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How's it going my fellow die hard hard core ZEPPELIN fanatics? Its Christmas Eve! I'm sure that we have all had time to think about what our New Years resolution is going to be for 2009. I would really like to hear from every one of you what your New Years resolution for 2009 is going to be. Who knows, your answer might even inspire me to do even more with my resolution for 2009. As for what I am going to do for my resolution for 2009, I am going to drink more and drink more and drink more. ROCK ON!

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I'm still giving my New Year's resolutions some thought. One thing i really want to work on is having more patience with my daughter. She has too much energy for me and her personality is so dynamic, we often but heads :) I want to work with her so we can both be happier and have less stress between us (for example, it would be nice to get off to her school and my work without fighting in the morning) :)

I also need to budget so i can get my finances in order and keep them that way. It would be nice to be able to save a few dollars this year as well.

My last plan needs a lot more thought...something to do with which direction i need to go to find the happiness i crave (and deserve).

Edited by ~tangerine~
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I'm sure you're joking, but if not, let me advise against it (if you are talking about liquor). :)

How's it going "~tangerine~?" As far as drinking more goes, I was only kidding although I do drink a little more than usual. I am getting a little better though. Bless your heart "~tangerine~." ROCK ON!

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Just one this year.

Not to make anymore New Years resolutions!

Merry Christmas "Reggie29" as well as our fellow die hard hard core ZEPPELIN fanatics! I hope that all of you had a great visit from Santa and your Christmas was a Happy and Jolly one. It seems that New Years resolutions is losing its popularity among the world population now days since it is hard to stick with. What do you think is the hardest New Years resolution to stick to or what New Years resolution has been broken the most? In my opinion, quitting cigarette smoking would be ranked number one. Every single friend of mine that has mentioned quitting cigarette smoking as a New Years resolution for the last five years are still smoking. Other than quitting cigarette smoking, what others can you think of? ROCK ON!

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Haha I made this very resolution 12 years ago and I can say that I have stuck to it ever since :D

Merry Xmas "Dzldoc?" I understand where you are coming from. Believe it or not, I only stuck to one New Years resolution. I actually quit cigarette smoking cold turkey 10 years ago and I haven't touched one since. ROCK ON!

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to diet and lose at least an inch off my hips!

Merry Xmas "Venus?" Losing weight is like trying to give up cigarette smoking. It is not easy "Venus" but you really have to want to do it to succeed. I gave up cigarette smoking cold turkey because I really truly wanted to quit. Now I may have gone through two of the worst weeks of hell while quitting but I did it. If I would have starting smoking again during those two weeks, I would have had to start all over again and that would not be a fun thing to do. It can be done. I will encourage you "Venus," I know that you can do it. ROCK ON!

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Same here ninelives! I used to try making resolutions back when I was in college, but I gave it up because I could never stick to them! B)

Merry Xmas "Melanie_72?" I hope that your Christmas was a Happy and Jolly one. You sound like a very intelligent, strong minded woman that could do whatever you set your mind out to do. I get the feeling that you can do anything that you want if you really want to. ROCK ON!

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Hubby hasn't gotten a hold of Dell yet today so one last visit online before we reload everything :) My main goals for 09:

-RUN the entire 4 miler this year (vs. run/walk)

-Run at least one additional 5k

-Learn how to knit and make Oldest Daughter a scarf in her school colors

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To stop annoying my friends and family to death with my obsession with Led Zeppelin, because really, since I've joined this forum it shouldn't be a problem. I can non-annoy you with my obsession.

Believe me...it won't help :lol:

Mine is to get my health and vitality back! I've had a baaaad year in 08, good riddance!

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I never obeyed my new year's resolutions, all I did to change my life was because of chance or free will.

But the next year...I have to do a few things!

- practise my instruments a LOT more

- changing my single status! Sixteen and no boyfriend, what kind of life is that?

- trying if I can survive as a vegetarian

- getting a new band

Okay, pretty much, but don't say I didn't try!:- )

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I never obeyed my new year's resolutions, all I did to change my life was because of chance or free will.

But the next year...I have to do a few things!

- practise my instruments a LOT more

- changing my single status! Sixteen and no boyfriend, what kind of life is that?

- trying if I can survive as a vegetarian

- getting a new band

Okay, pretty much, but don't say I didn't try!:- )

Being a vegetarian's not difficult at all :D Be glad to help if you need any suggestions or have any questions.

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^^thank you very much!

It is a big problem for me! I love eating meat, the taste of it and all, but on the other hand, I always feel bad when I eat, and then think of the life that has been destroyed.

Plus I live in a notorious meat eater family.

I think I gonna make it an experiment for a few weeks and then see if it works.

If I need advice, I know who to ask...thanks

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