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Jimmy's Book: VERY Limited Edition!


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The Guardian newspaper seems to be up in arms about the book's price tag. It published two editorials on 9 September:-

Jimmy Page's autobiography: £445 is a whole lotta money to pay

Led Zeppelin fans will have to stump up £445 for guitarist's leather-bound, silk-wrapped and autographed 512-page memoir

Jimmy-Page-plays-during-t-005.jpg Led Zeppelin guitarist Jimmy Page backs Leona Lewis during the closing ceremony for the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games. Photograph: Gabriel Bouys/AFP/Getty Images There are only three things necessary to be a Jimmy Page superfan: access to the internet, a sturdy coffee table – and £445 in spare cash. Put the three together and you too could be the proud owner of the leather-bound, silk-wrapped and autographed 512-page collector's edition of Jimmy Page By Jimmy Page, the long-awaited autobiography by the famously secretive guitarist of Led Zeppelin – one of the most popular and influential bands in the history of rock music.

The publishers insist the book is worth every penny: it is, says Catherine Roylance, co-owner of Genesis Publishers, "a handcrafted work of art". But devotees of the rock'n'roll superstar are outraged by their hero's decision to produce a book that most will be unable to afford.

"Thanks a lot for pricing your picture book out of the hands of 98% of your fans, Jimmy – we appreciate your thoughtfulness," wrote one blogger on a fan's website. Another added: "Wow! This takes 'vanity' publishing to new heights!".

But Page defends the price. "Genesis produce … really quality items [and] I appreciate fine bookbinding," he says on the publisher's website. The book is in shops on 27 September.

The book is an exhaustive "visual documentary" of Page's four-decade career with Led Zeppelin, the "most popular and influential rock band of all time", according to Hilary Rosen, a former president and chief executive of the Recording Industry Association of America.

It took the guitarist a year to handpick the 700-plus photographs – it opens with one of him as a 12-year-old choirboy. He spent another year working closely with Roylance to design every element of the tome. It was he who insisted they commission the bespoke shade of midnight blue ink the book is written in and which was also used to dye the leather, silk and marbled paper.

But fans hoping that the book will lay to rest some of the myths that swirl around the legendary rock band will be disappointed. "As far as a pictorial record, you can certainly see a little bit behind the music, and you can make your own mind up," Page has said about the book. "I'm not really colouring it too much with what annotations I've made. I didn't want to laden it with controversies. I just wanted the pictures to speak in a way that the music does."

Notorious for his reticence in interviews, Page has largely limited the photographs to those showing him on stage. "It's purely about the music and nothing else," said Page. "It would have been incongruous to have family photos or pictures on the beach."Page devotees, however, say that while they would be happy with the lack of annotations and behind-the-scene photographs, it is the price tag that has left them bitterly disappointed: "This price is beyond the price that we mere mortals, who helped make him and supported him when he was less well off, can possibly pay for," one wrote on a fans' website. Others had suggestions for how it could be justified: "For that price he'd better deliver it to my house and read it to me," said one.

Jimmy Page to charge £445 for autobiography

Led Zeppelin guitarist's forthcoming memoir will be a 'visual documentary' of his life consisting only of photographs – and a hefty price tag

Jimmy-Page-and-Robert-Pla-004.jpg Page turner ... Led Zeppelin guitarist to release 'career in pictures' memoir. Photograph: Everett Collection/Rex Features Jimmy Page is to publish his autobiography, and not only does it lack deep insights, funny stories and the darkest secrets of Led Zeppelin – it acosts £445. The guitarist says his new book, a 500-page "visual documentary" consisting only of photographs, is as close as he will come to issuing a collection of memoirs, at least while he's still alive.

"I've been approached to do an autobiography, but I thought that was the least attractive way of doing a book," Page explained to the New York Times. "So I thought it would be quite interesting to do a photographic autobiography ...a career in pictures." The result is Jimmy Page By Jimmy Page, a glossy coffee-table book that costs more than most young rock'n'rollers' monthly rent.

What do you get for £445? An autographed, hand-bound tome limited to 2,500 copies. It's rendered in morocco leather on 170gsm paper, with a "unique perspex front", whatever that means. Oh, and shipping and handling is extra. But even if you remortgage your house for a copy, don't hold your breath for a more profound understanding of Led Zeppelin or their guitarist. "It's purely about the music, and nothing else," Page said. "You can ... see a little bit behind the music, and you can make your own mind up. [but] I'm not really colouring it too much with [annotations]. I didn't want to laden it with controversies. I just wanted the pictures to speak in a way that the music does."

According to the Times, most of the book's photos show Page "in six-string-Adonis glory", strutting like a rock star rather than revealing his heart. However, there is still the chance he will write a memoir one day – but it won't be released until after he's dead. "When publishing people say, 'How about writing a book?' I say, 'Yes, I've thought about it, but I'd like a book that came out posthumously.'" Hopefully that one will be available in paperback.

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Did it occur to any of these journalists that he wants his book to be everything that books like "Hammer of the Gods" and "When Giants Walked the Earth" were not?

As for the price, I respect those who can't afford it or can't justify the expense, but if you have the sickness like I do, you don't even think twice...

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Do you think they will ship the books on the 27 or before so that buyers will get them on the 27?

When I pre-order books and DVDs on Amazon they usually ship them out before the release date so they arrive on the date of their official release, but I'm not sure how Genesis will operate. They aren't a large company like Amazon with huge distribution centres.

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I figure that probably the books will be shipped in numbered order, so those who ordered the more expensive version (the first 250) will get theirs first, followed by the rest according to order date. Also, IIRC from the Genesis website, it will take more time (2 weeks or more) for those outside of the UK. Since I live in the US and didn't order the book until a few weeks after it was available for pre-order, I probably won't get mine until mid October or later.

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For those who bought it, do you feel ripped off, as some of the media suggest?

I don't feel ripped off, but then again I haven't seen the book yet. As long as it is a good quality book (which I expect it will be) I will be fine with it. Nobody held a gun to my head and made me buy it. I knew what it cost and I voluntarily purchased it.

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I don't feel ripped off, but then again I haven't seen the book yet. As long as it is a good quality book (which I expect it will be) I will be fine with it. Nobody held a gun to my head and made me buy it. I knew what it cost and I voluntarily purchased it.

I don't feel ripped off either. A lot of people spend that kind of money or more on jewellry or watches or designer clothes, I'd rather spend it on this book. It's being made with extremely high end production values (it's being bound in Milan, I read somewhere), and I'm sure once I have it in my hands I will think it's worth every penny.

Afterall, 'A thing of beauty is a joy forever. It's loveliness increases ; it will never pass into nothingness, but still will keep'. I'm sure this is very true of Jimmy's book.

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I dont feel ripped off and I bought the deluxe edition. Like I said before Im honored to be 1 of 350 people who will own this edition.The way shit it mass produced all the time its nice to see quality craftsmanship still exists. This is a piece of art as well as a book of photos and signed by Jimmy Page.Those that think its too expensive, look where you piss away money,$ 2.00 a day coffee($730.00 per year). Cigarettes, where I live, people are paying almost $10.00 per pack (pack a day $3650.00 per year) Alcohol, people easily spend $20.00(low figure) a week (per year $1040.00). We all know alot of Zepheads who love their weed spend $35.00(low) a week ( per year $1820.00). All of these figures could easily be doubled based on your need for consumption. I spent $1100.00 on my edition and I'M the crazy one? or I got ripped off? Let me know how your empty paper coffee cups, crushed nasty cigarette butts and empty beer cans look like in comparison sitting next to my beautiful book signed by the guitar legend Jimmy Page. I'm not saying anyone is right or wrong for there choices its just that my book will always be there and will go up in value(not that I would ever part with it). Now just imagine the guy who smokes,drinks and loves his weed. I dont smoke cigarettes or drink alcohol but I hope my figures are correct because I'm a little stoned. :P

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I am getting the one without the leather cover. I don't feel ripped off either. After all, this may be Jimmy's only "Autobiography." As he said, if he writes another one, it would be a 'posthumaus' one and I hope Jimmy will be around for a long time. So, if there will be one, it won't be anytime soon. I also have two of Genesis's other books (Blind and Shutters (about photographer Michael Cooper) and the Sgt. Pepper book) and they are both gorgeous. I have no doubt since Pagey is a perfectionist anyway, that this will be too. I wanted the book as soon as Ross let it slip in his diary last December he was working on it with Jimmy. I didn't even have to think twice. And it was Hammer of the Gods that Jimmy was so angry that he threw out the window straight into the water. (For people who might not have put that together). Interesting that Stephen Davis is coming out with a new book a month after Jimmy's about the '75 tour.

Edited by aen27
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Additional photos from the upcoming book published by the NY Times:



That same pic was used on the cover of my version of the Paris 10.10.69 boot. In fact, I think I've yet to see ANY pics from the book that I haven't seen before.

Are there supposed to be any unseen pics in the book?

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That same pic was used on the cover of my version of the Paris 10.10.69 boot. In fact, I think I've yet to see ANY pics from the book that I haven't seen before.

Are there supposed to be any unseen pics in the book?

I don't think Jimmy is going to let the media publish any of the 'unpublished' photos before the book is released. I'm sure we'll get the exclusive photos we've been promised.

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  • 2 months later...
  • 4 weeks later...

I Think Mr. Page Is Greedy, What A Rip Off. I Am Sure Ill Get A Lot Of Insults For My Opinion.

He Wont Write Songs Anymore, So He Cashes In On His Name And Autographs, How Sad.

With Today's Economy, He Charges Outrages Prices, And I Don't Care How Limited It Is, Its Just An Excuse To Jack Up The Price.

Yeah I Am Pissed I Cant Afford One. If I Was In His Position I Wouldn't Be So Damn Greedy, It Is One Of The Deadly Sins After All.

As A Person Hes Not To Great Of A Guy, At Least From That Ross Photographers Comments, He Seems Like An Asshole.

" If You Want A Autograph From Jimmy Be Sober And Preferably Female".

And The Comment About Ten Year Olds With Guitar Pick Guards, Wanting To Be Signed,its An Instant Signed Page Guitar. Then He Goes On To Say What Ten Year Old Even Knows Who Jimmy Is, And Said Its The Parents, Getting Them To Do It. Ross What Ever His Name Is, Is A Complete Arrogant Asshole.

The Statements Are From A Guitar World Issue, On The Rock And Roll, Hall Of Fame, And 02 Reunion, I Lost All Respect For Page After I Read That And Ross Is An Arrogant Ass. He Was All Pissed The Rock And Roll Hall Of Fame People Took Pictures, Like Hes The Only One Who Can. It Was Their Damn Even Not His.

I Ever See The Guy I Am Going To Jail For Assaulting, Ross Not Page Of Course.

Sorry I tell it how I see it, I am sure I am the only one too, You cant say anything bad on here, about Page or his friends.

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To be fair to Jimmy, if he'd produced a mainstream autobiography like Keith Richards' Life, he would have made a LOT more money through sales than through Genesis' limited edition. So I don't believe he's cashing in at all, I think he wanted to do something special, like other musical artists before him like George Harrison have done. Considering all the work and effort that's gone into the book and how much it will eventually be worth, I personally think that it's very reasonably priced.

I know a lot of fans can't afford Jimmy's book, and that must be frustrating for them. But I don't think anyone should take it out on Jimmy personally.

Edited by Magic Fills the Air
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