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Strange Food Mixes


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I remember stupidly asking for it at a Waffle House in VA and was told " You in da Souf honey, we ain't got no scrapple". LOL

I guess they gave you grits then. Or worse, those hash browns that only Waffle House can f*-up.

Scrapple sounds wonderful!

Is it true that only Yankees put mayonaise on a hamburger?

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It's delicious. Egg and tomato is not a strange combination at all- boiled egg, sliced tomato and mayo in a baguette is really lovely - especially with a good sprinkle of fresh black pepper.

The only thing ketchup is meant to go on is french fries. Not eggs, not steak, not hamburgers, not hot dogs.

And egg/mayonnaise together? HORK. If I see people eating egg salad, I will become ill.

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The only thing ketchup is meant to go on is french fries. Not eggs, not steak, not hamburgers, not hot dogs.

And egg/mayonnaise together? HORK. If I see people eating egg salad, I will become ill.

Ketchup is also great on Kraft Dinner. :P:P

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.....mayo is made combining eggs and slow mixed oil, so its a closer match than you'd imagine. My buddy is the same with egg salad sandwiches, just the mention of them and he get's ill.

I don't like egg salad either; or hard cooked eggs, for that matter. I do like scrambled, and egg whites in a homemade McMuffin.

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The only thing ketchup is meant to go on is french fries. Not eggs, not steak, not hamburgers, not hot dogs.

And egg/mayonnaise together? HORK. If I see people eating egg salad, I will become ill.

Well you may not care for it but a great many people like and do put ketchup on hamburgers and hot dogs. Not sure how you can decide what it's meant to be on. I've never put it on eggs but I know a lot of people who do and love it. Doesn't bother me!

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I just made some Ramen noodles (beef) and put a can of cream of mushroom soup along with a can of crabmeat in it...Twas a bit different.Almost had a chowdah flavor to it.

I probably should have replaced some of the water with milk and probably used the shrimp Ramen noodles.It was creamy but could have been creamier!

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The only thing ketchup is meant to go on is french fries. Not eggs, not steak, not hamburgers, not hot dogs.

I love the way synchronicity works sometimes to make me smile.

Last night I dragged out a box of news-cuttings to try to find an article I had referenced in a post here earlier. Looking through, I found an NME article dated February 1st 1975 called "Zep On Tour USA" and something made me decide to read it. Halfway through, came this:-

"At noon the following day Jimmy Page comes to my room for breakfast...........He orders scrambled eggs with ketchup, English muffins, and tea...."

Now, I know you Elizabeth, and I know that what Jimmy Page may like to eat isn't gonna change your opinions at all - I just thought it was a really funny coincidence. And that he has good taste. :D

Edited by Knebby
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I love the way synchronicity works sometimes to make me smile.

Last night I dragged out a box of news-cuttings to try to find an article I had referenced in a post here earlier. Looking through, I found an NME article dated February 1st 1975 called "Zep On Tour USA" and something made me decide to read it. Halfway through, came this:-

"At noon the following day Jimmy Page comes to my rom for breakfast...........He orders scrambled eggs with ketchup, English muffins, and tea...."

Now, I know you Elizabeth, and I know that what Jimmy Page may like to eat isn't gonna change your opinions at all - I just thought it was a really funny coincidence. And that he has good taste. :D

Well he'd definitely fit right in at our house :)

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I'm even worse with potato salad. There is nothing grosser in this world than lumpy cold potatos in any form.

German potato salad is much better. It doesn't have mayo in it - but onions, bacon, and some sort of vinegar instead. And it's best heated up.

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Well you may not care for it but a great many people like and do put ketchup on hamburgers and hot dogs. Not sure how you can decide what it's meant to be on. I've never put it on eggs but I know a lot of people who do and love it. Doesn't bother me!

Easy. It's called my opinion.

Edited by Electrophile
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No, no I should not. I eat what I eat, I don't eat what I don't like and that's that. I've actually seen people booed from Vienna Beef hot dog stands in Chicago for requesting ketchup on their hot dog. I always say, if you're lucky you'll out-run the sauerkraut being thrown at you.

Now THAT'S a hot dog. Mustard and sauerkraut. Probably because of the German influence in the city. Damn, now I want one. :(

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