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God, I'm Depressed.


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No job, no money, no outstanding qualifications.

Not cut out for the corporate world.

No interest in 'career'.

Brimming over with creativity but no outlet for it.

Sorry guys, having what they call in the psychiatric trade 'a low day'.

Pardon my self indulgence.

Anyone else feeling bad?

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No job, no money, no outstanding qualifications.

Not cut out for the corporate world.

No interest in 'career'.

Brimming over with creativity but no outlet for it.

Sorry guys, having what they call in the psychiatric trade 'a low day'.

Pardon my self indulgence.

Anyone else feeling bad?

You have your health, I hope which is more important than anything, just my thoughts.smile.gif

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I agree with BE BE,

you have your health, friends, all your limbs and just a bad day. You also have a computer with internet connection so I guess you are not starving to death right now.

I also had no job and no money many times in my life, but there are always possibilities to survive in some way or another, use your imagination and don't focus on negative mindvibes.

Cool that you wanted to talk about how you feel....that's a good way to begin.

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I agree with BE BE,

you have your health, friends, all your limbs and just a bad day. You also have a computer with internet connection so I guess you are not starving to death right now.

I also had no job and no money many times in my life, but there are always possibilities to survive in some way or another, use your imagination and don't focus on negative mindvibes.

Cool that you wanted to talk about how you feel....that's a good way to begin.


So true, lots of people are suffering in one way or another, look at what you want to do with your

life, follow your heart, get a job, one you love, and then the rest of your life falls into place. If you

just don t do anything and just feel sorry for yourself, you will always be like this, if you have a job you

have total respect for yourself, and then you have money to do what you want. I hope you will be

lucky, all the very best.smile.gif

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No job, no money, no outstanding qualifications.

Join the Club, thats the Deal for an Englishman in his own Country nowadays.

Not cut out for the corporate world.

Not to my liking either.

No interest in 'career'.

Me neither, had a few of those, Pole's are now doing my old jobs.

Brimming over with creativity but no outlet for it.

The Criminal World is always looking for a Creative Mind, just saying. :lol:

Sorry guys, having what they call in the psychiatric trade 'a low day'.

I have a "Rasta" in my area who walks the streets shouting out about "him come down from the mountain" in his Jamacian Patois, Dreads, Shorts and Sandals are his Garb, everytime i see him i realise how lucky i am, now thats a Real "psychiatric trade" to be in. :lol:

Pardon my self indulgence.

Well at least it keeps up our spirits on here, we are all that and more.

Anyone else feeling bad?

Not me, havent worked for 2 years now, "Spend my days with a woman unkind", there is so much to do when you dont have a job to hold you back, wish i had thought of "Retireing" years ago now.

And as far as other people saying that you have your health, well you dont, "Depression" is one of the most Debilitating Illnesses that plagues our Society Today. It is hard to Diagnose and even harder to Treat, best thing to do is to accept that it will take a long time, years in fact, to get something worthwhile to do as a Job, and untill then enjoy what is Free, and dont let Money be your Master.

Keep Well and Safe, Regards, Danny

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No job, no money, no outstanding qualifications.

Not cut out for the corporate world.

No interest in 'career'.

Brimming over with creativity but no outlet for it.

Sorry guys, having what they call in the psychiatric trade 'a low day'.

Pardon my self indulgence.

Anyone else feeling bad?

Well as Woody Allen once said:

"I feel that life is divided into the horrible and the miserable. That's the two categories. The horrible are like, I don't know, terminal cases, you know, and blind people, crippled. I don't know how they get through life. It's amazing to me. And the miserable is everyone else. So you should be thankful that you're miserable, because that's very lucky, to be miserable."

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↑ Hi SirChris! :) Like the above members said, you have your health, right? And you're just "miserable", not in the "horrible" tier (lol)? Just ride it out. If that's too difficult, for a while, just keep on writing your wonderful lyrics! They do touch other people. I personally love the "Autumn Sun". :beer:

Edited to pluralize the word, "members" :)

Edited by Fan_S.
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if wink.gif your happy everyday - then there is no need to be miserable.

What about doing something with the spare time you have, turn an

interest into a business, or put an add up in your local shop, advertising

your skills,or help others less fortunate than yourself, till you can get what

you want.

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↑ Hi SirChris! :) Like the above members said, you have your health, right? And you're just "miserable", not in the "horrible" tier (lol)? Just ride it out. If that's too difficult, for a while, just keep on writing your wonderful lyrics! They do touch other people. I personally love the "Autumn Sun". :beer:

Edited to pluralize the word, "members" :)

Ha, thanks Fan_S. I just woke up in a bit of a funk this morning, feeling sorry for myself. Glad you like the lyrics, that's why I do it I suppose.

I'm going to post a few more lyrics soon as I can't seem to upload the songs themselves on my current internet provider.

Cheers guys. You didn't have to post but you did so thanks.

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Yes, Sir Chris.

I just spent about 1/2 of my remaining money until October on basic bills that I pay every single month.

...and I still have to get some random crap for my best friend's wedding. (She's costing me a lot of money that I don't have at the moment.)

I'm substituting this year, and I HAVE outstanding qualifications to teach my own room.

The problem is in Idaho, they CUT education funding, and now there are a LOT of qualified people without jobs.

I am thanking GOD I got a part-time night school job that hasn't started yet, and that I taught summer school this year. Without those two things, I'd be hosed--my car wouldn't be running, and I wouldn't have the new computer I so badly needed to do my work and to look for jobs.

I'm hoping someone needs to take a leave of absence for the year or something, so I'll have a job. ;)

Good luck, Chris. It sucks to be unemployed in this economy.

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Ditto I feel your pain. I am very depressed because I am going thru a nasty divorce and husband was living a double life. My 13 year old daughter is in the middle of it and she is very unstable at this time. No money or job will make u happy. I have had that and it only makes you stay in a unhealthy situation. The tragedy is a 13 year old girl who is the victim. We created this mess. I cry every day and feel helpless. Courts, attorneys, etc. My daughter now wants to live with her dad because he does not displine her and has the check book. I am lost as being a mother and her was my life. I have been in this big house for the last few months by myself. On a positive note: try exercising daily that has helped me tremendously. Give yourself only a few minutes each day to feel sad then move on. Listen to music (LZ of course). Keep in touch with family and friends. Drink 2 glasses of wine every night. No more because alcohol is a depressant. I always say things can only get better because they cannot get worse. Hang in there your time will come.

No job, no money, no outstanding qualifications.

Not cut out for the corporate world.

No interest in 'career'.

Brimming over with creativity but no outlet for it.

Sorry guys, having what they call in the psychiatric trade 'a low day'.

Pardon my self indulgence.

Anyone else feeling bad?

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Ditto I feel your pain. I am very depressed because I am going thru a nasty divorce and husband was living a double life. My 13 year old daughter is in the middle of it and she is very unstable at this time. No money or job will make u happy. I have had that and it only makes you stay in a unhealthy situation. The tragedy is a 13 year old girl who is the victim. We created this mess. I cry every day and feel helpless. Courts, attorneys, etc. My daughter now wants to live with her dad because he does not displine her and has the check book. I am lost as being a mother and her was my life. I have been in this big house for the last few months by myself. On a positive note: try exercising daily that has helped me tremendously. Give yourself only a few minutes each day to feel sad then move on. Listen to music (LZ of course). Keep in touch with family and friends. Drink 2 glasses of wine every night. No more because alcohol is a depressant. I always say things can only get better because they cannot get worse. Hang in there your time will come.


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:console2: We're here for ya Chris.

God, that's not much consulation... :lol: , but chatting here and with friends helps.

Things will get better, they always do.

Nature is a good cure. Get out in the woods or visit the ocean.

And by all means keep laughing whenever possible.

I am depressed this month 'cos my son will be leaving. I have to not think about it, or I get all weepy and wimpy and if I do cry my eyes swell like almost shut, so I really have to hold it together or I look like an alien. :'(

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When you are out of work the main thing is to figure out who is going to put you to work soon, and keep you smiling all the way to the bank and out of trouble, basically, and talk to only those people, your mission should you choose to accept it.

Sir Chris, you do have outstanding qualities, one of which is your exceptional sense of humor.

If you are the free-wheeling type, perhaps you should look for work in advertising, marketing or sales and try to stay positive. Focus on what really motivates you and talk to the people who make you smile.

You could sell guitars knowledgeably, am I correct? If so, figure out who will put you to work selling guitars and go for it for the next day or so just to see how it pans out. You can always come back here and commiserate some more if you fail. Look around for temp agencies that will place you in a job immediately.

Think of it as a short term adventure. If you hate it, the job will be over in 2 weeks anyway and they should have something better available. You would still be drawing some kind of a paycheck at least and have a record of recent employment. You must always continue to widen your search.

Think of the job market as like a big store with a whole variety of options from which to choose. When you shop, you look for your favorite foods and clothes that you will love to wear. It's the same way with the job market. You have to figure out what agrees with you the most.

And don't wait. Start your job search now. Time is money.


Edited by eternal light
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No job, no money, no outstanding qualifications.

Not cut out for the corporate world.

No interest in 'career'.

Brimming over with creativity but no outlet for it.

Sorry guys, having what they call in the psychiatric trade 'a low day'.

Pardon my self indulgence.

Anyone else feeling bad?

I'm right it here with you man! Been laid off since April and drawing unemployment, started doing a little solo acoustic act a few month's ago. Don't make any real money right now but it keep's me very busy, I've enjoyed playing music for decades now so it's some thing that make's me feel good. I do still get the blue's from time to time. I get over it and move on, I just got back from a week long trip to the North Carolina mountain's quite relaxing and fun to.

Start playing a musical instrument

and writting poetry or stories

also excercise you'll grow to like it

This is a good thing! I have been doing a regular exercise thing, 12 stretch and resistance band work out's about 4 time's a week and it does make me feel better about some thing's.

Ditto I feel your pain. I am very depressed because I am going thru a nasty divorce and husband was living a double life. My 13 year old daughter is in the middle of it and she is very unstable at this time. No money or job will make u happy. I have had that and it only makes you stay in a unhealthy situation. The tragedy is a 13 year old girl who is the victim. We created this mess. I cry every day and feel helpless. Courts, attorneys, etc. My daughter now wants to live with her dad because he does not displine her and has the check book. I am lost as being a mother and her was my life. I have been in this big house for the last few months by myself. On a positive note: try exercising daily that has helped me tremendously. Give yourself only a few minutes each day to feel sad then move on. Listen to music (LZ of course). Keep in touch with family and friends. Drink 2 glasses of wine every night. No more because alcohol is a depressant. I always say things can only get better because they cannot get worse. Hang in there your time will come.

Sorry to hear about this Bitchin Soul, I've been divorced since 1987, lucky for me it was uncontested and I did take time with my son after that was over. Maybe not enough time but I did/still not abandon him.

I know it seam's odd but the less contact (any kind) with the other party the better and the faster you will get over it. And don't go rushing into another relationship or sleeping around a lot, it will only make thing's worse.

That's my take on it any way's.

Hey, I'm in the same boat - wanna start a band? :)

Yeah, and I need a booking agent!!!

Edited by BonzoLikeDrumer
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No job, no money, no outstanding qualifications.

Not cut out for the corporate world.

No interest in 'career'.

Brimming over with creativity but no outlet for it.

Sorry guys, having what they call in the psychiatric trade 'a low day'.

Pardon my self indulgence.

Anyone else feeling bad?

Wanna feel better about yourself? I'm your gal! People make jokes about people like me.

I'm 45 and still live in my Mom's basement, I was fired in November from a job I couldn't stand, I've never been married (haven't even been kissed for at least 17 years, never mind having sex) or had kids, I'm fat, disabled, and depressed a lot of the time. And I'm not making ANY of this up! Needless to say my self esteem is shit (it was never great, which may be why I got here in the first place, but it wasn't as bad as now) and a lot of times I feel like I'm just waiting to tip over. I don't see the point of being alive, because I feel like I'm wasting it. Ironically, I was born very premature, and the Drs said I wouldn't live. So I got a miracle chance at life, and don't know what to do with it! On the bright side, I have a sense of humor (when I get really depressed I put on Harry Nilsson's "I'd Rather Be Dead" and sing along with the seniors (or as you Brits say, pensioners), which cheers me up. I also have a fantastic Mom, Sister & Nieces. I can listen to music and watch sunsets and do things that many people aren't lucky enough to do. Other people have made more of their lives with bigger challenges, so I'm not making excuses, I'm just frustrated because I can't figure out how to succeed/be happy, even if it's just on my own terms. Therapy and drugs sure haven't cured me! Dogs could (I'm instantly happy around them), but my Mom's allergic to dogs. Oh well, enough Debbie Downer. Maybe that's my purpose-to make other people feel better about themselves. I could market myself as a DE-motivational speaker-ha!

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Ditto I feel your pain. I am very depressed because I am going thru a nasty divorce and husband was living a double life. My 13 year old daughter is in the middle of it and she is very unstable at this time. No money or job will make u happy. I have had that and it only makes you stay in a unhealthy situation. The tragedy is a 13 year old girl who is the victim. We created this mess. I cry every day and feel helpless. Courts, attorneys, etc. My daughter now wants to live with her dad because he does not displine her and has the check book. I am lost as being a mother and her was my life. I have been in this big house for the last few months by myself. On a positive note: try exercising daily that has helped me tremendously. Give yourself only a few minutes each day to feel sad then move on. Listen to music (LZ of course). Keep in touch with family and friends. Drink 2 glasses of wine every night. No more because alcohol is a depressant. I always say things can only get better because they cannot get worse. Hang in there your time will come.

Oh, I am so sorry about what you and your daughter are going through. You sound so lonely in your house. Do you have friends or siblings you can talk to/spend time with to cheer you up and be a support system? I don't know how I could get through my days without my Mom/Sis/Nieces. Your situation makes me realize how lucky I am to have them.

No matter how bad I may think I have it, there's always someone who's going through much worse. All the best to you and I hope things get better soon. You deserve better than you got from your husband, the creep. My suggestion is listen to a lot of Planty. His voice makes me feel so good-down to my bones! Also if you have a dog or cat spend extra snuggle time with them. They can lift your heart when it's low.

Edited by ZeppyNetters
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