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What Made You Un-Happy Today ?

The Rover

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I presume you are referring to Samantha from the movie 'Her'


:o NO. I didn't even remember Scarlett Johansson's character's name was 'Samantha' until just now.

I must be showing my age. To me, there's only one 'Samantha' in pop culture, especially when discussing women with magical powers: Samantha Stephens as played by Elizabeth Montgomery on the tv show "Bewitched".

P.S. There's only one Darrin, too: Dick York!!!

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:o NO. I didn't even remember Scarlett Johansson's character's name was 'Samantha' until just now.

I must be showing my age. To me, there's only one 'Samantha' in pop culture, especially when discussing women with magical powers: Samantha Stephens as played by Elizabeth Montgomery on the tv show "Bewitched".

P.S. There's only one Darrin, too: Dick York!!!

I got it, thanks to KB.

Just figured it was from the movie, which you probably saw recently.

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Discovering T rex rat and his family are back in my vegie garden, eating my tomatoes .......... again.

I'm not a gun advocate, but where this Tyrannosaurus rex genetic mutant rat is concerned ......... bring em on ......... :guns: :guns: :guns:

I'll let you borrow my bow..

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I have just returned from the dentist and predictably my wallet was well and truly fleeced. £43 of my crispest English notage was duly handed over as Dick Turpin screamed "Stand and Deliver". No wonder the waiting room was empty. 10 Minutes I was in. A lethal injection of some coke like substance has rendered my speech and mouth like I've had a stroke and a tiny filling was inserted into somewhere I probably didn't need. So 10 mins @ £43 x 6 = £240/hour. Not bad, not bad at all? " See you in 6 months" was the cry as I left. No fucking chance !!

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I have just returned from the dentist and predictably my wallet was well and truly fleeced. £43 of my crispest English notage was duly handed over as Dick Turpin screamed "Stand and Deliver". No wonder the waiting room was empty. 10 Minutes I was in. A lethal injection of some coke like substance has rendered my speech and mouth like I've had a stroke and a tiny filling was inserted into somewhere I probably didn't need. So 10 mins @ £43 x 6 = £240/hour. Not bad, not bad at all? " See you in 6 months" was the cry as I left. No fucking chance !!

^^ RIP to your wallet there..I used to be terrified of the dentist... the smell of burning gums, the waiting, the sounds of the drill accompanied with the screams of some poor soul. I did put that once down to the ongoing torture of having your molars ripped out but that isn't true, sadly the noise is down to the wallet being put to the slaughter.

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I have just returned from the dentist and predictably my wallet was well and truly fleeced. £43 of my crispest English notage was duly handed over as Dick Turpin screamed "Stand and Deliver". No wonder the waiting room was empty. 10 Minutes I was in. A lethal injection of some coke like substance has rendered my speech and mouth like I've had a stroke and a tiny filling was inserted into somewhere I probably didn't need. So 10 mins @ £43 x 6 = £240/hour. Not bad, not bad at all? " See you in 6 months" was the cry as I left. No fucking chance !!

I agree, but at least Dick Turpin wore a mask !!!!!
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  • 2 weeks later...

Tearing my hair out due to both itunes and windows media have decided to screw up, now I cannot burn cds. It seems that I have a problem with a driver but I know about computers as much as I can speak manderin fluently...help??

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Well it was yesterday actually, I was told by the Job Centre that I am not entitled to any money even though I have been payin National Insurance contributions for 39 years. Not very happy about it. Apparently if your family as a whole earn more than £112 per week, that is sufficient for you to live on according to this government, I'd like to see cameron survive on it or his puppet clegg.

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Well it was yesterday actually, I was told by the Job Centre that I am not entitled to any money even though I have been payin National Insurance contributions for 39 years. Not very happy about it. Apparently if your family as a whole earn more than £112 per week, that is sufficient for you to live on according to this government, I'd like to see cameron survive on it or his puppet clegg.

I'm not surprised your jumping over hoops for that..

Something similar happened to my mum, she had worked till about September last year on a 6 month contract (she had been working for over 15 years before that for someone else)

After the 6 month contrat had run out, she went to the Job Centre and had been told that she could not claim because she had not enough in her tax contributions. So now, in a blind panic, had to find the shittest job she could find to pay her way/survive.

I'd like to see Cameron, Clegg and the rest of those morons strung up by the privvies and beaten with birches.

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somebody stole my sunglasses right of my face at the bus stop today. he first asked me a question about the bus line and then grabbed by glasses and ran off. I would describe him here but it might sound wrong because i am so angry about it.

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I'm not surprised your jumping over hoops for that..

Something similar happened to my mum, she had worked till about September last year on a 6 month contract (she had been working for over 15 years before that for someone else)

After the 6 month contrat had run out, she went to the Job Centre and had been told that she could not claim because she had not enough in her tax contributions. So now, in a blind panic, had to find the shittest job she could find to pay her way/survive.

I'd like to see Cameron, Clegg and the rest of those morons strung up by the privvies and beaten with birches.

I have applied for many awful jobs, it seems to me that almost every job available carries the "National Minimum Wage" logo. A lot of the others are age restricted (even though it is against the law). I worked in two pubs over a period of 10 years, so I applied for a bar job and the person asked me how old I was, I pointed out that it was discrimination, he just ignored me and told me the vacancies had been filled.
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