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2009 MTV VMA's


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Douchebag West was escorted out of the building after his latest stunt. The thing is, it's never about anyone else but him. He just uses the situation and people involved as an entry point for his antics. Then people talk about it, which is what he wants. The worst punishment for him is to be completely ignored by anyone and everyone. He's reaching mythic Narcissus-like proportions of self-absorption.

Allowances have been made in the past for assholes such as Beethoven or Wagner who were so talented that people let them get away with not adhering to normal social conventions which apply to the rest of us mere mortals. There is no way in hell West falls into that category of greatness. He's not even close to sniffing the abilities of, say, Jay-Z, so he compensates with 'any publicity is good publicity'.

At least when Beyonce won later, she called Taylor to the stage to finish her acceptance speech.

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He just comes off as a real piece of shit, to be frank. His whole attitude just bleeds arrogance. As if he's perfect...

What a shitty thing to do to anyone, never mind a young girl who's won her first (that right?) major award.

Glad that Beyonce had the good grace to let her finish her speech.

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First off... MTV still plays music videos? Wow. Who knew?

Second... Kanye West is an asshole, plain and simple. I was proud of Beyonce for later letting Taylor finish her speech. I did also hear from someone that, supposedly, Beyonce basically bitch-slapped Kanye around for it after the Awards were over, although I can't find any video or some written report on it (though it would be seriously awesome if true).

Third... whether or not Rap is music is based purely on opinion. As a musician, I would put forward that, in my personal opinion, music comes from those who play instruments, not those who rip-off, re-mix, and sample another artist's song. Therefore, Kanye West is a talentless hack who knows nothing about music, but the rap group The Roots not only qualifies as music, but is probably the only Rap/Hip-Hop group I like (although I know of numerous other rap and hip-hop artists who play instruments, and, therefore, by my opinion, also qualify as music, even if I don't personally like them). However, this is merely opinion and arguing over it will get nobody anywhere.

Fourth... Taylor Swift is probably one of the most honest mainstream artists of today. Although her particular style does nothing for me personally, it's nice to hear some humanity and honesty in mainstream music today, and I fully believe she deserved that award and I hope she does go on to win many, many more.

Finally... Kanye needs to disappear. I do think he's racist, especially based on this in response to his losing during an early MTV VMA Awards (maybe 2007... I'm not entirely sure):


He needs to just go away. If he's so starved for attention, then maybe he needs to evaluate his life and figure out why he needs that attention and find a way to change that issue...

Not that he will, but that's just what I think...

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Who cares? It's MTV. MTV has sucked donkey balls since about 1994. The VMAs are nothing more than the low-rent Grammys. Low-rent people on a low-rent network doing low-rent things. I didn't need to watch to know that something low-rent went down.

Kanye West is a turd. Always has been, always will be. A turd acting like a turd is not shocking any more than water being wet is not shocking.

Edited by Electrophile
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Hi Walter:

Thanks for your reply...Taylor does get alot of attention in the country, as well as, pop genre...perhaps a bit too much for her age..

Excuse me for my self-indulgent 3rd person silliness this am..I should have just signed off like this

Juliet :coffee:

PS Less than six hours until Jay Leno show....I wonder if Kanye has been deleted from the musical guest list???

Hey Juliet :)

Just having some fun with you. I do hope that Taylor Swift stays true to what she portrays and not become another Britney.

Enjoy your :coffee: , I know I am.


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Who cares? It's MTV. MTV has sucked donkey balls since about 1994. The VMAs are nothing more than the low-rent Grammys. Low-rent people on a low-rent network doing low-rent things. I didn't need to watch to know that something low-rent went down.

Kanye West is a turd. Always has been, always will be. A turd acting like a turd is not shocking any more than water being wet is not shocking.

I am with you, I have not watched those awards in years....they used to be THE show to watch every year, but that was then. '92 was the greatest awards show EVER! Donkey balls, huh?! :lol:

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Finally... Kanye needs to disappear. I do think he's racist, especially based on this in response to his losing during an early MTV VMA Awards (maybe 2007... I'm not entirely sure):

I'm not sure about the racist thing (although his actions may prove otherwise), but isn't his girlfriend Amber Rose white?

An earlier post said it might be scripted. I doubt that. Eminem last year most definitely was. He even admitted it in a few interviews afterward. The way the celebrities acted post show with their statements regarding the incident makes me think it was real. Kanye did the same thing to Gretchen Wilson a few years back. I would say not scripted, but not surprising.

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Kanye, what a gay fish :rolleyes: ...

Taylor handled herself very well though and was quite a class act through it all, so was Beyonce.

What really bugged me was when Kanye posted a apology to Swift and her fans on his blog after the incident, when that clown actually could've stayed off the damn stage, let Talyor do her speach and then write/share his feelings over the matter on his blog (caps lock and all) about Beyonce's "worlds Greatest Video" and it's loss instead.

Ah well, it's a free country...

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I haven't really listened to the "popular music" since I was a little kid...I don't know who these two people are, or heard any songs by either. But I did think it was incredibly rude to do what that dude did. I kinda think it's just another example of the amount of self-centered, "all-about-me" society in which we Americans live in these days. Pathetic.

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I'm not sure about the racist thing (although his actions may prove otherwise), but isn't his girlfriend Amber Rose white?

So having an intimate relationship with a person of a different ethnicity gives you immunity from being labeled racist?

He is the epitome of racism.

The sickening part is how (and it's already begun) he'll get to have his say on many programs, make his token apologies, and all will be forgiven.

If the incident had been reversed, and Toby Kieth had walked out and taken the mic from a young black female singer, the uproar would be deafening from the likes of Sharpton/Jesse/NAACP right up to quite possibly (since he's shown a willingness to insert himself into practically all things racial) Obama himself, and he'd be savagely excoriated in the media and ultimately shunned entirely (Imus, anyone?).

I actually like Serena Williams a lot, but she was pretty far out of line herself, and they've already started her damage control/redemption tour.

The double-standard this nation clings to is retarding the process of achieving racial harmony.

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And here is where you are showing incredible ignorance. That is simply not true.

And again, you don't need instruments to play music. :rolleyes:


Surely it is you again that has exposed yourself as the "Ignorant One"? ;)

You do in fact need an "Instrument " to play "Music", weather that ""Instrument " be the Guitar, Piano, Strings, Brass, Voice, Computer, Dustbin, Pots and Pans, Lolly Sticks, or in your case the Drums, they are all ""Instruments" are they not? :D

Wheres your facts that "Death Metal" relies on sampling? I havent seen any. I know you have been away for a while but jezz, when did you forget you need "Proof", Reggie was just giving his point of view and opinion, i think you owe him an apology.


Nice to see you back by the way, keep it real, Regards, Danny :beer:


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So having an intimate relationship with a person of a different ethnicity gives you immunity from being labeled racist?

He is the epitome of racism.

The sickening part is how (and it's already begun) he'll get to have his say on many programs, make his token apologies, and all will be forgiven.

If the incident had been reversed, and Toby Kieth had walked out and taken the mic from a young black female singer, the uproar would be deafening from the likes of Sharpton/Jesse/NAACP right up to quite possibly (since he's shown a willingness to insert himself into practically all things racial) Obama himself, and he'd be savagely excoriated in the media and ultimately shunned entirely (Imus, anyone?).

I actually like Serena Williams a lot, but she was pretty far out of line herself, and they've already started her damage control/redemption tour.

The double-standard this nation clings to is retarding the process of achieving racial harmony.


I agreed with you, at first. After the president again are we? Imus is and has been a racist for years and years. Does he still have a radio show? Even if it is the proverbial tree falling in the woods and no one hears it (or listens to it in his case), does it still exist? I think Kanye has done enough things in his past to know what he is all about, already.

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So having an intimate relationship with a person of a different ethnicity gives you immunity from being labeled racist?

He is the epitome of racism.

The sickening part is how (and it's already begun) he'll get to have his say on many programs, make his token apologies, and all will be forgiven.

If the incident had been reversed, and Toby Kieth had walked out and taken the mic from a young black female singer, the uproar would be deafening from the likes of Sharpton/Jesse/NAACP right up to quite possibly (since he's shown a willingness to insert himself into practically all things racial) Obama himself, and he'd be savagely excoriated in the media and ultimately shunned entirely (Imus, anyone?).

I actually like Serena Williams a lot, but she was pretty far out of line herself, and they've already started her damage control/redemption tour.

The double-standard this nation clings to is retarding the process of achieving racial harmony.

the process of achieving racial harmony.

:hysterical: :hysterical: :hysterical:

Hi TypeO,

That will never happen in a "Billion Years" or with a "Trillion Tears", i'm surprised that so many people cant see it for themselves, its one of Natures Wonders i suppose, like the Harmony between the Rich and the Poor, if the Poor became Rich then the Rich would have to be come Super Rich, just do the maths people.

Regards, Danny

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I agreed with you, at first. After the president again are we? Imus is and has been a racist for years and years. Does he still have a radio show? Even if it is the proverbial tree falling in the woods and no one hears it (or listens to it in his case), does it still exist? I think Kanye has done enough things in his past to know what he is all about, already.

"After the President"?

Because I mentioned him?


You ever listen to Imus regularly, or just rely on what was said, or specific clips of what he said?

Imus isn't racist.

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the process of achieving racial harmony.

:hysterical: :hysterical: :hysterical:

Hi TypeO,

That will never happen in a "Billion Years" or with a "Trillion Tears", i'm surprised that so many people cant see it for themselves, its one of Natures Wonders i suppose, like the Harmony between the Rich and the Poor, if the Poor became Rich then the Rich would have to be come Super Rich, just do the maths people.

Regards, Danny

Sorry if I don't share as dismal a view for the future as that.

It won't be easy, and maybe "harmony" was too touchy-feely of a word.

But I believe necessity will eventually bring about some form of balance between races, and race will become a very small if not non-existent consideration.

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Sorry if I don't share as dismal a view for the future as that.

It won't be easy, and maybe "harmony" was too touchy-feely of a word.

But I believe necessity will eventually bring about some form of balance between races, and race will become a very small if not non-existent consideration.

Hi TypeO,

Maybe you're right, but i dont think we will be alive when it/if happens.

You may want to always Look on the Bright Side, have the Cup Half Full rather than Half Empty, thats how the Optomists would love you to think, but me i'm more Pragmatic, i stick with what i know and what i see, and i see a dismal future for all Races, untill the world is thrown in to turmoil with us all having to join together to fight off an Alien Invader, but this Worlds aint "Star Trek" yet my friend. ;)

Until then as long as Foolish People are willing to give Support to this type of Degenerate type of "MUSIC" then all is lost as far as i'm concerned, so much for "Freedom", i would rather "Snorkel in Excrement" than have to listen to their "MUSIC" i'm afraid. :o

Regards, Danny

Edited by BIGDAN
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"After the President"?

Because I mentioned him?


You ever listen to Imus regularly, or just rely on what was said, or specific clips of what he said?

Imus isn't racist.

No, because YOU are trying to link President Obama with Sharpton and Jackson, etc and said he "inserts himself into practically all things that are racial". Why, because of his father's African heritage or just the color of his skin? You said it, I didn't....

As far as Imus goes, I do not listen to his program and would expect that other than the "nappy head ho's" statement he would not spew racial comments during his show. However, I do know people who have worked with him and know him "off air" and they all say he is one of the most racist people they know/have known. He only reveals it in his own circle of people - much like most racist people.

Anyway, this must be very boring to most on here - I will end with that we agree to disagree. Nothing personal to you, that's for sure. Peace, Type O. :)

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Surely it is you again that has exposed yourself as the "Ignorant One"? ;)

You do in fact need an "Instrument " to play "Music", weather that ""Instrument " be the Guitar, Piano, Strings, Brass, Voice, Computer, Dustbin, Pots and Pans, Lolly Sticks, or in your case the Drums, they are all ""Instruments" are they not? :D

Wheres your facts that "Death Metal" relies on sampling? I havent seen any. I know you have been away for a while but jezz, when did you forget you need "Proof", Reggie was just giving his point of view and opinion, i think you owe him an apology.


Nice to see you back by the way, keep it real, Regards, Danny :beer:


Ok, now see Dan you probably just should've stayed out of the conversation. First of all, I never ocne said anything about Death metal sampling. Not once. Didn't even consider it because that's entirely not true.

First Debunk.

Also, you do not need instruments to make music, although I don't know why you bring it up sicne rap and hip-hop have much instrumentation. For example, if you're sitting around a campfire and someone starts singing, thats MUSIC. Thats a fact.

Second debunk.

Lastly, I don't play drums, I'm a bassisst.

Game. Set. Match.

Nice talkin to you though.

No Forest Gump, I guess you don't. You could merely turn the radio on in your car to do that, couldn't you? :)

"I have nothing else to say and I now realize I was wron but lord knows I can't admit that so I'll make half-hearted attempt at insulting my way out of the situation."

I accept your hidden apology. Next time, be more tolerant of other musical genres that aren't calssified the same way as the ones you enjoy or listen to.

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