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Obama's Report Card...


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Obama has to stop this AIG shit now.

You can't tax people 90% because you don't think they deserve the money. We wrote a bill that stated they can give out bonus. The company is contractually obligated to hand them out. These people who receive these bonuses, 75% of the income is based off of these bonuses. You can't use the tax law to penalized these people. You can't. You can't print there names either.

If Pres. Obama lets this happen. Then fuck him and i hope he fails. I rather live in Nigeria than in a country in which we punish people we don't like with the tax code. We cry about those bastards in GITMO, but we get the noose for those bastards on wallstreet. We can't wire tap known terrorist, but we can print the names of some schmuck who is trying to put his kids through college.

Good Job Obama.

Pb, as free market as I am, I think it's odd that I'm going to disagree. This money was not made for profit, it was not made from layoffs. The money came from all the taxpayers in the US for the sole purpose of keeping the company afloat. Giving millions to execs does not constitute "keeping the company afloat" now does it? In almost every other thinkable example, I'd agree with you, but thsi is a special case because the money was not intended to pay off executives. Now, where Congress fucked up was not realizing this would happen (most of us said it would) and the fact that they didn't put any limitations on the money so that the execs wouldn't be allowed to take the money.

Now, I obviously disagree with yourn statement, but I'm with you in the long run and that this "bailout" probably never should've happened in the first place

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i think there is no way he's gonna do all he said

1: no money

2. Big War Machine ( dictates policy in wartime) not presidents

3. Bush screwed so much up that 3 presidents from now it will still be screwed up .

4. China Owns U.S.


Edited by zoso_hemi
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where Congress fucked up was not realizing this would happen (most of us said it would) and the fact that they didn't put any limitations on the money so that the execs wouldn't be allowed to take the money.

The problem is they did know and put the protection for the bonuses to be paid in the bill themselves.

And in spite of CNN catching Dodd in an outright lie, they're still playing the "Bush's Fault" card.

Biden said Americans aren't quibbling over $200 million in shameless earmarks when he was trying to help slam this stimulus bill through, but now they're posturing and making a red herring out of $165 million that they already knew about?

They all suck.

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Seems to me that the same people that are crying about AIG employees losing their compensation and having their contracts broken, are the exact same people that were crying for the UAW to open their contract and renegotiate their benefits because they were overpaid. I guess the suit makes the man eh ? What a disgrace. :(

Good catch bongman.

Still, If the government said, You can't hand out these bonuses after taking this money", I would be fine with that. But the government did not do that.(and if they did everyone in AIG would've quit.) If the government told the UAW to go fuck themselves and took their money, i would be even more pissed.

Labor costs was the reason the car companies are going bankrupt, not the work.

The work is causing AIG to go bankrupt, not the labor costs.

So with that said, if they are that bad, fire them, if they are not bad, pay them to keep them.

but i will repeat, If the government said, "NO BONUSES or NO MONEY", i would agree with that. but they didn't. 167 million out of 160 billion to keep people in you company is not bad.

Pb, as free market as I am, I think it's odd that I'm going to disagree. This money was not made for profit, it was not made from layoffs. The money came from all the taxpayers in the US for the sole purpose of keeping the company afloat. Giving millions to execs does not constitute "keeping the company afloat" now does it? In almost every other thinkable example, I'd agree with you, but thsi is a special case because the money was not intended to pay off executives. Now, where Congress fucked up was not realizing this would happen (most of us said it would) and the fact that they didn't put any limitations on the money so that the execs wouldn't be allowed to take the money.

Now, I obviously disagree with yourn statement, but I'm with you in the long run and that this "bailout" probably never should've happened in the first place

The money was paid to keep the company going. If your employees left because they didn't get paid, than the company would die.

Here's a question. How much did AIG paid last year compared to this year. If they paid 300 million last year and 150 million this year, than a 50% paycut is quite a good thing.

Of course its not about the money, its the fact they want to publish their names. The same people (democrats) who want to publish the AIG employee names, also publish the names of the people who funded prop 8 in California. I thought the dems where all about privacy.

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The Democrats pushed for the UAW bailout, saying that the Repubs were letting the country down if they didn't pass it. The same thing goes here...."don't bother reading it, we just need it, for good or ill."

What a load of crap. Obama is not ready to run this country...it's pretty easy for anyone to see. He means well, but he's getting taken by every trick in the book....and it's his own party that's fooling him. Barney Frank is probably the world's biggest idiot. The problem is that when it comes to criticism of their own party members...Dems have a VERY SHORT MEMORY.

If it continues this way...we will all be homeless. :slapface:

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The Democrats pushed for the UAW bailout, saying that the Repubs were letting the country down if they didn't pass it. The same thing goes here...."don't bother reading it, we just need it, for good or ill."

What a load of crap. Obama is not ready to run this country...it's pretty easy for anyone to see. He means well, but he's getting taken by every trick in the book....and it's his own party that's fooling him. Barney Frank is probably the world's biggest idiot. The problem is that when it comes to criticism of their own party members...Dems have a VERY SHORT MEMORY.

If it continues this way...we will all be homeless. :slapface:

I agree.

For the last four years, this guy Obama claims he knows the path to hope. It involved alot of speeches and Pres. Bush bashing. He was elected in November, and even MSNBC claims Pres. Bush had bend over backwards to help Obama transition into power. Alot say, we had two presidents in December and January. He has been in office for two months and still doesn't know how to get us out of this credit crisis. Does not know how to deal with GITMO and basically followed the US/IRAQ agreement for troop withdrawal and hasn't come up with a broad plan for Afghanistan. No plan how to pay for Health care. No plan period.

Do you realized the British prime minister gave Obama a pen that was carved from the same chunk of wood that the presidents desk is made out of. and he gives 25 DVDs that don't even play in a U.K. regional DVD player. Iran just bitch slapped Obama with their reply from Obamas peace offering.

TOTUS Teleprompter of the United States

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just imagine the uproar if it had been revealed that Bush used a teleprompter for EVERY appearance he made - all the allegations of him being a puppet.

But when Obama does it, it just "makes sense for the President to have all the facts available to him."

Teleprompter in Chief

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I have to say that Obama bowls like a little girl.

'Like the Special Olympics'

Leno should have just come back with: 'What are you, retarded?'

I just loved the media's backhanded 'apology'.

We know the left is fond of making fun of people. On TMZ they showed LL Cool (Fool) J making fun of some guys accent yet everyone thought it was SO funny as he kept doing it and no one said a thing. Yet when they showed Miley Cyrus making Chinese eyes with her oriental friends they ripped her up and down for being 'insensitive'. Fucking 2 faced hypocrites.

Last night TMZ showed Spike Lee and he was ripping the cameraman up and down for 'being a hack' and he kept saying 'be an artist, be an artist'. He then told the guy: Did you make 'Do The Right Thing????' I've been doing this for 20 motherfucking years!' I would have told him: 'Yeah, it took Segovia 20 years to learn the guitar, so when are you going to make a good movie?'

God I hate the Hollywood elitists!


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i think there is no way he's gonna do all he said

1: no money

2. Big War Machine ( dictates policy in wartime) not presidents

3. Bush screwed so much up that 3 presidents from now it will still be screwed up .

4. China Owns U.S.


It took Reagan four years to fix the Carter mistake and every mistake every president made on foreign policy of the last 30 years.

We can easily be above 11,000 in the stock market, unemployment back around 6%, and all combat actions be minimal in four years. Obama wants 8.

but remember, it was pres. Obama chief of Staff, who said, "never let a crisis go to waste".

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The money was paid to keep the company going. If your employees left because they didn't get paid, than the company would die.

It was paid to a select group of failed execs. Their leaving does not hurt the company anymore than its already in.

Here's a question. How much did AIG paid last year compared to this year. If they paid 300 million last year and 150 million this year, than a 50% paycut is quite a good thing.
The money I earned last year was taxed and went on to help finance this bullshit. if they're going to use my money to "bail companies out" than I'd like them to at least make sure that these companies don't give it as bonuses.

Of course its not about the money, its the fact they want to publish their names. The same people (democrats) who want to publish the AIG employee names, also publish the names of the people who funded prop 8 in California. I thought the dems where all about privacy.

Sorry dude but this comes off as just right-wing paranoia...

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Animals can sense weakness. Iran should be a crater on the map, now they're the Great Dane happily humping a Poodle...

'I have here.....the paper.....signed by Herr Hitler'.......................

Visualize world appeasement!


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It was paid to a select group of failed execs. Their leaving does not hurt the company anymore than its already in.

The money I earned last year was taxed and went on to help finance this bullshit. if they're going to use my money to "bail companies out" than I'd like them to at least make sure that these companies don't give it as bonuses.

Sorry dude but this comes off as just right-wing paranoia...

Point taken.

Still, Im not against them putting it in writing before they took the money. Im just against the fact the want to take the money after they knew they where going to do this.

Im not so concern about the 157million in bonus as i am completely concern about the other 165 billion dollars are going. (most of it to foreign banks).

Im not so concern about AIG Excus who fail, as I am most utterly concern about the 500 or so elected officials in Washington who let this happen. All of this. Damit, even though I blame liberal policy on this shit, I blame Former Pres. Bush for not putting Barney Frank and Chris Dodd in GITMO.

Biden said it was patriotic to pay taxes, and we use it to get after people. There is a reason why its law we can't use our own troops on our own people.

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Animals can sense weakness. Iran should be a crater on the map, now they're the Great Dane happily humping a Poodle...

I heard a quote from FMR. Sec. of State Condi. Rice. she said "The United States of America is the only country in the world who uses diplomacy like we do". It was meant as we are the only nation that threatens force of some kind to get things done"

How much help has the UN been. Get the point.

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So Obama just sent out the retard Timmay geithner and camr up with a plan thats was used before and worked. I not sure if i like the plan now, probably should've been done 4 months ago.

and Obama gave his retard his own retard too. He finally appointed a asst. treasury sec.

I am actually giving Obama the fist pump.

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What I don't get, is when you're growing up in Hawaii, and its a beautiful night, and you go out to get stoned with your buddies, and you're laying on the beach, whiling the night away, and there's no smog or cloud cover anywhere, so the stars hang brilliantly overhead, and the hours pass languidly by, how do you never in your life hear about Orion??

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I blame Former Pres. Bush for not putting Barney Frank and Chris Dodd in GITMO.

We can only wish.

Biden said it was patriotic to pay taxes, and we use it to get after people.
Looks like Geithner's no patriot. <_<
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Regarding the folly of a "press conference" that I witnessed tonight:

I've never heard of spending your way out of a deficit....

It's like, "O.K., I'm behind in my rent, so I'll spend my next 5 paychecks at the bar".

I know that that is a strange comparison, but really, how is reckless spending on government funded health care, energy reform and bailing failing private business out of debt going to grow our economy to the point where this huge deficit projection can be overcome in even twenty years?

Health care needs to be reformed...I'll give you that, but it's not going to help GROW the economy... it's a burden. To socialize medicine and claim that it will boost our economy is outright ridiculous. Social programs do not create profit.

Energy reform and the switch away from foreign oil/fossil fuels will not grow our economy in the next twenty years. Like health care reform, it is a necessary project to help stabilize the future of American citizens, but it will also be a great burden for decades to come on our economy. With major technological advances it will eventually provide a positive force in our economy (and I'm all for it), but it will not help us out of the deficit that Obama is creating.

The government bailouts of private corporations is a short term crutch that will take us years to bounce back from..... it will not help to provide growth in our economy.

What exactly is Obama doing in the short term to grow our economy? NOTHING! :slapface:

Libertarians have suggested a plan that Obama refuses to consider. Why did he lie and say that no one is coming up with budget ideas? He won't consider any ideas from across the political aisle, even though he still lies about supporting a "bipartisan effort" for fixing our financial woes.

Providing tax breaks for business on the front end of our economy, doing away with federal income tax and creating a national sales tax (with an kickback for low income households) will stimulate the economy, encourage business growth, bring outsourced jobs back to American soil (providing jobs for our people) and quickly reduce our deficit, by encouraging private enterprise export their goods to others, rather than importing our own refined materials because of the high cost of doing business in the U.S.

Obama is well on his way to being a one-term President. I'm thinking that my "D-" grade was pretty darn generous considering what I heard tonight.

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Regarding the folly of a "press conference" that I witnessed tonight:

I've never heard of spending your way out of a deficit....

It's like, "O.K., I'm behind in my rent, so I'll spend my next 5 paychecks at the bar".

I know that that is a strange comparison, but really, how is reckless spending on government funded health care, energy reform and bailing failing private business out of debt going to grow our economy to the point where this huge deficit projection can be overcome in even twenty years?

Health care needs to be reformed...I'll give you that, but it's not going to help GROW the economy... it's a burden. To socialize medicine and claim that it will boost our economy is outright ridiculous. Social programs do not create profit.

Energy reform and the switch away from foreign oil/fossil fuels will not grow our economy in the next twenty years. Like health care reform, it is a necessary project to help stabilize the future of American citizens, but it will also be a great burden for decades to come on our economy. With major technological advances it will eventually provide a positive force in our economy (and I'm all for it), but it will not help us out of the deficit that Obama is creating.

The government bailouts of private corporations is a short term crutch that will take us years to bounce back from..... it will not help to provide growth in our economy.

What exactly is Obama doing in the short term to grow our economy? NOTHING! :slapface:

Libertarians have suggested a plan that Obama refuses to consider. Why did he lie and say that no one is coming up with budget ideas? He won't consider any ideas from across the political aisle, even though he still lies about supporting a "bipartisan effort" for fixing our financial woes.

Providing tax breaks for business on the front end of our economy, doing away with federal income tax and creating a national sales tax (with an kickback for low income households) will stimulate the economy, encourage business growth, bring outsourced jobs back to American soil (providing jobs for our people) and quickly reduce our deficit, by encouraging private enterprise export their goods to others, rather than importing our own refined materials because of the high cost of doing business in the U.S.

Obama is well on his way to being a one-term President. I'm thinking that my "D-" grade was pretty darn generous considering what I heard tonight.

I'd give the man an A-/B+ for last night's work. I really don't understand the teleprompter criticism. Watching his eyes, he seems to only use it to stay on topic. I think it's refreshing to watch a President willing to use the media and the Internet to his advantage. That's what a CEO is supposed to do. We certainly have come into the 21st century from a few months ago. Regardless of political viewpoint, could you imagine George Bush trying to explain any of this with confidence to the American people ? First he would have to schedule the press conference...not exactly one of George's strong points during his 8 years.

Obama is currently sitting at a 63-64% approval rating. I hate to break it to you, but for now that spells M-A-N-D-A-T-E. He's going to ram his budget right down the Republican's throat. I can hear their gagging now as Biden casts the deciding vote.

As far as health care, I always look at that issue from a personal standpoint. It currently costs me $10 bucks in out-of-pocket costs to go to the doctor. I pay $10 bucks while 50 million Americans and counting have no protection at all ?....and I get this just because of where I'm lucky enough to work ? That's not fair....it isn't right....and I am willing to eventually contribute more in some form or other because I believe it is the right thing to do, and it is in the long-term interest of this country. I believe most Americans generically feel the same way. I personally believe that the number #1 issue this country faces is the battle of the haves and the have-nots. Republicans call this "wealth redistribution". I call it unchecked greed. Mr. CEO used to be happy with 20 times the pay of the average American salary.....now he gets 200 times plus. During that same period, middle-class wages fell. That same guy is belly-aching that he's now going to have to pay an extra 5% in taxes under Obama that he can't hide in Swiss banks or the Caribbean.....and that just breaks my liberal heart to pieces.

As far as energy, Obama ain't stupid. He's smart enough to play the populist card because paying $4.50 a gallon is still fresh on every American's mind. "A plan" is far better than "no plan"......and what was this country's energy policy during the last 8 years ? Feel free to give me a Republican spiel on that particular point....I'm all ears.

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It seems a number of people are taking offense at Obama's (or the messiah's, whichever you prefer) profound dependence on rolling text being the butt of jokes. Bitter old hacks like David Letterman among them. So why is it supposed to be funny? Well for the same reasons it was funny when Will Ferrell's character "Ron Burgundy" couldnt' go to the bathroom without a teleprompter....except the only difference is that that was a fictional anchorman, and this is the commander in chief, which makes it even more tragicomic. :):(

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