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Has Zep ruined other music for you


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With the exception of James Brown. Zep has ruined other music for me. I just don't get a kick out of the other bands as much as Zep. Not Van Halen/The Stones/The Who/PFloyd.

I can't understand why four white boys from England have ruined my musical tastes. I am a black man, I can't even stand most rap, just because of Zep. For the past 20 yrs, Zeppelin and James Brown are the only music that I can hear everyday and find something new. I can't relate To BIG/PDiddy/Tupac.

I keep questioning the connection I have to Zep. I wonder if I was friends with them in a past life. Based on my ethnic background I should not be into them. My parents did not play rock in the house. My parents are more into Jazz and Reggae.


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I think I understand you:)

I am really huge Beatles fan and couple moths ago I didn't listen any music except Beatles.I was listening them all day and all night,only liverpool guys:) Since I've been discovered LZ,Beatles are in the second line. Yes,they are my fav band No.1 and they will for ever but now I can't listen them :slapface: maybe it's because of LZ who knows..I should listen many cds which I've bought but everytime I click to PLAY I see blink shiny words which say-What are you doing,girl?How can you listen other music when you can listen such a good songs like Black dog and IMTOD and Stairway to heaven and and and..So I left ,,new" artist and gonna to listen LZ.

I really don't know what should I do?I can't listen only LZ whole life :o

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Led Zeppelin opened the door to all kinds of good music for me... now I listen to jazz, R&B, blues, that I wouldn't have been led to if it wasn't ultimately for discovering Led Zeppelin and their influences, and their influences' influences, etc...

They didn't 'ruin' other music for me, they made it better and now I appreciate them even more!

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Led Zeppelin opened the door to all kinds of good music for me... now I listen to jazz, R&B, blues, that I wouldn't have been led to if it wasn't ultimately for discovering Led Zeppelin and their influences, and their influences' influences, etc...

They didn't 'ruin' other music for me, they made it better and now I appreciate them even more!

Exactly! I've broadened my tastes a lot as a result of listening to Zep and discovering what they were influenced by as a group and later on as individuals. As much as I love them, I don't listen to them exclusively at all. I like to discover new music from all genres.

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I understand what Lalka is saying, though. When you first discover a band, and realize all the wonders awaiting you, it's hard to stop and listen to anything else. I'm the same when I buy a new album I love and then I play it constantly before finally moving on (or back) to other stuff.

I think it's fine to go on listening to Zep, Lalka, and then after a while you'll reach the same point as these good citizens who just posted, who found their way to other good music through Zep. It's all good. :)

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I understand what Lalka is saying, though. When you first discover a band, and realize all the wonders awaiting you, it's hard to stop and listen to anything else.

Oh, yeah, I was the same way with Led Zeppelin for sure. I had it bad. Real bad. :lol: But then you move on... doesn't mean you love them less... such is life!

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There is no "should" or "should not" because of ethnic background, IMO. I'm an asian girl, growing up listen and play traditional music of my own country. But I love a lot of western music as well, if I have had a problem to cross musicial genres, I wouldn't have known about Zeppelin.

And Led Zeppelin itself is a beautiful example of musical/cultural communication and combination. Think of all the influences the members have taken from the many different fields, that is something made them very special.

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Like others Led Zep was one of the gateways to other music for me, it was bands like the Stones and Zep that led me to to dig deeper into blues. Honestly I don't listen to much Zep anymore but I haven't forgotten the gift they gave me. Was time, a very long time ago, when I thought they could do no wrong but I don't think I could even rank them among my fave late 60's Brit blues band now.

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Like others Led Zep was one of the gateways to other music for me, it was bands like the Stones and Zep that led me to to dig deeper into blues. Honestly I don't listen to much Zep anymore but I haven't forgotten the gift they gave me. Was time, a very long time ago, when I thought they could do no wrong but I don't think I could even rank them among my fave late 60's Brit blues band now.

I find any band I'm interested in leads me to other bands. That's one of the great things I love about music - the roads it takes me down.

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I find any band I'm interested in leads me to other bands. That's one of the great things I love about music - the roads it takes me down.

Oh yeah, without a doubt. Though I've had a a few that were important pivot points where suddenly things changed for me. A few important gateway bands for me were Zep, Stones, Velvet Underground, Op Ivy, Wilco, Flying Burrito Bros, Johnny Cash, Dino Jr, Sabbath. Some impacted my ability to appreciate music going forward too, it wasn't always a way to go back and seek stuff out.

But yeah music should be a journey, if it's not and you limit yourself to appreciating a handful of bands you are missing the boat. There's a big musical world out there and though I appreciate what bands like Zep did for me in my formative years I can't imagine how crummy life would have been if I had stopped there. After hearing Zep it didn't take long for me to figure out who people like Willie Dixon was and from there I went back and listened to other bands that covered his tunes. It was a brand new day when I came home with an armful of the first Savoy Brown and Fleetwood Mac albums I hadn't heard yet. Were very happy teenage kids on a musical journey and it has lasted to this day, the rush is still there for me.

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I wouldn't say they ruined other music for me, but they did show me which artists don't deserve my time. In essence, they help me weed out the junk.

I first discovered Led Zeppelin in my basement in 1997 when I was 12 when I popped in my parents' BBC Sessions album for no other reason than because I thought the cover looked interesting...

From that point on, everything was different. Sure I no longer respect a lot of the groups I once loved, but Led Zeppelin has introduced me to quite a few bands I now love and would have never discovered if I was still listening to the junk I liked back then.

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Nope, they haven't ruined other music for me. I love so many different genres, as a matter of fact, Robert's work in the Americana scene lately has turned me on to that genre even more. I just love to continuously explore great new music. :)

Same here :) It was a genre I was familiar with but I've discovered so many great artists now as a result of Raising Sand.

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They both ruined it and broadened it.. Ive gotten into more blues from them, also Ive gotten into The Yardbirds(lol right now Im singing Smokestack Lightning..) But Now I cant really listen to other bands I used to love, because now Zep is my one and only favorite band.

I've gone through phases where I might listen to a particular group constantly for a period of time. You'll find you'll get back to other groups I'm sure and that isn't a bad thing at all. I don't love Zep any less just because I don't listen to them all the time :)

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I've gone through phases where I might listen to a particular group constantly for a period of time. You'll find you'll get back to other groups I'm sure and that isn't a bad thing at all. I don't love Zep any less just because I don't listen to them all the time :)

Okay good lol, well its not that I mind much. When I really first got into Zep, it was them some of the time, then other bands, and now its most of the time, but I still do listen to others :)

So, Im okay..i think

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I listen to an incredibly diverse group of musicians. Here are some of my favorites from completely different genres: Metallica, Disturbed, Sublime, Aerosmith, the Beatles, Eminem, The Foo Fighters, Red Hot Chili Peppers, Editors

No, Zeppelin didn't ruin music for me. I don't compare music with each other. I just listen. If I life it, I listen to it. If not "...sorry Machine Head, but you're awful band. Meet the garbage disposal bitch."

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I understand what Lalka is saying, though. When you first discover a band, and realize all the wonders awaiting you, it's hard to stop and listen to anything else.

I'm still somewhat in this phase with Zep right now. It's so exciting, and especially with a band like Zeppelin and their history - there really is so much to discover.

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Yes, they have ruined me for other music. It's not to say that I don't enjoy my "other" music, but that's just the point.

There's Led Zeppelin and then there's my "other" music.

When one of their songs comes on the radio, it never ceases to put a smile in my heart and on my face.


The way I look at it is if you're going to be obsessed, it might as well be the band that has everything for any musical preference.

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I listen to an incredibly diverse group of musicians. Here are some of my favorites from completely different genres: Metallica, Disturbed, Sublime, Aerosmith, the Beatles, Eminem, The Foo Fighters, Red Hot Chili Peppers, Editors

No, Zeppelin didn't ruin music for me. I don't compare music with each other. I just listen. If I life it, I listen to it. If not "...sorry Machine Head, but you're awful band. Meet the garbage disposal bitch."

While we don't share the same taste in music (with a couple exceptions), I 100% agree with this post.

Liking Led Zeppelin for me, doesn't mean not being able to listen to anything else. I have everything from Sarah Brightman to Pink Floyd to Mariah Carey to The Doors in my catalog, and I'm glad I have a diverse selection of music to listen to. Shit would get boring if the only band I listed to ever was just Led Zeppelin. They're great, but I need variety.

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Listening to Zep even broadened my taste for music,

without them I might have possibly never listened to Robert Johnson, or Tinariwen.

there is a magazine called "Songlines" which comes out monthly, very inexpensive too, and it also features a free cd of different world music, from anywhere on this planet.

They already featured a cd compiled by Robert Plant himself with his favorites in world music.

here are some things I have discovered while listening to these free cd's.....might sometimes sound strange, but try to feel the vibe open minded....


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