two evils,we did not.

Sure, Saddam killed thousands of people to rule a mixed, unstable society. And we backed him up every step of the way for a long time. It wasn't until after the Soviets left the Middle East when we began to turn the other cheek. US Foreign Policy to a fucking T right there!

Oh no,Iraq was never a nation until Great Britain said it was,...check that,...

Next: Saddam like to kill Persians,who do not consider them selfs, Arabs,...you know the majority of Iranians,... :blink:

The United States' own ignorance as "sole dominant bull" on the Earth has continually proven to create a "house of red glass," encasing it until our interests change and we charge full speed into another brick wall that alot saw coming..but were silenced by those who sought for power and control.

Let me ask you this: why have you not taken care of it?Africa?Greece?Iran?North Korea?Have a go,....and welcome to the jungle,....


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It would have been funnier still if it left a dent in his head, still, to be fair he dodged it pretty well.

The truly funny part was him saying afterwards "I dunno what his beef is".

That attitude is what got the Republicans kicked out of office. ;)

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My Brother,don't remember the Iran/Iraq war??? :blink: Circa 1980?

I was referring to the 1990s..and we backed Saddam during the Iran/Iraq War.

Those scuds were made where?1 guess,....

How did that nuclear reactor work out,biult be the French,in,1980, work out?

I've never stated Iraq didn't have missiles or other dangerous weapons. I've clearly stated Iraq was not our fight, especially after 9/11 when we were "supposedly" chasing Al-Qaeda (who despised Saddam because he granted women certain rights they forbaid)

Not oil,we did f*** up,perhaps we thought we picked the lesser of the two evils,we did not.

Iran has always been the bigger target because of its ties to Russia. The Iranian People are pro-West and are quite understanding to the delicate situation. It's the minority-religious clerics who control the country..and the oil.

Oh no,Iraq was never a nation until Great Britain said it was,...check that,...

Iraq was internationally recognized in the 1920s, but the Baathist Party didn't seize power until 1968.

Next: Saddam like to kill Persians,who do not consider them selfs, Arabs,...you know the majority of Iranians,... :blink:

It's been widely theorized that Iran was responsible for some of the Kurd massacres in the 1980s. Our own government supported this claim for a long time, until our feelings toward Saddam changed. Now, it's widely only told that Saddam was the sole mastermind behind it.

Let me ask you this: why have you not taken care of it?Africa?Greece?Iran?North Korea?Have a go,....and welcome to the jungle,....


~Africa is too big..too poor for anyone to do anything, right now. It's a sad fact, but throwing money at Africa has nothing to do with the people of the continent. It's just our country and other donators wanting a piece of the pie encase it's ever available. Despite the good will efforts contributing, and the AIDS money, Africa is a lost cause (at the moment) when we have bigger problems internally.

~Greece isn't our concern. But don't worry, the CIA has people there right now. Feel safe yet?

~Iran is tricky. If we show too much force towards them, Russia will seek a military resolution to protect its interests and then you have WWIII. It's like that. The best way to get Iran is to diplomatically press them into somewhere we want them to be. Also, if you improve relations with Russia and work out a deal, Iran will back down. Russia has more control in this thing than the media is letting on.

~North Korea is a joke. It's a humanitarian issue. The only real threat is them selling weapons to Al-Qaeda which is highly unlikely..but possible.

Edited by bigstickbonzo
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I'm glad Rock has a sense of unPC humor. Gee, I wonder why he wasn't called out about making some uncalled for remark ? :huh:


Sorry to offend Sandals, do you wear them ? I hope you don't wear them with socks. :rolleyes:

You got that right !! The whole thing is a hoot !

...tsk tsk tsk, maybe those with such sensitivities just shouldn't participate.

Calling a race of people the "N" word is far from camel shit you fuckin little dick bag.You should just go away and hang with the squirrels and let them gnaw on your little nutsack...That should keep you quiet!

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