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ROCK ON fellow ZEPPELIN fanatics!


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Oi Oi, looky ere me hearties, i've been "Plagiarized", i want to complain to the management but i aint no Grass, could someone do it for me please? :D

In the Mean Time (Greenwich, get it?)

Regards, Danny the True Limey

"Plagarised"? Pish Posh. You're time has come & gone, & so now its the dawning of a new era for this Danny to bestow "Kind Regards" to the masses. So you can just stick that in your pipe and ROCK ON.

Kind Regards,


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:lol: My friend you get as much carried away as you need to. I too believe that we can all get along and I recognize that outside off this 'little piece of nostalgia' we all have mundane and difficult lives BUT we should all take a leaf out off your book and be happy with what has gone before - the dream IS DEAD, long live the memories. You’re a good guy who brings some pleasure and humour to this board (Christ knows we need it) and for that reason I salute you - You take care and don't stop ROCK'N ON my friend!

You're right my friend, I do get carried away sometimes. This is my job telling the story again. Now all of you are seeing a different side of me then usual. I promise you that I will remain the same energetic and postive ZEPPELIN fanatic that you as well as everyone else knows me as being. I will never stop ROCKIN' ON! Thank you for your comment and you ROCK ON my friend!

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As for the issue at hand, i think you should change the ROCK ON to another famous quote from a rocker i dug in the 80's, Billy Squier's song ROCK ME TONIGHT would be a nice change. Well just my two cents, and i don't think you need them anyway icon4.gif

ZFF, you didn't really need a thread for more board attention did you? :)

Have a great day, and keep offending! Your friend, Bobbie

p.s. it's great to see the two Dan's in one thread again! miss ya, kakdaddy

Hello Bobbie! Sorry I havent gotten back to you. Hectic 8 months & I moved up to NH from NYC just this week... but more on that another time.

You just had to throw Billy Squier into the topic didnt you. Sorry that A&E cancelled "The Two Coreys", you must be devastated. Stamos is on Broadway though.

This board may not be "Big" enough for 2 Dans. Bigdan is allowed to change his name to kakdanny if he so wishes though as a show of solidarity.

Until then Tang...

Kind Regards,


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:D No problem. But no, RAK OUT WITH YER KAK OUT will not become a trademark of mine unless Ron Jeremy or Tommy Lee start posting on the board so until then my signoff will be...

Kind Regards,


You and the other Danny are going to confuse me to death! Ha Ha! Thats ok though, you two guys, along with the majority of everyone else, are keeping me on my toes! That keeps my mind going. Thank again for your comment and ROCK ON my friend!

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Found this to be an interesting statistic: There are 72 posts in this thread and the thread starter has exactly half. No one else has more than 7.

Hi "Electrophile!" How are you doing today? WOW, I didn't even realize that I did that much. Like yourself, when I'm on a computer, I'm in my own little world. Then again, I'm on the computer a lot at work so I'm constantly busy and on the move. Thank you for your comment and ROCK ON my friend!

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WOW everyone! You sure do know how to keep someone like me busy! Ha Ha! I would like to thank all of you for your honest comments, I feel deeply moved. One thing that I truly learned today, is that I have more friends here on the forum than I originally thought. Take care and ROCK ON fellow ZEPPELIN fanatics!

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Hi ZFF! :wave: I really like your style and your kindness! Hope all is well with you and your daughter, your g/f, and your buddy the minor league coach... yeah!... ROCK ON!!! , Fellow die hard, hardcore Zeppelin fanatics! :yes2: I also like your "hahahaha"'s. :lol::beer:

Edited by Fan_S.
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Hi ZFF! :wave: I really like your style and your kindness! Hope all is well with you and your daughter, your g/f, and your buddy the minor league coach... yeah!... ROCK ON!!! , Fellow die hard, hardcore Zeppelin fanatics! :yes2: I also like your "hahahaha"'s. :lol::beer:

Why hello "Fan_S.!" How are you doing? I hope all is well with you and your hubby. Now you're making me blush! Ha Ha! Thank you very much for your kind words, it is deeply appreciated. Take care and ROCK ON "Fan_S.!"

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No problem here- I've always enjoyed your posts.

Sending a big ROCK ON your way my friend! :)

Why hello "Stargroves Tangie!" How was your day today? I hope all is well with you and your hubby. Thank you for your kindest words, they mean so much to me. Here's to sending another big ROCK ON back to you and your hubby. You take care.

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I like this thread. I actually feel like we have a community again.

A long time coming IMHO!

WOW! My computer just froze up and I had to reboot it. Thank you "whyalla!" I am glad that I wrote this thread. Many of us have learned a lot about each other today. Many of you have learned a lot about me today. With this in mind, there was something accomplished today. If it wouldn't have been for you as well as several curious ZEPPELIN fanatics' honest comments here on the forum, this thread would have never become what it became to the majority of all of us. Lets face it, as fellow ZEPPELIN fanatics, we all need each other's friendships. I need all of you and I hope that all of you feel the same way about me. I'm logging off for now, thank you all for your comments. Have a great evening, take care and ROCK ON fellow ZEPPELIN fanatics till we meet again. This is ZeppFanForever, over and out!

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There is one thing, ZFF...

Nathan is my real name, so you don't have to type it with the quotations. I'm honest enough that I don't mind people knowing my real name on forums (in fact... when I first joined the online community, I was Nathaniel, then I was jimmyRRpage... jimmyRRpage is actually my log-in name here, I just chose to have my real name displayed... nowadays, though, you can also find me online as NateHevens, which is a combination of Nate and my last name Hevenstone). So... yeah... you don't need those quotations when you type my name...

Just saying... :D

And keep on keepin' on, my brother! :hippy:

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Hello Bobbie! Sorry I havent gotten back to you. Hectic 8 months & I moved up to NH from NYC just this week... but more on that another time.

You just had to throw Billy Squier into the topic didnt you. Sorry that A&E cancelled "The Two Coreys", you must be devastated. Stamos is on Broadway though.

This board may not be "Big" enough for 2 Dans. Bigdan is allowed to change his name to kakdanny if he so wishes though as a show of solidarity.

Until then Tang...

Kind Regards,


Hi Dan, i think you know why i referred to Billy, :) I didn't even know the Corey's had a show. As for John Stamos, my daughter has finally started liking "Full House" so i can watch him anytime now, lol. I told her that i kissed John, so now when he is on she always asks "is he the one you kissed?"

Hey, i hope you are enjoying your new city! I have missed you and hope you are doing exceptionally well :)

Just between us, Bigdan is just a big pussycat, and i have noticed you can hold your own, regardless icon4.gif plenty of room for two smarties. Take care Dan!

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Hi sweetie! I'm so sorry that I missed you! You make me feel like a saint dear! Ha Ha! Wouldn't you like to know? Ha Ha! I LOVE BILLY SQUIER'S song "Rock Me Tonight!" As for me writing a thread for more board attention, I just want your attention Bobbie honey! Didn't you feel me give you a big warm kiss on your sweet moist lips? Ha Ha! I adore you Bobbie and I always will! Take care and ROCK ON my dearest Bobbie!

Hi ZeppFanForever, so i was right... lol. Make sure you set Bigdan straight on this.

I saw Billy Squier in 1984 at his peak and what a great concert! He was my kinda lover, lol.

I think you wanted "everyone's" attention :) but that's okay.

I must have missed the warm kiss, been so long since i've had one, lol.

Have a nice night and i'm glad you were able to get some answers you were looking for (while gaining notoriety). I just hope Bigdan doesn't start a similar thread.

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There is one thing, ZFF...

Nathan is my real name, so you don't have to type it with the quotations. I'm honest enough that I don't mind people knowing my real name on forums (in fact... when I first joined the online community, I was Nathaniel, then I was jimmyRRpage... jimmyRRpage is actually my log-in name here, I just chose to have my real name displayed... nowadays, though, you can also find me online as NateHevens, which is a combination of Nate and my last name Hevenstone). So... yeah... you don't need those quotations when you type my name...

Just saying... :D

And keep on keepin' on, my brother! :hippy:

How's it going Nathan? I will always call you Nathan without the quotations, you have my word on that. I should use my real name also which is John but I do love ZeppFanForever. Maybe I should call myself John ZeppFanForever, what do you think? Thank you for your comment, it means so much to me. Take care and ROCK ON FOREVER my friend!

LATE EDIT! Oh, I promise that I will keep on keepin' on! You keep on keepin' on yourself my friend.

Edited by ZeppFanForever
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Hi ZeppFanForever, so i was right... lol. Make sure you set Bigdan straight on this.

I saw Billy Squier in 1984 at his peak and what a great concert! He was my kinda lover, lol.

I think you wanted "everyone's" attention :) but that's okay.

I must have missed the warm kiss, been so long since i've had one, lol.

Have a nice night and i'm glad you were able to get some answers you were looking for (while gaining notoriety). I just hope Bigdan doesn't start a similar thread.

Why hello sweetie! I always loved BILLY SQUIER'S "Lonely Is The Night," that song sounds like a ZEPPELIN song. Oh no honey, it is not ok, I do want your attention! As for you missing my warm kiss and its been so long since you've had one, may I be the one that helps refresh your memory? Oh hell, lets allow and encourage BIGDAN to start up a similar thread, then he can set a new forum record for using Kind Regards as his sign off signature. In the mean time, enjoy your show on MTV tonight (I think). Come to think of it, I'm going to have to check out your show one of these days. After all, I do want to know what your likes and dislikes are. Take it easy dear and ROCK ON!

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FWIW, I know I don't say much here, but I always enjoy reading your posts, ZeppFanForever. You do seem to have an incredibly good outlook on things, which is quite refreshing after reading some posts here. I'd say don't let 'em get you down, but you don't - and that's a good thing!!

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Hi ZeppFanForever, so i was right... lol. Make sure you set Bigdan straight on this.

I saw Billy Squier in 1984 at his peak and what a great concert! He was my kinda lover, lol.

I saw Billy from the front row on the "Stroke" tour; he opened for Foreigner (their "4" tour); took this pic myself:


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