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Happy Thanksgiving


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^^^^ Gee, I wonder who gave you that idea Strider? ;-))

I know I haven't posted in an ice age but I just wanted to come online and wish all of my fellow countrymen a very

Happy Thanksgiving. My your day be filled with blessings, peace of mind and reminders of all that you are thankful for.

Yes, it was you, Melanie! Thanks...and thanks for stopping by to wish us well!

Edited by Strider
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^^^^ Gee, I wonder who gave you that idea Strider? ;-))

I know I haven't posted in an ice age but I just wanted to come online and wish all of my fellow countrymen a very

Happy Thanksgiving. My your day be filled with blessings, peace of mind and reminders of all that you are thankful for.

I am so thankful for your friendship, !

Enjoy your beautiful family, and we'll chat real soon!

Yours truly, K..xox

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:lol: I'm following your advice and having some wine now, KB, while slaving over a hot stove making pumpkin soup. Bon appétit...with all the trimmings!

Is this Thanksgiving thread invisible to certain members? Is it that hard to spot? :whistling:

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:lol: I'm following your advice and having some wine now, KB, while slaving over a hot stove making pumpkin soup. Bon appétit...with all the trimmings!

Is this Thanksgiving thread invisible to certain members? Is it that hard to spot? :whistling:

Happy Thanksgiving all! Its a bit early for wine here in the East for crying out loud. Geez. 8 am? Lush

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^^ smiley-laughing002.gif

Thankfully, it's never too early for a nice, cold Mountain Dew.

Paul that is the worst stuff on Earth. More caffeine than Coke and loaded with sugar. Wine would be a better choice. I have plenty to bring to my mother's house. It will be a circus there. My sister, who I loath, will have her new boyfriend there who I do not know. Since my late step father passed away, and he was the one that raised me, never had anything to do with the bio one, things have been very different. I prefer being in my own house. But my daughters will both be there making it worth it. One in from New Jersey/NY City. Hope you all have a good day. And of course there is the football. This is the first day I did not make the Turkey. I made the squash.

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Hope all of the U.S. fans had a great celebration.

So is it turkey sandwiches for the rest of the week.... ;)

Turkey sandwiches, turkey soup/stew, turkey goulash, turkey enchiladas...

Slept the sleep of the Tryptophan gods today. Seriously, don't you just love the feeling of waking up to your alarm the Friday after Thanksgiving, and after realizing you don't have to do diddly-squat today, curl up back in your warm bed and go back to sleep for hours and hours? :zzz:

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Turkey sandwiches, turkey soup/stew, turkey goulash, turkey enchiladas...

Slept the sleep of the Tryptophan gods today. Seriously, don't you just love the feeling of waking up to your alarm the Friday after Thanksgiving, and after realizing you don't have to do diddly-squat today, curl up back in your warm bed and go back to sleep for hours and hours? :zzz:

A few days after Christmas, I might remember your reply and think turkey goulash, good idea.... :yesnod:

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