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BTW, holding doors open for a lady, pulling out her chair.....things like this are called "chivalry" and it's how a gentleman acts. You're not a gentleman, so I'm not surprised you abhor the concept.

In the old days, women received chivalrous behaviour because they did what their husbands told them to do. That was the trade off, he'd be courteous to her, showing her respect, because at home it was her job to be waiting for him with the dinner in the oven, to listen to complain about his day (while she kept silent about her own), for being the doting wife, she'd get chivalry in return.

Except women don't play the doting wife anymore, but they still expect the chivalry, thinking that they're some sort of prized possession because they spread their legs.

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Misogynistic pigs have no place is society. Nor do they have a place on this website.

I think the time has come for this thread to disappear into the ether.

That's not fair. If you don't like a thread then just stay away from it. That's what i do. That's what everyone should do. Censoring opinions unless there horrible is just wrong.

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That's not fair. If you don't like a thread then just stay away from it. That's what i do. That's what everyone should do. Censoring opinions unless there horrible is just wrong.

No, it's not a matter of someone saying "I like peanut butter, people who hate peanut butter are stupid" and then someone coming up saying the thread should disappear. That's not the situation I can see coming.

When someone calls a woman here a bitch and a slut (as Gainsbarre did in another thread), and then comes to this thread spouting borderline-misogynistic garbage, that crosses the line. For all the leniency the mods give us, this isn't the Wild Wild West.

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No, it's not a matter of someone saying "I like peanut butter, people who hate peanut butter are stupid" and then someone coming up saying the thread should disappear. That's not the situation I can see coming.

When someone calls a woman here a bitch and a slut (as Gainsbarre did in another thread), and then comes to this thread spouting borderline-misogynistic garbage, that crosses the line. For all the leniency the mods give us, this isn't the Wild Wild West.

I agree. No one should be called that and i have never have called a woman that. That post maybe should be elminated or the person should be talked to. But that's all.

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No, it's not a matter of someone saying "I like peanut butter, people who hate peanut butter are stupid" and then someone coming up saying the thread should disappear. That's not the situation I can see coming.

When someone calls a woman here a bitch and a slut (as Gainsbarre did in another thread), and then comes to this thread spouting borderline-misogynistic garbage, that crosses the line. For all the leniency the mods give us, this isn't the Wild Wild West.

Settle petal, Knobby and I have battled before, eons ago on the other board, She knows I'm a prick, and I know she's a bitch.

"What's in a name? That which we call a rose

By any other name would smell as sweet."

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See? I was effing right! he doesn't wanna get help or change, he just wants to justify his foolish opinions.

You are not right. I am taking some advice and am gonna hand out my number this weekend and see if any women have any interest in calling. Just because we have different opinions does not make mine foolish.

Edited by spats
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Illogical, then?

As for taking advices, nope. You want everything to adapt to you.

It might be shocking discovery for you, but you're not the bloody center of the universe.

This is just pointless, I'm out, no more fueling your whining machine.

Giving my number out to women to see if they are interested is a big deal for me.

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• noun 1 the medieval knightly system with its religious, moral, and social code. 2 the combination of qualities expected of an ideal knight, especially courage, honour, courtesy, justice, and a readiness to help the weak. 3 courteous behaviour, especially that of a man towards women.

— DERIVATIVES chivalric adjective.

— ORIGIN Old French chevalerie, from Latin caballarius ‘horseman’.


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• noun 1 the medieval knightly system with its religious, moral, and social code. 2 the combination of qualities expected of an ideal knight, especially courage, honour, courtesy, justice, and a readiness to help the weak. 3 courteous behaviour, especially that of a man towards women.

— DERIVATIVES chivalric adjective.

— ORIGIN Old French chevalerie, from Latin caballarius ‘horseman’.


In other words it's only expected from a man. That's not right. It should be a level playing field.

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Spats, Spats, Spats. You just keep digging yourself deeper into the Idiot Hole. Good lord dude, you are one in million, and not in a good way. You are never going to have a deep meaningful relationship with a normal woman, EVER. Not with the way you think. But I don't think you want one anyway, so that's OK. The tripe you spew never ceases to amaze, and it just keeps getting worse. You are beyond help. That's why we all keep coming back to this thread, against our better judgment. We just can't believe someone like you exists, and it's like watching a horror movie, we just want to see what happens next. Instead of absorbing any advice, and getting better, you just keep proving yourself a bigger dolt.

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Spats, Spats, Spats. You just keep digging yourself deeper into the Idiot Hole. Good lord dude, you are one in million, and not in a good way. You are never going to have a deep meaningful relationship with a normal woman, EVER. Not with the way you think. But I don't think you want one anyway, so that's OK. The tripe you spew never ceases to amaze, and it just keeps getting worse. You are beyond help. That's why we all keep coming back to this thread, against our better judgment. We just can't believe someone like you exists, and it's like watching a horror movie, we just want to see what happens next. Instead of absorbing any advice, and getting better, you just keep proving yourself a bigger dolt.

It depends on what you mean by normal woman. If you mean by "normal woman", a woman that wants to me to do everything, no i don't want that. I want a woman where it's equal. Who doesn't believe in gender rules. She does nice things for me and i do nice things for her. I don't want a woman who wants a guy out of a soap opera who will bow down and pursue and sweep her off her feet and be Mister Dominance and worship her. And get down on his knee , yadda, yadda. Don't want any part of that.

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You're going to get that a lot. In other words, you weren't respectful or thoughtful, and she thought you were a selfish dick and dumped you. Good for her.

That was the only time i have got dumped in a relationship. I wouldn't play by her rules of what a boyfriend or what a man should be like. She started out cool in that she gave me her number without me even having to ask for it but it got rocky after that.

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That was the only time i have got dumped in a relationship. I wouldn't play by her rules of what a boyfriend or what a man should be like. She started out cool in that she gave me her number without me even having to ask for it but it got rocky after that.

You need a hottie who plays by the same rules as you to the point where the two of you don't have to think too hard about it and it's a done deal.

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Misogynistic pigs have no place is society. Nor do they have a place on this website.

I think the time has come for this thread to disappear into the ether.

If you dislike this thread so much,..

* why do you keep coming back to it, and

* why do you keep posting in it?

And if you're so convinced that spats is a fake,..

* why do you keep trying to convince him that his pov is warped, and

* why do you get so riled up about him?

..eh, Sunshine?


Maybe you're taking everything-spats a wee bit too personally, eh? ;)

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In the old days, women received chivalrous behaviour because they did what their husbands told them to do. That was the trade off, he'd be courteous to her, showing her respect, because at home it was her job to be waiting for him with the dinner in the oven, to listen to complain about his day (while she kept silent about her own), for being the doting wife, she'd get chivalry in return.

Except women don't play the doting wife anymore, but they still expect the chivalry, thinking that they're some sort of prized possession because they spread their legs.

I tell you truthfully, I have no problem taking care of a man who treats me respectfully. Chivalry is a way to impress a girl.

The problem is, in modern times, guys expect you to just spread your legs with little/no effort on their part....

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