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What the first Led Zeppelin album that you purchased, and what format that it was in when you first bought it.

The first Led Zeppelin album I ever bought was four. It was in album form. I believe it went 4,2,Houses of the Holy,Physical Grafitti,3,then Presence. I was given In through the Out Door and Coda,I confiscated my ex-boyfriend's copies of The Song Remains The Same for some reason he had two copies. He was talking of trading in all his albums so I took them. My copy of 2 was destroyed so I bought it again. Then I lost it. I was given the full C.D. box set one year for Christmas. Just recently I re-bought 2 on vinyl. I'm still looking for 1 on vinyl.

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Having too rack my brains here, I was lent LZ II , taped it in 1981, then for Christmas that year I got LZ I, III an untitled 4th on vinyl as prezzies, then I seem to remember buying ITTOD just after boxing day 1981 alongside what I thought was Physical Graffiti but the store had placed TSRTS vinyl in the PG cover so I got to tape that, then go back to the shop to say they had put wrong records in :), then seem to remember a mates older bro selling a load of vinyl at School and I found Presence and bought it off him for 50p, then it was HOTH, by which time i got Coda when it was released a few months later in 1982.

Sorry rambling there and going off the original question, but ITTOD and PG were my first buys :)

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Both of my brothers already had most of the albums & I started listening to those at first conciously when I was 6 or 7. My oldest brother gave me a cassette copy of PG when I was 11 & it was all I listened to. The first LZ album I bought on my own was ITTOD on vinyl (and Hammer Of The Gods that same day) a week before Live Aid in Jiuly 1985. I was 12. I still love that album.

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I first heard them in 69 (I was 9), bought LZ I on vinyl in 71 (still have it) from a little place called Earth Records. Then bought LZII a few months after that, then just kept buying each one. (Still have them all and treasure them.)

I remember how excited I was as it took me two years for my Mom to let me purchase this. I went home and played it at least 50 times in the first week I had it, most of the time with headphones. :stereo:

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  • 2 months later...

Hi folks.This is my first post here.

Mine was LZ IV on vinyl back in 1972.I'd first heard of it when a mate of mine took it into school for me to borrow.He'd been saying all along that is was a great album.So i took it home,played it,and immediately decided that i'm buying a copy for myself.So i ended up earning money by doing milk runs and newspaper runs,just so as i could end up buying their first four lps.And the rest,as they say, is history

Sorry for the rambling

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First thing I bought was the 4 disc Zeppelin set. At the time I thought it was I-IV which I was told was their best 4 albums. Unfortunately it wasn't I-IV but its got a great selection of songs. Now I own the discography and all dvd's I can find.

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A friend at school loaned me IV and Physical. I took them home... this was in 1977 and the days of vinyl... and listened to them both. Physical Graffiti just grabbed me. So I returned his albums and went out and bought PG and IV. About two weeks later I was at Musicland... anyone recall them? Another friend was w/ me and I was checking out III but didn't recognize the names of the songs. My friend said, "You know that song." He was pointing to Immigrant Song. "It goes... Ah ah ahhhhhhhh AH!"

His impersonation was off but I bought that next. From there I went back to I, then II then Houses then Presence and Song Remains. I also have the 45 of Immigrant Song/Hey Hey What Can I Do? Great memories.

Somewhat off-topic, but in the summer of 1982 I remember the DJ on the local rock station saying he had new Robert Plant coming up at 4:00pm. He then played Burning Down One Side and Moonlight In Samosa back to back. I was blown away and knew that Robert's solo career was gonna be quite good too.

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My first Led Zeppelin "record" was the 45 single of The Immigrant Song. I don't remember why I bought it as Immigrant Song is one of my least favorite Zeppelin tunes. It must have been for Hey Hey What Can I Do, but that song is at the bottom of my list, now, too. My tastes in music have changed, lol.

My brother had IV, so I listened to it alot. It's still my absolute favorite Zeppelin album. (And my brother could play Stairway on his twelve string guitar, brings back memories of my growing up years.)

My first vinyl album that I owned was Houses of the Holy, still one of my favorites. I really think that I bought it at the time for the artwork of Ireland's Giant's Causeway on the cover, to tell the truth, but soon began to love it after only a few listens.

Then, I got Mothership as a Christmas gift in 2007, and that, combined with the Live DVD, started me down the path as a converted Led Zeppelin fanatic. Then I bought all of the rest of their catalogue, and not a day goes by that I don't listen to some Zepp music. smile.gif

I really respect all of you who have been life-long Led Zeppelin fans, who bought their work in 1969 to the present day. That loyalty is very impressive. Kudos to you all. notworthy.gif

Edited by BUCK'EYE' DOC
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My brother brought home Led Zeppelin I, summer of '69. I was 11, he was 13. We were blown away. I just assumed Bonzo played double-bass after hearing Good Times, Bad Times, (only to learn much later that he actually only used one!) Game-changing album, like the Beatles on Sullivan, a watershed moment in rock & roll, just-WOW. Couldn't wait for LZ II

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My first LP ever that I owned and was mine all mine was ... Alice Cooper - School's out. I copped it at the corner store.

As soon as I got a job at the local supermarket, I bought 3 LP's; Fragile - Yes, Brothers and Sisters - Allman Brothers and LZ 4th LP ( I had the fisrt 3 LP's of a friend )

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LZ II for me on vinyl in 1972 about the time I started to get into them, bonus was going with my cousin to see them at Alexandra Palace in December that year, he broke up with his girlfriend and had a spare ticket.


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  • 2 weeks later...

Quello che il primo album dei Led Zeppelin che si è acquistato, e quale formato che è stato in prima volta che avete comprato.

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beh è una storia divertente....non sapevo nemmeno chi fossero i Led Zeppelin...un pomeriggio ho sentito Stairway to heaven dallo stereo di un amico al piano di sotto....stavo riposando e invece di arrabbiarmi perchè lui sentiva lo stereo a tutto volume mi sono messa a piangere dalla commozione per quanto era bello ciò che sentivo...poi lui mi ha registrato su cassetta (ehm) tutto il quarto album....e lì è nato l'amore......quindi il primo che ho "comprato" è il IV......

Edited by annam
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What the first Led Zeppelin album that you purchased, and what format that it was in when you first bought it.

Well it's a funny story .... I did not know who they were Led Zeppelin ... one afternoon I heard Stairway to heaven by a friend's stereo downstairs .... I was resting and instead of getting angry because he felt the stereo at full volume, I started crying with emotion in what I felt was good ... then I asked him if he could record on tape (old kind of piracy) the album .... and there was born the love .... .. then the first one I "bought" is the fourth ......

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I was halfway thru reading before I noticed it was Italian! Good thing you translated Annam, there might be a handful of members who don't know Italian very well! biggrin.gif

(hai fatto bene la traduzione, nn tutti sanno l'italiano!)

Sorry..... you are right, I know Italian is spoken only in Italy, but I wrote jet way, and then in my language ... But then I realized I rewrote my reply in English.......solemnly swear .... It will not happen again,! biggrin.gif

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Sorry..... you are right, I know Italian is spoken only in Italy, but I wrote jet way, and then in my language ... But then I realized I rewrote my reply in English.......solemnly swear .... It will not happen again,! biggrin.gif

No problem whatsoever! If you need any help on translating, let me know, but it seems your doin' great by yourself! Ciao!

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