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how many of you actually saw zepp in concert and when{pre 1980 only}


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Surely Brad didn't get banned over this asinine discussion?

I haven't got my ticket stub from my experience and when I wrote my piece on it I had to research the proper setlist.

At the time I was 18 and sober and I had forgotten everything about it except the music, which is still playing in my head even to this day.

Brad was a formerly banned member who returned under this alias.

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Surely Brad didn't get banned over this asinine discussion?

I haven't got my ticket stub from my experience and when I wrote my piece on it I had to research the proper setlist.

At the time I was 18 and sober and I had forgotten everything about it except the music, which is still playing in my head even to this day.

I'm sure it's due to another personal attack veiled as an informative post.

As far as Strider goes, it's great reading and I do believe he attended those shows with his family members. Some need to get a grip around here, it's just music folks! As far as being offended that someone would lie on this board, I mean c'mon - how many different member names have been used by some people on here?!? If you don't want to believe, then don't - move on. Just like I am since I have, unfortunately, never had the chance to see the mighty Zep live and in person.


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You are dead wrong Matt. I do not know him at all.

Ah, so your nasty attitude and persistence with this is just because, it's not personal. Very nice.

This is usually a drama-free section of the site, where Zep geeks can discuss live shows and bootlegs...until you brought the drama. I think everyone has made it clear, it's not cool. Take the crazy someplace else.

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I was only on the forum this weekend for about 5/10 minutes a day to post the day in history as I also have a life. I am standing up for Strider as well on this one. I was 12 and a half the first time I saw LZ and like Strider was with a couple of older people as that was the only way my Mom would let me attend. Due to many reasons we all mature at many levels. Hell, by the time I was 4 years old I was hanging out (sitting outside) many a pub in the french quarter with my Dad. Going to concerts at the age of 10 at the Warehouse as well.

This is supposed to be a fun thread, I just do not understand why some people always have to cause friction...when after all we share the same passion for the music. I have no problerm with anyone but this kind of behavior is uncalled for IMHO!!!!

Back on topic: I saw Led Zeppelin in 1973 in New Orleans, 1975 Baton Rouge and was scheduled to attend the 1977 in New Orleans.

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I was married to a compulsive lier.

Thats your problem, dude! This is a Led Zeppelin Forum, get a grip on yourself.

Hopefully, your ex-wife's compulsive lying (you brought it up) wil not leave you in a 'permanent' state of cynical existence,

for your sake.

Looking forward to more Strider posts. Thats all.

Edited by snapper
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Evster and The Rover, if you're reading this, THIS is exactly what I was afraid of and why I was reticent for so long about talking about my Led Zeppelin experiences.

I've tried to remain calm during this little imbroglio...and thanks for ruining a perfectly good little thread silvermedalist and Izzoso...and figured if I ignored the taunts, they'd go away. But apparently I was wrong. I have a friend who said I should have come out guns blazing, but I am trying to live my life by the motto "What Would Deborah J Do?"

The funny thing is that I've never had a beef with silvermedalist over anything, so I don't know why he's decided to make this personal...unless it's because I'm a Raider fan? I don't recall any spats with Izzoso either. I'm not on the board often enough to get into any fights with anyone.

And I was willing to let this slide after I said my piece yesterday...but now they've gone TOO FAR and I am taking the gloves off! I am sorry Sam Webmaster, I know you don't like petty squabbles, but I tried to take the high road, and I don't even care about being called a liar. They can choose to believe what they want to believe.

But when they attack my personal character and accuse me of plagiarising, that is crossing the line and I will not stand for such public assaults on my integrity. Add to that the fact that they continue to misquote and mislead people as to what I wrote. And I am the one that's lying? They can't even get basic facts correct.

This will be my last retort to these slanders on this thread...if I get banned for it, so be it, but I cannot remain calm and silent anymore.

First, let's address the whole concept of how can someone remember something from 40 years ago, balh blah blah, that seems to be a problem with silvermedalist and Izzoso. What, you don't think people didn't remember the Depression 40 years later? Or the bombing of Pearl Harbor? Or the night the Beatles appeared on Ed Sullivan?

Of course, after reading your posts, I realize what the problem is...you have a hard time believing anybody can have that good a memory because you seemingly cannot remember something from a mere two weeks ago.

As for the talk radio, I do not know what you are referring to? Do you live in NY state?

I am referring to THIS!

Up to my ears with a local sports talk show host. Last week the prick hung up on me. His henchman agreed I was right. Now he is in trouble for sticking up for me. The bitch emails me every morning as he has to have the last word. He shall not get it. I was nice for a bit. No more Mr Nice Guy. I will call in incognito some night and set the place a blaze. Loner piece of shit goes to the track every day, but I can never fiind him. Would like to see him face to face just once. He lets idiots ramble and ramble but those that know something he willl shut out because he does not like to be showed up. Never been married. Far right winger that brings his polotics into sports talk.

First of all, the fact that you are engaged in a schoolboy fight with a sports talk show host says ALOT...it's one thing to listen to sports talk radio on the drive to and from work. But I had a roommate once who dialed up sports talk shows...you have to wait for hours sometimes to get through to the host. I would come home some nights, and my rommmate would literally be passed out on the floor asleep, with the phone in his hand...he had been on hold for so long he fell asleep. I saw your thread about "How do you keep your spouse happy?" where you whine and moan...hey, here's a thought: maybe if you stopped spending time arguing with sports talk hosts and paid more attention to her, she might be happier.

Hey, Charlie. How did you do it? Travel 800 miles as a 10 yr old boy and remember all of that? Ha. Did you build a fucking time machine? And while you were at it you bought some Zeppelin tickests? Nice try Charlie.

First of all, the name is Strider...and Izzoso, stop dragging poor innocent Stryder into this! It is S-T-R-I-D-E-R. Once again, you cannot get even a simple fact like a name correct.

Second, I was nearly 11, as my birthday was a month away, and I've always been advanced for my age...I was always the tallest one in class. I read voraciously and was exposed to movies that most kids hadn't even heard of, let alone seen: A Clockwork Orange, Truffaut, Renoir. Again, I am sorry if my childhood doesn't correspond to yours, but everybody's childhood is different, depending on social-economic, geographic, and cultural factors.

Third, what is your glitch about flying to San Francisco? It's not like I was flying to the moon...and it was 1973 not 1903. Plane travel was as normal and second-nature then as taking a bus. I had already flown several times already by then...yes, those times were with family, but since I had had experience flying, and LA to SF is a short flight, my stepmom saw no problem with me flying alone this one time, especially since my uncle was going to be in SF to pick me up. It's not like I was wandering alone in the big city. Besides, as mentioned in my reviews, by 1973, my dad was not in the picture, having divorced his second wife, who now had custody of me. She didn't care for kids, so any excuse to get me out of her hair for the weekend was fine with her.

As for the tickets, I didn't have to worry about buying tickets on my own until 1975...until then my Big Brother handled all the tickets, and he passed his knowledge and wisdom down to me so that by the time I did have to buy tickets on my own, I knew some of the ins-and-outs. Again, this is all mentioned in my reviews, so it's ridiculous I have to explain it all again like I'm talking to third-graders. No wait, that's a slur against third-graders, for I have seen 8-year olds with more reading comprehension than you two have shown.

Oh, and while we're on it, let's get one thing clear that you two also can't seem to understand...I was NOT drinking Southern Comfort and taking quaaludes at 10 years old, nor at 11. Nowhere in my review do I say that and yet you two persist in spreading this misinformation about me. It wasn't until 1975 that I first took a quaalude...and I said so in my post on this thread.

With the exception of the Kezar Stadium show, all the Led Zeppelin shows I saw in 1972 and 1973 were drink-and-drug free...well, except for the occasional wisp of marijuana smoke wafting by.

Again, you ask how I can be believed, yet it is you two who continually misquote and miscomprehend even the basic facts of my experiences.

But where you really cross the line is when you accuse me of plagiarism. You have got to be joking. One, I challenge you to find one instance of plagiarism...and I am not talking about a two-word phrase. I think Izzoso quoted me, either here or on one of my review threads(which I will deal with after writing this), as talking about Jimmy Page's stagger-step. Yes, I am sure another writer has used that phrase...in fact, I bet hundreds of writers have used that phrase. It's hard to describe a stagger-steg any other way.

Yes, I have read many books and reviews about Led Zeppelin, and in turn, I have stumbled upon a word or phrase that describes an action or musical sound better than what I had previously used. I am not a trained musician so my musical vocabulary isn't as adept as a professional musicians: I can't describe what chord Jimmy is playing at a certain moment or what the techical term for a particular Bonham drum pattern is, so I tried to do the best using the vocabulary that I do have. If a word or phrase bears a certain resemblance to another's, so be it...there's only so many ways to describe sounds anyway. It's all bound to be repeated endlessly by any number of writers. As Frank Zappa astutely said, "Writing about music is like dancing about architecture."

But while my terminology may not be 100% mine, I can assure you that 100% of my experience is...you can argue with the way I describe it but the "IT" is all true.

Let's get another thing clear...which again, I am sure I made plain, either in my original reviews, or in one of the follow-up posts. The 1973 concerts I wrote down almost immediately after the show, and in fact, was the basis for one of my homework assignments the next school year, when we had to write an essay about "What We Did On Summer Vacation?" So it is not like I was sitting there in the hospital, trying to remember from scratch an event that happened 38 years ago. One, I had that written essay...and having read it many times during that summer and in years following, it was almost committed to memory by the time I was in high school. Two, I have lived with the memory of those concerts...and really, all the concerts I've attended...all my life. Whenever I've gotten together with other Zeppelin fans or at concerts and we get to trading our concert memories, I have told and retold those memories so often that it becomes almost second nature. Certain moments of your life will remain vivid for eternity as other moments fade away.

It's like learning a foreign language...the more you use it, the better you are at remembering it.

Did I remember EVERY detail? No, and that is where bootlegs and people like David Zoso helped. Sure, in my original essay about the concerts I remembered they played songs like Dazed and Confused and The Ocean and that the first two songs were Rock and Roll and Celebration Day...but I didn't know the EXACT order of the setlist until after I got the bootleg. In fact, I'm pretty sure in my school essay I had No Quarter being played before Since I've Been Loving You.

And with the exception of the June 3rd show, our seats weren't good enough to make out every sartorial choice made by the band members, or which Les Paul Jimmy was playing on a certain tune: the #1, #2 or the cherry-top. So yes, to help provide accuracy and add detail, David's photos helped in describing how the band looked on a given night...I could remember in general how Jimmy and Robert looked as they were up front, but I didn't want to just deal in generalities.

I really wanted to give the readers an in-depth feeling of what those shows were like...and I wanted it to be as accurate as possible...so to fill in the blanks of my memory, yes I used the bootlegs or the setlists provided here and David's photos to give a little colour. Doesn't change the fact that I was at those shows.

As for typing those posts using a cellphone, sorry if you can't believe that, but that's how I did it...maybe my phone is just better than yours. If you want, I can take you to the hospital where I was at for nearly a month, and the nurses can tell you how every time they came to hook up my IV or draw blood, I would be in my bed, typing away on my phone(it's a touch screen). Now, if you're going to doubt that I was in the hospital, I have nothing further to say to you, for I do not joke about things like that...a blood clot is a serious matter.

Why do you think the format gets wacky at certain points in those reviews? How instead of the sentence going on until the margin, it seems to cut off halfway across the screen and begin on the next line? That wouldn't have happened on a computer...I would have fixed it; there's no logical explanation for me purposely writing like that. But on my phone, once my post got to a certain length, if I had to go back to change a mispelling or rephrase something, I often couldn't scroll all the way back to where I left off...I would have to keep hitting the return key to get down, and apparently every time I hit that key, it made the sentence break off at that point.

As for having the patience and stamina for writing all that on a cellphone, well, those that know me know my incredible focus and stamina once I set my mind to a task. Besides, I was stuck in a hospital bed, with no distractions...I had nothing but time; what else was I going to do?

You have followers on here that are blind like the Manson family. You should go hook up with your girlfriend Electro. By the way, nice pic there of Liz in the Lost cat thread. Who posted it? I dont know that guy but would like to give him a cigar. It fits pretty good that pig nose.

I do not have followers...now you just sound paranoid. In fact, considering how long I have been on these forums, and I have been here since the beginning, I have very few friends compared to others, and much less posts and profile views. So I am not popular by any stretch of the imagination, nor do I post here with the intent of being popular. I have plenty of friends already in my life, thank you, and my only interest here is to share my love of Led Zeppelin and other music with other like-minded folk, and keeep abreast of any news in the Zeppelin camp.

If I lied about my concerts just to be popular as you claim, why didn't I do this years ago? When I first started timidly posting about some of my Zeppelin memories, many asked for more, and The Rover and Evster in particular, were very encouraging and supportive. But I had several problems to deal with first: 1) How much to reveal of my personal life, as the Zeppelin concerts and my personal life are intertwined in such a way as to be inseparable; and 2) the very nature of some of my Zeppelin experiences are so unusual that I knew there would be some who wouldn't believe them...hell, I still can't believe I lived through them myself, sometimes.

So I had to ask myself, did I really want to deal with all that...why bother going to all that time and trouble to share my life, only to have to deal with people calling you a liar? And did I really want strangers to know how fucked up my childhood sometimes was? I struggled with those questions for several years until finally in 1969, what with it being the 40th anniversary of Led Zeppelin I and all, I was moved by nostalgia, and my growing older, to finally share what I could about how I became a Led Zeppelin fan and what the band meant to me through the years.

I had to write and rewrite it until I was finally satisfied that I had revelaed just enough personal details to give it personality and context, but without going to far into pathos...or worse, bathos.

Plus, I'm not getting any younger, and it won't be long before my memory starts to go. I have never really been satisfied with how writers so far have described a Led Zeppelin concert...certainly not Stephen Davis. All the accounts of the critics have missed something, they feel incomplete. So I thought before I get too old and feeble, I should try to add to the public record my experiences and really show what the atmosphere and impact of a Led Zeppelin concert was like, and what set their shows apart from their peers. That's all this is about...it's not about getting people to like me, or acrrueing more "friends".

Lastly, Sam Webmaster has certainly read more about Led Zeppelin than I, or anyone else, for that matter...and anything I post here or in the Timeline has to be reviewed by him and the other moderators. I think if he had doubts about the authenticity of my post and thought I had plagiarised another author's work, that he wouldn't have allowed my post to go through, or would have banned me by now.

Oh, and your personal attacks on Electrophile and her perceived looks, shows the classless bastard you really are...and she is not my girlfriend. You are going to get Jahfin upset.

That's all I have to say about this bullshit...again believe me or not, it doesn't change the fact that I was there. I had no problems with you two before, but as far as I am concerned, the both of you are persona non grata from here on out. Calling me a liar is one thing, calling me a plagiarist is beyond the pale.

Where are the stubs? Show me the money honey.

If you hadn't been an asshole about the whole thing, I would tell you about my ticket stubs. But you decided to be a prick, so you don't deserve to get an answer.

Surely Brad didn't get banned over this asinine discussion?

If he did get banned, it wasn't over this, I assure you Reggie...Brad was actually one of the ones who supported me.

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Hey Strider,

Keep on writing the great posts of your concert memories. I enjoy them very much. I look forward to each new one you post.

Your excellent memory coupled with your gift for writing makes them all winners.

Back on topic, I only had the privilege of attending one Led Zeppelin concert on June 3rd, 1977 (3 months before my 16th birthday).

I don't remember vivid details, perhaps in part due to my smoking "happy" cigarettes. :)

I recall that Tampa Stadium was packed. My small group of girlfriends and I were about 1/3 of the way back. Pretty good seats for field. While waiting for the band I kept saying repeatedly to myself, please let them play The Rain Song and No Quarter (my all time faves at the time!) Since then I've read they had dropped The Rain Song from the '77 setlist. cry.gif

The band started a bit late, but roared onstage with TSRTS. Another one dear to my heart. The next couple songs they played I don't remember as well. I think that was because I was still dazed and in awe over watching this mighty band playing LIVE not far from where I was ....(Hi Jimmy, look at me!) :wave:

The weather was horrible when they left the stage, severe lightning, rain, etc. after 20 minutes or so. We figured they would come back when it passed (as these summer storms often do) but that was not to be despite the ticket stating "Rain or Shine." The few riots that broke out with upset fans must have been in a different area or after we left the stadium.

I did get a refund check back in the mail from the promoter. I believe it was for $10.00? Wow, what a deal looking back.

I would have liked to have been to a full concert. However, I did see them all together in their glory up on that stage and THAT image is seared into my memory forever.

Afterwards for weeks (maybe months!) I wore my black '77 concert t-shirt as often as possible. I was so proud that I was there!!

...............:) missy

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I think calling people out like this in public forum is really uncalled for. This board has private messaging features. I hope after this fiasco people will take issues like this off board.

Just sayin'.........

Absolutely! That's the professional way to do it. But unfortunately some aren't and are just too immature.

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Strider...You suck!!! Whoa, and you like the Raiders too???:angry:

Hey man, that was just a joke. I just had so say something sarcastic after reading all the mean spirited posts directed at you. It's just not fair and you deserve better. Keep smiling, the majority on here love your posts and as stated previous, you do have a gift for writing. Keep it up!!!

Now for the haters. Just relax and realize all is good. Why can't you see the glass is half full instead of half empty? The only one who knows what happened is Strider and I prefer to live my life in a positive manner instead of a negative one. I personally believe Strider's account because I was only 9 in 1977 when my cousin took me and my older brother (he was 14) to see Zeppelin at their final Chicago gig on Easter Sunday. Now there are reason's why I have such a precise memory of this show and this whole day in general. Probably the best reason is I kept a journal from six until 18 so I have the account of that day written down. Another reason is this was my first rock concert and my parents only allowed me to go because my older cousin (26 years old) was taking us. His only vice was rock & roll, he never drank or did drugs and was married at the time. We were all quite sober and this experience was literaly seared into my memory. I had never experienced anything like this before, it was like loosing my virginity (had to wait until 17 for that) at a bar-mitzva where the band was Led Zeppelin. I posted about this experience in another post but I have to say, yes, beyond a doubt I can believe a 7 or 8 year old could be at a concert and retain a vivid memory after 40 or 50 years. I am now a psychologist by trade so I know quite well the workings of the human brain and how neural pathways are formed to create memories. I will not bore anyone here with such details but not only is Srtider's account possible, it is physically and emotionally quantifiable. I have had patients who have recalled with great detail events occuring from age 2 and these accounts were sustantiated by second and third parties who had not discussed the particular incident with the patient.

So be positive, what have you got to lose???:rolleyes:

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I posted about this experience in another post but I have to say, yes, beyond a doubt I can believe a 7 or 8 year old could be at a concert and retain a vivid memory after 40 or 50 years. I am now a psychologist by trade so I know quite well the workings of the human brain and how neural pathways are formed to create memories. I will not bore anyone here with such details but not only is Srtider's account possible, it is physically and emotionally quantifiable. I have had patients who have recalled with great detail events occuring from age 2 and these accounts were sustantiated by second and third parties who had not discussed the particular incident with the patient.

Thanks for an interesting reply and bringing your knowledge to the table, so-to-speak, SR. I have long given up trying to figure out how my mind works, even after reading books by Carl Jung, Steven Pinker, Robert Winston, Douglas Hofstadter, Daniel Dennet, and others.

There are gaps in my memory which remain complete blanks and other periods that remain as vivid as if it happened yesterday. My parents took me to Yosemite National Park when I was three...I have no memory of it whatsoever. Even when my parents would constantly tell me about the trip and how much I enjoyed it, there was always doubt in my mind that it occured because I couldn't remember it happening at all. Not even seeing photographs of the trip triggered any memories of the experience.

Same thing when my mom(my biological mom) and dad got divorced, and I spent a year in a foster home because neither my mom or dad were declared fit to receive custody of me...they each had to undergo drug rehab, although I am sure that term wasn't exactly used in 1968. Well, I can't remember a damned thing about my foster family...who they were, their names, if they had kids of their own, etc., and I spent nearly a year with them, I think. All I know, is that I was probably relatively happy, as I don't have any memories of abuse, or the other horror stories you read about childrens foster expereinces.

Yet, I can still recall with immaculate detail a nightmare I had in 1969 after we had gone out to the drive-in to see "The Oblong Box" with Vincent Price and Christopher Lee. But I cannot remember the names of the boy next-door who I played with that year, nor his 16-year old sister, who I had a major crush on.

Ha, I bet you'd love to get me on the couch, doctor!

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Oh, and your personal attacks on Electrophile and her perceived looks, shows the classless bastard you really are...and she is not my girlfriend. You are going to get Jahfin upset.

According to Izzoso, anyone with the same join date for this board is either married or part of some vast conspiracy against him and his beloved YouTube thread.

I think calling people out like this in public forum is really uncalled for. This board has private messaging features. I hope after this fiasco people will take issues like this off board.

Just sayin'.........

Normally I would agree with this sentiment, especially when it comes to the inane back and forth ramblings of ledzepfilm and LedZep342. However, in the case of silvermedalist and Izzoso, any discussion of them of this nature deserves to be stated publicly for all of the board to see. Silvermedalist has had more screen names than even he can remember. That says more about his reputation than the way he dug a hole for himself in this thread. Thing is, he'll be back here under yet another new screen name quicker than you can snap your fingers. That, to me, is the major downfall of this board, the continual return of banned members under new names. Every time a new member begins posting I wonder which previously banned member it is rather than being able to welcome them with open arms as it should be.

Now, back your regularly scheduled thread discussion.

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Yeah, Rick (silvermedalist) has a long history here. A while back, he had a habit of slowly simmering until he boiled over and would go off on an angry drunken rampage and get banned. He would sneak back in, and repeat the cycle. Behind the scenes, many of us referred to him as Angry Rick. I believe his most recent incarnation as silvermedalist was officially sanctioned. I think Sam let him back after he apologized and promised to behave himself. Alas, he couldn't, Crazy/Angry Rick returned, as I'm sure he will again.

As you said Jahfin, carry on...

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April 23 1977 (I think) Atlanta Ga - Omni. Greatest concert I ever saw. A few of my buddies were at my house the other day just talking about the bands we had seen. One Buddy saw Jimi, one saw Beatles, one saw SRV, but I saw ZEPPELIN!!!

Fantastic, I was at that concert. Other posters are correct as Kashmir was the highlight on the '77 tour. I'm 53 now I was only 19 then, but I will never forget that day. The local rock station, that doesn't exist now, put together a package including Greyhound bus ride there and back plus the concert ticket for only $30.00. We got on the bus at the radio stations parking lot at about 2:00 PM. It was about a 3 hour drive to the Omni in Atlanta and as soon as we got on the interstate the driver pulled into a rest area. Everyone was wondering what was up, then the driver got on the bus intercom and said "you can do anything you want as long as you don't tear up this bus". We were all shocked, but as soon as we got rolling down the interstate, it was on let me tell you. There were doobies making the rounds all though that bus for the rest of the trip. Talk about being stoned, everytime we got near an overpass everyone would say in unison "has anybody seen that bridge, where's that confounded bridge". God the memories. I believe if I could relive any one day of my life, it would be that day in April, 1977.

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I saw Zeppelin perform 3 times in Seattle: 73, 75 and 77. The 73 & 75 shows were held at the Seattle Center Colisum which held about 18,000 for concerts. In 77 I saw them in front of 65,000+ in the Seattle Kingdome. The latter was quite the spectical crowd-wise, but the show, for various reasons, was not Zeppeli at their best and noticably lacking when compared to 73 and 75. I must addthe 75 Seattle show was still to this day the best concert I have ever witnessed. Didn't hurt that I was about 5th row center.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I saw them in Vancouver, B.C. on August 19,1971 while I was thumbing across Canada.. I remember the date 'cause the next day i took a concert poster off the window of a boutique in Gastown. Its been on the wall in my house ever since!

The artist who created that poster is a guy named Kerry Waghorn and I know he'd be very interested in communicating.If your interested send me a pm and I'll put you in touch with him. I'm guessing the boutique was" The Coggery " on Water St.

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5. June 3, 1973 LA Forum...the last Thank You!


10. June 21, 1977 LA Forum...a fucking week full of Zeppelin and NO WORRIES about school nights! Kashmir! Do you hear me? FUCKING HELL KASHMIR EXPLODES ON THIS TOUR! Forget Stairway...Kashmir is now the song everyone most wants to hear!

two of my all time top ten faves

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  • 2 weeks later...

09-19-1970 Madison Square Garden, NY.......Sat two rows in back of the stage, right behind Jimmy's amps. Smoked this herb called "chiba chiba", Plant's hair was so long, it looked like a waterfall.

09-03-1971 Madison Square Garden, NY.......Sat in nosebleeds waaaaaaaaaaaaay up behind stage, which collapsed from fans climbing it during encore.

06-14-1972 Nassau Coliseum, Uniondale, NY. 14th row center on floor. Mom knew someone in ticket office.....Right across the street from where I grew up. Imagine that !

07- 2?-1973 Madison Square Garden, NY......No comment. During my "Quaalude Phase" Seats were mid-level behind floor.

03-24-1975 Los Angeles Forum, LA...............Sat all the way in back, first level.....green laser beams shooting across ceiling all night.

Any questions will be gladly answered !

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