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Happy Thanksgiving


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Happy Thanksgiving EVERYBODY...whether you're American or not! If you're Native American, thank you and your ancestors for helping the pilgrims out and saving us from a cuisine of boiled meat, haha.

Because I love...LOVE...to cook, Thanksgiving is probably my favourite holiday. It has the 4 F's: Friends, Family, Football and Food.

Add in some fornication and you have the perfect day. ;)

I tend to have two Thanksgivings to attend: one vegan and one regular. So, apart from the concerts I went to the past three nights, the rest of the time has been spent shopping and preparing food for today.

I don't have to worry about the turkey this year as my friend who shares in the cooking of the feast is taking care of that and the potatoes and yams.

Other guests bring assorted items, especially if they have specific dietary needs.

My share of the meal this year is this:

Pumpkin-sherry bread

Pumpkin-pecan pies

Honey-glazed key lime cheesecake

Pumpkin bisque

Chocolate fudge brownies

Fresh cranberry sauce with Grand Marnier

And for the vegan Thanksgiving I'm going to:

Butternut squash with couscous

Even though I can't drink, I'll still bring a couple bottles of a good red Zinfindel...and some good beer like an Erdinger Hefeweissen; maybe even some pumpkin ale.

So Happy Thanksgiving y'all! Some of you got a pm...if you're in my friend box and didn't, it's only because I was so pressed for time, I only had time to write the people I'm in regular contact with.

But I wish everyone a warm and well-fed day! I am especially thankful for this place existing where I can share my memories.

People have said I should write a book. Well, in a way I am...but not one where you have to pay money for. No, my book is free to all and each succeeding Led Zeppelin-themed post I add here is just another chapter.

My goal is to eventually post about every album and every tour I saw, along with some cultural and abstract reflections on the band I've developed over the years.

My problem is that I'm a slow typer...I'm a master of the two-finger hunt-and-peck method. So it takes me forever to type out some of my lengthier posts...especially when I'm like Alice down-the-rabbit-hole and get so into my topic I never know when I am going to come back out.

I know, I know...some of you are saying "who are you?" Nobody really. Just someone with very particular views on Led Zeppelin and what better place to share them than here, the former electric-magic now turned official Led Zeppelin site. Most of the feedback has been positive so I'll keep adding more and more when time warrants.

Lately, I've noticed another surge in younger members here; the under-30 crowd and in particular a sizable number of teenagers. For that I am thankful, too. It's good to know there'll be plenty of people to keep the music of the band alive after old-timers like me have shuffled off this mortal coil.

Lastly, a BIG THANK YOU to Sam Webmaster!!! Thank you for the genius, deligence, creativity, imagination, time, money and hard-work you've put into this site...and the Electric-Magic one beforehand. A mega-Thank You to you, sir!

Thank you to all the fellow Zepheads I've met and bonded with here. Happy Thanksgiving!

Bon appetit! Gobble-gobble!

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Happy Thanksgiving EVERYBODY...whether you're American or not! If you're Native American, thank you and your ancestors for helping the pilgrims out and saving us from a cuisine of boiled meat, haha.

Thanks Strider! I am half Cherokee (Native American) & I am so proud of my heritage. Boiled meat would be not good. :dont:

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  • 11 months later...

I know it's only Tuesday but I may not be on again before Thanksgiving...

I will be pithy when I wish EVERYONE here a wonderful Thanksgiving, and here's wishing all of us quality time spent with loved ones and friends. Life is short, gang. Don't hold back in telling people how you feel and what they mean to you. I am very grateful for this forum and the friends I have made here. You know who you are.

I will be FaceTiming my parents and corresponding with extended family via some other forms of electronics, but it's all good. Still having my parents is something else to be grateful for.

Other than that I have no strong feelings...haha


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Ha. I have one adult and two kittens. But I will spoil the adult only tomorrow with a piece of Turkey.

Stocked up on alchohol. I have Shock Top Raspberry, Wild Blue (best blueberry beer ever), two reds (wine), France and California. I may save my bottle of Fransiscan (Oakville Estates/Napa Valley) for Xmas even and drink the french tomorrow. The beer for guests.

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Happy Thanksgiving to all my US forum friends and family. And a great day to those far and wide around the world.

Took some breakfast down to the folks who work at the local AM/PM down the street. We buy our coffee there a couple of days a week and were chatting about Thanksgiving and how they had to work and they jokingly talked of bringing them some breakfast. So we did. They were totally surprised.

The table is set, the cranberries are sauced, the eggs are deviled, the bread is dilled and the turkey is about to be given an extended sauna.

The family is on their way to join in the festivities of football and turkeyness. The dog is checking out the kitchen making sure I didn't leave anything on the floor. The wine is waiting for me to sip and savor during this slight rest before the next flurry of food preparation. The hubby is playing with his new toy, a Pignose amp he bought for $30.

I am thankful for my family and friends, my health, still have a job and and a roof over my head. It's not unreasonable to hope for more sometimes but know that situations can be so much worse.

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Happy Thanksgiving to all my US forum friends and family. And a great day to those far and wide around the world.

Took some breakfast down to the folks who work at the local AM/PM down the street. We buy our coffee there a couple of days a week and were chatting about Thanksgiving and how they had to work and they jokingly talked of bringing them some breakfast. So we did. They were totally surprised.

The table is set, the cranberries are sauced, the eggs are deviled, the bread is dilled and the turkey is about to be given an extended sauna.

The family is on their way to join in the festivities of football and turkeyness. The dog is checking out the kitchen making sure I didn't leave anything on the floor. The wine is waiting for me to sip and savor during this slight rest before the next flurry of food preparation. The hubby is playing with his new toy, a Pignose amp he bought for $30.

I am thankful for my family and friends, my health, still have a job and and a roof over my head. It's not unreasonable to hope for more sometimes but know that situations can be so much worse.

Happy Thanksgiving to you as well!!

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